"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom"

The demon-suppressing heavenly drum exploded in all directions. Amidst the loud sound of the heavenly drum, the horns of all the military camps in the far north of the heaven were sounded, and the military formations were also converging.

The heavenly soldiers and gods gathered in formation and gathered near the Demon-Suppressing Palace. There were the sounds of celestial horses neighing and fighting, flags waving, and flags waving.

Some of these soldiers and horses have been ascended to heaven as gods over the years, and some are elite soldiers and generals drawn from all sides of the heaven. There are indeed a lot of them gathered this time.

The divine light from the armor of the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals made the school grounds outside the Demon-Suppressing Palace shine brightly, and extended into the distance.

Two Yi Shuyuan stood outside the Demon-Suppressing Palace. Whether they were gods or immortal cultivators standing with them, they were very excited at this moment. Such a big scene, not to mention the short life of mortals, is also a cultivator. I can't see him too many times.

Amidst the sound of the demon-suppressing drum, a god general stepped on the cloud and landed in front of the Xiansheng True Monarch outside the Demon-Suppressing Palace, loudly clasping his fists and reporting.

"Your Majesty - I have all 30,000 soldiers and 20,000 sailors in the Demon-Suppressing Palace, and all the beast slaves on the heavenly warships are in place. Please give me your order -"

At this moment, a small command flag appeared in the hands of the Xian Sheng True Monarch.

When mobilizing troops in the human world, there is a tiger talisman seal letter, and when mobilizing troops in the heavenly realm, there is a celestial military order flag. Clouds and mist appeared under the feet of the Holy Monarch, and he flew into the sky with several divine generals, and went to the Demon-Suppressing Palace to overlook the many soldiers and horses below.

These soldiers and horses lined up in a large area all the way to the Tianhe River, and saw warships lined up there.

Even Yi Shuyuan's heart was rising at this moment, and he had pride in his heart, and his face was stern during the transformation.

The demon-suppressing drum has stopped. All the heavenly soldiers and generals below came into contact with the Xiansheng True Monarch and waited solemnly. Unlike the human world, all the more than 50,000 soldiers and horses were silent!

But all the heavenly soldiers and generals are burning in their hearts. Even if most of them don't know what to do, their desire to fight is already as strong as a burning fire!

"We, the gods of subduing demons, it is our bounden duty to slay evil spirits and eliminate demons——"

The mighty voice from the mouth of the Xian Sheng True Monarch spread throughout all directions, allowing every heavenly soldier and general to hear it very clearly. Everyone clenched their swords, knowing that the emperor was about to give the order.

"Far away in the south, there is a zombie evil barrier, which has been cultivated to the point of not turning into bones, and has created boundless killing karma. Recently, Yi Daozi believes that this evil barrier has shown signs of recovery again. Now that we, the demon-suppressing gods, have learned about this, we cannot sit idly by and ignore it. The transformation of bones is worthy of the action of my demon-suppressing heavenly army."

Having said this, the True Lord Xian Sheng paused slightly and looked at the soldiers and horses from all sides.

"Sons--you are willing to fight with me--"

After the words of the Xian Sheng True Lord fell, fifty thousand soldiers and horses burst out into the sky to answer the promise.

"I wish to punish the evil demons in the world - I am willing to fight to the death with the Emperor -" "I am willing to punish the evil demons in the world - I am willing to fight to the death with the Emperor -"

This scene made everyone else's blood boil with excitement, including many gods and men from the heavenly realm who came here to observe, and even the heavenly soldiers and generals from other heavenly camps were eager to try.

Yi Shuyuan had two minds and two bodies, and he was distracted and used two things, but he nodded slightly at this moment.

Xiansheng Zhenjun threw the small flag in his hand, and it fell into the hands of the nearby god general and turned into a large flag.

"Raise troops!"

"Receive the decree!"

This god will take the banner, step out of the clouds and land above the heavenly soldiers in front, holding the command flag and waving it forward.

"The demon-suppressing heavenly army obeys the order - march south -"

"Woo——" "Woo——"

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom"

The sound of trumpets and the beat of demon-suppressing drums sounded.

Taking a battalion of heavenly soldiers as a unit, pieces of clouds rose from the feet of the heavenly soldiers and generals, causing the soldiers and horses to leave the ground one after another. Some rose into the air and some fell to the Tianhe warship. All the 50,000 soldiers and horses of Fumo Palace were dispatched.

If you don't move, it will be fine. If you move, it will be a thunderous force!

Yi Shuyuan also thought about whether this was too mobilizing too many troops, but after carefully studying various information on the Inhuman Bones during this period, he already understood that the situation on the Unchangeable Bones side was not simple.

But that kind of simplicity is relative, and there are ways to make things simple, and this is Yi Shuyuan's method.

Since we have this strength, when it’s time to use it, we have to use it!

And this is also consistent with the priesthood of the Manifest Holy King!

When the soldiers and horses were going out for battle, Yi Shuyuan also took the initiative to fly into the sky and came to the side of the Xiansheng True Monarch.

"True Lord, although the messenger from the Heaven Realm has already gone to the Southern Realm, Yi feels that for the sake of safety, Yi should take the first step and go to the Southern Realm!"

The Holy Lord Xiansheng nodded.

"Good work!"

"Well, Yi said goodbye!"

He bowed to himself again, and then Yi Shuyuan took his disciple and Rong Zhang on Fayun and flew towards the south at a faster speed.

All the way out of the heaven, Shi Sheng, Qi Zhongbin and Rong Zhang were still a little excited.

"Master, these are 50,000 heavenly soldiers and generals, they are going to fight a big battle!"

"That's why I, as a teacher, have to take the first step. If you can handle some things, deal with them. If you can't, then we can work together to break them!"

Although the Demon-Suppressing Heavenly Army already knew that this time they mobilized their troops to kill Fugu Gu, even many gods and men in the heaven knew about it.

But this information is limited to this Heavenly Court, only to a few people brought by Yi Shuyuan. It is very mysterious to the outside world, but many people have already deduced that the sound of the drum is the Demon-Suppressing Drum, the fortress of the Demon-Suppressing Palace. Troops were mobilized.

For a time, some people were shocked, some speculated, and many were frightened.

Even in the East China Sea Dragon Palace, Lord Long could not sleep. Although he knew that the Demon-Subduing Palace was unlikely to launch troops against the Dragon Clan, he still wanted to find out what happened.

Could it be that something shocking happened in this world that the Dragon Clan doesn't know about?

On the sand bed of the Dragon Palace, the real dragon turned into a human form. He counted it with his fingers again, but it was still blurry. This was obviously because someone with great supernatural powers had cast a spell to deceive the secret of heaven.

But this is normal. The Demon-Suppressing Palace is going to war to deceive the secrets of heaven. Maybe the heavens have even used Xuan Tianyi.

At this moment, a Dragon Clan hurried in. Seeing that the Dragon Lord was not lying on the sand bed with his dragon body and taking a nap, he understood that even the Dragon Lord might be a little anxious.

"Long Lord, I have already been to the heaven, but I did not receive any specific information about the demon-fuming emperor's move. I only know that 30,000 heavenly soldiers and 20,000 heavenly sailors gathered in the demon-fuming palace. They set off their troops and broke out, but they have already escaped."

"Have troops been sent out?"

Long Jun couldn't help but be surprised, what a fast move!

"By the way, I also met Yi Daozi, but he had already left first."

Long Jun's heart moved. It seems that he has something to do with Yi Daozi!

Yi Daozi also has a close relationship with our Dragon Clan. It seems that he has nothing to do with our Dragon Clan, at least it has nothing to do with the East China Sea Dragon Clan!

"You go to Changfeng Lake and ask Jiang Lang to go there immediately."

"Where to go?"

The dragon clan asked, but saw the dragon king glance at him and immediately understood.

"Yes, I'll do it right now!"

"Well, do you know where Yi Daozi is going?"

"I probably know the direction. With Jiang Longwang's ability and his relationship with Yi Daozi, I should be able to catch up!"

"Then go quickly!"


The Dragon Clan resigned, and before leaving the Dragon Palace, they transformed into dragons, moved up the water, exploded through the sea, and broke through the waves, heading straight for Changfeng Lake.


Half a day later, when Yi Shuyuan was driving to Yunnan, his heart suddenly moved. Then he looked back and saw that Fayun's speed also slowed down.

It is actually difficult for anyone to figure out Yi Shuyuan's whereabouts, but if he is willing, some people can still find him, such as Jiang Lang at this moment.

In fact, Yi Shuyuan even thought of sending Shi Sheng to call Jiang Lang, but it was best for him to do it himself.

"Lao Yi - Lao Yi -"

A dragon-shaped escaping light was still very far behind, but Jiang Lang's voice came first.

"Is it Jiang Longwang?"

Hui Mian, who had woken up, was on Yi Shuyuan's shoulder. When he heard the sound, he immediately looked behind him. The others turned sideways and looked back, and they could all see a dragon shadow approaching rapidly like light and illusion.

"hold head high--"

After the dragon roared, a dragon escaped from the clouds and mist, turned into a human form and landed on Yi Shuyuan's Fayun.

"The Jiang Dragon King is here!" "I've seen the Jiang Dragon King!"

Several people saluted one after another, but Yi Shuyuan just smiled. Jiang Lang didn't notice at all, and grinned when he saw everyone.

"Hey Lao Yi, why didn't you call me when something important happened? Oh, Xiao Shisheng and Zhong Bin are also here, this one is"

"King Jiang Long, I am Rongzhang, and my troops have left Zishan in the southern boundary."

Rong Zhang saluted again and reported himself to his master.

"Oh, long time admiration!"

Jiang Lang nodded, never heard of it!

"Then what's going on with you this time? Who are you going to deal with, with the 50,000 heavenly soldiers and generals led by the Xian Sheng Zhenjun?"

"You'll know when you go together!"

Yi Shuyuan said this, and Fayun's feet became faster again.

Jiang Lang was slightly startled, so simple?

"Okay, you want to take advantage of my dragon clan's power?"

Yi Shuyuan smiled.

"Would you like to borrow it?"

Jiang Lang grinned and stopped talking. Of course, he was completely fine personally, but this time the situation seemed a bit special.

"Tell me first, where are you going?"

"Go to the South Boundary!"

"Bixiu Kingdom Tiandou Mountain?"

Yi Shuyuan shook his head slightly.

"Southern Heaven!"

"Huh? Huh?"

In Jiang Lang's astonishment, Yi Shuyuan's words fell, and the clouds brought out a burst of hazy light, and the whole thing turned into an escaping light and flew to the south.


The southern boundary is just a general term, because sometimes the actual geographical boundaries are vague, but the meaning of the boundary represented by such a general term is very obvious.

The southern boundary is far away, not only the southern heaven, but also the South China Sea, which is almost a completely unfamiliar place to Yi Shuyuan.

Fortunately, Yi Shuyuan knew that his current reputation should be considered useful in the southern border.

Some time later, in the Southern Heavenly Palace, which was also the Heavenly Gate, there was a gatekeeper with a white face covered in armor, and another with half of the armor exposed on one shoulder. His skin was dark and his face was red.

At this moment, a ray of light flew from below the heavenly steps, and all the gods and men beside the heavenly gate naturally noticed it.

"Where is the light coming from?" "I don't know!"

While speaking, one of the god generals shouted loudly.

"Who is coming? What is going on in heaven?"

Yi Shuyuan's escaping light dispersed in the sky, the Fayun appeared in front of the Tianmen, and the figures of everyone on the clouds appeared in front of the Tianmen.

When he saw the people in Yun Tou clearly, the white-faced general on the left side of Tianmen had a flash of light in his eyes, and he was suddenly startled. He spoke first before Yi Shuyuan could speak.

"It turns out to be Yi Daozi. I wonder why the Immortal Lord came to heaven this time?"

Yi Daozi? Another divine general was also shocked. Wasn't he far away on the East China Sea, and he actually came here?

Do you know me? That's more convenient.

Yi Shuyuan bowed forward.

"Excuse me, please tell me that Yi Shuyuan wants to see the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Okay, please come with me!"

When Yi Daozi came, the gatekeeper god naturally did not dare to neglect, and left the guard directly to take Yi Shuyuan into the Tianmen. Of course, there were also heavenly soldiers who flew into the depths of the Heavenly Palace at a faster speed.

Decades seem to be a long time, but in some ways it seems relatively short.

Decades have passed since the Star Luo Conference, but because it is very rare for the Star Luo Conference to be held, among the gods and some practitioners, the last Star Luo Conference seems to have just passed.

I still have a very deep impression on some of the things I came into contact with in the last Star Luo Meeting.

And Yi Daozi is definitely one of the most important messages. Yi Shuyuan's portrait must have been there for a long time in this world, and it is lifelike.

Deep in the heaven of this world, the Emperor of Heaven saw the heavenly soldiers who came to report first, and he couldn't help but show surprise after hearing it clearly.

"What? Yi Daozi is here?"

Yi Shuyuan escaped very fast along the way, and reached the southern boundary one step faster than the heavenly envoy, so at this moment, the heavenly court did not know whether the demon-suppressing heavenly army would come.

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