Moments earlier, in the Heavenly Court and above the Yunxiao Palace, many gods and men from various ministries came today.

Although the Heavenly Realm used troops mainly to assist the Demon-Conquering Emperor this time, and the Heavenly Realm did not summon all the gods, most of the gods who heard about it arrived.

There is a hazy cloud and mist in the center of the Yunxiao Palace, and water waves are rising in the cloud and mist. It is about the size of a pond. The light in the waves flashes from time to time, and you can see the battle in the lower world.

But at the moment when the Xian Sheng True Lord took action, the magical powers of Fa Tian Xiang and Earth unfolded, and the energy within the Yunxiao Temple suddenly became chaotic, leaving only a chaotic light in the clouds and mist.

"What happened?" "The bones are not coming out!"

"It seems that the Demon-Suppressing Emperor has taken action!"

"Two gods of round light, please stabilize your round light technique!"

The two gods below who were casting spells were very anxious, one of them said.

"Emperor, the Qi of the lower realm has been completely disrupted, and we can no longer spy on it!"

The other person also looked at the Emperor of Heaven above the palace.

"Emperor, I'm afraid that the True Monarch Xian Sheng is using his divine power to reach the sky, and the magic will go into chaos as soon as he releases his energy!"

The Emperor frowned and stood up from his seat. While the gods were discussing, he suddenly felt a shock.

"Rumble, rumble."

Inside and outside the Yunxiao Hall, some gods and heavenly soldiers swayed slightly with this vibration. All the gods and gods were shocked. This was also the moment when the law of heaven and earth was completed, and the hilt of the sword was hammered down into the ground without turning into bones.

The Emperor of Heaven walked down directly, stepped out with clouds and mist under his feet, and walked directly out of the Yunxiao Palace. Then many of the gods and star officials in the palace also left the hall.

In fact, at this moment, the Emperor of Heaven already had some vague feeling in his heart. Although his energy was chaotic, he knew more than other gods, but he didn't say much.

In the distance to the southwest, looking from here, there is a turmoil of energy, as if some amazing change has occurred.

At this moment, a god-man hurriedly flew outside the Yunxiao Palace on the wind. Seeing that the Emperor of Heaven and the gods were outside, he hurriedly reported.

"Report! Report to the emperor that the Demon-Suppressing Emperor used his magical power on the remote mountain and turned into a sky-holding giant, which has already reached the sky!"

In fact, it's not that exaggerated. It's just that the Qi machine supported by the blooming of the divine light is also like a human figure. In addition, it is a god. It seems to have broken through all the barriers and penetrated directly into the heaven. It's like a giant has reached the sky. At this moment, those on duty in the heaven The Heavenly Weapon God General couldn't see through this at all, and there was only horror in his heart.


One of the gods made a sound in surprise. Before he could ask more questions, another divine light flew from the distance. A divine general couldn't help shouting before he arrived.

"Report - report to the emperor - the Demon-Suppressing Emperor turned into a boundless giant, and with just one sword, he killed two demon kings -"

Chang Geng Xingjun was shocked and quickly asked the question he was most concerned about.

"What if it doesn't turn into bones?"

It was too exciting to come to repay the god general, so he quickly answered at this moment.

"The immortal bone was released from the abyss of the earth, but as soon as it flew into the sky, it was struck down by the Demon-Conquering Emperor with the hilt of his sword. Life or death is unknown! The vibration between heaven and earth was caused by that blow!"

There was silence outside the Yunxiao Palace where there was originally some discussion.

Even though he couldn't see it with his own eyes due to the disorder of the Heavenly Secret, even standing deep in the Heavenly Palace, he could vaguely feel the huge Qi and the terrifyingly exaggerated supernatural power.

However, many gods and men understand that the vibration between heaven and earth is not necessarily caused by the blow that shattered the bones. In fact, it should be more the roar of Qi caused by the display of the heaven-defying magical power by the Holy Monarch.

What kind of magical power is this? How powerful and boundless is this magical power?

Fuhuanggu, who had cost the Heavenly Court a lot of money back then, was directly knocked to the ground by the hilt of the divine weapon's sword, while the two demon kings were destroyed with one strike.

Even in this heavenly palace where the gods gather together, any words seem a little pale at this moment.

As for the results of this time's dispatch of troops from Heaven, there is obviously nothing to worry about.


At about the same time, in the South China Sea Dragon Palace, a banquet was being held in the main hall of the Dragon Palace.

The Dragon King of the South China Sea is sitting at the top, and the dragons of the South China Sea are below. Jiang Lang, a visitor from the East China Sea, seems to be particularly valued. He sits on the side close to the Dragon King and sits at the same table with a dragon son from the South China Sea. forward.

In the main hall of the Dragon Palace, everyone was sitting cross-legged or kneeling, drinking and chatting together, and enjoying the singing and dancing of the Central Shui Tribe women. The atmosphere was quite lively.

At this moment, the Dragon Palace was still shaking.

"Rumble, rumble, rumble."

The special water waves within the confines of the Dragon Palace were constantly swaying, and the dancing aquatic dancers also fell into panic. Some covered their mouths and stopped, and some couldn't help but let out a low cry.

"What's wrong?" "The tide is turbulent?"

"How could the tide affect the Dragon Palace?"

Long Jun, who was at the head, frowned slightly, and then looked at Jiang Lang, who was sitting at the same table with one of his sons not far away.

Jiang Lang's eyelids twitched at this moment. If he calculated carefully, today is almost the day when the Demon-Suppressing Heavenly Army takes action.

Afterwards, the shock quickly disappeared, and Lord Long slowly spoke.

"do not mind!"

Lord Long spoke, and the palace naturally started singing and dancing again. There was no extra disturbance, but many people were speculating about what happened, and many people also had a tendency.

Those who can drink, talk and enjoy singing and dancing together in this palace are all close ministers of the Dragon Palace, and the purpose of the Dragon King of Changfeng Lake from the East China Sea coming here is actually no longer a secret among everyone.

It's just that the Dragon Clan is not as clear about some specific situations as the Heaven Realm, but it seems to be very calm.

And the vibration did cause consternation at first, but then the dragons could feel that the source of the vibration did not come from the South China Sea, but from the distant mountains.

And this is not a real vibration in the conventional sense. At least it is not prominent in the body sense. It is more like the turbulence caused by the spiritual energy tide. The same is true for that faint sense of imbalance. People who are not practitioners or people with special spiritual sense may not be able to detect it. come out.

Long Zi next to Jiang Lang saw him thinking for a moment and asked with a smile.

"King Jiang Long seems to know where the shock just now came from?"

Jiang Lang looked at Long Zi beside him, but he didn't hide what he was thinking.

"If Jiang's prediction is correct, it should be something happening in the mountains over there. Perhaps the True Lord Xian Sheng took action."

Long Zi narrowed his eyes slightly. In fact, he understood his father's reputation as a traitor.

On the one hand, it is because it can be regarded as a way to save Yi Daozi, and on the other hand, since it is known in advance, the Dragon Clan does not need to wade through the muddy waters and can completely sit back and watch.

But I have to say that there are still many dragons who don't understand, and more people want to see how capable the legendary Demon-Suppressing Emperor is.

However, later that day, the few dragons who had gone to the shore to watch came back. As soon as they saw them appearing in human form outside the temple, someone immediately drove away the singers and dancers.

When the hall became quiet, all the dragons also looked at the few people who had walked to the center of the hall.

"How's it going?"

Long Zi next to Jiang Lang asked this question. This question made several people recall what they had seen before and seemed a little distracted.


Long Jun's voice came, and several people woke up from a dream. One of them looked up, considered it for a while, and then spoke truthfully.

"Jun Long, the battle of Yaohuang has ended. Understanding Tungsten and Liao Yaohuang have been defeated. They don't know whether they are alive or dead. They are suppressed without turning into bones. They don't know whether they are alive or dead. Tens of thousands of demon soldiers and many demon clans have collapsed."

"What?" "So fast?"

"Could it be that all the heavens are out?"

Long Jun also frowned. Even though he had some premonitions just now, even he felt that the premonition was a bit unreal.

"Is it because of the Holy Lord?"

Hearing this name, Jiaolong who came back felt a chill in his heart subconsciously.

"Hui Longjun, it was precisely because of the Demon-Subduing Holy Lord who took action."

Then several dragons spoke loudly. Even if they didn't add any extraneous details, the words they said made everyone in the Dragon Palace unbelievable.

The Xian Sheng True Monarch used the magical power to defy the heavens. With his head in the sky and his feet on the ground, the magic weapon suppressed the two demon kings without turning them into bones. With a slash of the long sword, the two demon kings were suspected of falling.

It can be said that as soon as the Xiansheng True Monarch took action, he suppressed the remote mountains in an instant!

After hearing this, Long Zi couldn't help but widen his eyes, and subconsciously looked at Jiang Lang beside him. The latter's face was full of tangles, and he seemed to be a little regretful.

Indeed, after hearing this, Jiang Lang was shocked but also very upset. This old Yi asked me to come to the South China Sea to stabilize the Dragon Clan, but he also made me miss the opportunity to witness it with my own eyes! ——

"Dong dong dong dong dong dong dong dong"

In the remote mountains, the heavenly drums were beating, and rays of divine light were flying into the sky. The heavenly realm sent troops to the demon city. The war was over.

One hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals are deployed at many levels inside and outside, which is enough to ensure that all evil spirits are wiped out in one fell swoop, and no evil evil spirits will escape to other places, or even to the human world.

Above the clouds in the sky, the heavenly soldiers and generals lined up neatly. With the flags flying, the warship turned to the gods and returned to their positions, flying slowly towards the gate of heaven. In addition to the soldiers and horses from the southern heaven, there were also the demon-suppressing heavenly army.

In order not to miss the opportunity to fight and avoid some misunderstandings, I naturally did not go near the Heavenly Court. Now that the war is over, it would be inappropriate both emotionally and rationally to leave without looking back.

Tens of thousands of demon-suppressing heavenly troops and warships camped by the Tianhe River, while the gods from the heavenly realm came out of the heavenly palace to greet the Holy Lord.

At the same time, the Southern Heaven Realm has also prepared an edict, but I don’t know if the Holy Lord Xian Sheng will accept it. Even if it is just a false title, as long as it can be accepted, then this victory will naturally be a well-deserved victory for the Southern Heaven Realm.

Beside the Tianhe River, although the demon-suppressing heavenly army set up camp, they also directly transformed into buildings and palaces, and the divine craftsmen of the heavens in this area moved many military towers and strongholds.

Yi Shuyuan, Shi Sheng, Qi Zhongbin and others were in one of the pavilions. Although the Emperor of Heaven invited him to come over, he refused on the grounds that he wanted to think about how to refine bones.

The people in this congregation are in the quiet room upstairs. Although it is said to be a quiet room, it is not actually closed because the door to the balcony is wide open.

"Oh, Master is smart enough to take us here to hide and relax! There are a lot of delicious foods!"

Shi Sheng said this, while Qi Zhongbin was smiling and stroking his beard. Hui Mian was enjoying the spiritual fruit on the table and glanced at Yi Shuyuan, who was sitting there with his eyes closed and concentrating.

"Oh, sir, you may not have a lot of leisure time."

Yi Shuyuan could hide, but Xiansheng Zhenjun could not. After all, he was the Emperor of Heaven, so he would not show off to the other party.

At this moment, Yi Shuyuan opened his eyes and looked at Grandma Lihua who was sitting not far away. The demon cultivator would look at him from time to time, but she did not dare to pry too much.

Of course it wasn't that Granny Lihua was attracted to Yi Shuyuan. In fact, he could tell what she was thinking.

"Immortal Lord, Xuan Xi is just an illusion of yours, she won't come back in the future, right?"

After hesitating for so long, Granny Lihua finally asked, and Yi Shuyuan looked calm, nodded and shook his head.

"Xuan Xi is me, and Yi Shuyuan is also me. Whether it is an illusion or real is very clear on the surface, but I hope fellow Taoists can distinguish it clearly in their hearts!"

Granny Lihua sighed.

"Thank you, Immortal Lord, for your guidance."

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