Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 536: The people are talking about it, and the whole court is shocked!

Later that day, in Tianxu Temple in the capital, a eunuch and his guards arrived from the palace.

The Taoist at the gate of Tianxu Temple perked up when he saw the visitor from the palace, and then hurriedly took the eunuch to the guest house where Qi Zhongbin was staying.

It was approaching evening, and the number of pilgrims in Tianxu Temple had greatly reduced, and the attire of the father-in-law in the palace was particularly obvious. The few pilgrims and Taoists in the temple were all shocked when they saw it. Some people who knew that the Heavenly Master was in the temple had a general understanding. Condition.

Some Taoists went to inform the master of the temple, Master Xuanyou, while others followed him from a distance.

"Father, please, the guest house in front is the residence of the Heavenly Master."

When the Taoist Zhike arrived outside the guest house, he paused and then extended his hand to invite her. The father-in-law in the palace nodded quickly.

"Okay! I'm done!"

After saying that, the eunuch and the Taoist entered the guest house together, and Qi Zhongbin was sitting cross-legged outside the door with his eyes slightly closed as if he was meditating quietly.

The eunuch really saw this immortal master, and felt somewhat excited and nervous. He couldn't help but look at Zhike Taoist, and whispered at the same time.

"Taoist Master, Heavenly Master, is he meditating? Will the Zajia disturb him or offend him?"

Are you kidding? This is the Dayong Heavenly Master who was conferred during the reign of Emperor Lingzong. He is at least a hundred and ten years old, and may even be over a hundred and twenty years old.

He is simply a living immortal figure. Even the eunuch who delivers orders in the palace usually has a high eye, but he still has to be cautious in front of this one.

Nazhi Ke Taoist smiled and thought that the father-in-law was careful, but he still felt relieved.

"My father-in-law, you don't have to worry. The Heavenly Master is just closing his eyes and recuperating. Not long before you came, the Heavenly Master told me that the father-in-law who delivered the decree from the palace was coming soon and asked me to greet him at the gate."

Only then did the old eunuch understand, and he approached the guest house step by step with a little excitement in his heart.

Sure enough, when the old eunuch came close, Qi Zhongbin, who had his eyes closed, slowly opened his eyes and nodded towards the old eunuch and Taoist Zhike.

Maybe it was a psychological effect, maybe it was true. Anyway, the closer the group of people coming out of the palace looked, the more they felt that the old man in front of them had an air of immortality and an air of immortality.

However, although he was in awe, it was his duty. The old eunuch represented the emperor at this moment, and he also raised the imperial edict in his hand.

"Qi Zhongbin accepts the order~~"

Qi Zhongbin also stood up from his seat at this moment.

In fact, sending an imperial edict directly may offend the Heavenly Master, and it seems to be a sign of imperial power oppressing people. However, issuing an imperial edict also represents solemnity, and it is just a matter of making some fuss about its content.

"I Shaoying Junming: I heard that the old Heavenly Master Qi Zhongbin is in Tianxu Temple today, so I came here to invite you."

The tone of the imperial edict was not strong. The main idea was that the emperor would like to invite the Heavenly Master to the court for a meeting the day after tomorrow.

When the eunuch said "I appreciate this!", Qi Zhongbin also raised his hands and saluted.

"Qi Zhongbin accepts the order!"

After saying that, Qi Zhongbin took two steps forward and reached out to take the imperial edict. The old eunuch also breathed a sigh of relief at this moment. If the old master didn't accept it, he wouldn't know how to explain it when he went back.

"Old Heavenly Master, when the Zajia family heard about you, they were filled with surprise and admiration. You are a living god in this world!"

Hui Mian was on the roof of the guest house at the moment. Hearing the old eunuch's words, the message reached Qi Zhongbin's ears and laughed.

"Hahaha, this old eunuch is right!"

Qi Zhongbin smiled, not sure whether he was laughing at Hui Mian's words or the old eunuch, but his smile also made several people in the palace feel like spring breeze.

"I'm just crazy about how old I am, my father-in-law doesn't have to be like that."

The old eunuch hesitated for a moment, then approached Qi Zhongbin and said carefully.

"Well, before I came here, the Holy One mentioned it and said that if there was a chance, I would ask this old slave to see the old master's gold medal. I wonder if the old master can take it with him?"

Qi Zhongbin's smile did not change and he took something out of his sleeve and handed it to the old eunuch.

The old eunuch hurriedly reached out and took it. The thing sank as soon as he took it. It was a gold medal half the size of a palm. Judging from the weight, it should be made of gold-plated copper.

On the front of the gold medal are the four characters "Dayong Tianshi".

At the same time, the patterns and engravings on the gold medal are very clear, and there are also traces of time.

Turning over the back again, there were some sources written on it, and the old eunuch couldn't help but murmured and read them out.

"Given by the emperor, he enforces this order and orders the laws of the world. In the ninth year of Kangding, Dayong Sitian supervised the production!"

Every word seemed to have its own weight. The old eunuch felt that the gold medal in his hand became extremely heavy. This actually represented a relatively chaotic history in Dayong. "Evildoers" were rampant inside and outside the court, and the real evil spirits were evil. It seems quite a few.

"Father-in-law, please take this gold medal back."

Qi Zhongbin said this with a smile. The old eunuch looked surprised, but he was happy in his heart.

"Can you bring it to the emperor to see?"

Qi Zhongbin nodded.

"Take it back!"

This time the old eunuch's face showed joy.

"Thank you, Heavenly Master, for your understanding. I will definitely return it later!"

Qi Zhongbin said calmly without answering or nodding.

"If my father-in-law is fine, Qi needs to meditate."

"Oh, I won't disturb Heavenly Master now, the Za family has resigned!"

The old eunuch and the attendants behind him bowed. Qi Zhongbin also bowed in return, and then watched the group leave.

At this moment, Hui Mian "slid" from the roof to Qi Zhongbin's shoulder, watching the eunuch leave.


In the palace, the old eunuch happily returned to the royal study to resume his duties. The emperor was surprised when he heard this.

"He asked you to bring the gold medal back? Where is it?"

With a smile, the old eunuch took out the gold medal and handed it to the emperor with both hands.

"Your Majesty, this is the gold medal of Master Tian. I have already looked at it carefully. It should be from the palace. Please take a look at it."

The head eunuch on the side had a serious look on his face, but it was not because the old eunuch had stolen his limelight.

The emperor didn't say anything else, but looked at the gold medal carefully, turned it over and looked at it carefully, and then looked up at the old eunuch.

"What did the Heavenly Master say when he gave you the gold medal?"

"Oh, he said, please let me bring this gold medal back. The old slave said that the emperor will definitely return it after seeing it."

The emperor immediately asked.

"What did he say?"

The old eunuch was slightly startled.

"Here, Heavenly Master didn't say anything."

The emperor frowned and held the gold medal in silence for a long time. The old eunuch also realized something was wrong and became extremely nervous but didn't know why.

The chief eunuch on the side couldn't help but shook his head and whispered.

"You shouldn't have brought back Master Tian's gold medal."


The emperor sighed.

"It's not your fault, let's go down."

The old eunuch was a little uneasy, but he could only bow and leave. After he left, the emperor looked at the chief eunuch aside, who was moved in his heart and said hurriedly.

"Your Majesty, why not make another gold medal?"

There was no need to speak too clearly, the emperor's eyes lit up.

"Immediately order someone to cast the gold medal. It needs to be made of pure gold. Just follow this shape. It must be done quickly. It must be made before dawn!"

"Yes, old slave, let's do it now!"

The chief eunuch took the gold medal from the emperor and left in a hurry.

In fact, it only needs to be made into a gold medal before the meeting the day after tomorrow, but the sooner the better.


By the second day, news in Chengtianfu City had begun to spread among the people inadvertently, and some officials had also heard about it.

When Tan Yuanshang went to Tianxu Temple, Qi Zhongbin had no intention of avoiding others, so there were actually some Taoists and even pilgrims who heard some words.

Including Hui Mian scared many people when he showed up.

It's okay for Taoists, but after those pilgrims leave Tianxu Temple, they will inevitably tell their families and brag to their friends.

In this way, the news that there was an old heavenly master in Tianxu Temple spread like wildfire. As more people knew about it, the news spread faster.

Although it has only been more than a day, after a few meals, many people have already heard about it. Of course, the information has also been leaked a little, mainly because the description of the Heavenly Master is more exaggerated than those who have heard it in person.

But in fact, this exaggerated description is still not as real as it is.

Some people in the East Palace also received the news, but they didn't know whether it was true or not.

In the several palaces outside, some were shocked, some were excited, and some were curious.

The prince who likes to dress up like a Confucian scholar, there are many people from his group in a hall at this time, and the officials present are not of important positions.

The servant described the rumors he heard on the street outside.

"It is said that the old Heavenly Master lives in Tianxu Temple and is over a hundred years old. Tan Yuanshang appeared in Tianxu Temple early yesterday morning!"

Everyone present had uncertain expressions, and some couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"Humph, it's just a joke!" "What if it's true?"

"Really? I heard this news before I came here, and I personally checked it in the Si Tianjian archives. It was true that during the Lingzong period, Heavenly Masters were canonized, but the Emperor Lingzong liked these things about gods and ghosts. They are all sorcerers and even liars."

As he said this, the man snorted again.

"Hmph, in the ninth year of Kangding, the youngest Celestial Master was thirty-nine years old, the oldest one was sixty-seven years old, and the one named Qi was supposed to be forty-three years old. Doesn't it add up to more than one hundred and twenty years old? Already?"

As he said this, the man also sneered and made a conclusion.

"A person who is one hundred and twenty years old is enough to be recorded in the annals of history, but I have only heard about it in the stories of legends of monsters. I am familiar with history books, but I have never seen any real records of such a life span. If that person is really Heavenly Master, that is simply a living god!"

After hearing this, many people present felt certain, and the prince felt a little more relaxed.

This news is indeed a bit ridiculous. It can only be that Tan Yuanshang is playing tricks and deliberately revealed that he took Hu Kuangming to Tianxu Temple with him. The more he behaves like this, the more panic the Tan family caused by the spell that night!

"But where did the master go?"

The Chengtian Mansion Yamen secretly detained the demon monk, under the personal supervision of the chief catcher Xiao Yuzhi. Not to mention any information leaked out, even the many arrests in the Chengtian Mansion Yamen knew about it, and only a few people in the Criminal Department knew about it.


Another day, before dawn, many officials from the capital hurried towards the palace.

Today is the Great Court Meeting, which is held once in each season. Officials from all ministries in the capital who are qualified to attend court need to be present, and the princes and nobles are no exception.

Moreover, the Golden Palace alone cannot accommodate so many people, and there will also be many officials outside the Golden Palace.

At dawn, officials from the capital had gathered inside and outside the Golden Palace. When the morning light completely illuminated the earth, the chief eunuch raised his inner strength, and his loud voice resounded throughout the Golden Palace.

"The Emperor has arrived——"

All civil and military officials in the court stood in awe, and Emperor Dayong also walked towards the dragon throne step by step.

Then the emperor said the first words after sitting down, which was not to discuss any important court affairs.

"Master Xuantian Qi Zhongbin comes to see you!"

The chief eunuch shouted again.

"Xuan——Celestial Master Qi Zhongbin comes to see——"

Outside the Golden Palace, someone also spread the sound.

"Xuan——Celestial Master Qi Zhongbin comes to see——"

The sound spread far away, and someone else repeated it loudly on the edge of the court.

"Xuan——Celestial Master Qi Zhongbin comes to see——"

The sound spread until it fell into Qi Zhongbin's ears.

Both inside and outside the Golden Palace, those who had heard about it in the past two days or those who knew nothing about it, looked surprised at this moment, looking at the familiar people around them, and some couldn't help but whisper.

Among the many princes, some looked slightly confused and felt a strong sense of fear.


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