Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 555 Cat Demon Transformation

As soon as the bell fell into Yi Shuyuan's hand, he immediately felt the slightly familiar demonic aura.

Of course, although Yi Shuyuan's synesthesia showed some signs of deterioration in this demonic energy, it was just a sign and not a fact. Maybe Granny Lihua also felt this way back then.

In comparison, this evil spirit is much better than when Yi Shuyuan met Xuan Ji, and it can be considered pure.

The cat demon that he met in the bandit's village back then belonged to Yi Shuyuan's way of doing things at the time, and he was even murderous when he saw it.

But no matter what, the simpler the demonic energy is, the closer it is to its original essence. It is always better than the filthy demonic energy at the beginning. To be honest, even Yi Shuyuan would feel uncomfortable with that aura.

Although Yi Shuyuan himself has the demonic transformation, his demonic transformation is the kind of pure demonic energy. It is not an evil demon in the true sense, but more like the demonic nature born out of the order of heaven.

"Lao Yi, talk to me? Still inconvenient to say it?"

When Jiang Lang saw that Yi Shuyuan didn't answer, he became even more curious. Granny Lihua on the side also looked at the bell in Yi Shuyuan's hand, seeming to miss something.

Yi Shuyuan also looked at the bell in his hand.

Although it is not appropriate, it can be regarded as untying the bell and having to tie the bell.

Apart from his zombie nature, the thing he cares about most is naturally the former black gold coffin and the monster that threw it into the abyss of fire.

Even if there wasn't that monster, he wouldn't be alive unless he transformed into bones.

Yi Shuyuan smiled. There will always be things you can't hide. He put away the bell and blocked everyone's sight. He glanced at Jiang Lang and said jokingly.

"Would you believe me if I told you to give it back to Xuan Ji?"

Jiang Lang grinned and said nothing, but Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin had already made some guesses. At this moment, they understood something in their hearts.

Yi Shuyuan looked away and looked to Granny Lihua on one side, and cupped his hands towards her.

"Yi would also like to thank Grandma Lihua. Yi will take good care of this item and try to protect it from damage. It will be returned after use. It won't take long!"

Grandma Lihua was a little nervous at first, but after hearing this, her reaction seemed to be a little slow, and she nodded after a while.

"No need to worry, Immortal, it doesn't matter even if this thing is damaged!"

Yi Shuyuan nodded, and then stood up. He could see that Granny Lihua didn't really like to be disturbed, and she also got her things, so she didn't stay here for long.

"The purpose of this trip has been achieved. If there is anything else you can say, Fellow Daoist Rong, I can leave it for you. Yi will leave first!"

Although Rong Zhang also stood up, he did not speak after hearing the second half of Yi Shuyuan's words.

"Then let's go too!"

Jiang Lang said something, and together with Yi Shuyuan, Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin, they bowed their hands to Granny Lihua, and then walked out of the courtyard together.

Although Grandma Lihua didn't like to be disturbed, she still sent her to the door of the courtyard. At this time, a mink ran past her feet. When she reached the gate of the courtyard, she paused and looked at Granny Lihua, who also lowered her head and looked at the mink.

But Hui Mian didn't speak, he just grinned and went out.

Granny Lihua watched Yi Shuyuan and others go away at the entrance of the courtyard, and then looked at Rong Zhang, who had been standing next to her.

"You won't leave? Also, who are these people? They seem to have a lot of background!"

Rong Zhang couldn't help but shook his head. Not only did he have a big background, he was afraid that the news this time would cause an uproar!

"Grandma Lihua, it was not very convenient just now. Let me talk to you in detail about Xuan Ji."

The woman glanced at Rong Zhang, shook her head and sighed, reaching out to close the courtyard door.

"Actually, I don't blame you. She is the one who harmed you. Go in and talk!"


On the other side, Yi Shuyuan walked briskly, and after leading a few people out of the alley and onto the street, his footsteps suddenly stopped, and the two apprentices and Jiang Lang who were following behind him also stopped.

Yi Shuyuan looked back at the three of them.

"You just stay in this city for the time being. It could take two days or half a day and I will come find you."

"What kind of tricks are you going to do for two and a half days? Is it related to the cat bell?"

Jiang Lang was puzzled, but he could guess some clues. Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin looked at each other, and the former hurriedly spoke.

"Farewell, Master, my disciple wants to go together." "My disciple also wants to see it."

Qi Zhongbin, who never made any requests in the past, couldn't help but speak. Master is about to understand and use a new earth evil transformation!

However, before Yi Shuyuan could speak, Hui Mian spoke first.

"Look at whatever you want to see. If there is anything interesting to see, sir, just wait for it. If you have anything to do, wait until I come back to tell you. The same thing, sir!"

Hui Mian hid it in Yi Shuyuan's collar and refused to come out, for fear that Yi Shuyuan would also leave it behind.

Yi Shuyuan smiled and shook his head, then stopped talking and directly took off in the wind, flying together towards the mountain over there.

These two disciples are not bad at cultivation. Shi Sheng was able to turn into a fish in his early years, while Qi Zhongbin's experience and realization were just a matter of last resort, it just depends on the opportunity.

Of course it doesn't hurt to take a look, but Jiang Lang will insist on following him, so let's forget it this time.

Seeing Yi Shuyuan Yufeng flying away, Jiang Lang hesitated but did not follow him, while Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin did not dare to do so without their master's permission.


Shi Sheng sighed.


Qi Zhongbin couldn't help but sigh.

This made Jiang Lang frown.

"Do you know anything?"

Shi Sheng looked at Jiang Lang and shook his head listlessly.

"have no idea."

However, in this listlessness, Shi Sheng had some expectations.

The mountains behind this mountain city are actually not small, but it is not suitable because there are many people on the outside, so it is necessary to fly to the depths. In the process, the bell and thin chain that had just been temporarily put away reappeared in Yi Shuyuan's hand. .

After advancing for about a hundred or dozens of miles, the place below was already inaccessible.

The spiritual energy tide is also relatively weak here, and there is not much spiritual energy nearby.

Yi Shuyuan fell from the sky and did not feel down to earth until he reached a hill.

Looking around, the surroundings are blocked by the tide and the spiritual energy is blocked. Although the spiritual energy is thin, it has a quietness that is different from the mountains. It is not a bad place. The key is that the movement in this place will be smaller.

After nodding slightly, Yi Shuyuan walked forward step by step and took a slow, deep breath.

During the process of inhaling, Yi Shuyuan's mind flashed through various scenes of his encounter with the cat demon, the changes in breath, face, demeanor, and mood, as well as the various scenes of cats he had seen in his two lifetimes, as well as the scenes in that room just now. Movements of kitten and mother cat.

When he was walking in front of a big rock on the hill, he took a full breath, and a faint spiritual light appeared on Yi Shuyuan's body. He opened his mouth and let out a slight meow.


The next moment, Yi Shuyuan seemed to jump up, and his figure even more bowed up. He quickly retracted in the faint aura in mid-air, his limbs became claws, his nose shrank, his robes shrank and disappeared, and black hair grew on his body. .

In the process, Hui Mian was directly thrown out.

By the time Yi Shuyuan landed on all fours, he had transformed into a black cat without any color.


Xuanmao barked again, his eyes looking in all directions, hearing all the subtle sounds around him, and he seemed to be full of curiosity about everything in the mountain.

Yi Shuyuan had a very novel feeling in his heart. In fact, he would have a similar feeling every time the earth evil changes, which can be regarded as a kind of fun in change.

Just taking a few random glances, the first thing I noticed were the birds in the trees, the grasshoppers in the grass, all the small but flexible things.

Is this the world of cats? It’s so relaxing and beautiful!

Hui Mian stood on a stone aside and looked curiously.

"Sir, have you turned into a cat? No, you were going to turn into a cat. I mean, I thought you were going to turn into Xuanji directly!"

But the Xuanmao in front of him just glanced at Hui Mian, but didn't say anything, and then ran out.

Yi Shuyuan transformed into a black cat, jumping around, catching a grasshopper, and suddenly climbing up a tree to catch a bird.

But Yi Shuyuan was not an ordinary cat after all, so if he just played around with the grasshoppers, the birds would not be able to eat them, but he frightened the birds so much that they kept chirping when they flew away.

Coincidentally, Yi Shuyuan, who is good at ventriloquism, can sense emotions, and is also good at changing, can probably tell that this bird's voice is not a good thing.

Without paying attention, Xuan Mao played in the mountains for a long time, startling all the little animals in the mountains.

Hui Mian chased madly behind him the whole time, calling him sir from time to time.

However, during this process, the original mana in Yi Shuyuan's body had begun to transform, the demonic energy gradually grew, and the surrounding spiritual energy continued to gather.

"Cough cough cough cough."

Xuanmao coughed a few times and fell on the first big rock. He suddenly vomited like a human and made a clear female voice.

"This is the end of the fun, let's not forget about the business!"

Unknowingly, Xuan Mao has overcome the obstacle that ordinary creatures need to practice for a long time to overcome, and the crossbones have melted!

"Ouch, you scared me to death. I thought your husband had really turned into a cat and forgotten about me. Turns out he was teasing me again."

Hui Mian spoke in a voice with lingering fear. The second half of the sentence was slightly annoyed, but a smile quickly appeared on his face. Yi Shuyuan turned to look at it, and the cat's mouth also widened!

"Hey, you should step back a little. Don't be affected by the thunder disaster when the time comes!"


Hui Mian responded and immediately ran out consciously.

At this moment, the magic power in Yi Shuyuan's body is constantly transforming. It is slightly different from the previous earth evil changes. This is like a continuation of today's changes, and the demonic power is rapidly increasing.

This can be regarded as an attempt by Yi Shuyuan. Normally he doesn't like to do this, but this time the situation is special.

The black cat's evil spirit became stronger and stronger, and he kept jumping and climbing in the mountains, and finally reached the top of a mountain peak.

At a certain moment, Xuan Mao suddenly looked up at the sky, and unknowingly the sky was covered with clouds.

“It came so quickly”

The crisp female voice sounded again. Even at this moment, Yi Shuyuan still felt strongly suppressed when facing the tribulation cloud. This was the instinctive fear of the monster towards Tianwei, but he was not an ordinary cat monster.

However, this calamity cloud seems to be larger than imagined.

The vertical pupils in the cat's eyes are like lines!

In an inn in a distant mountain city, Jiang Lang opened the window and looked at the sky. Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin were outside on the street and the other in the room, but at this moment they also raised their heads and walked to the window respectively.

Is this a calamity cloud?

The same thought also appeared in the small courtyard next to the mountain wall over there. Granny Lihua and Rong Zhang also looked up in shock and looked at the sky in the distance.

Not long after, many people in the mountain city looked up at the sky, and many people couldn't help but speed up their pace, because it seemed that the weather was going to change, and it might rain heavily soon.

In front of the window of a room in the inn, Jiang Lang frowned. Could this be related to Lao Yi?

Is he going to survive the tribulation? Are you afraid that it will affect us, so you won't let us follow? That's not quite right either


Thunder exploded and lightning illuminated everything. The sound also frightened many people!

Soon, the heavy rain began to fall, and soon there was no one on the streets in the city.


The thunder continued and tended to become denser. The sound and movement made some elderly people at home tell the younger generations to watch their children.


The terrifying thunder light shines in the sky, and almost at the same moment, it will fall to the top of the mountain and land above the black cat.


The electric light exploded, and even Yi Shuyuan couldn't help but let out a cry of pain, but when he opened his mouth, it turned out to be a sharp cat cry.


This cat meow was extremely loud, bringing out waves of echoes throughout the mountains. Even in the mountain city, Jiang Lang and others heard this sharp cat meow as if they were under the illusion——

The wind, rain, and thunder continued all night and stopped in the early morning. When people in the mountain city got up in the morning, they talked about the wind, rain, and thunder last night.

Many elders are saying that such storms are really rare. Maybe God is trying to control the demons and asking people to watch their children carefully and not go into the mountains to play recently.

And in the mountains, a hundred or so miles away from the mountain city, there is a bare mountain peak with black marks everywhere.

Hui Mian flew quickly towards the motionless mountain peak riding on the wind.

On the top of the mountain, a black cat was slowly stretching her body. In the process, her limbs became slender and most of her hair receded. As she stood up and raised her head, her waterfall-like long hair also slid down her back and shoulders.

This is a naked woman with a flawless face and a somewhat coquettish look in her eyes, yet clear and pure.

Yi Shuyuan took a deep breath and slowly stood up straight. He couldn't help but stretch lazily like a cat. What he showed was beautiful enough to drive most men in the world crazy.


One hand gently covered her chest, and the thin golden bell chain appeared in the other hand. The cassock on her body was transformed again, and there were also many linings and outer garments, turning into a light blue dress.

Then Yi Shuyuan held the golden bell chain and tied it around his neck. He looked sideways at Hui Mian, who was already floating beside him, smiled slightly, and the female voice that came out of his mouth was much more mature and gentle than the cat's before.

"Is it similar?"

Hui Mian was stunned for a moment and scratched his head with his paw.

"Sir, you are much stronger than that monster Xuan Ji. She can't even compare to you!"

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