Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 539 Getting old and tired


Xiao Yuzhi looked at the crazy prisoners in the cell and narrowed his eyes slightly. There were so many people pretending to be crazy and acting stupid.

However, whether it is true madness or fake madness, it has no impact, because the case is a foregone conclusion, and the demon monk in prison is no longer that important.

Toutuo in the cell may have clearly seen that Xiao Yuzhi was the person who could take charge of the matter, so he rushed to a place close to him, stretched out his hand from the fence and waved continuously.

"My lord, my lord, I want to change my confession, I want to change my confession - it's a mink, it's a spiritual mink -"

Hui Mian and Qi Zhongbin had already left by now, but the fear in Toutuo's heart could not be erased.

Xiao Yuzhi didn't want to pay attention to this person at all, turned around and left. After walking a few steps, his brows furrowed, his steps slowed down, and he subconsciously glanced back.


When mentioning the mink, Xiao Yuzhi had to think of the one he had seen back then, which was also the mink next to Mr. Yi. What impressed him most was that such a small thing had a huge appetite.

At that time, Shi Sheng and the little mink were cleaning up the mess at the dinner table. Shi Sheng was just growing up. As the saying goes, if you are a poor man, it is normal for you to eat more, but the little mink's belly was like a bottomless pit.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yuzhi shook his head with a dumb smile, and then left quickly. How could it be related?

"Sir, change your confession - it's not a mouse, it's a gray and white ferret -"

There was a flash of wind in the prison, and Xiao Yu appeared in front of Toutuo's cell door in an instant.——

The minor changes in the file did not have a big impact on the entire case, but the case itself or what happened at the court meeting was still very sensational.

Even though it is impossible for most officials to talk about these things casually, after all, it happened during the Great Court Meeting, and the matter still spread like wildfire in Chengtianfu City.

Two more days passed, and in the early morning of the third day, Xiao Yuzhi, who had finished his recent official duties yesterday, was walking quickly through the streets of Chengtian Mansion.

"Did you hear that a big case broke out at the autumn court meeting that day? A prince committed a major crime of treason!" "Huh? Is it true or false?"

"It's absolutely true. It's said that he was poisoned to kill the emperor!" "What?"

"How dare you harm the emperor?" "This is such a bastard!"


"What do you know? This is indeed a big event, but the one the emperor of the great dynasty met with in advance was the Celestial Master of this dynasty!"

"Celestial Master?" "Oh, is it the old Celestial Master who has been rumored so mysteriously recently?"

"Isn't that just nonsense?"

"It's a rumor that my aunt is helping the cook at Master Liu's house. Everyone in the family there knows it. After Master Liu came back, he said that the Emperor Xuanlao had an audience with the Celestial Master and he was re-canonized in front of all the civil and military officials!"

"Yes, I heard about it too! It is said that he was an old Heavenly Master from the time of Emperor Lingzong, at least 120 years old!"

"Oh, isn't this a fairy?"

"Who says it isn't?"

As a person with excellent martial arts skills and a great emphasis on ear practice, there were people chatting on both sides of the street, vendors and customers whispering, and even whispering in some restaurants and restaurants. Even though these people's voices were very low, many of them were under Xiao Yu's control. It is also clearer in the ears.

Sometimes in the investigation of some cases, surprising clues can be obtained from the casual chats of ordinary people.

Obviously, although the prince's rebellion is already a big deal, for the common people, they are more concerned about Master Dayong.

Xiao Yuzhi couldn't help but quicken his pace, and finally arrived at the location of Tianxu Temple in the city.

However, as soon as he arrived at Tianxu Temple, Xiao Yuzhi was shocked. In the past, the incense was only an ordinary Tianxu Temple. When he arrived today, there were already cars and horses parked outside, and there were even too many to stop. .

Some carriages coming to Tianxuguan will probably stop somewhere else after making a circle.

If Yi Shuyuan saw this scene here, he would definitely lament that this mother can have the trouble of not having a parking space.

However, Xiao Yuzhi came on foot, so he naturally did not worry about how to stop the carriage, and those who could have their own carriage did not need to stop the carriage themselves.

In addition to being full of cars, the gate of Tianxu Temple is also crowded with people, and Zhike Dao people are almost overwhelmed.

Just as Xiao Yuzhi was about to go there, he heard someone asking Zhike Taoist.

"Taoist Priest, does the Heavenly Master live here?"

I don’t know how many times I have answered this question, but I still took the trouble to answer it in a pleasant manner.

"The Heavenly Master used to live here, but recently too many people came, and too many pilgrims wandered to the guest house, disturbing the Heavenly Master's rest, so he left."

"Huh? Where did that go?"

"This poor guy doesn't know."

The man who asked the question suddenly looked disappointed and a little angry.

"What are these people doing here to disturb Heavenly Master if they don't stay at home well? Alas!"

The smile on the Taoist priest's face did not change, but he thought in his heart, aren't you the same?

Xiao Yuzhi frowned, not wanting to ask anyone, but quickly followed the flow of people into Tianxu Temple, and then quickly found the guest house behind the Taoist temple.

It is not difficult to find here. After all, there are many pilgrims coming here. Even if the Heavenly Master is not here anymore, there are still many people who want to come and have a look.

Xiao Yuzhi couldn't help but sigh slightly after arriving, and then went to the Guanzhong Hall to find a random god, burnt incense and left.

However, after thinking about it for a while, Xiao Yuzhi, who left Tianxuguan, did not immediately return to Chengtian Mansion Yamen, but went directly to Tan Mansion.

With Xiao Yuzhi's pace, he arrived at the door of Tan's house in just a moment. Unlike Tianxu Temple, there was naturally not much traffic jam here.

Many ordinary people don't know some special information. Even if they know it, no one dares to come to the Tan family casually.

Xiao Yuzhi went directly to the door of Tan's house. The concierge and the Tan family's guards naturally saw Xiao Yuzhi coming, but he was not wearing official uniform at this moment, so he planned to go over and announce himself.

But before Xiao Yuzhi arrived, someone from the concierge had already come out to greet him and bowed his hands to Xiao Yuzhi.

"It turns out to be Mr. Xiao. Are you here to see my master?"

Xiao Yuzhi smiled and returned the greeting.

"Yes and no. I would like to ask if Mr. Tan is in the house, and is Master Tian also in the house?"

The two people in front of the door looked at each other and one of them said.

"Since it is Mr. Xiao who is here to ask, we won't hide anything. Not only is the master here, but the Heavenly Master is also here, but Mr. Xiao can't go in."


Xiao Yuzhi was surprised.

"Can't we inform you?"

"Here, Mr. Xiao, please don't embarrass us. We really can't go in."

While they were talking, a servant hurriedly ran out from the depths of Tan Mansion and came to the door. When he saw Xiao Yuzhi here, he immediately smiled and said to the three people who looked over.

"Mr. Xiao, please arrest him!"

Upon hearing this, the two concierges and guards were slightly surprised, but then they came to their senses and felt it was natural, so they consciously stepped aside.

"Captain Xiao, please!"

Xiao Yuzhi was overjoyed, bowed her hands to the two concierges, and then entered the Tan Mansion with the visitors.

To be honest, Xiao Yuzhi has been in the capital for so many years. Even though he always went out for important cases, he still spent half of his time in Chengtian Mansion. However, he came to Tan Mansion only a handful of times. Counting this time, there are only two visits before and after. Passed three times.

Entering the mansion at this moment, I still have a feeling of emotion. Although Tan Mansion is not as big as the imperial palace, the majesty of the front palace cannot be compared, but in terms of home environment, it is even better than the harem.

No wonder someone would arrange that kind of nursery rhyme

"Mr. Xiao, please come here, at the pond pavilion in the middle of the garden lake!"


As the two passed through the garden porch, Xiao Yuzhi's pupils dilated slightly when he looked into the distance. There was a lake in a large garden in Tan Mansion, and there was a pavilion in the center of the lake.

But Xiao Yuzhi was not shocked to build a pond in such a place where land was so valuable, but in the pavilion in the center of the pond, the emperor was present.


"Captain Xiao, just come with me!"

"Uh, okay!"

Xiao Yuzhi was inevitably a little nervous now, but he didn't panic. He walked along the path through the garden, and then from the guardrail to the pavilion. During this period, many fish in the lake followed each other under the guardrail.

Obviously, the fish here are often fed, and there are even some golden or even red fish, which are particularly conspicuous.

Several people in the pavilion also looked sideways at Xiao Yuzhi.

Xiao Yuzhi did not dare to be distracted anymore and hurriedly walked to the pavilion, bowed and saluted.

"My lord, Xiao Yuzhi, pay homage to Your Majesty!"

The emperor said with a smile.

"As expected by Heavenly Master, our Chengtian Mansion arrestee is here! Xiao Aiqing is exempt from the courtesy! Come over!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Xiao Yuzhi stood up, walked into the pavilion and looked at the old man with an immortal spirit. This should be the old Heavenly Master.

"Xiao Yuzhi has met the old Heavenly Master and Mr. Tan!"

"Hahahaha. Mr. Xiao is so polite. I know everything about you!"

Tan Yuanchang looked at Xiao Yuzhidao.

"Did Mr. Xiao come to see Tan about the case?"

Xiao Yuzhi felt it was hard to tell the truth, so he nodded.

"I changed a little bit of the confession in the file, and I came to Mr. Tan to verify that it was the rat demon mentioned by the demon monk, and he changed his mind to the spirit mink. I wonder if Mr. Tan knows about this?"

"Oh, it's true. It's not a rat demon, but a spirit ferret."

The emperor looked at Xiao Yuzhi.

"Is such a trivial matter worthy of a personal trip by Mr. Qi?"

Tan Yuanshang said with a smile.

"Mr. Xiao is conscientious and conscientious about his responsibilities. Besides, the case is so important that he certainly doesn't dare to be careless, right Mr. Xiao?"

While talking, Tan Yuanshang took a deep look at Xiao Yuzhi. He remembered that the chief catcher was also from Yuanjiang County. Did he come here specifically for the spirit mink? Maybe he knew Mr. Yi!

Qi Zhongbin spoke now.

"In addition to official business, Xiaoyou also came to see me. I will discuss it with you later."

Hearing this, the emperor looked thoughtful.

"Then don't rush to leave now that you're here, just stay here for a while."

Xiao Yuzhi quickly thanked him.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The three people in the pavilion were each heavier than the last. Xiao Yuzhi, who used to be particularly dazzling when he went there, became the most inconspicuous person at this moment. He stood quietly aside, standing with the emperor's guards, not daring to act casually. say.

What was said in the pavilion also frightened Xiao Yuzhi.

At first, they were chatting normally, talking about some interesting things, and they were also talking about this case. Later, Tan Yuanshang suddenly made something shocking, which even shocked the emperor.

"What did you say?"

Faced with the emperor's somewhat gloomy look, Tan Yuanshang repeated the story calmly.

"I want to donate all the Tan family's property to the imperial court, including this Tan Mansion!"

Not only did the emperor lose his composure, but Xiao Yuzhi, the guards present, and the eunuch chief who was standing there all looked shocked.

"Mr. Tan, are you talking nonsense?"

The chief eunuch couldn't help but ask, and a smile appeared on Tan Yuanshang's face.

"I have thought about it. I have thought about it for a long time, maybe longer than you think. Everyone knows that my Tan family is the richest in the world. The family has been rich for two dynasties. I have done many conspicuous things over the years. Some are too... It’s conspicuous.”

Qi Zhongbin was stroking his beard with a calm expression, while Hui Mian appeared on his shoulder and whispered.

"This Tan Yuanshang is really willing to give up!"

The emperor couldn't help but speak at this moment.

"There is no need to have such worries, I can give an order. Anyone who dares to spread the word about that song will be imprisoned, and anyone who instigates behind the scenes will be executed!"

Tan Yuanchang looked at the emperor in front of him who looked older than him, smiled and shook his head. The look in his eyes was no longer the awe of a commoner looking at an emperor, but the care and concern of an elder looking at a younger one.

"Your Majesty, Tan is old and tired, and I don't want to be involved in the intrigues between the royal family and the government and the opposition in the future. I am a close friend of the late emperor and watched you grow up. I, Tan Yuanshang, only have so much energy. .”

At this moment, the emperor actually had the idea of ​​deposing the crown prince!

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