Changfeng Lake has long become a famous scenic spot both inside and outside Dayong.

Perhaps the grand occasion of Changfeng Lake in history can only be imagined through history books and poems left behind, but now the grand occasion of Changfeng Lake is actually not inferior, and its fame may be even greater.

All this is just because today's Dayong is the country that everyone is heading towards, the real prosperous country.

All Dayong's culture, Dayong's utensils, Dayong's poetry, Dayong's paintings, and even Dayong's scenic spots in the hearts of many people have become utopias recognized by the world.

Changfeng Lake is not far from the Dayong Capital Chengtian Mansion, and it is a place with long-standing reputation. Therefore, if there are foreigners coming here, they must go to Changfeng Lake unless they have absolutely no choice.

And as the water veins of Changfeng Lake gradually return to their proper position, and the Dragon King returns to suppress the water, the water veins have a natural and stable aura, and the only trace of appearance revealed on the outside is the word "beauty"!

Nowadays, the area around Changfeng Lake is not only prosperous except the Wanghu Tower area outside Changfeng Mansion City.

Over the years, there are many pavilions and piers around the lake, many boats and boats, and there is no shortage of fireworks.

Yi Shuyuan took Hui Mian to the edge of Changfeng Lake. He chose a relatively calm lakeshore and walked slowly, admiring the beautiful scenery. He had no intention of looking for Jiang Lang immediately.

"Oh sir, this guy Jiang Lang is very powerful. Changfeng Lake is indeed an important water system, but if the Dragon King is not capable, he will not be as spiritual as he is now!"

Yi Shuyuan smiled and said nothing. If it were Hui Mian decades ago, he would probably have said: The main reason is that the water veins are extraordinary, I can do it!


Yi Shuyuan unfolded his folding fan and fanned it gently. He had been sitting in the mountains for nearly a year, and now it was spring again. The catkins were flying by the lake in the wind, causing Yi Shuyuan's long hair and clothes to sway slightly.

Traveling around the lake is free and unfettered, indescribably comfortable and indescribably casual!

A little further away, a small group of people were also hiking around the lake. Some people accidentally raised their eyes and saw the Confucian scholar holding a fan over there, and they felt touched in their hearts.

"Look over there!"

After hearing this, everyone went out looking for fame, and happened to see Yi Shuyuan walking around the lake.

"It is worthy of being the auspicious place of the Kingdom of China. If you accidentally meet a Confucian scholar, you will feel like a heavenly being."

The people in the team looked at themselves. Some even couldn't help but straighten their clothes and felt a little embarrassed.

"Are we dressed appropriately?" "It should be fine."

While talking, it seemed that the Confucian scholar opposite also noticed them, glanced sideways and nodded slightly in this direction.

As a result, the group of people hurriedly raised their hands and saluted. Yi Shuyuan was also slightly startled. He was not very familiar with them. There was no need to salute at such a distance, right?

The group of people came over quickly. They were of different ages. Some had long beards, while others seemed to be in their prime. However, when they approached Yi Shuyuan, they all looked very respectful and bowed again.

"Meet this gentleman!"

"I've been waiting to see how handsome you are, so I came here to pay you a visit!"

There were eight people in total. They were meticulous in their salutes and were obviously a little reserved. Now that they looked closer, they could see that this Confucian scholar had an extraordinary bearing, and his long gray hair added to the vicissitudes of time and elegance.

Yi Shuyuan put away his folding fan and returned the gift with his fan.

"You're welcome!"

"I don't know what kind of celebrity you are, sir?"

Hui Mian hid behind Yi Shuyuan's hair and listened happily.

"It makes me laugh to death. Even if you are a famous person, how can a famous person respond to a famous person?"

Yi Shuyuan smiled and shook his head.

"Of course not. Just like you, I am just a tourist on the lake. I just left after taking a look."

"Oh, are you taking part in the imperial examination?"

After hearing what the other party said, Yi Shuyuan smiled and shook his head.


This made the few people who came feel somewhat disappointed, but they still didn't show it on the surface. In order to ease the embarrassment, the leader with a long beard asked another question.

"Sir, what you are saying is that we are also here to visit the lake. We have heard about the beauty of Changfeng Lake for a long time, and seeing it today is indeed extraordinary. Sir, besides Wanghu Tower, do you know where else is the best place to appreciate the scenery of Changfeng Lake?"

Wanghu Tower has naturally been famous for a long time, but not everyone can go there now. Unless you are of extremely high status, you need to make an appointment to queue up, and foreign visitors cannot get in line.

Yi Shuyuan heard this and looked towards Changfeng Lake.

"Wanghu Tower is just a name. The food is good but it doesn't represent Changfeng Lake. The beauty of Changfeng Lake lies in the charm of nature. In the morning, the smoke is vast, the sky light clears the clouds and mist, at dusk, the clouds are setting, and the fishing boats are singing late. Boating on the lake provides a different scenery."

Yi Shuyuan said after a pause.

"If you take a quick glance at it to appreciate its beauty, take your time to see its scenery over the course of a day, and quietly observe the changes in the four seasons, you will appreciate its natural charm! Willows are flying in spring, flowers and insects are chirping in summer, autumn is high and the air is crisp, and winter is snowing in the river waves."

Because they were foreigners, Yi Shuyuan also knew that they didn't have much time, so he said a few more words. He understood enough about Changfeng Lake.

But having said that, Yi Shuyuan stopped talking and looked towards the direction where the group of people came from just now, where a familiar figure had already appeared.

Yi Shuyuan withdrew his gaze and bowed his hands to the people in front of him.

"Okay, I have an old friend waiting for me. That's all for now. You can go swimming in the lake!"

"Oh, thank you sir, I haven't asked for your name yet."

"If we meet by chance, we won't leave a name!"

As he spoke, Yi Shuyuan passed by everyone and walked into the distance. Jiang Lang stood there on the other side, looking handsome and handsome, but also containing a special kind of majesty. He bowed to Yi Shuyuan from afar. , and even cheerful voices came out with laughter.

"I thought you would never go out again! How about it, when will you go to Mrs. Xia's place?"

As soon as Jiang Lang said this, the faint smile on Yi Shuyuan's face suddenly became slightly embarrassed. Hui Mian, who was about to poke his head out, shrank subconsciously.

"Oh no sir, let's forget about this guy Jiang Lang."

"Actually, I never thought about taking him with me."

A little far behind Yi Shuyuan, the small group of people who had just been talking to him were still watching.

"The Great Kingdom of Dayong is truly unforgettable. Meeting an ordinary Confucian scholar by Changfeng Lake is also unforgettable."

For a moment, the speaker didn't know how to describe it.

"Looking from afar, his friend also has an extraordinary bearing."

"No, this is probably not an ordinary Confucian scholar. He just doesn't want to be named. Those words are not something ordinary people can say casually."

Thinking back carefully, just after listening to the gentleman's description with a smile, everyone seemed to appreciate the beauty of Changfeng Lake along with his words, as if they really saw spring flowers and autumn moon, listened to the chirping of insects, and watched the white embankment.

"Why don't you go over and make some friends?" "Yes, let's go over and make some friends!"

"Let's go, let's not make people unhappy when these two old friends meet again."

With a trace of regret, the few people still left. After walking for a while by the lake and looking back, the two people over there were already so far away that they were blurry——

By the Changfeng Lake, Yi Shuyuan decided to tell the truth after careful consideration. A casual description made Jiang Lang stunned and stopped in his tracks.

"You, you really brought people to life? No, why didn't you come and call me? Isn't this too boring for you?"

The reaction was not as exaggerated as expected, and Yi Shuyuan said seriously.

"Of course I wanted to come over and call you, but you don't want to think about it either. Mrs. Xia is going to save her husband-in-law. What's the point of bringing you a dragon who covets her beauty? Isn't it embarrassing for you to meet a husband and wife after rescuing her? Awkward?"

"I can also go over and help save people!"

Hui Mian suddenly stuck his head out.

"Then the question is, King Jiang Long, how can you help?"

"Let me put this matter aside for now. Lao Yi, did you really save a dying person?"

Yi Shuyuan nodded and shook his head.

"It can't be regarded as being saved, but the person whose soul has returned will not survive. The soul-seducing messenger will come immediately to lure away the soul."

Hui Mian immediately added.

"The entire Yin Division over there was alarmed, and even the City God came over in person. The commotion was really quite big!"

Jiang Lang couldn't help but nodded.

"It was an act of defiance. It's a pity that I couldn't go and see it."

Seeing Jiang Lang's behavior, Yi Shuyuan said lightly.

"You are becoming more and more like a Dragon King!"

"Hey, it's a joke. I was originally the Dragon King, but now I'm more accustomed to it. Let's go, let's go to the lake too!"

The two chatted while walking, and then went to order food and sit down at Wanghu Tower. The food was delicious and the seat was by the window.

Jiang Lang was not too worried about Yi Shuyuan not taking him to Tianyuan Pond. The topic was over at this moment. After all, he had many things to talk about with his friends.

Jiang Lang said seriously as he raised the wine glasses and clinked them to drink.

"When it comes to the major events that have happened in recent years, there are only two that can be said to be true."

"Which two?"

Yi Shuyuan asked, and at the same time he picked up the jug and poured a glass of wine into the cup in front of Hui Mian. Although it was strange for Diaoer to drink, it was not impossible.

Jiang Lang looked Yi Shuyuandao up and down.

"The first thing that has to do with you is the pot of elixir you refined in Dooshan that day. I heard that the moment the elixir was completed, the earth shook and even the heavens shook. Is this true?"

"So be it!"

Seeing Yi Shuyuan's admission, Jiang Lang's eyes lit up and he hurriedly asked.

"This matter has been spread all over the world now, and everyone knows that it is definitely a supreme elixir. What kind of elixir is this? Let me have a look?"

Yi Shuyuan didn't say much. As soon as he stretched out his hand, a small box flew out of his sleeve and fell into his palm, then handed it to Jiang Lang.

"This is Tian Dou Dan, just look at it!"


Jiang Lang murmured, reached for it, opened the box and carefully took out the pill. The pill was golden and had various complex patterns on it. It looked like it was carved from gold, and it was heavy to hold.

"How many Tiandou Pills were made? I heard that the pills were gone. How many pills were gone?"

Yi Shuyuan stretched out three fingers.

"Three pills are made and one pill is taken away."

"What? There are only three of them, and you didn't block them all?"

Jiang Lang was stunned when he heard this. The person sitting in front of him was Yi Daozi!

Xing Luo knew how to take pills, which was intentional by the alchemy immortal and the Heavenly Realm. When refining Tian Dou Pill, he didn't believe that Lao Yi would take pills on purpose.

Yi Shuyuan's expression also became serious and he looked at the golden pill in Jiang Lang's hand.

"The power of this elixir cannot be underestimated! After it was refined, even Yi himself does not dare to take the elixir easily for the time being!"

Jiang Lang nodded and put the pill back again.

"Many people are looking for the elixir to escape. There are even people from the Dragon Clan. Some people came to me specifically to ask."

Hui Mian was holding a cup and drinking wine, then raised his head and said something.

"What's the second thing? It can't be from Daqiu Mountain, right?"

Jiang Lang glanced at Hui Mian.

"It seems that you have also heard about it. Yes, it was the battle in Daqiu Mountain. The Big Toad King protected a monk from fighting against the Dragon Clan, and the Nine-Tian Demon-Suppressing Emperor's sword fell from the heaven to the earth, which shocked the world. It’s not just Daqiushan Lao Yi, tell me the truth, is this Holy Lord the manifestation of the ancient innate gods?”

Yi Shuyuan frowned and thought for a moment, then finally shook his head.

"Hard to say."

Jiang Lang nodded slightly. It seemed that it was indeed inconvenient to say, and he didn't force it.

"Then do you know what his magical power is called? How much of his true ability does he reveal?"

Yi Shuyuan hadn't spoken yet, and Hui Mian, who was getting excited after drinking, smiled.

"I asked your husband this question back then, let me tell you."

Seeing Jiang Lang looking at him, Hui Mian cleared his throat.

"Ahem, that magical power is called: Law of Heaven and Earth. How much is it true? Hey, what those people saw is just the tip of the iceberg. The complete Law of Heaven and Earth is nothing but heaven."

Jiang Lang stared at Hui Mian.

"What the hell?"

"An ancient magical power that no god in the sky has ever seen!"

Jiang Lang narrowed his eyes. Hui Mian obviously had reservations, but it was not good to explore other people's magical trump cards.

"The laws of heaven and earth."

Yi Shuyuan picked up the wine pot and refilled the three wine glasses.

"It's surprising that the Big Toad King is willing to fight against the Dragon Clan for an old monk."

"Indeed, but the transformation of the snow python into a dragon made me have some guesses about the white dragon back then. Maybe that guy was also transformed into a snow python. White dragons are rare after all!"

Yi Shuyuan thought for a moment, and he couldn't say that it had no impact.

Just as he was thinking about it, Jiang Lang's next words came out again.

"But if you want me to believe that the toad has great Buddha nature, I am more willing to believe that there must be some stunning woman in Daqiu Temple who has seduced his soul."


Hui Mian spit out the whole drink he just drank.

"Cough cough cough"

While coughing, he looked at the surprised Jiang Lang.

"Jiang Dragon King is worthy of being the Water Dragon King, and he has true knowledge and insight into the great demon of the Water Tribe!"

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