Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 533 What a heavenly master!

After a short silence, Hu Kuangming added another sentence.

"Maybe, maybe it's just the same name."

Same name and surname? Are they both warlocks or Taoists?

Tan Yuanshang thought this in his mind, and felt that this could not be such a coincidence, and he also had an extremely strong intuition in his heart at this moment.

There was more than one person who thought like Tan Yuanchang, and the Zhike Taoist's heart was beating violently, even though the viewer said that this old Mr. Qi should be a senior of the Taoist sect.

During this time, the temple owner was very respectful to the old man, and from time to time he would take some of the Taoist treasures to the guest house where the old man lived. The Taoist priests in the temple would also call him "senior" when they saw him.

Everyone basically knows that Mr. Qi must be a capable person. Not to mention what magic he knows, he is at least knowledgeable in the Taoist sect, but they don't expect to be such an outstanding person!

"Taoist Master, Mr. Qi, is he in the temple now?"

Tan Yuanshang's words made Zhike Taoist awaken from a dream and he quickly answered.

"Yes, he is here. He would often go out during the day, but he did not leave today. The temple owner took Daozang there early in the morning to ask the old man for advice!"

Tan Yuanshang's face lit up with joy, and Hu Kuangming and others also looked expectant.

"Can you take Tan there?"

"Okay, okay, oh, I'll take Mr. Tan and you all into the temple, but can I make an announcement first?"

"As it should be!"

"Okay then, please come quickly!"

Taoist Zhike invited Tan Yuanshang and others to visit. They did not go to any place like the Hall of Gods, nor did they come to offer incense. They walked straight towards the guest house at the back.

When they arrived at a similar position, Taoist Zhike apologized and asked Tan Yuanshang and others to wait for a while, while he hurried to report the situation.

The Taoist guest house is a little in front of the Taoist residence, while Qi Zhongbin's residence is relatively the quietest place, and the few rooms next to it are empty.

At this moment, on the flat stone slab outside Qi Zhongbin's house, two people were sitting cross-legged on two futons. One was a Taoist with gray hair, a seven-star crown and a robe. He was the master of Tianxu Temple, Xuanyou Zhenren, while the other was He is an old man with white beard and hair and simple clothes.

There were also many books on the stone floor in front of them, some spread out and some neatly stacked.

The Taoist's face was filled with joy, as if he had just understood what was said in a Taoist canon.

At this time, Taoist Zhike came over in a hurry, but when he came, his eyes couldn't help but drift to Qi Zhongbin.

Looking at it this way, it turns out that this old man is indeed an immortal, he indeed looks like an old immortal, he is indeed in line with the temperament of the old heavenly master, and he is indeed an expert in the world.

"Zhixuan, what are you doing here? Hey, hey, hey!"


Taoist Zhike was so distracted by what he was looking at that he hurriedly stopped. Only then did he realize that he was only one step away from the viewer, and almost bumped into him. The latter subconsciously leaned back.

Taoist Zhike quickly took two steps back, first saluted Qi Zhongbin, and then saluted the master of the temple.

"Master, Mr. Tan Yuanshang is here!"

"Mr. Tan!"

The viewer was shocked, lost his voice, and immediately stood up.

"Senior Qi, Mr. Tan is here and I have to go out to greet him. Alas, I will come back to ask you for advice another day."

"Guanzhu, Guanzhu!"


Seeing the confused look in the viewer's eyes, Taoist Zhike quickly added.

"Tan Gong said that he came to see Senior Qi."

"Want to meet Senior Qi?"

Master Xuanyou looked at Qi Zhongbin, who had a book on his knees. He looked up at Taoist Zhike and smiled.

"Invite them in!"


Taoist Zhike bowed and promised, but for a moment he forgot to ask the master of the temple, as if this senior Qi was the one in charge here, and then hurriedly left.

The Taoist walked in a hurry and quickly returned to where Tan Yuanshang and others were, with a happy look on his face.

"Senior Qi invites you, Mr. Tan, and a few others, please come with me!"

"Oh, thank you!"

When Taoist Zhike brought Tan Yuanchang and others back to the guesthouse, Master Xuanyou had already sat back on the futon. When he saw Tan Yuanchang coming, he quickly stood up and saluted.

"Mr. Tan's visit to Tianxu Temple today really makes the little temple shine!"

Tan Yuanchang returned the gift with his hand.

"Master Xuanyou is so polite."

After saying that, everyone's eyes also fell on Qi Zhongbin. This old man with white hair and beard was still sitting on the futon, just looking at the visitor calmly.

At this moment, Hu Kuangming's lips were trembling slightly, and his whole person was extremely excited from the inside out. Among the people present, he was the only one who had actually seen the old Heavenly Master.

Now that I saw Qi Zhongbin again, the vague image in my memory immediately became more profound. The image of the Celestial Master who carried the sword decades ago also overlapped with the old man at this moment.

"Old Heavenly Master! It's really you! Hu Kuangming pays homage to Heavenly Master!"

Hu Kuangming took a few steps forward excitedly and bowed down to give a long salute. At this moment, he felt like he had returned to those prosperous years, filled with infinite excitement and emotion.

Qi Zhongbin didn't hide anything at this time, just smiled and nodded, stood up from the futon with the book and helped Hu Kuangming up.

"Doctor Hu, there is no need to be polite. I am very happy to see you!"

It’s really the Heavenly Master!

The hearts of Tan Yuanshang and many people present were beating wildly, but Master Xuanyou was the only one who was kept in the dark, but he could react just by hearing this and looked at the old man next to him in shock.

"Tan Yuanshang pays homage to the Heavenly Master. Thank you very much for the rescue last night!" "I'll pay my respects to the Heavenly Master later!"

Tan Yuanshang and his entourage bowed to the president one after another, and it was impossible not to be excited in their hearts.

This is not just as simple as Renrui!

"You don't have to be polite, Qi is just an old man who has lived longer!"

Tan Yuanshang stood up with a somewhat excited expression, looked at the old Heavenly Master in front of him, many thoughts flashed through his mind, and finally he sighed.

"If it hadn't been for what the demon monk revealed last night, we would have almost missed the Heavenly Master! Thanks to the presence of the Heavenly Master, we were able to subjugate the demon monk. Otherwise, Mr. Hu would have been in danger, and our Tan Mansion would have been in danger!"

Hu Kuangming couldn't help but salute again.

"Thank you Heavenly Master for your spell to save me, otherwise I would have been harmed by that ghost!"

Qi Zhongbin put the book in his hand aside, helped Hu Kuangming up again, smiled and shook his head.

"Although I was the one who subdued the demonic monk, Doctor Hu, it was not me, Qi Zhongbin, who saved you, but Qi himself!"


Hu Kuangming raised his head in surprise, but Qi Zhongbin didn't show any concern.

""Treatise on Strange Epidemics" is a masterpiece that gathered the wisdom of many doctors after the great epidemic prevention and control of that year. As the editor, you deserve the first credit. Since then, countless copies have been printed and spread throughout the world, saving countless lives. The original volume is already It’s a treasure, and no evil spirit can get close to you.”

Qi Zhongbin added another sentence.

"Even if you don't bring "The Theory of Strange Epidemics" with you, with your merits, if such unforeseen evil obstacles want to harm you, you will definitely turn the danger into safety."

Tan Yuanchang immediately understood that the demon monk who couldn't stand the torture last night and said "come to find the treasure" was referring to the original volume of "On Strange Epidemics"!

Several people started talking about the demon monk last night, and the conversation gradually started. Qi Zhongbin and Tan Yuanshang did not catch up with Xuanyou, and just started chatting in front of the guest house.

The demon monk summons ghosts and actually wants to kill the world's famous doctor

Masters of Tan Mansion fight against ghosts

The demon monk encountered the Heavenly Master during a night attack.

What happened last night made Master Xuanyou and the Taoist Zhike who stayed on hear the news in shock. It also made some Taoists and pilgrims who were around unknowingly stunned.

None of these people seemed to be deliberately avoiding the conversation.

Because Qi Zhongbin's words are amiable, he doesn't have any airs, and he doesn't give people any sense of oppression.

So after the initial tension, everyone quickly became familiar with each other and the atmosphere became more relaxed.

Tan Yuanchang had no intention of asking the old Celestial Master to take action to solve the current predicament. He also did not want to involve the old Celestial Master in the overt and covert struggles in the court and the open and covert attacks between the royal family.

Of course, Tan Yuanshang also wanted to ask the Heavenly Master for some protection.

Speaking of the demon monk's words last night, Tan Yuanchang, who had already started the conversation, asked curiously.

"By the way, I heard from the demon monk that the Heavenly Master also subdued a rat demon. It is the kind of real demon that is said to have refined horizontal bones and can speak human words. I wonder if you can let us see it?"

Qi Zhongbin had a strange smile on his face, and he vaguely felt that somewhere in the Tianxu Temple, there was an oppressive clear spirit rising up.

The next moment, a gray light flashed on Qi Zhongbin's shoulder, and Hui Mian had appeared on his shoulder, pointing at him with his claws.

"Look clearly, look clearly, I'm a mink! I'm a mink! Damn the mouse, damn the mouse!"

He waits, wait for me, let him suffer while he is alive, and if he dies, I will personally go to Chengtian Mansion City God, and I will make him suffer all the tortures of Yin and Yang!

Hui Mian was even angrier now than last night. Didn't he already tell him that he was not a mouse, but he still said it was a mouse!

However, the appearance of Hui Mian directly made Tan Yuanshang and others stunned. Some people even had goosebumps all over their scalps. Some Taoists and pilgrims outside even screamed "Wow" and ran away in fright.

People who were very interested just now are a bit like Mr. Ye's love for dragons. However, this is not entirely due to their own reasons. It is also because Hui Mian is really angry at this moment. Under the impact of his own aura, everyone is afraid!

Qi Zhongbin quickly turned his head to comfort Hui Mian.

"Senior Hui, please calm down. There is no need to pay attention to these evil words that hinder Xiaoxiao."

"Don't worry about it, you're so angry!"

After Hui Mian finished speaking, he exhaled, looked at the people around him, shook his head and ran out, disappearing from everyone's sight.

It wasn't until this moment that everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, the excitement in their hearts increased.

It's just that the Heavenly Master seemed to have called the monster "Senior" just now?

But Tan Yuanshang's thoughts were far deeper than everyone else's, thoughts flashed wildly in his mind, and the more he thought about it, the more horrified he felt.

Not just because he saw a real monster, but Tan Yuanshang thought of something. He went to the Yi family in Yuanjiang County before and heard something mentioned by the Yi family:

It is said that Mr. Yi raised a mink, which also has gray-white fur and is very spiritual. It also lives a long, long time.

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