Where the Demon-Conquering Heavenly Army camped, there were two special places, located at one end of both banks of the Tianhe River. These were two stone arched buildings with divine generals guarding them outside.

There are two golden cages inside the building, each containing Jie Zhitungsten and Liao Yaohuang, who are bound by chains.

At this moment, the general who was guarding them suddenly discovered that a little stream of light flew out from the two demon kings, but when he looked at it again, it seemed like an illusion.

But Jie Zhitungsten and Liao Yaohuang could actually see it clearly. When the stream of light flew out, a treasure they had hidden on their bodies flew away.

Outside the pavilion where Yi Shuyuan was, there were two streams of light coming at this moment. The light was not bright or eye-catching, but it made everyone above the pavilion look sideways.

The two streams of light finally fell in front of Yi Shuyuan, and were caught by the fan he stretched out. They landed on the fan, which were two small jade boxes. What was in the boxes was naturally self-evident.

Qi Zhongbin looked at this scene while stroking his beard, and couldn't help but sigh.

"People die for wealth and birds die for food. Even if you are a spiritual practitioner, there are many temptations on the road!"

Although these two elixirs are not the direct cause of the defeat of the two demon kings, they can definitely be regarded as the introduction, and there are so many people in the world who covet the elixirs.

Shi Sheng tasted the fine wine sent from Heaven and just smiled without saying anything, while Hui Mian swallowed the bulging food in his cheeks and then spoke.

"Oh, I've been working on it for a long time, but I still haven't taken the elixir. It's not worth it to die!"

Granny Lihua was also looking at the elixir on the folding fan. It would be impossible to say that her heart was not throbbing, but after experiencing this series of things, she was not very eager for it.

But at this moment, the folding fan was swung towards Grandma Lihua. In her surprised eyes, Yi Shuyuan's folding fan tilted slightly, and a small jade box slipped from the fan.

Granny Lihua subconsciously stretched out her hand to catch the falling jade box, but she was still a little dazed.

"Immortal Lord, this is"

Yi Shuyuan smiled.

"This is for you. It's not only to thank you for helping me change the world, but also to thank you for your efforts."

"This, this is too precious, I am ashamed to be worthy of it!"

Grandma Lihua herself had a strong point in her heart. She may have had some merit, but she definitely did not deserve such a reward. She would be very satisfied if she could be recognized by heaven afterwards.

"Take it."

After Yi Shuyuan finished speaking, Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin over there also spoke up.

"Take it, Grandma Lihua!" "Master gave it to you, naturally he thinks you are qualified to take it, so take it!"

Hui Mian jumped directly onto Grandma Lihua's shoulders and whispered something into her ear. The latter was stunned for a moment, but finally accepted it.

"Grandma Lihua, you'd better not let too many people know about your involvement in this matter. Let Shi Sheng see you off and go to the lower world!"

Grandma Lihua actually used some magic techniques during this period, and others might think she was an immortal cultivator following Shi Sheng and others.

After all, she is a demon clan, and this time she cooperates with Yi Shuyuan's cat demon transformation. If word spreads, I don't know if she can gain a foothold in the demon clan. Anyway, it is better to protect her.

Upon hearing this, Shi Sheng stood up, and Granny Lihua looked up at Yi Shuyuan, then stood up and saluted Yi Shuyuan.

"Thank you, Immortal Lord!"

Yi Shuyuan nodded and then closed his eyes to rest. Granny Lihua transformed into a civet cat and jumped to Shi Sheng's side. He hid it with his sleeves and left the pavilion.

Once outside, Shi Sheng released the Fire Wheel and turned into a meteor-like fire and left.

Yi Shuyuan opened his eyes and glanced at the "meteor" going away, and couldn't help but shook his head slightly, but he could rest here, while the other side was busy.

A celebration banquet is being held in the Tianyan Pavilion deep in the Heavenly Palace. In addition to the Holy Monarch and the gods of this heaven, there are also many invited practitioners from various walks of life. Among them are the immortal cultivators of the Zishan Sect, and Rong Zhang is here too.

Of course, there are also people from the South China Sea Dragon Clan here.

True Monarch Xiansheng accepted the good intentions of this heavenly realm, or in other words, this could be regarded as giving the other party a necessary face.

It's just a false title, even the title is actually not much different from the original one. At least some people can relate to it after hearing it.

His name is: Nine Heavens Conquering Demons Holy Lord, Xuanzhen Holy Spirit True Lord!

As a god who subdues demons, he can lead the stars of the Dou tribe and command the gods of the realms under the jurisdiction of the heaven, but these are not important to the Xian Sheng Zhenjun.

The most talked about thing at the banquet was naturally the previous battle, even though everyone already knew many details of that battle before that.

However, it was also at this celebration banquet that the participants from all parties, including the Heavenly Realm, finally knew the magical power used by the True Monarch Xian Sheng, at least they knew the name.

The laws of heaven and earth!

Although the True Lord Xian Sheng had revealed his name when he used the limited method of heaven and earth to drive away the dragon clan, it was not widely circulated. Even the gods he met that time did not dare to spread it casually for fear that the True Lord would not like it. But not this time.

In fact, magical powers are not uncommon. The more famous ones include the Giant Spirit God and the God of the Netherworld, Cheng Huang. However, no one has ever thought that magical powers can reach such a heaven-defying level.

People who have practiced this kind of magical power can hardly imagine how much cultivation is required to display the heavenly and earthly phenomena.

But one thing is certain, from now on, there will be a truly great supernatural power in the legends between heaven and earth!

The only person who can display this complete magical power in this world is the True Monarch Xian Sheng! ——

Later, Jiang Lang flew to the Demon-Conquering Heavenly Army's camp by the Tianhe River and arrived at the pavilion where Yi Shuyuan was.

As soon as he went upstairs, Jiang Lang found that the tables and tables in the room were full of delicacies, not to mention spiritual fruits and wine. Yi Shuyuan sat there with his eyes closed and meditated, while everyone else was enjoying the food.

"Lao Yi, didn't you say that you are in seclusion to meditate on how to use the alchemy furnace to refine bones? Doesn't it look like you are in seclusion?"

Yi Shuyuan opened his eyes, looked at Jiang Lang who was approaching, and grinned.

"How much more do you need to understand this? All you have to do is throw it into the Dou Zhuan Qian Kun furnace and refine it. I'm just looking for an excuse to hide away!"

Jiang Lang was happy.

"You still have to be open-minded. You don't even know that I'm sitting on pins and needles there."

Yi Shuyuan was surprised.

"You have nothing to do with the Dragon Clan, right? And you are a dragon from the East China Sea, and you came with me. To be honest, whether it is the Dragon Clan of the South China Sea or this Heavenly Court, I won't hate you if I don't say thank you! "

Jiang Lang smiled strangely, sat down at the table next to Qi Zhongbin, picked up the wine bottle, raised his head, opened his mouth, and poured wine into his mouth.

He drank several gulps before stopping.

"Alas, the wine from Tiangong is full of energy, but it is as bland as water and does not taste good at all."

After saying that, Jiang Langcai continued.

"Alas, you are right, but you ignored one person!"


Yi Shuyuan asked, and Jiang Lang shook his head.

"Nanhai Dragon Girl, the precious little daughter of Nanhai Dragon Lord, she is Jie Zhitungsten's fiancée. The look in my eyes makes me want to spit fire."


Yi Shuyuan laughed, and Hui Mian jumped directly in front of Jiang Lang and also laughed.

"If it weren't for you, the South China Sea Dragon Clan might still be wading in the muddy waters. She should thank you. If you have the ability, let her go to the True Monarch Xian Sheng!"

When Hui Mian said this today, Jiang Lang really agreed with it and couldn't help but sarcastically say it again.

"It's not that I like gossiping behind people's backs, but ah, this dragon girl has a very clear temper. Hmm, how dare she offend the true king? To put it bluntly, she still bullies the weak and fears the strong. By the way, Lao Yi, that Jie Zhi Tungsten. Is there any hope?"

Qi Zhongbin on the side looked at Jiang Lang with a smile. He was indeed the Dragon King of Changfeng Lake. In addition to his own cultivation, he also knew how to adapt and accumulate connections.

"Brother Jiang, Brother Jiang, although you are very angry, you are still a nice person. Why are you here to ask questions on my behalf?"

"It's just a little effort, so I just asked for help!"

Jiang Lang said this, but Yi Shuyuan shook his head.

"You can avoid living sins, but you can't escape death sins!"

Jiang Lang frowned slightly.

"What does the Emperor of Heaven mean?"

"It is the intention of the Emperor of Heaven and the intention of the True Lord. Jie Zhitungsten is indeed a number one figure in the demon world, but now that he is captured, he cannot escape this disaster!"

Even in the various paths of cultivation, some things are very realistic. For example, if nothing happens to a demon king like Jie Zhitung, even if there is a debt in his hand, he can certainly resolve it with his skills, but this is not the case now.

You will be fine if you can be strong, especially in a place like the mountains and seas of the Southern Territory, but now that you have suffered a complete defeat, all the old and new grudges can’t be counted as an injustice to you.

"What about Liao Yaohuang?"

"Him? Not to mention of course!"

After Yi Shuyuan finished speaking, Hui Mian smiled.

"I don't know if they asked to be born in the same year, the same month and the same day when they were sworn in, but they wanted to die in the same year, the same month and the same day. Anyway, it's okay to let them die on the same day."

Hui Mian's words seemed to extend with time, and time continued to flow.

Ten days later, the cloud platform outside the heaven.


Arrays of heavenly drums resounded through the sky, and the demon-slaying platform had already appeared. There were heavenly soldiers and generals everywhere above the clouds, and there were many gods and men watching from the outside. There were also monks from the Dragon Clan of the South China Sea and the immortal mountains from all directions.

The demon-slaying platform has become extremely large. The demons and spirits being escorted, trapped or kneeling here are far more than just Jie Zhitungsten and Liao Yaohuang. There are also hundreds of transformed demons who were captured in the battle in the mountains that day, and there are many more. If you look at the individual auras of the great demons individually, they are also the overlords of one party.

It's just that these monsters and monsters are now waiting for that knife.

To be honest, compared to these subordinates, Jie Zhitungsten and Liao Yaohuang's demonic aura is far less violent, but this does not mean that their sins are lighter.

"The time has come, let's kill the demon king first and solve the tungsten——"

Jie Zhitungsten was dragged to the center of the demon-slaying platform by two god generals, and the demons beside him became excited.

"King!" "Brother!"

Far away from the Dragon Clan, Nanhai Dragon Girl also frowned, but she found that Jie Zhitung didn't even look at her.

At this moment, Jie Zhitung's muscles were tense all over his body. Under this situation, a huge demonic aura arose, and even more so at this moment, he was filled with endless hostility.

"Emperor Tian, ​​and Wu Qu Xiao'er, if I, Jie Zhi Tungsten, were not defeated in your hands, I would not accept my death here."

But before Jie Zhitungsten finished speaking, a ray of divine light fell on the stage. He looked up in shock, only to find that it was the Xian Sheng True Lord who had arrived in person. As soon as the True Lord raised his hand, a three-pointed two-edged sword appeared in his hand.

At this moment, it was not only Jie Zhitung who was shocked, but also the gods and practitioners of all walks of life who were watching.

"I'm here to kill you, are you convinced?"

Jie Zhitung's violent aura subsided, and he stopped talking. Finally, he glanced at the South China Sea Dragon Clan, knelt down and stretched his head.

The Holy Lord Xian Sheng narrowed his eyes slightly, the divine weapon flashed, and he raised his sword.


The sword fell, and the endless demonic energy dissipated along with the demon king's head. At the moment when the spiritual light dissipated, a bit of true spirit flew towards the netherworld.

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