Until this moment, there are still tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals above Jiuxiao who have not moved, but this can be considered as joining in the fun, otherwise there is no need to move at all.

As the heavenly soldiers came out and divine light fell like rain, the battle in the remote demon city was almost coming to an end.

Although it was in the area of ​​the remote demon city, the battlefield covered a thousand miles, and the two demon kings and the demon soldiers under their command were all captured in one fell swoop.

Except for some of the gods who knew the purpose of coming here, who would have thought that the demon-suppressing emperor took action this time in order not to turn into bones?

From the depths of the sinkhole, a whole battalion of heavenly soldiers flew in, and under the leadership of the divine general, they searched everywhere for the indestructible bones.

Yes, there is a whole battalion of heavenly soldiers. The sinkhole is so big that even if more soldiers come, it still seems empty. The sinkhole is so deep that when you look up from the bottom, the top seems to be the mouth of a well.

The bottom of the sinkhole has no distinction between rock and soil, and everything has been compacted to be extremely solid.

There is a wonderful method in the Immortal Way to control the earth, which is to turn the ground into steel, but the bottom of the sinkhole at this moment is probably far beyond the level of turning the ground into steel, but this is the "Pestrus of the Ground into Steel" by the Demon-Suppressing Emperor.

"found it!"

A heavenly soldier let out an excited shout, and then the god general and many surrounding heavenly soldiers gathered over. Then they discovered a humanoid silhouette embedded in the ground where the heavenly soldier's blade was pointing.

At this moment, the immortal bones have become dilapidated, the flesh and blood are like torn pieces of waste, and even the corpse energy on the body has been dispersed.

The God General approached the Invincible Bones, used his divine light to detect the situation of the zombies, and then showed a smile.

"already dead!"

"Hahahaha, let's just say that under the emperor's blow, a zombie can't compete with the power of God!"

"But it's really hard even if it doesn't melt into bones."

The words of the nearby heavenly soldiers are also the voices of many people. On the one hand, the non-transforming bones are already dead, but on the other hand, the Demon-Fuming Emperor's sword hilt is so terrifying that it is suffocating. Under the power, the non-transforming bones can still remain intact. Even most of the bones of the corpse were only cracked but not broken, maintaining a normal skeleton.

"Take it away and leave it to the emperor's disposal!"

When the god general came down, what he was most afraid of was that the bones would not turn into bones and he had already escaped, but seeing this situation, he was really overthinking it.

The battlefield was already being cleaned up in the surrounding mountains. Then many monsters and some gods who were still alive and begging for mercy saw a battalion of heavenly soldiers flying out of the sinkhole. Several heavenly soldiers used weapons and ropes to bind corpses. A mangled corpse flew out.

It was the evil corpse that once made people fearful and killed countless living beings!

Then, the god general flew high into the sky and landed on the battleship in the center of the Demon Subduing Palace. With as much suppressed excitement as possible, he reported in a deep voice to the True Monarch Xian Sheng standing here.

"Your Majesty - Fu Huan Gu has lost all his essence and died at the bottom of the sinkhole. Now his body has been brought back!"

Xiansheng Zhenjun and Yi Shuyuan reacted almost at the same time and walked forward together. The divine generals, Shi Sheng and others around them also walked up.

The immortal bones were held up by the heavenly soldiers and hung outside the warship, like a broken corpse.

"As expected of the Indestructible Bones. Under the emperor's blow, everything would be turned into powder. However, this Invulnerable Bones still retains the human form."

Although it was too terrible to look at, the human form was indeed still there.

This divine general also spoke the thoughts of the people around him, and Yi Shuyuan spoke after deep thought.

"Although this non-transformable bone is dead, if it is put down like this, it will be alive again sooner or later."

Not turning into bones is more of a state than a title for zombies.

When Yi Shuyuan said these words, Xiansheng Zhenjun, as his other self, naturally answered immediately. He looked at Yi Shuyuan Dao beside him.

"Does Yi Daozi have a perfect method?"

Yi Shuyuan smiled.

"This matter has some cause and effect with Yi, so naturally it should be settled by Yi."

As he said this, Yi Shuyuan looked at the untransformed bones being held up in the air.

"It was originally a withered bone lying in a Xuanjin coffin. It has been buried under Xuanjin Mountain for thousands of years. But now everyone in the world must soon know that it cannot be turned into bones, and it is not suitable to be buried deep underground to avoid If it is used by evil spirits again, destroy it."

Everyone knew that Yi Daozi must have a solution, and they were all waiting for him to say it. As expected, Yi Shuyuan didn't hold back anymore.

"My Dou Zhuan Qian Kun Furnace is considered mysterious, so why not just throw the untransformed bones into the furnace and wait for me to refine them with the real fire of the Immortal Furnace!"

Yi Shuyuan's understatement made many people's hearts tremble, and even made many monsters caught by gods in the distance shudder.

Everyone knows that the elixir is good, and the immortal furnace that breeds the elixir is naturally a treasure, but if you are allowed to walk inside this alchemy furnace, it will be very scary just thinking about it.

The true fire of the alchemy furnace can refine the short-term elixir, and I am afraid it can also refine everything in the world. This will not mean that the body will be shattered, the bones will be scattered, and maybe even a trace of the true spirit will no longer exist in the world.

"Just do as you say, thank you, fellow Taoist!"

"There is also Mr. Lao Zhen!"

Yi Shuyuan and Xiansheng Zhenjun bowed slightly while being humble to each other, and they themselves decided not to turn into bones.

Then everyone looked far away, and on the other side of the cloud, the seriously injured Jie Zhitungsten and Liao Yaohuang had also been bound by the demon-binding rope, and were escorted by the gods to fly up to the cloud.

At this moment, Liao Yaohuang's demonic energy collapsed and he was completely unconscious. He was completely held up by the god generals. However, Jie Zhitungsten was still conscious and was pressed by the two god generals and kneeling on the head of the cloud. However, he did not have the strength to resist anymore. He was just stunned. Looking at the warship in the distance.

To be precise, he was looking at the few people standing on the bow of the warship, looking at the leader of the god who was wearing silver-based gold scale armor.

This is the Ming Ling Mie He Xian Sheng Zhenjun, the Demon Subduing Holy Lord Emperor!

The Martial Star Lord of the Southern Heaven held a silver hammer and flew nearby on Fa Yun. He bowed respectfully to the True Lord Xian Sheng and saluted. As a being who ranks high among the Martial Gods in the Heaven, this salute was considered heavy enough.

"True Lord, now that the immortal bones have been removed, and the demon king Jie Zhitungsten and Liao Yaohuang are the monsters in the mountains and seas of the southern boundary, can you allow me to escort them back to the heaven to wait for the fate of the emperor?"

Before True Lord Xiansheng could say anything, Jie Zhitung in the distance also heard Lord Wuquxing's words. He who was originally in despair suddenly started struggling violently.

"Wu Qu Xiao'er - I don't accept it - I don't accept it - I don't accept it -"

Jie Zhitungsten's body suddenly erupted with soaring demon energy again, which the two generals could not hold back. But almost the next moment, a streak of blood split open in his chest, a large amount of demon blood spurted out, and his aura immediately withered. Go down

But Jie Zhitungsten didn't seem to care about his situation at all and was still struggling.

"Ah - I don't accept it - Wu Qu Xiao'er - I was defeated by the Demon-Conquering Holy Lord - it was not defeated by shameless people like you - they pressured me to go to heaven, I don't accept it - roar -"

The demonic aura continues to expand, and the demon-binding ropes make a heartbreaking creaking sound. But the more he struggles, the faster the aura will decay.

The sword of Xian Sheng Zhenjun is definitely not that simple.

Sure enough, no matter how hard Jie Zhitungsten struggled, the strength in his body was quickly exhausted. The roar just now seemed to have exhausted his last strength, and he was pressed by the two god generals and leaned directly against the head of the cloud.

"I don't accept it——"

This scene shocked the gods around them, and also made many captured demons and some demon soldiers feel sad.

Jie Zhitungsten's eyes were red. He could have risen between heaven and earth, stirred up the wind and clouds, stood on the top of the mountain, and held the sun and moon in his hands, but now that he thought about it, everything was in vain.

Thinking back to the Dharma form that was like a jade pillar, he couldn't contend with it at all, but even so, he still refused to accept it!

"Shut his mouth!"

Wuqu Xingjun said this angrily, and he was also very angry. Yijie Xingjun was called a shameless child by a monster, and he was also a monster who was caught and waiting to die. He was so angry.

But at this moment, the True Lord Xiansheng stepped out of the warship. He walked towards Jie Zhitungsten step by step in the air. With every step he took, a faint cloud would appear under his feet, but it was by no means thick.

Until True Lord Xian Sheng stood in front of Jie Zhi Tungsten, the latter's struggle and roar also stopped, and his body began to tremble uncontrollably.

Jie Zhitungsten never thought that with his cultivation to the point where he is today, one day he would tremble involuntarily just by facing a certain existence, but now it is actually happening.

"Tungsten solution, don't you accept it?"

The True Monarch Xian Sheng's voice was like a stern face. There were not many emotional fluctuations from beginning to end. Being stared at by this pair of magical eyes containing divine light, even the two Southern Realm divine generals who were suppressing Jie Zhitungsten did not dare to breathe.

After hearing the words of Xian Sheng Zhenjun, although his body was shaking, Jie Zhitung still managed to force himself to answer.

"I can conquer the power of your Demon-Conquering Holy Lord, but it is you, the Holy Lord, who defeats me, not these little people in the south. I am willing to let the True Lord deal with you, but if you want to force me to go to this heaven, I will Ten thousand dissatisfactions!”

To be honest, Xian Sheng Zhenjun and Yi Shuyuan, who are concentric with the gods, can understand Xie Zhitungsten's feelings at this moment.

He has a strong sense of frustration, and at this moment he is eager to maintain the last trace of dignity.

Although it is a monster, Jie Zhitungsten can be regarded as a person. The Xian Sheng Zhenjun stood silently in front of him for a while, and then looked at Wuqu Xingjun who was flying nearby at this moment.

"Xingjun, I will personally go to this heaven to explain this war to the Heavenly Emperor, and the two demon kings will be temporarily taken into custody by the Demon-Suppressing Heavenly Army!"

True Lord Xian Sheng said this, Lord Wu Quxing opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't dare to refute, and just surrendered and obeyed.

"Follow True Lord's arrangements!"

True Lord Xiansheng nodded and looked at Jie Zhitung in front of him again. The latter thought that True Lord would ask him something again, but the former just glanced at him and then turned around and left.

To put it bluntly, Jie Zhitungsten, as the demon king of one side, although he is a figure, has committed a serious crime after all, and he will not let the heroes cherish the heroes of the Xian Sheng True Monarch.

In the far southwest, in the sky beyond the scope of the battle between gods and monsters, there is a dragon hiding in the clouds and mist.

But at this moment, none of the dragons dared to move without permission, let alone make any dragon roars or calls, even though they were far away from the battlefield and couldn't even see a trace of divine light.

As soon as the law of heaven and earth appeared, the horror it brought to people was simply indescribable. It was almost felt by the southern heaven who watched the war in the lower world with the help of the treasure of heaven.

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