Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 538 It’s a mink, not a rat

When all the civil and military officials, emperors, relatives and relatives saw this scene, everyone's hearts trembled. Even those who couldn't deal with the prince also sounded the alarm in their hearts.

There was no angry expression on the emperor's face, only a hint of hatred in his calmness.

"Lin Xiu, tell me what crime he committed."


If you escort the person away first and then let Chengtian Fuyin read out the crime, it is basically like a conclusion has been made.

However, many officials were still shocked when they heard Lin Xiu read out the charges.

Lin Xiu took out a copy of the accusation he carried with him, unfolded it and read it out loud in front of all the civil and military officials.

"The fifth prince, Xiang Yuyuan, bribed the imperial physician to poison the emperor's medicine."


Many people looked horrified, and many officials even looked at each other, seeing the disbelief on each other's faces. How dare they poison the emperor's medicine?

"The poison comes from a foreign land. Although its toxicity is slow, it affects the tarsal bones and marrow. It is so vicious that the living miracle doctor Hu Kuangming came to Beijing to stabilize the emperor's condition. However, the evil people are so rampant that they want to get rid of the miracle doctor."

As Lin Xiu read out, many unaware people realized what had happened. Some were scared, while many were angry.

The content of the crime was not only recited inside the Golden Palace, but was also passed to the outside by the guards outside the palace, along with the names and official positions of various comrades.

During the whole process, Lin Xiu read a name, and immediately the Imperial Army came to the ranks of officials to arrest that person. Most of them were in the outer court, but only a few were in the Golden Palace.

Some of these officials were trembling while walking, some could not walk, and were dragged away by the imperial army. Some of them shouted "unjust". Maybe they were really unjust, because some of them only secretly supported the fifth prince, but they also I don’t know that the fifth prince actually dared to plot to kill the emperor, and some of them were just his accomplices.

This is a grave crime of treason!

Lin Xiu listed it one by one, but did not include the fact that the other party wanted to frame the prince in the crime, because what the Chengtian Mansion Office wanted was conclusive evidence, and this was the only evidence that Toutuo could provide. Of course, after the prince himself confessed, there would be another one. Don't worry about it.

But even at this moment, there are still people who can figure out a little bit of this information.

Such a serious crime could easily lead to the beheading of the capital. After Lin Xiu finished reading, the civil and military officials fell silent for a moment.

Qi Zhongbin looked down at his arms. Senior Hui must have been angry after hearing some of the content, right?

When the Imperial Guards arrived, some of the officials had palpitations.

"For the above crimes, please let the Emperor decide!"

Lin Xiu finished reading and waited for the emperor to make a decision. The latter turned around, took a look, and said calmly.

"According to my Dayong laws, the crime must be executed!"

In fact, they can be executed without mercy, plus the three tribes of Yi, but how can the three tribes of the prince be executed? Moreover, as a royal family, he can be given a whole corpse even after death, so he must either be broken into pieces, beheaded in half, or beheaded. Taking into account the emperor's feelings, beheading Minimal pain.

The emperor nodded and looked at the civil and military officials.

"My dear friends, do you have any different opinions?"

After the words fell, no one dared to speak for a long time. Who would speak easily at this time.

The emperor glanced at the various officials in the Golden Palace. Some officials bowed their heads and remained silent, while others remained calm, but in the end no one spoke.

Chu Hang frowned slightly and looked at the prince and the prince of the East Palace over there.

The emperor sighed.

"Then let's do it."

This sentence was said to Lin Xiu, but there was an obvious sense of fatigue in the emperor's words.

"I obey the decree!"

Lin Xiu responded loudly and then retreated to his official queue.

Chu Hang sighed slightly on the side. Although he was old, his eyesight was still as sharp as before. He could clearly see the corners of the Prince of the East Palace's mouth raised slightly, but he quickly restrained himself.

In fact, His Majesty should really hope that the eldest son, the Prince of the East Palace, can stand up at this moment and plead for his brother.

Qi Zhongbin on the side also shook his head slightly.

It's not easy for the emperor's family. It would be fine if he was ruthless, but obviously the emperor still values ​​his children very much.

He is a king again, but he is also a father, and he wants a father to kill his own child.


Hearing the old Heavenly Master sigh, the emperor came back to his senses and looked at Qi Zhongbin with a forced smile.

"It makes the Heavenly Master laugh!"

"Don't dare!"

Then comes the real court meeting, where all parties meet with each other and report. The real government affairs are actually handled in ordinary times. The Four Seasons Meeting is more like a solemn ceremonial occasion. Although business is also held, it is not the main event. .

Qi Zhongbin was also happy to see it. He walked to where Si Tianjian was, because theoretically his official position was below Si Tianjian.

It's just that although Dayong Si Tianjian is a very important place, the prison with a high grade is the fourth grade, and the Heavenly Master Qi Zhongbin is the third grade.

Several Si Tianjian officials, including Jian Zheng, looked at the old Heavenly Master with admiration. He was a living god!

However, Hui Mian almost fell asleep after the tedious and solemn court meeting, urging Qi Zhongbin to leave. However, facing the invitations from the emperor and many ministers, Qi Zhongbin did not have much interest.

So after the court meeting, since the emperor had said that there was no need to listen to the call, Qi Zhongbin took his leave on the grounds that he was old, weak and lacked energy.

Some of the Ouchi guards quietly followed behind, but after leaving the palace, it seemed that the old master had disappeared in a trance.——

When Qi Zhongbin appeared again, he was already deep in the prison of Chengtian Mansion.

When Natuduo Monk was sitting in the cell in a daze, he seemed to be in a trance when he suddenly discovered that there was someone outside the cell door, a man with gray hair and a boyish face and a fairy-like spirit!

"It's you! Senior master, don't kill me, don't kill me."

The Toutuo Monk, who was already covered with bruises, was huddled in the corner of the cell in fear, and his legs were kicking outwards, as if he was trying to squeeze through the corner with his back.

It seemed that compared to the various tortures in Chengtian Mansion Yamen, the kind-faced old man in front of him was even more terrifying, not even on the same level.

The jailers over there heard the movement and came over to check. This was an important crime and there must be no mistakes. When they saw it, the demon monk kept going crazy with fear.

"Why are you making so much noise? If you make any more noise, I'll cut out your tongue!" "Be quiet and don't disturb our rest!"


Several jailors cursed angrily for a while, and then left each other, but two people stayed not far away to check.

The demon monk stared blankly outside, watching the guards come to the door, and then watched them curse and leave, but no one noticed the old man standing there.

"No, no, no, come back, come back, there is someone in front of the door——"

"Is there anyone?"

The jailer in the distance was confused, while the one nearby was not feeling well.

"Ignore him, he's barking nonsense!" "Damn, is this bitch crazy?"

Qi Zhongbin had a smile on his face, shook his head and said.

"It seems that you also know that good and evil are not mutually exclusive, but don't worry, I am not here to find you."

The demon monk was trembling all over. He clearly had an unusual fear rising in his heart at this moment. He pointed at the door of the cell and kept shouting.

"The blindfold is a blindfold. There is someone here! No, no, the blindfold can only blind the eyes. It is impossible to really not see."

Although many jailors felt that the demon monk was going crazy, many people looked outside the cell door, but no one could see him.

And a voice also came from Qi Zhongbin's shoulder, and then Natuduo saw the monster appearing on his shoulder.

"I'm here to find you!"

As soon as Hui Mian appeared, Toutuo suddenly became more frightened. He realized that his fear was not only due to facing the righteous master, but also because of an extremely weird evil spirit that had no good intentions towards him.

"Rat demon, rat demon is here - someone come quickly!"

Hui Mian let out a sigh of relief, and the demonic aura on his body began to rise. In a flash, he appeared inside the prison door.

"Am I a mouse? Damn it, if I hadn't gone to the court meeting, I wouldn't have known that you also said that I was a mouse in your confession file. Hiss-"

A terrifying aura suddenly rose up from Hui Mian's body, and in Toutuo's eyes, it seemed to expand instantly, turning into an extremely terrifying beast.


Toutuo screamed in fear, and a group of jailers came over again, but it was obvious that nothing happened, and they were so angry that they gnashed their teeth.

This sound actually alerted Xiao Yuzhi who was patrolling outside, and he appeared in the prison instantly with extremely fast movement.

"what happened?"

"Master Xiao, this guy is crazy!" "Yes, I just screamed now, and suddenly he went crazy!"

Xiao Yuzhi looked at the crazy and frightened demon monk inside, but unexpectedly the latter suddenly came back to his senses and rushed to the door of the cell.

"I want to change my confession, I want to change my confession - it's a mink, it's a spiritual mink -"

Being called a rat for this kind of thing already made Hui Mian very angry. If it was recorded in the file, it would really be a stain for life.

At least that's what Hui Mian himself thinks, and he cares about it very much. How can an immortal cultivate to be calm and calm, he can't wait to kill him with thunder!

What if my fame spreads to some people? ——

PS: Sorry, I am missing some today, I will make up for it tomorrow.

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