Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 515 It’s better to leave

Xia Linglan originally wanted to host a banquet for Yi Shuyuan in Tianyuanchi, but in the end she changed her mind and ordered a large table of dishes to take away from a well-known restaurant in Penshan County.

Beside the pleasant Tianyuan Pond, the water tribes were chatting quietly while playing with the tables and chairs.

Yu Ling and Yu Shi laid out the ordered meals respectively. Because of the spell cast, they were still steaming hot at this moment.

Xia Linglan, her daughter and Yi Shuyuan were watching from the side.

"Actually, compared to the cold so-called banquet in the water palace, I prefer this kind of human fireworks. I think Mr. Yi should be the same way, right?"

Hearing what Xia Linglan said, Yi Shuyuan couldn't help but admire his cleverness in his heart.

"Mrs. Xia is right."

Lu Yuwei listened to her mother's seemingly relaxed tone and held her hand tightly against her. Xia Linglan couldn't help but reach out to comb her daughter's hair.

Hui Mian jumped off Yi Shuyuan's shoulder and landed directly on the table over there, causing a maid to scream "Ah" in surprise.

"Hehehe, like sir, I also like this kind of smoke from fireworks! Well, it smells so good!"

When the maids over there saw the ferocious mink looking intoxicated by the aroma of the food, they covered their mouths and snickered, but they didn't dare to laugh too obviously, because this ferret was certainly not what he appeared to be.

"Ma'am, you're ready!"

After reporting over there, Xia Linglan invited Yi Shuyuan to take a seat.

"Mr. Yi please!"


Because Tianyuanchi is formed in a basin and is surrounded by many higher-lying places, except for a few springs above and a few waterfalls below, the water surface is sometimes as calm as a mirror.

Eating by this beautiful lake is also refreshing. While tables and chairs are set up to enjoy fine wine and food, there are many white cranes wandering around looking for food.

Many water tribes stood back and waited, but when Yi Shuyuan and others were eating, they couldn't help but whisper to each other.

As a witness, Yu Ling Yu Shi naturally told the sisters here what she saw and heard, which also made the others scream in shock.

At the wine table, Xia Linglan poured wine for Yi Shuyuan, seeming to remember what Lu Yuwei once said, and smiled after taking a seat.

"I heard from Yuwei that her husband likes story-telling and is also interested in the affairs between me and my husband. She only knows about it after she remembers it, so I will tell her husband about the past, right?"

Yi Shuyuan had a smile on his face.

"Just what I wanted! This story is finally complete!"

As he spoke, a book flew out of Yi Shuyuan's sleeve, and a folding fan slipped out and turned into a pen.

Lu Yuwei looked expectant on the side. Even she had never heard her mother tell her the complete past, or in fact, she had only heard a little bit.

Similarly, the other water tribes also waited attentively to listen to Mrs. Lingli's story about the past.

In fact, the story was not too special to Yi Shuyuan, and he had to lament Lu Junshan's good fortune and luck, as well as the innocence of some demon cultivators.

For example, Mrs. Xia had just achieved success in cultivation and wanted to go out and travel around the world to increase her knowledge and improve her cultivation.

The first person he met was Lu Junshan, who was chopping firewood. This silly boy was shocked when he saw Xia Linglan. His reaction and praise made Xia Linglan very happy. She was considered a fairy, so she joked that she could make him come true. A wish.

Lu Junshan subconsciously blurted out that he wanted her to be his wife. Xia Linglan was stunned when she heard this.

The result turned out to be one who dared to mention and one who dared to respond. Maybe it was a bit of a joke at first, but then it unexpectedly made the passion soaring and it was difficult to extricate itself.

Hearing this, many of the water tribe maids' eyes widened, even Lu Yuwei was stunned.

"Mom, just obey dad."

Xia Linglan smiled with some memories.

"When I was practicing alone, I didn't see much of the world, and I didn't have enough control over my desires."

Lu Yuwei screamed in her heart that it was outrageous. No wonder her mother didn't say it before. If it were her, if someone she didn't like had dared to make such a request casually, she would be beaten to death.

Of course, as a mortal, the attack might not be too severe, but he definitely needs to be taught a lesson!

Yi Shuyuan on the other side couldn't help but sigh in his heart, sometimes people have to be bolder. As the saying on the Internet used to say, as long as you are brave, well, now I think about it, it makes some sense!

It was just a ridiculous beginning, but it later created a happy marriage, and also influenced Mrs. Lingli's spiritual practice. She became as sincere as a real person and became pregnant with Lu Yuwei.

On the entire wine table, Hui Mian was the only one who really kept dealing with the food, but he didn't miss any of the highlights.

When Xia Linglan finished speaking, Yi Shuyuan also sighed with emotion.

"Mrs. Xia's ability to calmly talk about this past incident here is enough to show that you are finally relieved now, and you must have made great progress in your cultivation!"

"I will definitely live up to your husband's expectations!"

Just as Yi Shuyuan said, first there was news of the death of the nine-life cat demon, and then her husband was rescued. Xia Linglan's knot in her heart has now been resolved.


After the banquet was over and it was dark, Yi Shuyuan went to Tianyuan Chishui Mansion to stay for a while. He originally planned to stay for a while, but he changed his mind and left the next day.

Well, Yi and Hui Mian are the only two men who have stayed overnight in Tianyuan Chishui Mansion for so many years.

Well, maybe Hui Mian is not a man in their eyes.

The entire Tianyuanchi Aquatic Tribe, regardless of whether they are transformed or transformed, or fish mothers and the like, are all women, and Yi Shuyuan can often hear their whispers.

I still felt somewhat uncomfortable here, even if I didn't mean to do it originally, it might have gone wrong in the whispers of the water tribe.

As a storyteller who has surfed the Internet and talked about things all over the world, Yi Shuyuan thought about it and left. Although Tianyuan Pond is good, it is not a place to rest.

Xia Linglan and Lu Yuwei sent Yi Shuyuan away. They sent him hundreds of miles away before stopping at the clouds in the sky. Then they watched Yi Shuyuan step on the clouds and finally disappear into the horizon.

After a while, Lu Yuwei suddenly found her mother looking at her, which made her slightly stunned.


"Oh, looking at you in such a daze, you don't look like you are destined to be immortal."

"Mom, I also have self-respect!"


Xia Linglan added in her mind that marriage was out of the question. In Yi Daozi's eyes, she might just be a little girl——

High in the sky, Yi Shuyuan was riding on the clouds, and the Tianyuan Pond had become very small behind him.

Hui Mian lay on Yi Shuyuan's shoulder and looked behind, while Yi Shuyuan already had a bead with a faint brilliance in his hand.

"This trip has gone smoothly. In this case, I can accept the spiritual beads of sacrifice and refining with peace of mind."

The spirit bead that Xia Linglan presented back then was indeed extremely precious. To be honest, if it didn't work this time, Yi Shuyuan wouldn't feel at ease keeping it, and might have to find somewhere else to make up for it.

Hui Mian suddenly turned around and stared at the bead in front of him.

"Sir, the previous spirit bead became your dragon bead. Can this one turn into another dragon?"

"It's not like you can transform into a dragon with the spirit beads. Sir, I also transform into a dragon first and then refine the dragon beads."


Hui Mian scratched his head and stared at Longzhu intently.

"Perhaps when Shi Sheng and Qi Xiaozi achieve dragon transformation, I can give them dragon beads?"

Yi Shuyuan smiled.

"You can use it after you've finished cultivating it. A spiritual bead can turn into a dragon bead, which can make the dragon's body and path progress greatly."

As soon as he heard Yi Shuyuan say this, Hui Mian's furry face suddenly lit up with joy, but he was still self-aware.

"Farewell, farewell. I don't change my mind easily now. It's true that Yunlai's body and Taoism have risen too fast. Even if I feed back my demon body, my cultivation will continue to improve. Don't let my Taoist heart be unstable. Sir, what you said It makes me so horny, so bad!”

Yi Shuyuan reached out and touched Hui Mian's head.

"I am very confident that you can say this, Mr. Daoxin! As for your continuous improvement in cultivation, maybe you are not just the god of Yunlai."

Hui Mian was stunned for a moment, feeling somewhat excited and excited in his heart, and said happily.

"Then I take it seriously!"

While we were joking, we passed a hill below. It was not big, not high, not to mention steep, but the scenery was nice, and there were not many signs of human activity.

Yi Shuyuan rode the clouds and fell down. After walking around in the mountains, he found a place to sit cross-legged, took a Yuan Yang Dan into his belly, and then gently closed his eyes.

It seemed that time had flown by since Yi Shuyuan sat down.

In other words, this is how Yi Shuyuan perceives it. He can feel the sunrise and sunset around him, the climate changes, and he can also feel the wind, thunder, rain, and snow.

It's just that the sun always sets just as it rises, the heavy rain always stops just as it drops, and the wind and thunder disappear just like Yi Shuyuan's thoughts.

As soon as he sat down, Yi Shuyuan seemed to be quickly surrounded by vegetation.

On this day, Hui Mian, who had just eaten a snake, suddenly felt something in his heart, and then quickly ran from the other end of the mountain where he was playing to the mountain. When he arrived near a cave wall covered with vines, he happened to see Yi Shuyuan open his eyes.

"Haha, sir, are you awake?"


Yi Shuyuan yawned, as if he had just woken up, then stood up and stretched his muscles, and then his body woke up from his deep sleep.

"Finally recovered!"

Hui Mian jumped back to Yi Shuyuan's shoulder and said with a smile.

"Sir, you are already one of the Four Emperors. However, Bai Xingjun didn't find you when he went to the Demon Subduing Palace with the edict. In the end, I collected it on his behalf. Hahahaha. Fortunately, the gods in the heavens are used to it, and the four The emperor does not rely on the title, and it is indeed the true emperor's temper that he does not like this kind of formality."

Hui Mian still couldn't help but smile when he mentioned this.

"But they still didn't expect that the Xian Sheng Zhenjun didn't show up to receive the order, but you are already the Four Emperors anyway!"

Yi Shuyuan grinned.

"Why don't you wake me up?"

"What's there to shout about? If it's really important, you'll wake up yourself!"

This mink.

Yi Shuyuan patted the almost free dust on his body, then stepped out of Yufengqi, and dropped the folding fan at his feet.

Others walked with swords, while Yi Shuyuan flew with fans, and his flight speed was not slow at all.

A short while later, Yi Shuyuan returned to Yuanjiang County first, sat next to his nephew and watched him catch fish for a long time.

Of course, Yi Shuyuan did not show up. Then he went to Yuezhou Academy to have a look. He sat in the school and listened to a class like a student, but he also did not show up.

The peace and tranquility of this mortal home will not be broken again.

Then Yi Shuyuan left Yuezhou and continued to the Dayong Capital and Changfeng Lake.

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