Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 967: Arrogance and helplessness

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Mildly looked at the silver coin in his hand, and had already scolded the flower in his heart!

The previous wave of adventurers just drank five glasses of inferior spirits and gave them five silver coins. Today, this powerful leopard celebrity speaks nicely, but I just give a silver coin a generous look. Isn't it obvious that I want to pit the mill?

A silver coin doesn't say good wine and meat to eat a big meal, that is, they are not good enough for five meals!

It's just that even though Mill had already scolded him in the heart, on the surface he had to pretend to be grateful, and the sourness of it was really not good for outsiders.

And looking at the leopard clan's struggle despite the struggles of the two cat clan girls, in the face of so many people, he still up and down playing with his hands, Mill really wanted to put some poison in his wine, and he wished to poison him directly Something!

It is a pity that the poison that can poison the fourth-order strongman is not easy to obtain. There is no poison specially made by the shaman priest. In terms of the body and resistance of the orc strongman, plus the enhanced increase of blood energy, The poisons made by general herbalists are simply not enough to kill.

(Mum, when I see the big shaman when I go to the Colosseum in Orsay this time, I must find a way to get some poison and prepare it. When I meet such a guy again, I will kill him with high and low poison ...)

Even though Mill is thinking about how to poison this leopard clan, the real wine and food should be the same. Counting the price of this meal, Mill distressed that the cost was at least one gold coin! This made Mill's heart hurt when he was reluctant to eat and spend.

And when people like Mill and Munch and others waited and stood generally around to watch this leopard strong eat and drink, the leopard strong who had just swallowed a sip of spirits was grabbing a fat Before the tender cutlet was about to be stuffed into his mouth, Suddenly rolled his tears around Mir, and then said:

"Tell me, how much do you know about the reward?"

"Reward, reward? What do you say, sir, we are just caravans, not adventurers, where will we know what reward ..."

"Really? Then I ask another question. Do you know what happened in Taolezu Village?"

"This ... but know a little ..."

It turned out that Mil and others had speculated that this leopard clan might also come for the bounty. After all, a thousand gold coins is not a small amount. From the performance of this guy just now, it is likely that this leopard clan is strong. The person has no money on hand, so ...

Regarding this issue, Milton completely copied the rhetoric that used to deceive Hussein. I just do n’t know if it ’s the Leopard Clan who deliberately made things difficult, or his foreboding is relatively keen. Just after Mir ’s voice fell, the Leopard Clan turned his gaze to the goods on the Kodo beast around the camp. Then Yin asked with a smile:

"Is that true? How do I feel there is a problem with these goods?"

"How is it possible, aristocrat! You see that the goods are all packed to death, where is it possible to hide people!"

Mill felt bad, but his face remained calm. At this moment, he was quite clear in his heart, if this leopard clan strong man sees any flaws, then this time everyone is really in danger!


"Is that true? Then you explain to me why these guards behind you just changed their look just now, and even put a few hands on the weapon ?!"

Mill did not count, but he didn't count the guards behind him as well as his good concentration and acting skills, but even so, Mill also knew that he could never relax, so he seemed to laugh at the powerful leopard in front of him. With a non-smiling gaze, Mill said directly without any hesitation:

"Aristocratic Master Ming Jian! Actually this is my fault ... I have always told them that if anyone wants to fight the merchandise of the caravan, then it is the enemy of the caravan, and these fools are already stupid, otherwise I did n’t remember it, but I remember it. You see it became an instinctive reaction. Ha ha ha ha ... "

Mill's answer is really unacceptable! At first, he still had a little bit of knocking, but after saying a few more words, he became more and more smooth! So that Mill's remarks not only made the leopard clan stunned, but even Mank and others felt that this was really the case!

(Awesome, awesome! My elder brother Mir's skills have been improved again. This set of nonsense makes me feel almost flawless! Awesome! Too much!)

However, even if I have believed a few points in my heart, this strong leopard clan is simply deliberately finding fault! As long as he wanted to come, as long as he threatened, this weak caravan would definitely willingly pay for the disaster! After all, for this strong leopard, the current strength of the Mir caravan is nothing. If it is not the unwritten rule in the kingdom, it is forbidden to rob and kill the merchant without reason, otherwise where is this strong leopard. Still need this kind of means?

(I really miss the time when I walked alone! There is no drag, no scruples, how can a caravan like this have hundreds of gold coins, as long as the hands and feet are clean and there is no living mouth, the gains can be much more threatening than this ...)

After secretly sighing, the leopard clan suddenly grabbed a spear from the hand of a horse clan follower behind him, and then nailed the chain of the two cat clan girls with his spear into the ground under his feet. !

The appearance of the two cat-girls is even more miserable. Because of the length of the iron chain, the two people can only lie on the ground and can not straighten their waists while being tied to the spear. Such brutal treatment and deep humiliation made the two cat-girls cry, and at that time, the strong leopard clan pulled out a narrow straight knife at the waist, and then in Mankmir Waiting for fear and vigilance, Shi Shiran walked over to the Kodo that was carrying the cargo.

"Master, aristocrat, what are you doing! We have said everything we know, there are really no Tibetans in these goods! The aristocratic master is kind!"

Mill was really anxious at this time. He had long known that the nobility was cruel and hard-working, and he often ignored the lives of others for his own benefit. It's just that the nobles that Mir encountered in the past were either strong or rich, and they couldn't look down on the caravans of the Mil caravan.

It is a pity that this leopard clan is alien. Although his strength is not high, it is enough to suppress the entire Mir caravan. But he himself is an overwhelming and oblivious master.

So almost in the unsatisfactory plea of ​​Mir and others, this powerful leopard clan broke two large packages of goods with a knife, and a pile of various leathers scattered all over the floor in a blink of an eye!

"What kind of shabby stuff! Mountain pig skin? Lizard skin? Is this skin of gerbil? Can this thing be regarded as cargo? It's a laugh!"

Regardless of the pain on Mil's face, this strong leopard clan picked up a half-man tall nitro fur with his straight knife and lifted it to his eyes. He turned it to a bonfire not far away. Among them!

This small pig's fur is not very valuable, but this fur mill after the nitrification also spent two silver coins when it was originally acquired. As long as it is successfully brought to the leather shop in Colosseum City, this fur can sell at least five silver coins!

For the small and medium caravans such as the Mill Caravan, such profits are already a lot ...

Now it's okay, this leopard clan strongman simply waved the five silver coins, but this is to let the caravan people look at his eyes. In addition to the fear, a bit more resentment!

"Yo? I didn't expect that your little caravan is still a little bit sturdy? Is it angry to see you? Do you want to use a knife on me? Come on! Come on! Why don't you move like a silly one by one? Get started if you are upset! Hahaha ~ "

The look of this powerful leopard clan is extremely arrogant at this moment. The straight knife in his hand can't hold the strokes. He has cut several pieces of intact nitro fur into tatters. Looking at him, he seems to be deliberately angering Mill. The caravan is average.

"No, no problem, how could we be angry with you? These skins are indeed too bad as you said, they will be cut if they are cut ..."

Mir's answer surprised the leopard clan. He could clearly see that Mil was very distressed, but even so good, he could bear it, which made him understand that the other party must know the noble's restrictions on business.

(I did n’t expect to be a veteran! But what if the irritation is bigger? You may not feel distressed for a few pieces of leather, so if you change to Kodo? This guy is worth at least a hundred gold coins? If I seriously hurt it ... hehe ! Can you bear it?)

Thinking of the strong leopard clan suddenly grinning here, he saw that he immediately turned his straight knife upright, and the tip of the knife was actually the soft root of the front leg of the Kodo beast! If you just go ahead with a knife, even if you wo n’t be able to pierce the heart with a knife, but after hurting the internal organs, this Kodo will definitely be seriously injured!

Seeing here, Mil's face suddenly turned white. The loss of a Kodo beast is not comparable to a few pieces of skin. If the leopard clan really stabs, Mil is afraid that his heart will really bleed!

The most important thing is that from the move of this leopard clan, Mir has already understood that he just wants to force his caravan to shoot first, and then give him a reason to do it!

(Does his goal really want to swallow my caravan? But even if I know what I can do? I ca n’t beat it, I ca n’t stop it ... ca n’t I really just watch the **** guy Did the caravan that I worked hard to break down? God! Please take care of our caravan a little bit!)

Mill doesn't know whether his prayers will bear fruit, and he doesn't know if miracles will really come. This feeling of powerlessness makes him mentally exhausted, but what can he do?

At the same time, there was a cruel smile on the face of this powerful leopard clan, and while holding a straight knife in his hand, he was about to work hard, and a slightly neutral voice suddenly came from behind the caravan.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

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