Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 534 The Emperor was surprised

Some things may be coincidences, but some things are unlikely to be coincidences.

For example, the old Celestial Master Qi Zhongbin is indeed not a coincidence with the same name, but the old Celestial Master himself.

As for the gray-haired mink, it is difficult to find a similar one even in the wild mountains, let alone one that was raised by humans. No, this is not raised by humans, because it is a monster in itself!

In this way, many things gradually came to light in Tan Yuanshang's mind, and the interpretation of many things in Tan Yuanshang's mind was gradually subverted.

The Yi eldest son, who has been crazy for many years, has a face that did not seem to look old for quite some time.

Thinking back again, when I and the late emperor were listening to books at home, what Mr. Yi was talking about was "The Fall of the River God". Then I thought back to when the statues of gods in thousands of miles of temples all collapsed.

Is that really just a section of a book compiled by Mr. Yi?

Is there a possibility that the immortal in the book on the Kaiyang River decades ago was actually Mr. Yi?

When the river god did something evil, the immortal became angry and the heaven came to take it away. The heads fell to the ground on the demon-slaying platform.

When he first saw the monster, Tan Yuanchang was frightened by the monster in his heart, but his physical reaction was not that great. The more he thought about it, the clearer he became, and goosebumps appeared on his body.

Others didn't know that Tan Yuanchang had so many thoughts running through his mind in a short period of time. They just thought that he was shocked that there was a real monster and remained silent with a look of shock on his face.

Master Xuanyou came to his senses. Although he hesitated a little, he still spoke with surprise.

"Old Heavenly Master, did you just call that monster, uh, senior Lingmao?"

This sentence drew everyone's attention back again, and also brought Tan Yuanshang's mind to reality, because he also cared about this issue very much.

Qi Zhongbin smiled and explained.

"Senior Hui is not an ordinary monster. He was originally a demon cultivator with great magic power. He practiced with Master Qi many years ago. He gave up his cultivation and started practicing again. He followed an upright path. He is also Qi's senior teacher, so he is respectfully called Senior Hui. !”


When Tan Yuanchang suppressed everything on his mind, he took a few deep breaths, his expression gradually returned to normal, and he started talking like others again.

They talked about many things, including Qi Zhongbin's being granted the title of Heavenly Master in his prime, his past difficulties, the disaster in Lingdong, and his travels around the world in these years. Naturally, they also talked about the demon monk this time.

Of course, the topic of the demon monk is limited to the demon monk. Tan Yuanshang has no in-depth meaning and will not ask Qi Zhongbin anything.

In fact, at this moment, Tan Yuanshang has already understood that this is mostly a matter of the royal family. In fact, he doesn't have to do too much. It's not that he can't do it, but he doesn't want to overstep his authority.

Because Tan Yuanshang is not just a businessman, he also understands the court, the royal family, and more importantly, the emperor. The younger generation he cares about most among the royal family is also the younger generation he has watched grow up.

Tan Yuanshang and his entourage came in the early morning, but they had lunch at Tianxu Temple and stayed until the afternoon, and finally had to leave.

When everyone was about to salute and say goodbye, Tan Yuanshang suddenly looked at Qi Zhongbin and said.

"Master Tian did not avoid others when chatting with us today. Would you mind if Tan disclosed your existence to the Emperor?"

Qi Zhongbin smiled and shook his head. Since he didn't hide or hide, he naturally didn't cover up either.


In a palace in Chengtian Mansion, the people inside were as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

The prince dressed as a Confucian scholar no longer looked polite at all. He was gnashing his teeth and pacing back and forth in the study, with several people standing next to him.

"Where's the person? Where's the person? How come a living person has disappeared? Did he miss it? Dead? Caught? You should talk! You, tell me, come up with the idea!"

The steward of the palace said bravely.

"I heard that there was a lot of movement in the Tan Mansion last night. The mage should have taken action, but then there was no movement. I don't know what the situation was. The mage has a strong magic power and there is no defense in the Tan Mansion. It should, shouldn't happen."

"What about that person? Wasn't there anyone watching last night?"

The palace steward said quickly.

"Your Highness, many masters of the Tan family are highly vigilant. Our people do not dare to get too close. If they find out something is going on and the other party chases them out immediately, they may be captured alive. Even if something happens to the mage, he has some extraordinary escape techniques and Buddhist magical powers."

The prince took a deep breath, but he still couldn't suppress his dissatisfaction.

"Can't we find out whether Hu Kuangming is dead?"

One of his subordinates answered.

"Back to Your Highness, after last night, Tan Yuanshang has increased his precautions. Our people don't dare to get too close at all, let alone go to Tan Mansion to check. But even if he is not dead, he will definitely not feel comfortable. He may be half dead."

The prince perked up and asked immediately.

"Oh? How do you say this?"

Only then did the man tell the reason.

"Today there were many carriages going out of the Tan Mansion, and each one seemed to be accompanied by many escorts. This was a ploy to suspect Hu Kuangming. Hu Kuangming must be in extremely bad condition and needs to be moved to a safe place. Or it could be a simple illusion that makes us think that Hu Kuangming was transferred, but in either case"

Before the man finished speaking, the prince continued talking on his own.

"No matter what the situation is, it means that something happened to an important person in Tan Mansion last night, and it is most likely Hu Kuangming!"

"What your Highness said is true!"

It was also at this moment that someone suddenly ran in from outside. Before the person entered the study, a muffled voice came in.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, Tan Yuanshang has entered the palace!"

The prince looked at the people who came in and nodded slightly. They had already expected that Tan Yuanchang would enter the palace. If something happened to Hu Kuangming, it would be hard for the emperor to explain to Tan Yuanchang that he would definitely enter the palace.

"The biggest question now is where did the mage go?"

He still had to calm down. The people present had seen the mage's methods before, but they were still reluctant to believe that he would miss, let alone be captured. There were no traces of a fight in the courtyard room. He must have left by himself.


In the palace, Tan Yuanshang hurried to the royal study room, waited for a while, and then followed the eunuch to meet the saint again.

"Tan Yuanshang pays homage to His Majesty!"

"No gift!"

The emperor raised his head and glanced at Tan Yuanshang, still reviewing the memorial.

"I heard that there was a lot of commotion in the Tan Mansion last night, but what happened?"

Sure enough, His Majesty already knew, but His Majesty did not know everything, Tan Yuanchang nodded.

"Back to Your Majesty, last night a foreign demon monk cast a spell to kill Mr. Hu."

The emperor paused slightly while flipping through the memorials, then slowly raised his head.

"Is there something wrong with Hu Kuangming?"

"Your Majesty, Mr. Hu has saved countless people in his life. He is a man of great merit. Naturally, it is auspicious and auspicious. When our Tan Mansion was in a hurry, an expert came to the rescue and even captured the demon monk who cast the spell!"

The emperor frowned and looked at Tan Yuanshang, but the latter immediately said.

"But I didn't push the demon monk too much, and I didn't mean to get to know more deeply. I just learned from him who helped me in the Tan Mansion. As for the demon monk, I have reported the case to the Chengtian Mansion Office, and Mr. Fu Yin has already Send someone to take him away."

Tan Yuanshang would leave this case to the emperor himself, and he would leave it at that.

The emperor wanted to ask if you really didn't ask anything, but when he saw Tan Yuanshang's clear eyes, he couldn't ask.

"Oh, just hope everything is fine!"

Tan Yuanshang actually smiled at this moment.

"Your Majesty, does he know who the expert was who helped last night?"

The emperor looked puzzled. Could it be that Tan Yuanshang had already found him?

"who is it?"

Tan Yuanshang's smile did not change. He knew that the emperor was in a bad mood during this period, so he took this opportunity to relieve his mood.

"Please let Tan show off."

Tan Yuanchang paused before continuing.

"Your Majesty, during the time I left the capital, a nursery rhyme began to be composed in the city. I wonder if your Majesty has heard it?"

"Oh? What nursery rhyme?"

The chief eunuch on the side glanced at the emperor, and his majesty actually knew it a long time ago.

Tan Yuanshang pretended that the emperor didn't know, and recited it very calmly. Not only did he memorize the nursery rhyme, he even learned the melody, and now he sang it.

"The Tan Mansion is better than the Prince's Mansion, gold and silver are rare, and there is no storage in it. With ten Chengtian Mansions, you can enjoy delicacies every day, and have endless fun."

The emperor looked at Tan Yuanshang at this moment, but saw that there was nothing unusual on his face. He seemed to be talking about an unrelated person. The children's songs were also full of charm, perhaps even better than those of the children.

After singing, Tan Yuanshang still had a smile on his face.

"I have to say that this song is really well arranged, and it's catchy when sung! But I didn't know about it when I came back."

"I took Mr. Hu to see the first stone monument in Chengxing to appreciate the great power of our country. On the way, I met an old man who was singing this song, and Tan knew about it!"

A smile appeared on the emperor's face.

"Then the old man is the master who took action last night?"

Tan Yuanshang cupped his hands.

"Your Majesty, you are wise! And this person is my Dayong Heavenly Master, Qi Zhongbin!"

"Master Dayong?"

The emperor was slightly stunned, and the eunuch chief on the side also looked surprised and spoke first.

"Mr. Tan, your Majesty has never canonized any Dayong Celestial Master. The late emperor was quite disgusted with such things. Your Majesty has always been filial, and your Majesty does not care much about such things."

This is what the emperor wanted to say, and Tan Yuanshang nodded and smiled.

"What the father-in-law said is true! Let alone your majesty, the late emperor has never canonized him, but can your majesty remember that during the great disaster in Lingdong, a heavenly master also appeared at that time?"

The emperor fell into memories. At that time, he was still a carefree age and had no thoughts of competing for the throne with his brothers. In fact, although the impression on Lingdong was profound, it was not detailed.

Tan Yuanchang also saw the emperor thinking and said immediately.

"This dynasty has been canonized as a Celestial Master, but it was Emperor Lingzong. He had more than one conferred upon him at the beginning, and this Qi Zhongbin, Qi Lao Celestial Master, was one of them, and he also appeared during the great disaster in Lingdong. Heavenly Master!"

Emperor Lingzong, grandpa?

The emperor looked shocked.

"That's how many years have passed."

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