Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 465 Who is here? This is incredible.

Although the emperor seemed to be asking for Zhang Liangxi's opinion, and Zhang Liangxi could have given him some advice under normal circumstances, but based on his understanding of the emperor, it was difficult to shake the emperor's determination at this moment.

So Zhang Liangxi just smiled and didn't answer the question.

"Then the old slave will send someone to Mr. Tan's house right now?"

The emperor also smiled, put the letter in his hand on the desk, and pressed it with a paperweight, while Zhang Liangxi had already hurried out to give instructions.

In Chengtian Mansion, there is a mansion that is better than the princes and ministers. It occupies an extremely large area in the capital city where every inch of land is precious. It is Tan Yuanshang's mansion.

The layout and decoration of Tan Mansion may not be the most luxurious, but it is definitely the most exquisite. Every house, courtyard and even every landscape in the Mansion was not made casually.

Even a few years ago, Chu Qinglin, a great craftsman, was invited to re-plan it. However, after Chu Qinglin came to see it, he only praised it and made a few small suggestions. After helping to renovate some places, Chu Qinglin gave no guidance.

This incident shows how extraordinary the Tan family is and how well-connected Tan Yuanshang is.

Chu Qinglin is indeed a famous craftsman, but he also has the identity of Chu Hang’s father. Who else but the emperor can ask him to help build a house and improve the yard? That is Tan Yuanshang.

On this day, the palace sent someone to explain the situation to Tan Mansion. In the warm living room, they saw Tan Yuanshang, who was dressed neatly and arrived, and heard clearly what the visitor was doing.

Compared with Yi Shuyuan, who is now showing his vicissitudes, and Emperor Dayong, who is obviously aging, Tan Yuanshang, who is only a few years younger than the emperor, seems to be the person who has always been young. He is almost still full of black hair, only with a lot of blue hair. There are some white hairs in between.

In addition, Tan Yuanshang also knows how to take care of himself. At first glance, anyone would believe him if he said he was just a middle-aged man.

"You mean, Mr. Yi is back and the emperor plans to leave the palace and go to Yuezhou at this time?"

Tan Yuanshang looked surprised, and then his surprise turned into a smile, not only because of Yi Shuyuan's return, but also because of the emperor's decision.

This did not make Tan Yuanshang feel that the emperor was unsteady. On the contrary, through this message, he could feel some of the emperor's sincerity that would never change. This is so rare for an emperor!

"Mr. Tan, Gong Tan?"

Seeing Tan Yuanshang in a daze, the father-in-law couldn't help shouting twice.

"Huh? Oh, thank you so much, father-in-law, for coming to tell me. I hope you will accept it even if you don't show respect at all!"

Tan Yuanshang handed over a silver coin, and the father-in-law immediately smiled and quietly accepted it.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Tan. Please prepare quickly. Judging from the emperor's intention, he will probably leave soon! The Za family will leave first!"

Of course today's emperor is not a person who doesn't listen to advice, but with his prestige, no one can influence the things he actually decides.

"Okay, father-in-law, walk slowly!"

Tan Yuanshang was excited as he saw off the people in the palace. After so many years, he knew that Mr. Yi must still be alive.

Tan Yuanshang had witnessed Long Feiyang's martial arts with his own eyes. If this person was willing to protect him, Yi Shuyuan's personal safety would definitely be guaranteed.

"Come here, prepare the carriage, I want to enter the palace immediately!"


After Tan Yuanshang entered the palace, he didn't know what he talked about with the emperor. Anyway, he left late at night.

The New Year is approaching, and with the current level of diligence in the emperor's work, many important matters in the court have actually been dealt with. This period of time is relatively free, but the emperor still summoned some important ministers in advance and arranged some things.

By the third day, the emperor was no longer in the palace, and the news of his tour was not widely known to the people in the court until four or five days later, but no one still knew where the emperor had gone.


On the tenth day of the twelfth lunar month, a large boat belonging to the Tan family was sailing on the E River.

Although it is the Tan family's boat, there are no marks on it. However, the boat is not small. It does not look very gorgeous from the outside, but there are a lot of things inside.

The people sitting in this boat are the current emperor of Dayong and Tan Yuanshang, the richest man in the world who accompanied him to Yuezhou. Although there is no prince accompanying him, the children of the Tan family are accompanying him.

The theory of the twelfth lunar month in the cold winter becomes more appropriate after entering the boundary of Yuezhou. There is already snow on the railings of the building boats.

The emperor, dressed in casual clothes, came out of the warm cabin and walked step by step to the railing, followed by Tan Yuanshang and others.


The emperor let out a breath, rubbed his hands and faced the cold wind, looking at the scenery on both sides of the E River.

"The white snow from Cangshan Mountain enters Yuezhou, dyeing it into a lonely place. The goddess of Ejiang River makes blue waves, moves a spring water, and swims in E River in the snow. It is really a beautiful scene!"

"These are great rivers and mountains governed by Your Majesty!"

Tan Yuanshang praised him so much, but the emperor smiled.

"I don't see as much of this great land as you do!"

"That's because, thanks to Your Majesty, I can witness many wonderful sights, and the world of business can move smoothly!"

Tan Yuanshang's flattery was still in place, and it made the emperor, who was already in a good mood, smile even brighter. However, after only being out for a while, the temperature brought out of the warm cabin quickly dissipated.

When the cold wind blew, the emperor couldn't help but shrink his neck.

"We're going to Yuanjiang County soon, right?"

"Yes, we'll be here soon. When we get to Yuanjiang County, we can just get on the carriage and go to Xihe Village! I believe Mr. Yi will be surprised and happy to see His Majesty!"

Tan Yuanshang couldn't help but smile as he spoke, and even Zhang Liangxi and other members of the Tan family also smiled.

"Hahahahaha I hope Mr. Yi won't chase people away!"

The emperor joked, as if he had become several years younger. At this moment, all the burdens were briefly released.

As the new year approaches, the emperor is no longer in the palace, but appears in the distant countryside of Yuezhou. Anyone who sees him is surprised.

What the people on the boat didn't know was that when the boat passed by and the emperor admired the scenery of E River, the goddess of E River under the water also felt something. She raised her head and looked in one direction. There was a building boat that had just entered the Yuezhou River section. .

Not to mention ordinary people, even gods seemed a little surprised.

When the ship docked at the dock in Yuanjiang County, the figures of the City God and several great gods appeared on the top of the Yuanjiang County City God's Temple. There was no one else in the world who could match the energy rendered by that purple aura!

Without alerting the Yuanjiang County officials, he just walked around the county town. The emperor couldn't wait to go to Xihe Village. There were not many things that could make him excited or even slightly uneasy, but this happened to be one of them.

Tan Yuanshang bought several good carriages and drove the group to Xihe Village with his own manpower.

In the Yi family courtyard, brothers Yi Shuyuan and Yi Baokang, as well as other members of the Yi family, are cleaning together. This year, because of Yi Shuyuan's return, the scale of cleaning is greater than in previous years. They plan to completely clean up their home before the New Year. Clean inside and out.

The cleaning was almost finished now, and Yi Shuyuan, who was wiping a door frame, couldn't help but smile.

"Brother, why are you laughing?"

Yi Baokang came over to wash the rag and asked Yi Shuyuan when he saw him smiling. The latter thought for a while and said.

"Baokang, get ready and prepare some good wine and food tonight. I thought there might be some distinguished guests coming!"

"Huh? Distinguished guest? Just today?"

Yi Baokang thought of some of his brother's friends in the world, so he asked again.

"Are there many people?"

"It should be quite a lot."

Yi Baokang thought again and threw the rag into the basin.

"Okay, kill the pig, Afu, Agui, Baokang, we are going to kill the pig!"

"Old Master, isn't the New Year pig only killed on the 26th?"

"I'll kill one today, and another one on the twenty-sixth. The first one will be fat. Are you still worried that you won't be able to eat it? Let's go, let's go!"

"Oh!" "Okay!"

Yi Shuyuan held a moment of silence for Zhu'er over there. You can't blame me for this. You can't escape the fifteenth day even if you escape the first day of the new year!

At the same time, several carriages were already on their way to Xihe Village.

This is the most ordinary countryside scenery, this is the most ordinary winter scene, but even in winter, the farmland is covered with snow, and the emperor can still see the occasional villagers and the smoke from cooking in the distance. Go up and experience some folk atmosphere.

Near the entrance of Xihe Village, in a small earth temple, a golden light suddenly flashed on the statue, and an old man with a cane squeezed out. He just jumped lightly and stood on the roof of a house.

Looking at the direction of Yuanjiang County from a distance, the land god couldn't help but widen his eyes and tremble slightly.

After being the God of Earth for so many years, this is the first time the old man has been frightened by the arrival of a mortal!

"My dear, the purple energy is like clouds covering the canopy. I can't even see through it. Who is coming? This is incredible!"

The Earth God didn't look any further and quickly returned to his temple. He knew that Elder Yi Xian must also understand.

Because of the emperor's urging, the carriage was not slow. When it reached the village, the speed slowed down again. After inquiries from the entourage, it was confirmed that Yi Shuyuan was at home.

This also made the emperor, who had always been somewhat uneasy about this matter, breathe a sigh of relief, fearing that he would be in vain.

The location of the Yi family is of course easy to find. When several carriages approached the Yi family's house, the neighing of pigs was particularly harsh.

The so-called slaughtering pig-like cry describes this moment.


"This fat pork belly must be delicious!" "It's too early to get greedy now, hold on, hold on!"

"Hold it all down!"

As the butcher knife penetrated, the pig's cry was quickly cut off.

"Catch, catch!"

The locals will not waste a good thing, and the steaming pig's blood is also a delicacy.

The kitchens of this butchered pig and that one were already in full swing, and the two large stoves were already lit, ready to process the freshest pork.

Yi Shuyuan was lighting a fire there, and Yi Baokang came over after washing his hands.

"Brother, it's already this time. Is the distinguished guest you mentioned coming yet?"

Just as Yi Shuyuan was about to speak, a servant hurried to the kitchen.

"Old Master, Grand Master, there are several carriages and many people coming outside. They say they have come from afar to visit the Grand Master!"

Yi Shuyuan looked at Yi Baokang.

"Look, this is coming. Let's go and see who is coming!"

Yi Shuyuan stood up, handed the fire stick to the others in the kitchen, and then walked out.

Yi Baokang was a little surprised. He thought his brother had received the letter in advance or had made an agreement with someone before returning home, so he followed along.

"Brother, you don't know about feelings either? Then how do you know they are coming today?"

"I'm confused!"

After replying with a smile, Yi Shuyuan had already walked from the kitchen to the front yard within a dozen steps, and the people on the carriages over there had just gotten off.

When Yi Shuyuan walked to the entrance of the courtyard, the first people he saw were Tan Yuanshang and Zhang Liangxi, and then he saw Emperor Dayong who had just got off the car. People outside the courtyard also looked at the people coming into the courtyard.

In addition to the servant just now, there were two old people coming out of the courtyard, one of whom was an expert who the emperor had been worried about for many years.

At this moment, Yi Shuyuan looked slightly surprised, while the emperor was really in a daze. Compared to that time, Mr. Yi was already older after all. Fortunately, his body still looked strong.

"Brother, who is it?"

Yi Baokang asked in a low voice, but Yi Shuyuan didn't say much. He just seemed to adjust his clothes after regaining consciousness and bowed solemnly outside the hospital.

Even Yi Baokang noticed that the people outside the hospital were unusual, but he was a little confused and saluted with his brother.

The emperor standing outside the courtyard did not just accept the gift as in the palace, but solemnly returned the gift. Others such as Tan Yuanshang, Zhang Liangxi and others did not dare to stand, and they all bowed their hands towards the courtyard.

"Mr. Yi, you and I finally meet again!"

Tan Yuanshang even joked.

"Sir, you didn't expect that, did you?"

As soon as he heard the emperor's title, Yi Shuyuan knew that the emperor didn't want to tell the truth. When he heard Tan Yuanshang's words, his face showed a bit of emotion.

"I really didn't expect it! Everyone, please come in. We are preparing for a family banquet at home, and we would like to try this country pig dish together! I hope you don't dislike it!"

"Hahahahahaha, don't dare to dislike it!"

The emperor joked and walked towards the courtyard of the Yi family first. A stone in his heart fell to the ground. He finally found nothing.

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