Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 517 The Art of Sharing the Heart and Aperture

At the time of spring again, all the tribute students from all over the world gathered in Chengtian Mansion.

Today, Dayong is a place that the world longs for, and many foreign visitors come to Beijing, and some even live here permanently.

In the year of the imperial examination, the whole capital was of course more lively. There were many scenery and people that could not be seen in ordinary years.

Just seeing the talented people from all over the world gather together and appreciate the elegance of this great country, Tianjing, is enough to make many foreign and small countries unforgettable for a lifetime.

Yi Shuyuan and Jiang Lang came to Chengtian Mansion together. The streets and residences in the entire capital were carefully laid out, making them appear spacious and extraordinary.

"Lao Yi, although this place is lively, how can the scenery compare with Changfeng Lake? Why, are you interested in watching the imperial examinations of the world's scholars?"

While Jiang Lang was talking, people were coming and going around him and Yi Shuyuan, many of whom passed by, and many of whom were laughing and playing.

But almost no one passing by noticed Yi Shuyuan and Jiang Lang, as if they were just two ordinary passers-by who needed to be avoided.

Hearing what Jiang Lang said, Yi Shuyuan smiled.

"It really means something like that."

As he spoke, Yi Shuyuan kept walking forward. In front of him was Gongyuan Sifang Street, where there were many inns and restaurants, and it was also where the world's tribute students gathered.


Someone was beating some gongs to clear the way, and the streets were crowded with people. Confucian scholars and common people were watching on both sides of the streets.

"Hey, the oiran is parading around the streets!"

Jiang Lang laughed and gathered around to watch like others around him. As the float passed by, there were maids on the float who sprinkled flower petals, creating waves of fragrance.

"Look here, look here -" "Yes, girl, look here -"

A Confucian scholar shouted, and the woman on the float over there looked at the sound with a smile, which made some young Confucian scholars here marvel.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, the flowers and willows in the world also have their own fragrance... Lao Yi, Lao Yi?"

Jiang Lang realized that Yi Shuyuan was not around. He turned around and saw Yi Shuyuan looking downstairs of an inn on the opposite side of the street.

Out of curiosity, Jiang Lang looked for Yi Shuyuan's gaze, only to see an old Confucian scholar standing over there, watching the float go away.

Hui Mian stayed on Yi Shuyuan's shoulder and whispered.

"This guy actually has such perseverance and is actually still taking the exam..."

Yi Shuyuan looked at the old man over there, and pictures of the past flashed through his mind.

"This brother, I'm in Donglu Yang Bencai."

The energetic voice seems to still be in my ears, but the young scholar has passed away and has become an old student, looking a little out of place in the entire Gongsheng Street.

Hui Mian suddenly shouted again.

"That's not right, this guy is obviously married and has a son, so he is a grandfather!"

"Yes, people also have to live. It is not a suitable way out to study hard for the imperial examination without doing anything in production."

Yi Shuyuan said with emotion.

"Perhaps the fairy in the painting is just a dream in his heart..."

By now, Yang Bencai should have figured out that a woman like Zheng Ying was definitely not human.

"I'm so old, but my eyes are still staring at the courtesan over there. I'm so lustful!"

Hui Mian said this, and Yi Shuyuan also laughed when he heard it. While agreeing, he was also thinking, was it good or bad for Yang Bencai to meet Zheng Ying?

But if I had to choose again, I am afraid that 99% of the time I would still go the same way.

"Sir, did you come to Chengtian Mansion to see Yang Bencai?"

"Just taking a look at it."

Yi Shuyuan has traveled to many places since his practice, and has met so many people he has met.

Sometimes it is predestined, and sometimes Yi Shuyuan is like a passer-by in these people's lives. He was deeply impressed at the time, but also slowly disappeared in his memory.

It is not necessary to disturb the other party.

These people may occasionally think of a storyteller they once knew.

Outside the door of the inn over there, another familiar figure appeared and walked to Yang Bencai's side.

Yi Shuyuan was watching from a distance, watching the new people there salute to Yang Bencai. The latter went from being confused and stunned to showing a little joy, and then invited the visitor to a nearby restaurant for a chat.

"Lao Yi, what are you doing standing here?"

Jiang Lang's voice came, and Yi Shuyuan said calmly.

"Of course it depends on the person."

Jiang Lang followed Yi Shuyuan's gaze and naturally knew who he was looking at. However, he saw an old Confucian scholar and a man wearing a robe sitting at a table in the restaurant over there. .

During the conversation between the two at the wine table, the man always talked eloquently, and the older man's mood changed several times, including joy, surprise, loss, and sadness.

"Interesting, this scholar actually has such an affair?"

Jiang Lang murmured this, and Hui Mian immediately stood on Yi Shuyuan's shoulder and said.

"Oh, you eavesdropped!"

"Hey, didn't you and Lao Yi eavesdrop?"

Yi Shuyuan glanced at Jiang Lang.

"I really haven't, but even if I don't listen, I probably know what they are talking about."

Jiang Lang really didn't care whether he eavesdropped or not.

"Lao Yi, do you know them?"

"So be it."

After a long time, Yang Bencai was still sitting slumped at the table. The man had already walked out of the restaurant. As soon as he walked out of the door, his heart suddenly moved and he looked diagonally across the corner.

At this moment, the man was stunned for a moment, then his face showed joy, and he walked quickly in the direction of Yi Shuyuan. Before the people arrived, he bowed his hands to Yi Shuyuan and Jiang Lang.

"Mr. Yi, I didn't expect to meet you here! Who is this?"

Yi Shuyuan cupped his hands and looked at Jiang Lang.

Jiang Lang looked up and down at the incoming man, a low-class monk? However, knowing Lao Yi, he did not neglect him and offered his hand in advance.

"Changfeng Lake, Jiang Lang!"

Dragon King of Changfeng Lake?

The visitor hurriedly gave another salute.

"I'm Gongsun Yin of Yuncuishan, I've met the Dragon King of Jiang!"

Yuncuishan? Have not heard.

But what you think in your heart and what you say may not be the same.

"Oh, I have admired you for a long time!"

The corner of the street where the three of them were located seemed to be outside the crowded and bustling street, and it was difficult for people around them to pay attention to them.

Yi Shuyuan looked at Gongsun Yin's current state. It was obvious that his cultivation level had dropped significantly, and the fairy spirit energy in his body was more than 60-70% weaker than what he saw outside Xingluo Huitianmen last time.

"It seems that fellow Taoist Gongsun has almost mastered the method of the same mind and aperture?"

"As my husband said, we have reached that point and we need to find someone with the same fate!"

Jiang Lang frowned slightly, not knowing what the two of them were talking about, but he was not in a hurry. He would always know anyway, while Hui Mian couldn't help but express surprise.

"No way. Could it be that the person you are looking for is Yang Bencai?"

Upon hearing this, Yi Shuyuan grinned, and Gongsun Yin even laughed out loud.

"Hahahahahaha. Fellow Daoist Gray, what you said is wrong. How could it be that Yang Bencai? He, I am just here to settle a fate on behalf of Fellow Daoist Zheng."

"Mr. Yi, King Jiang Dragon, if you have some free time, how about you come with me for a walk? Let's talk while walking!"

Yi Shuyuan nodded, and Jiang Lang was convinced.

"Okay!" "That's exactly what I meant!"


Gongsun Yin stepped aside, and then took steps together with Yi Shuyuan and Jiang Lang. As soon as the three of them walked, they seemed to have merged into the bustling street and the lively flow of people.

"Actually, when it comes to Yang Bencai, he doesn't always take the imperial examination. He has participated in the imperial examination four times in total over the years. These fellow Daoists Zheng are all aware of it."

What Gongsun Yin is talking about is about Yang Bencai. It can only be said that although he has some perseverance, he does not put in the full effort, or is unable to put in the full effort. He has tried hard, but in the end he has failed to achieve a high level or a low level. .

But in summary, although Yang Bencai's past years have not been smooth sailing, they have definitely not been full of twists and turns. His life has been pretty good, but he can't forget those years.

"Most ordinary people are like this, so those who can do what ordinary people cannot do are even more valuable."

Jiang Lang said this, and Hui Mian asked further.

"Then what did you and Yang Bencai say?"

Gongsun Yin smiled.

"Of course I stopped thinking about it. I told him that I was Zheng Ying's son. Before my mother died, she heard from a fortune teller that she needed to settle a past incident. After I observed my filial piety, I came here after being advised by the fortune teller. "

"Good guy, just say hell!"

The few people walked very fast, and they were already outside the palace city while they were talking. Their footsteps were lifted by the wind, and they entered the Dayong Palace on the breeze.

After passing the magnificent palace, Yi Shuyuan remembered that it was also his first time to visit the Dayong Palace.

In the royal study room, after finishing his official duties, Dang Tianzi relaxed on his chair for a moment, then he sat up straight and reached to the corner of the table, opening a box, which contained a beautifully framed scroll.

The emperor placed the scroll in front of him and slowly opened it, and the words on it were revealed in front of his eyes. It was "Difficult to Travel" that Yi Shuyuan had given to Yong Mingzong.

He had been in power for only twenty years, and the emperor's hair was already gray and his temples were frosty, and he felt the fatigue of being an emperor.

Thinking back to my father back then, I heard that he had been involved in politics since he was a prince. Starting at the age of sixteen, he ascended the throne after nearly ten years of hard work and worked diligently for another thirty years.

Today it is difficult to imagine whether I can persist for more than twenty years, but at least now, the Chengxing era has continued into the Hongxing era. Even if I return to the underworld, I can still hold my head high in front of my father and ancestors.

This word was passed down to the emperor together with Mingzong's edict, and it was also something that the emperor loved very much. He often used his father's will and this word to encourage himself.

The older he gets, the more the emperor loves this word.

Just then, a eunuch came in.

"Your Majesty, Manager Zhang feels that he is old and physically and mentally unable to carry on. Please resign and return home. Although I am the general manager, I feel that I should inform Your Majesty about Manager Zhang's affairs and please make your decision!"

The emperor's gaze shifted from the sticker to the eunuch in front of him.

"Zhang Liangxi? He has been in the palace since he was a child. He has neither an ancestral home nor an ancestral property when he returns home, and he has no children to recognize. He might as well retire in the palace."

The eunuch looked up at the emperor, hesitated, and then spoke.

"Your Majesty, Guanshi Zhang said that he does not want to die in the palace."

The emperor was stunned for a moment, and then sighed after a long time.

"Forget it, let's be sure! According to my oral instructions, I will give you a thousand taels of gold, a hundred pieces of silk, a carriage and accompanying equipment for returning home, of the same third grade!"


When the eunuch agreed, he couldn't help but feel a little excited. As a eunuch, it was unimaginable for him to receive such standard treatment!

Deep in the palace, in a small courtyard, Zhang Liangxi was sitting on a wicker chair basking in the sun.

Although he is eighty-six years old, Zhang Liangxi does not look senile just by his appearance. He seems to be just an ordinary old eunuch.

In fact, Zhang Liangxi had already thought of leaving. He just followed the late emperor's last wish to protect the emperor of the day. Even if he was soon excluded from the emperor's side, he still tried his best to abide by this rule.

It's just that the emperor's wings have long been full, and Zhang Liangxi himself has long since lost his energy and can finally retire.

At this time, a gust of breeze blew, which made Zhang Liangxi feel extremely comfortable. He felt much more relaxed now. He knew that the current manager would go back and report to the emperor, and he also knew that the emperor would be accurate.

Yi Shuyuan, Gongsun Yin and Jiang Lang had arrived at this moment, and what they saw was the old eunuch with his eyes slightly closed.

"Mr. Yi, this is him!"

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