Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 554 To untie the bell, one must tie it

After Yi Shuyuan finished speaking, he added.

"Although Yi is a good person, he doesn't know that the situation of bones is complicated. If he does it himself, he may have made some mistakes. Since he wants to kill the bones that are not transformed, he naturally thought of Zhenjun. When asked by God, it can be said that he and Yi hit it off!"

Hui Mian would lie on Yi Shuyuan's shoulder, burying his head downward to avoid showing weird expressions.

The husband discussed it with himself, and we just hit it off right away, oh no, we don’t even need to take pictures!

With that said, Yi Shuyuan also made it clear what his purpose was.

"True Lord's action has greatly increased his confidence, and it is even more unexpected. Yi came here specially to understand the meaning of this heaven. I hope there will be no misunderstanding. This matter is Yi's invitation, and True Lord promised to come here. It’s just to kill demons and has no other intention!”

The Emperor of Heaven and the other great gods present finally understood.

Yi Daozi said so much in an ambiguous manner. In fact, he knew that the heaven would definitely take action against Fu Hua Gu this time, and even invited the Xiansheng True Monarch for this purpose. Of course, Yi Daozi's statement was very concerned about the face of his heaven.

The True Monarch of Ming Ling, Ming Ling, Ming Ling, and Xian Sheng is an innate god. His existence itself may be beyond the beginning of the formation of the current structure of heaven and earth. His ways are unfathomable and cannot be figured out according to the ordinary ways of Shinto.

As a great demon-slaying god with a natural aversion to evil spirits, it is reasonable for him to come here at the invitation of Yi Daozi.

The Emperor of Heaven on the side has not yet spoken. An old man with a long beard wearing a white divine robe has been stroking his beard and thinking. He who has been silent now speaks.

"Although True Monarch Xian Sheng is here only to slay demons, he may have other intentions, Emperor!"

Chang Geng Xingjun!

Compared with Dongfang's white clothes, the Taibaijin Qi in this old god is only stronger.

The Emperor of Heaven suddenly smiled. He understood what Chang Geng Xingjun meant, and then looked at Yi Shu Yuandao.

"As Yi Daozi said, my heavenly realm naturally has no objections and will try its best to help. Everything will be decided after killing this immortal bone. By then, it will be regarded as eliminating the big trouble for our southern realm. No matter what, my heavenly realm will not There will be no expression!”

Good guy, Yi Shuyuan has already understood the meaning of this.

Some of the other great gods will smile, while others may be expressionless but have a clear mind.

What Wude Xingjun cared about the most was Fugu itself. Now that the Emperor's attitude had been made clear, he spoke bluntly.

"The True Monarch Xian Sheng has brought soldiers and generals here. If there are not enough soldiers and horses, Emperor, I am willing to lead the heavenly soldiers to help!"

"Of course the True Lord did not come alone. As for how many soldiers and horses he brought with him, Yi is not in a position to say. I can only say that it is not too few."

At this moment, the long-bearded Taibai still smiled and spoke.

"Then there is only one question left. How can the Immortal Lord be sure that the bone that does not turn into bones will come back to do evil? In other words, how can the Immortal Lord find it?"

"Yi has some superficial thoughts in his mind."

Not long after, Yi Shuyuan left the Heaven Realm. Of course, before leaving, he also set aside some time for the many gods and men in the Medicine Master Palace in this realm to seek advice.

And it was two days after Yi Shuyuan left the Heavenly Court that the envoy from the Eastern Heavenly Court arrived here.——

In the human world of the southern realm, in the Kingdom of Lingzhao, Yi Shuyuan and his party appeared in a small town near the mountains.

This is a mountain city. Many parts of the city are close to the mountain wall, as if it is surrounded by mountains, but there is a large piece of flat land outside of which you can build houses and cities.

In a place like this, strong winds and heavy rains cannot blow, but it does not block the sunshine. The winter is not too cold and the summer is cooler. It is a natural barrier. Although it also limits the size of the city to a certain extent, it is also a unique place.

Although the clothes of the people in the surrounding streets are slightly different from those of Yi Shuyuan and others, they are not very big. However, the colors of their clothes are very monotonous, far less lively than those in Dayong, and many people have their heads tied The headscarf can also be regarded as a special form of wearing a crown.

The appearance of Yi Shuyuan and others also attracted the attention of many people around them, because their clothes were a bit too gorgeous, especially Jiang Lang's clothes. It was obvious that they were not simple.

"It seems that the people here cannot wear too bright clothes, Fellow Daoist Rong, am I right in my guess?"

Jiang Lang asked, and Rong Zhang replied with a frown.

"I don't know much about the changes in Lingzhao Kingdom over the years, but what King Jiang Long said should be right. It is said that Lingzhao Kingdom was in chaos in the past few years and a lot of things happened."

Hui Mian sat on Yi Shuyuan's shoulder and smiled.

"But Fellow Daoist Rong, you have been in prison in Dayong for thirty years. Thirty years is not a short time in the human world!"

"What Fellow Daoist Hui said is absolutely true."

A few people walked on the street, and their words were calm and calm. The crowd's attention to them gradually weakened, and the color of their clothes gradually became normal during the spell.

Under the leadership of Rong Zhang, everyone walked through the streets. It seemed that even he, an immortal cultivator, could not remember certain things clearly. It was also possible that he had some secrets in the layout of some streets and alleys.

But just after wandering in the city for a while, memories quickly emerged, Rong Zhang also took Yi Shuyuan and others to a location near the mountain wall. Not far away, it seemed to be just a small courtyard, but there were obviously routines. Layout out of sight.

Jiang Lang couldn't help but smile when he saw this.

"Lao Yi, do you still remember Lingzhu Pavilion?"

Yi Shuyuan also smiled.

"Of course I remember. I can only say that the patterns are somewhat similar."

As he said this, Yi Shuyuan looked at Rong Zhang, who seemed a little embarrassed, and reached out to touch the courtyard door first.

Well, it felt very ordinary. It was not as ferocious and restrained as before in Lingzhu Pavilion. Sui Yi Shuyuan turned his palm and directly turned it into a knocking action. A trace of magical power flashed through his hand, and his knuckles fell. Reached the door panel.

"Dong dong dong"

The knocking on the door was not loud, but it was definitely heard inside.

The small courtyard looks ordinary from the outside, but in fact there is something special inside. At this moment, Yi Shuyuan's knock on the door penetrated a layer of hidden restrictions.

In a room deep in the courtyard, a middle-aged but charming woman was taking a nap with a cat in her arms. Suddenly, she heard a knock on the door.


The woman was stunned for a moment and even thought it was her imagination.

"Dong dong dong"

Another knock on the door came, and the woman sat up suddenly.


The cat in her arms was frightened and ran out, while the woman frowned, hesitated for a moment, and then went out immediately.

After arriving in the courtyard, the woman felt the smell outside the door, and then reached out to open the door.

"Creak~" The wooden door opened, and the woman could clearly see the person outside the door.

"Hmph! It's you!"

The woman glanced at Rong Zhang, not angry but not resentful, at least that's how it seemed to Yi Shuyuan.

Rong Zhang seemed to be slightly relieved when he saw this.

"Grandma Lihua, long time no see!"

Rong Zhang bowed and saluted, but the woman did not look at him. Instead, she narrowed her eyes and looked at Yi Shuyuan, Jiang Lang and others.

To be honest, the woman couldn't see through these people at all, but she also instinctively knew that these people with calm eyes were anything but ordinary, let alone ordinary people.

"Since you are here, I must have something to do. Come in!"

As the woman said this, she stepped aside, and Yi Shuyuan and others entered the courtyard with their hands crossed.

During this process, the old lady Lihua turned around and walked in first. She walked with a graceful figure and her hips were slightly swaying, making her look very charming.

In Yi Shuyuan's line of sight, the other party's Qi gradually manifested under his Dharma Eyes. Coupled with his own synaesthesia, he saw the shadow of a cat on the woman's body. The shadow seemed a little tense, and she opened her mouth slightly.


This meow was made by the cat in the courtyard, but it was also like the shadow of the cat in Yi Shuyuanfa's eyes.

Grandma Lihua? Granny Li Hua!

"Sir, what is this monster doing?"

Hui Mian's message rang in Yi Shuyuan's ears. It saw through that the other party was a monster, and even smelled the well-hidden evil spirit, but it could not see the other party's true form.

Yi Shuyuan moved his lips and teeth slightly, and responded to Hui Mian with his divine voice.

"Civet cat!"

The house visible to the naked eye in front is an ordinary people's house. The woman opens the door to welcome the guests in.

"Please sit down and I'll prepare tea."

She prepared tea, brought out tea sets, and then went to prepare other things. If she didn't always have a cold face, this woman would be very hospitable to guests.

No one said much during this process, and Rong Zhang remained silent.

Shi Sheng winked at Qi Zhongbin and poked a corner of the room with his mouth. But Qi Zhongbin was not the only one who looked in the direction Shi Sheng indicated. Hui Mian, Jiang Lang and Yi Shuyuan also looked over.

In the corner over there, there was a bamboo basket with a litter of kittens inside. A female cat was lying inside, looking curiously and warily.

Soon, the female cat stood up, wandered for a few steps in front of the cat's nest, then jumped into the back room, then poked her head out to take a look, then quickly returned to the cat's nest, picked up a kitten and ran towards the back room. It came again after a while, and soon "moved".

At this moment, Granny Lihua came over carrying a four-compartment fruit plate with dried fruits and candied fruits on it. After placing it on the table, she also sat down at the large square table, leaning against the table and crossing her legs to watch. Several people.

"Say, what's the matter?"

Rong Zhang, who had been silent all this time, spoke first.

"Grandma Lihua, Xuanji has been found."

The woman perked up.


Rong Zhang looked at Yi Shuyuan, hesitated before telling the truth.

"She met an immortal master in the Eastern Realm and died decades ago."

The woman was stunned for a moment and sighed, but she was not very excited.

"Well, I said back then that I am the only one who can control this girl. I have also heard a little bit about what she has done over the years. Even though we demon cultivators are not so particular, there is a saying among mortals, Night Road If you walk too much, you'll run into a ghost sooner or later, and her ending was also expected!"

As she said that, the woman looked at Yi Shuyuan, Jiang Lang and others carefully.

"You're not just here to tell me about Xuanji's death, are you?"

These people are not simple!

"Of course not."

Rong Zhang stood up as he spoke and introduced himself to the woman solemnly.

"This is Immortal Yi Daozi, this is King Jiang Long, this is Immortal Mo, this is Immortal Qi, and this is Fellow Daoist Gray!"

Hui Mian also came out of Yi Shuyuan's clothes and landed on the table. He naturally reached into the fruit plate and grabbed a preserved fruit. He tasted it and thought it tasted very good. He grabbed another and stuffed it under his neck.

Dragon King?

The woman was startled, and then she quickly got up and performed the blessing ceremony.

"I have met Jiang Dragon King and several immortal leaders!"

Not to mention Rong Zhang, even Jiang Lang was surprised by this reaction. Hui Mian looked at the woman seriously and then looked back at Yi Shuyuan.

"Grandma Lihua, you're so welcome. How long have you been away from home?"

Jiang Lang said this, and the woman smiled.

"I haven't been far away in this mountain city for more than a hundred years!"


Jiang Lang nodded and looked at Yi Shuyuan with a weird smile, hehe, I don't know you!

Yi Shuyuan himself didn't care about this, nor did he pay attention to Jiang Lang's expression, but got straight to the point.

"Grandma Lihua, I came to your door because I wanted to borrow something from you."

"Oh, the immortal said it doesn't matter!"

From the micro-expressions of everyone just now, the woman had vaguely realized something.

Yi Shuyuan smiled and said.

"Xuanji's natal golden bell, Yi needs to borrow it."

She was a little nervous at first, but when she heard this, she was surprised but relieved. As soon as she raised her palm, the clothes flew out of her sleeves, and fell into her palm into a small golden ring tied to a thin gold ring. bell.

"It's not a rare magic weapon. Besides, everyone is dead. What's the use of this thing? Just take it, the Immortal."

As the woman spoke, she reached out and handed the bell to Yi Shuyuan, but her hand paused slightly during the process. She looked at the bell a few more times, and then placed it on the table in front of Yi Shuyuan.

Xuanji's demonic aura still remains on this bell, and the demonic aura on this bell alone actually shows some essential evil, but it's not obvious yet.

"Lao Yi, what do you want this bell for?"

The same doubt actually existed in Rong Zhang's heart, but Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin had already made some guesses in their minds, and Hui Mian had already understood it.

Yi Shuyuan smiled and said nothing. It can't be said that his cultivation was too shallow at that time, and he had not even mastered the Earth Evil Transformation yet. He also disliked Xuan Ji, so he killed her a little too early, and she didn't have enough energy and telepathy, right?

Even Jiang Lang didn’t understand.

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