Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 537: Re-conferred as Heavenly Master

As Qi Zhongbin walked step by step from outside, many officials and imperial troops outside the Golden Palace were the first to see an old man walking step by step under the leadership of the eunuch.

The person who came here had a fairy-like appearance, his beard and hair were all white, and his simple clothes looked even more dusty when everyone was wearing fresh clothes and many were wearing armor.

As Qi Zhongbin walked by, many officials looked at him, and the imperial army, guards, and eunuchs also looked sideways.

Everyone is confused, everyone is shocked, and many people are inevitably excited.

Even those who have doubts have to admit that at first glance, the person who comes here does have a noble demeanor.

However, Qi Zhongbin, who was the center of attention, did not show any nervousness on his face. He walked step by step, and what he saw in his eyes was a rather luxurious lineup, surrounded by bright official aura.

With a smile on his face and stroking his beard from time to time, Qi Zhongbin occasionally took a second look at some outfield officials. It must be that his popularity is slightly different from ordinary people.

"Master Heaven, please!"


The eunuch who led the way asked Qi Zhongbin to go up the steps with a smile. The latter raised his head and looked at the golden palace above. Oh, he was surrounded by bright light and purple energy.

Inside and outside the Golden Palace of this Autumn Great Court Meeting, there is an all-star lineup from Dayong's prosperous era, which can be said to be the best in the world today.

Climbing up the stairs, the figure of the old Heavenly Master gradually appeared outside the Golden Palace. The court officials and emperors who were qualified to be inside the Golden Palace also looked over.

To be honest, even some transformed monsters with advanced cultivation might feel great pressure at this moment, and might even turn around and run away. However, Qi Zhongbin remained calm as he walked into the golden palace step by step.

In addition to the fact that Qi Zhongbin's cultivation is now different from what it used to be, and he has obtained the true transmission of immortality, after all, he has also truly obtained the Dayong Celestial Master who was canonized by Emperor Dayong!

Qi Zhongbin walked into the hall. Except for the emperor who was still sitting on the dragon throne in the distance, some people were already slightly agitated.

Chu Hang, who now looks old, is the emperor's master and minister Zuopushe. Over the years, there have been few moments when he could not control his emotions, but at this time, his eyes were slightly moist.

Not only was Chu Hang excited because of seeing the Heavenly Master, but also because he remembered the prosperous years of those years and the unity of the people during the Lingdong period.

Many officials next to Chu Hang were also looking at Lao Tianshi, but many officials also noticed his changes.

"Lord Xiangguo, what's wrong with you?" "Lord Xiangguo?"

"It's okay. I'm a little excited to see that Heavenly Master is fine."

These words made the officer next to him feel excited.

But at this time, Qi Zhongbin had also reached the center of the hall and bowed his hands to the emperor above.

"Qi Zhongbin, I have met His Majesty!"

The emperor had actually noticed the changes in Chu Hang. At this moment, he couldn't help but stand up from the dragon chair and stretched his hand up.

"Master Tian, ​​there is no need to be so polite! Dayong is blessed to have you always here!"

As he spoke, the emperor looked at Chu Hang, the leader of the officials.

"Xiangguo Chu, you and the Heavenly Master had a relationship in Lingdong back then. Do you have anything to say now?"

When Chu Hang heard this, he was excited and could understand some of the emperor's intentions. He stepped out from the crowd and bowed to the old Heavenly Master a few steps away.

"Master Qi, do you still remember me? It has been almost forty years since we said goodbye to Lingdong. I never thought that I, Chu Hang, would still be able to see you again!"

Over the years, Chu Hangguan has become bigger and bigger, and his status has become higher and higher. It is not an exaggeration to say that one person is inferior to ten thousand people.

But for many years, Chu Hang has never seen Mr. Yi again, he has never seen the old Heavenly Master again, and he has never encountered anything mysterious again.

Sometimes, Chu Hang would feel that all this seemed to have become a dream in his early years.

When he saw the Heavenly Master again today, Chu Hang couldn't help but be excited, and his eyes couldn't help but turn red when he saluted and stood up.

Qi Zhongbin was also slightly moved. This Prime Minister was not only an old friend of himself and his master, but his character and official character were also irresistible!

"Qi has met the Prime Minister of Chu. He hasn't seen him for many years. Is the Prime Minister okay?"

"Okay, Chu is doing very well, thank you Heavenly Master for taking care of me!"

The emperor also spoke with emotion at this moment.

"Old Heavenly Master cares deeply about the country of Dayong. He is still subduing demons and monsters for Dayong at the age of 120. He is truly the pillar of the country and a blessing to all people!"

As he spoke, the emperor looked at the ministers in the Golden Palace. When everyone was shocked by the words "one hundred and twenty years old", he continued to speak.

"My dear friends, you may not be aware of it, and some of you may have heard about it."

As he spoke, the emperor paused and smiled slightly.

"A few days ago, a foreign demon wanted to commit murder in Chengtian Mansion, but he didn't know that our old Heavenly Master was in the city, and he ended up destroying himself! Thank you very much, Old Heavenly Master, for taking action!"

Qi Zhongbin smiled slightly.

"It is my duty to subjugate demons and eliminate demons."

Among the princes, everyone had wonderful expressions, and some of them could hardly stop the panic in their eyes. At this moment, they could only pretend to be calm.

The emperor, who had already stood up, walked down the steps step by step and walked towards Qi Zhongbin step by step.

"What the Heavenly Master said is true, but the demons are rampant and want to murder the miracle doctor of this world. It is really sinister. However, although the magic is evil, people with evil intentions can do so. Sometimes, the human heart is more terrifying than the demons! "

When the emperor said this, although he did not glance at his sons, the many princes over there, from the prince of the East Palace to the princes, all had wonderful expressions, and there was more than one person who was uneasy.

Qi Zhongbin looked up at the emperor, and Hui Mian, who was hidden in his clothes, laughed "hehe" but said nothing.

"Zhongquan, send it here!"

As soon as the emperor gave the order, the chief eunuch on the other side immediately waved to one side, and suddenly a young eunuch hurried over carrying a tray until he reached the emperor's side, which was in front of Qi Zhongbin.

On the tray is a purple robe, a whisk, and a gold medal.

Before the emperor could speak, Qi Zhongbin was not afraid of offending the emperor and spoke first.

"Your Majesty, I am old, and I do not receive generous rewards for my small merits. Moreover, I have returned the Heavenly Master's Order a few days ago, and it is considered a fate in the world. Your Majesty should leave these things to others today."

With that said, Qi Zhongbin bowed to the emperor again.

This made the emperor's heart tighten, and he couldn't help but feel regretful. He took the gold medal on the tray, handed it to Qi Zhongbin, and even used honorifics when speaking.

"Old Heavenly Master, you said to leave it to others, but who has such cultivation, who has such qualifications? You talk about small achievements, but you have conquered demons throughout your life. This was the case during the Lingzong period, and this was the case during the Mingzong period. It was the same in the Xing Dynasty. Relieving disasters, eliminating evil spirits, and rectifying the atmosphere in the world, is this also a small achievement?"

"A few days ago, the foreign demon monk dared to cast evil spells in our capital, Dayong. But if he knew that you, the Heavenly Master, were here, would he still dare?"

The emperor's voice was sincere and he held the gold medal in both hands.

"You said you won't receive a generous salary, but during the Kangding period, you were granted the title of Heavenly Master. When did you receive a salary? You haven't received a salary in the past hundred years. Don't we, the Dayong Dynasty, owe you something?"

As he said this, the emperor actually held the gold medal in his hand and saluted Qi Zhongbin.

"Old Heavenly Master, please accept it. Your Heavenly Master Order was brought back to the palace by my people before. If you don't accept it, wouldn't it be me who caused our court to miss the Heavenly Master? Even if I go back, what face will I have?" Face the ancestors!"

Today, the emperor is also a wise king who governs the world, and even expands the territory, spreading the name of Dayong Shangguo to all parties.

In the minds of ordinary people and even many officials, the emperor may be a saint better than Emperor Mingzong, but in the eyes of practitioners, the purple energy of the emperor is by no means ordinary.

The emperor's gift was respectful and respectful to Qi Zhongbin. It was so heavy that even he could feel the pressure.

Facing the emperor's sincere eyes, Qi Zhongbin couldn't help but sigh. Asking someone to bring back the gold medal was actually just a trick, nothing more.

"That's all. Although I am old, the emperor is wise and accepted the order!"

With that said, Qi Zhongbin reached out and took the gold medal.

"As for the whisk of this robe, forget it!"

A smile appeared on the emperor's face, and he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He waved his hand and dismissed the little eunuch. As long as the master is willing to accept the gold medal!

"I confer Qi Zhongbin with the title of Dayong Xuan Miao Zhen Qing Yu Dharma Slaying Demon Celestial Master, the leader of the upper class, the third grade! I will give you a thousand taels of gold and a Celestial Master Pavilion!"

Hui Mian's laughing voice came out from Qi Zhongbin's clothes.

"Wow, boy Qi, you are rich!"

Qi Zhongbin said helplessly.

"Your Majesty, I accept the gold medal. I cannot accept the rest of the rewards."

The emperor nodded.

"Master, don't worry, you don't need to listen to calls, you don't need to accept orders, and you don't need to bow before the emperor!"

Just having the name of Heavenly Master is enough! Trying to summon someone who is almost a living god is not the right idea.

In response, Qi Zhongbin just nodded slightly.

"Boy Qi, what do you think?"

Hui Mian's voice came, and Qi Zhongbin couldn't help but smile.

"The two generations of emperors Dayong are quite interesting. No wonder Master pays more attention to them. Let's take the position of Heavenly Master!"

"Hahaha, that sounds like a gentleman!"

Seeing that the Heavenly Master had no objections, the emperor felt reassured, but when he thought about what would happen next, his heart became heavy again.

"Master Tian, ​​please look aside and take a look!"

As he spoke, the emperor looked at the ministers who were still whispering in shock because of the Heavenly Master, and then said quietly.

"It is a blessing for this dynasty to have the Heavenly Master, but it is unfortunate to drive demons to do evil to harm people."

Hearing these words, some of the princes over there trembled.

"Lin Xiu!"

"I'm here!"

Yin Linxiu of Chengtian Palace came out of the crowd, and all the officials present suddenly became silent.

The emperor turned sideways and looked at Lin Xiu.

"Has the foreign demon monk ever confessed?"

Lin Xiu is also old, and his beard has turned gray, but his voice is still full of energy at this moment.

"Return to your majesty. We have already recruited him. Please allow me to apprehend the important criminal!"

As he spoke, Lin Xiu deliberately glanced in the direction of the princes.

Recruited? It was indeed a move, but in fact it was not all done. The Tutuo was also extremely tight-lipped and never let go of the last step.

But in fact, just checking some clues can already point to a clear location, and even many related officials and pawns have been identified, but the last one is still very sensitive after all.

However, Lin Xiu's look made some of the princes tremble.

How could the case handled by Chengtian Fuyin not be solved?

The emperor looked at his son who was already shaking his body over there and couldn't help but shook his head.

"Lao Wu, do you have something to say?"

As soon as these words came out, the prince's face turned pale, and his psychological defense completely collapsed. He came out in a hurry and knelt down directly in front of the emperor.

"Father, father, I have been wronged. That Toutuo came from a foreign land and used evil methods to confuse me, causing me to make big mistakes. However, I never dared to have any unfavorable thoughts towards my father. They are all Harmed by a demon"

Extreme fear lingered in his heart, and the prince's body trembled, tears streaming down his face, and he knelt in front of the emperor and kowtowed continuously.


The emperor sighed.

"Take him down and wait for his fate!"

The next moment, the guards stepped forward to hold the prince, who was still being dragged away from the golden palace despite howling.

"Father—Father—I have been wronged—"

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