Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 551: When the drum sounds, troops will be mobilized to defeat the demons

In fact, among all the cultivators, there are not a few people who have been in seclusion for many years. It is not uncommon for people to remain invisible for several years or even more than ten years. However, Shinto is still somewhat different.

Because gods are born in response to the wishes of all sentient beings in the world, they are also an important part of maintaining the order of heaven, and are relatively active to a certain extent.

However, the Demon-Suppressing Emperor would not show up easily.

At this moment in the pavilion, Ziwei Xingjun also stood up and faced the Emperor of Heaven.

"Emperor, since the Demon-Suppressing Emperor has appeared, I will pay him a visit!"

The Emperor of Heaven also stood up and looked in the direction of the Demon Subduing Palace with curiosity in his heart. After hearing the words, he nodded and looked at Bai Yi.

"Okay, why don't you two go take a look together."

The Emperor of Heaven himself is also very curious, but he is the Emperor of Heaven after all. It is impossible for him to run over by himself as soon as the Holy Lord appears. Baiyi will naturally report it in the past, which means that the Emperor of Heaven himself understands the situation.

"In that case, I'll take my leave first!" "I'll take my leave first!"

Lord Ziweixing and Lord Changgeng bowed to the Emperor of Heaven together, and when the latter nodded, they turned into two divine lights and flew towards the north.

After flying for a while, once they arrived at the Demon Subduing Palace, the two gods could clearly feel some differences.

The other places in the heaven along the way are in a peaceful state, but the Demon Subduing Palace, at least at this moment, has a slight sense of chill.

But this is not the usual aura of the Demon-Suppressing Palace. At this moment, it can only be said that it may be the change in aura caused by the manifestation of the Holy Lord, which also shows that the appearance of the True Lord must have deep meaning.

At this moment, Yi Shuyuan and his two disciples had landed in the Demon-Suppressing Palace.

Wearing silver-based gold scale armor, the Xian Sheng True Monarch specially walked outside the Demon-Conquering Hall to greet him. Accompanying the Xian Sheng True Monarch were the first Yunlai Great God, as well as the patrolling divine soldier instructor and the Northern Commander, the Great God Lu Xin.

"Yi Daozi!"

"True Lord!"

Although they were both themselves, etiquette should not be discarded at this moment. Yi Shuyuan saluted his other self after falling from the clouds, and the latter greeted him with the same courtesy as the gods on his left and right.

Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin, who landed together with Yi Shuyuan, also did not dare to neglect, not to mention Rong Zhang, who even saluted with them.

"I've seen the Demon-Conquering Saint!"

At this moment, Yi Shuyuan and himself saluted each other, which felt very weird and fun.

Although I have tried it before, although the power of the mind was already very powerful at that time, it was not as powerful as it is now, especially after refining the Tiandou Pill.

Now that Yi Shuyuan and True Lord Xiansheng were looking at each other, he felt like he had two sights in his heart, as if he could see in front of him and behind him at the same time, and he could see two of himself.

This made Yi Shuyuan couldn't help but smile, and this smile also appeared on the faces of Yi Daozi and Xian Sheng Zhenjun Yi Xian Shen.

Seeing this, other people and even the nearby Heavenly Soldiers and Gods just thought it was a knowing smile between good friends, and couldn't help but sigh in their hearts. The friendship between Yi Daozi and the emperor was really deep.

"Please, I know this matter is taken very seriously. The files are ready. Come with me into the Demon-Suppressing Hall!"


After the two parties finished the ceremony, Yi Shuyuan and True Lord Xian Sheng walked side by side and walked into the Demon-Conquering Hall. It was not empty at the moment. There were also some gods, men, generals and Tiangang ghosts from the Demon-Conquering Palace. .

Moreover, there is a large table in the center of the hall, with many sacred files and scriptures placed on it. The table itself is also undergoing a change, and some scenery of the southern land can be seen.

Shi Sheng winked at Master Yunlai on the side, who looked at Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin and blinked slightly.

Seeing this scene, Rong Zhang began to think again. Yi Daozi was of the same lineage as Fu Mo Palace, or in other words, he had a close relationship with Xiansheng Zhenjun. He was also very familiar with Yunlai.

"Please see, this is the dossier on the Invincible Bones contained in the Demon-Suppressing Palace!"

There are quite a few files, and one of them is really useful, while the others are just superficial, but they are better than being comprehensive.

The Holy Lord Xian Sheng unfolded the main file, and the words on it flew out bit by bit, and occasionally some pictures appeared around him.

It has to be said that some of the information in the Demon-Suppressing Palace is even richer and more detailed than Rong Zhang's previous narratives. Many of the scenes are actually from the time when the Southern Heavenly Court was encircling and suppressing the Buhuanggu. They are obviously files exchanged between the Heavenly Courts. .

Yi Shuyuan and others frowned at some of the pictures and could hear some sounds.


This is a picture of a burly god-general being bitten by the immortal bones, and finally turning into gold powder and disappearing. It can be said to be a true zombie god-killing.

"What a cruel evil!"

"This is the indestructible bone. To a certain extent, except for the copper skin, its bones are almost indestructible."

The gods and men in the Demon-Conquering Hall all had serious expressions, while the Holy Lord Xian Sheng raised his head and looked around.

"If this were not the case, it would not be worthy of my Demon Subduing Palace's action. I just don't know the attitude of the Southern Heavenly Court!"

At this moment, some heavenly soldiers came in to report.

"Your Majesty, Lord Ziweixing and Lord Changgeng are here!"

"Oh, please come quickly!"

Upon hearing this, Yi Shuyuan and others also looked outside the Demon-Conquering Hall. As the heavenly soldiers left, two figures soon walked into the Demon-Conquering Hall together.

"I've heard the name of the Demon-Suppressing Saint for a long time, but it's really my fault that I didn't come to pay my respects!"

"Zhenjun, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

At this moment, both Ziwei Xingjun and Changgeng Xingjun discovered Yi Shuyuan and others, and they both cried out in surprise almost at the same time.

"So Mr. Yi is here too?" "So Mr. Yi is here?"

"Hahahaha. It's been a long time since I met you two!"

Yi Shuyuan bowed, and his other self, Xiansheng Zhenjun, nodded slightly.

"You don't need to be polite. You two have arrived just in time. We are discussing important matters. We need to report to the Emperor of Heaven. Please come over and discuss it together!"

"Oh?" "What's the important matter?"

The two star kings looked at each other, and then quickly walked towards where the people were. Before they even got close, they could already see some pictures and texts on the dossier, and even some of the artistic conceptions included in it.

"It is the immortal bone that once appeared in the land under the jurisdiction of the Southern Heaven! Mr. Yi came to the Demon Subduing Palace for this evil obstacle. I also feel that such evil obstacles should not be left alone. If the Southern Heaven cannot suppress them, Except, I don’t mind the hard work and can lead the troops away, but I don’t know what the attitude will be there.”

Both Ziweixingjun and Changgengxingjun were shocked.

Not turning into bones?

Later that day, Bai Yi returned to the Shenxiao Palace and reported the situation of the Demon Subduing Palace to the Emperor of Heaven in the inner room. After listening to Bai Yi's narration, even the Emperor of Heaven looked shocked.

"The Holy Lord Xian Sheng plans to go to the land under the jurisdiction of the southern heaven to kill the immortal bones?"

Baiyi nodded.

"Actually, it was Yi Daozi who came here for this purpose. He seemed to be quite concerned about the indestructible bones. He talked to Zhenjun, and Zhenjun said: It's worth taking action! Then the gods of the Demon Palace appeared. People will be sent to ask the emperor soon. the meaning of!"

The Demon Subduing Palace naturally has its own power to command troops, but after all, it is still a bit sensitive to go to the land under the jurisdiction of the southern heaven.

A smile appeared on the Emperor's face.

"Of course I have no objections. Our Heavenly Emperor, the North Pole, leads the troops to punish evil spirits, which is an act to benefit the common people. Zombies are cultivated to the point where they cannot turn into bones, and all living beings in heaven and earth are afraid of them. They have committed many evil deeds and deserve to be punished. , and it is indeed worthy of Zhenjun’s personal action!”

With that said, the Emperor stood up.

"This is an act for the common people. Even the Southern Celestial Realm cannot have any objections. Besides, they failed to subdue the non-transforming bones. It does not mean that they do not want to do it. As the righteous gods of the Celestial Realm, it is natural to protect the common people as their own responsibility!"

There was nothing wrong with what the Emperor said, and Bai Yi couldn't help but laugh.

Indeed, the Southern Heaven Realm will definitely not have any objections, but they will inevitably feel resentful in their hearts.

"Well, there is no need to wait for someone from the Demon-Subduing Palace to come over. You can go to the Demon-Subduing Palace with my hand in hand and express my opinions to the True Lord! As for the south, you can also send your own envoys there to inform them."

As he spoke, the pen on the Emperor's desk moved on its own, and soon a handwritten edict was completed and floated in front of Bai Yi, who took it with both hands.

"Receive the decree!"

Baiyi took the order from the Emperor of Heaven and then went to the Demon-Suppressing Palace. Soon the immortals and gods in the Demon-Conquering Palace also understood.

Of course, this matter was not a simple matter. It took three days to discuss the plan and finalize the date, and during this process, an envoy of the gods had already flown south.

On the third day of the Demon-Subduing Palace, Xian Sheng Zhenjun stood outside the Demon-Suppressing Palace and issued orders.

"Bang the demon-suppressing drum!"

"Receive the decree!"

A golden-armored god general took the order, accompanied by wisps of clouds and mist at his feet. As he walked quickly, he had already lifted off the ground, flew to the Drum Tower of the Demon-Conquering Palace, picked up the drumstick next to a giant drum, and condensed Then the divine power hit the drum head hard.


A golden light shone from the drum surface and quickly spread to all parts of the heaven.


The drumming started again and had begun to spread to the lower realm.


The god general's body was filled with golden light, and he beat the drum with all his strength, and the sound gradually became continuous from slow.

The sound of the drum spread to all directions, and it was not only heard by gods and men, but also by many people who practiced various ways.

After many people were initially shocked and confused, they understood what happened after a little calculation.

This is the demon-suppressing drum of the Demon-Suppressing Palace in Heaven!

The Demon-Suppressing Emperor is about to mobilize his troops!

When gods and men hear drums, they may be shocked or excited, and their reactions will naturally be greater than those of practitioners of all walks of life.

When all the gods and men of the Demon Subduing Palace heard the sound of the drum, they all gathered from all directions. Some were from other places in the heaven, some from the lower realm, and some were good martial gods who had come to work in other departments of the heaven. They also gathered one after another.

If the drum sounds, the troops will be mobilized to conquer the demon!

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