After not returning home for nine years, perhaps this little time will not make much difference to Yuezhou as a whole and Yuanjiang County.

After all, this was not the nine years of Yi Shuyuan's previous life. It was an era that could have undergone earth-shaking changes, but it was different here.

But for ordinary people, it is still a long time. Maybe it is okay for children, but not for the older generation.

Yi Shuyuan fell from the clouds and appeared on the rural road between Xihe Village in Yuanjiang County. Some things that were relatively close to him in the past nine years were vaguely felt in his heart.

Unlike the last time he came back, Yi Shuyuan's feeling this time was somewhat subtle.

The place where he appeared was the small local stone bridge that he passed when he first entered the city. It was the season after the beginning of spring when he went to the county seat. It was the time when the remaining snow gradually disappeared and everything became green. Grass grew and orioles flew along the way.

And this time when we returned from heaven, it was about to enter winter. Because of Yuanjiang County's special geographical location close to the Cangshan Mountains, winter began earlier. Although the frost had just passed, many places were already covered with snow.

Apparently winter and snow came earlier this year.

Yi Shuyuan walked step by step, neither fast nor slow, but as he walked, his head became increasingly gray.

Not only because it started to snow lightly and a few snowflakes fell, but also because Yi Shuyuan's hair was also undergoing some changes, and the long gray hair gradually lost its black color.

"Life is late and almost dusk, when will the sun set?"

There is no special magic power, and there is no magic mystery. The way of change is accompanied by the emotion in Yi Shuyuan's heart. When he thinks about it, the way follows him, and he seems to be aging step by step.

His hair is covered with silver hair, his face is weathered, neither stooped nor swaying, but the vicissitudes of life are evident in his words.

Yi Shuyuan was not very fast and did not approach the entrance of Xihe Village until dusk. At this time, he looked much older.

At the same time, Yi Shuyuan also understood in his heart that in the entire Xihe Village, or in this world, all the elders who were even remotely related to the Yi family had passed away, and there were not many people of the same generation as Yi Shuyuan in the village.

On the river bank not far from the village entrance, a young man was earnestly persuading the gray-haired old fishermen wearing raincoats and bamboo hats.

"Master, let's go back. It's winter now and we can't catch any fish!"

"No, no, wait a little longer. A big fish ran here a while ago. Is it possible to bite the hook then but not today?"

Yi Shuyuan saw this scene from a distance and couldn't help but laugh. This guy became more and more addicted as he got older. Seeing this, his steps became much lighter.

The servants over there were still trying to persuade him, but his kind words turned into threats.

"Hey, Master, it wasn't this cold a while ago! If you don't go back, the old master will scold us again. Anyway, we won't be able to catch any big fish. You haven't caught any big fish."

As soon as he heard these words, the fisherman immediately became furious.

"What do you mean you haven't caught any big fish? Have you forgotten? That year my uncle and I were at the mouth of the West River. How many big fish did we catch together? If you go to the village and ask about it, half the village will eat me. Caught fish!”

"Uh, yes, yes, you are amazing."

The fisherman's anger softened a little and he continued.

"It's not that I can't catch it, it's just that it's cold today. Our Xihe River is small and shallow. When it gets cold today, the fish will hide in the E River!"

The servant hurriedly continued following these words.

"Yes, yes, yes, sir, you are right. The Xihe River is small and shallow. There are no fish. There are no fish. We are wasting our time here. If we go back late, we will be scolded by the old man. It is not worth it. ah!"

"Well, it's really not worth it. I still have to go to the river mouth another day."

"Yes, yes, let's fish another day!"

It was like finding the bottom of the steps. The servant and Yi Yongan were packing their things together, carrying a big empty fish basket and preparing to go home.

But this time, as if there was an inexplicable feeling in his heart, Yi Yongan turned sideways and looked towards the entrance of the village, only to see a person standing there.

Yi Yongan was just stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but rub his eyes. After finally confirming, his face immediately bloomed with surprise, and he grabbed the fishing rod and trotted towards Yi Shuyuan.

"Uncle! Uncle! Are you back?"

The servant next to him also looked at Yi Shuyuan. Unlike Yi Yongan who recognized his uncle quickly, he took a long time to recognize him.

“What a great man”

Yi Yong'an was so excited that he grabbed Yi Shuyuan's arm and was so excited that he didn't know how to speak.

"Uncle, why did you just come back? Why have you been gone for several years? It's been ten years."

"It's a long story, let's talk about it when we go home."

Yi Shuyuan smiled with emotion, this old boy is addicted to fishing!

"Yes, yes, yes, go home. You didn't even make it to A Bao's wedding. You didn't make it to Han'er and the others' birth."

Yi Yong'an was talking non-stop, and the servants hurriedly brought all the fishing gear that he had not had time to pick up. Some villagers on the road came out to see out of curiosity because of Master Yi's excitement, and some were talking in low voices.

But when Yi Shuyuan looked at him, many villagers subconsciously avoided his eyes. It seemed that Yi Shuyuan's appearance was a bit unfamiliar to the villagers.

The servant returned to the Yi family first with his things. After bringing back the news that Yi Shuyuan was back, the Yi family was already excited.

Just waiting for Yi Shuyuan to arrive home, although many people gathered in the courtyard, it was not noisy, but very quiet, because the old man was very angry.

As if sensing this atmosphere, Yi Yongan, who was chattering endlessly, stopped talking in front of the house, and walked step by step to the courtyard gate with Yi Shuyuan.

Looking into the courtyard, there were many people, large and small, standing there. Some were obviously from the families of the servants after they got married, some were from the Yi family, some were familiar and some were unfamiliar.

Yi Baokang, who originally planned to deal with it with a straight face, could not restrain the seriousness on his face after seeing his brother's vicissitudes of life, and his eyes were somewhat sparkling.

"You, you, you."

Yi Baokang pointed at Yi Shuyuan and walked quickly, his finger seeming to tremble as he kept tapping.

"I'm really afraid that no one will know if you die outside! Alas."

With a trembling sigh, Yi Shuyuan grabbed Yi Baokang's arm and patted his shoulder.

And Yi Baokang also held his brother's arm tightly. After all, blood is thicker than water and brotherly love is deep!

"Oh, it's good to come back, it's good to come back, don't leave this time"

"Well, I'm not leaving."

Hearing this, Yi Baokang still instinctively trusted his brother, with a tearful smile on his old face. This time he really thought he would never see his brother again.

As I get older, my parents have died early, and the older generation of relatives have also passed away one after another. Now the elders only have one closest brother left!

Originally, the old man was angry and no one in the family dared to say anything. Now, Mrs. Zhao smiled and relaxed the atmosphere and came over to greet him.

"You damn old man, what do you think of me when uncle comes back? Uncle, come in quickly. Look, our Yi family has blossomed! Call me uncle!"

Yi Shuyuan looked around and saw that there were actually quite a few members of Yi's family, including servants and maids. Several servants had married in the village, and their wives and children were also in the courtyard.

Of course, the most conspicuous thing is facing the living room, where a boy and a girl, one big and one small, are huddled next to a young woman and looking at him timidly. They must be Yi Abao's wife and children. As for Abao, I am not here.

The eyes of these people are curious, uneasy and awkward, revealing a sense of strangeness.

The woman's eyes also showed curiosity. After regaining her consciousness, she bowed slightly and shouted first.

"Uncle Bo!"

Prompted by their mother's gentle pat on the back, the two children hesitated and called out softly.



Yi Shuyuan responded, and then entered the courtyard with Yi Baokang. After a while, the Yi family became lively and returned to the atmosphere of a true return of relatives.


It was mid-winter. Outside the imperial study room of the Dayong Palace, Zhang Liangxi took a secret report from a guard outside the door, and then happily entered the warm imperial study room.

Sitting behind the desk outside the curtain door of the Imperial Study Room was the Imperial Historian Qi Julang. He watched in surprise as Zhang Liangxi ran in with a little excitement.

Although my father-in-law was not expressive of emotion or anger in this chapter, he was rarely so excited.

Zhang Liang couldn't help but start announcing the good news after passing the curtain door.

"Your Majesty, good news, good news!"

The emperor raised his head and looked at Zhang Liangxi, and his slightly dim eyes naturally fell on his hands.

"What's the good news?"

Zhang Liangxi walked to the imperial desk with the letter in hand and handed the letter in his hand to the emperor. At the same time, he briefly explained the information he understood. Perhaps this was one of the few things that he could be sure that His Majesty would be happy with.

"Your Majesty, there is news about Mr. Yi!"

The emperor was stunned for a moment, then immediately took the letter, unfolded the letter carefully, and read the brief but not concise content on it.

The secret report stated that Yi Shuyuan had returned to Yuanjiang County and his home in Xihe Village. He was the only one who returned and Long Feiyang was not seen.

After reading the letter, the emperor couldn't help but smile on his face. This was really good news. It didn't require anxiety or thinking, and it was also comforting news.

"There has been no news from Mr. Yi for almost ten years, right?"

"Your Majesty, it's been more than nine years!"

"More than nine years. But it must have been twenty years since I last saw him."

In fact, the current Emperor Dayong only met Yi Shuyuan once when he was listening to books at Tan Yuanshang's house. For many years, he only heard about his deeds and never saw him again.

With this thought in mind, the emperor's eyes fell on the letter again. It said that Mr. Yi was much older.

Yes, who can beat time? If the previous information is true, Yi Shuyuan is at least over seventy years old, and may even be close to eighty years old.

To be honest, even in today's prosperous age of Chengxing, most of the old people in Dayong will not live to this age.

"I'm afraid he won't be able to walk when he comes back this time, right?"

The emperor said this half-jokingly, but his tone was full of regret. In the end, he couldn't let Mr. Yi become an official!

Zhang Liangxiang on the side seemed to hear the loneliness in the emperor's tone, and couldn't help but speak.

"Your Majesty, although Mr. Yi has not served as an official in this life, he must have recognized your Majesty's rule. He has been traveling around the world for decades for the sake of our Dayong State. Just like Mr. Tan, although he has not served as an official, he can still It will benefit the country!"

The emperor glanced at Zhang Liangxi, and these words indeed gave him great psychological comfort.

"Your Majesty, I sincerely request you to issue an order to summon Mr. Yi to the capital immediately to meet the Holy Spirit! I will definitely send experts to travel through the stars and night, and they will be able to reach Yuezhou in less than half a month, and then escort him all the way to the capital!" "

"Can he come?"

Zhang Liang smiled happily.

"Mr. Yi is a great Confucian scholar. He must be a person who respects his teachers, is loyal to his emperor, and is patriotic. He has acted in this way for many years, but in the past he only avoided His Majesty. As Your Majesty's eternal sage, the master of ZTE, if he really issued an imperial edict, I believe he will definitely come!"

Zhang Liangxi is 70% sure of this. Even if he only has 30% left, he will definitely bring him here even if he uses force this time.

The emperor, who had always acted decisively, hesitated at this moment, and after a long time he said something half self-effacing and half self-deprecating.

"The holy king Zhongxing is just a conservative king."

"Even if he is willing to come, no matter how well he maintains his health, he is not a martial arts master after all. By the time he comes to Yuanjiang County and comes to the capital again, he may have already spent the whole year on the road."

The emperor was thinking about things far away and about the crown prince, and suddenly a strong impulse arose in his heart!

"Liangxi, what if I call Tan Yuanshang and go to Yuezhou incognito?"

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