Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 588 The person who gave the painting

In Yi Shuyuan's opinion, the damage to the Crystal Palace was a heavy loss. At least it was hard for him to imagine how much it cost to build the Crystal Palace, which combines grandeur, beauty and mystery.

Not only Yi Shuyuan, but actually everyone else and even the Dragon Clan itself felt extremely sorry for him, including Jiang Lang from the East China Sea.

But it has to be said that the Dragon Clan is indeed rich and powerful. At least the Nanhai Dragon Lord said that the Crystal Palace can be rebuilt after it is gone.

Of course, compared to the Crystal Palace, the loss of this Alchemy Ceremony is what truly saddens everyone.

But as the saying goes, there are unforeseen circumstances and everything is difficult to achieve. Comparatively speaking, this time can not be regarded as fruitless.

The Crystal Palace is large enough, and although the few palaces that are still intact only occupy less than 10% of the original palace, they are still enough to accommodate everyone who is currently at the bottom of the South China Sea.

Everyone gathered some classics that they had found in the nearby sea area and gathered them together again. There were hundreds of thousands of volumes and less than 10,000 volumes were left. However, many of the documents that had been sorted and compiled in the Dragon Palace were preserved. It was also during the calamity that the northern pharmacist Xingjun was the leader. People fight tooth and nail to protect the content.

This is the wonder of worldly affairs. Now that the Lingbao has been released and there is no other concern, Yi Shuyuan and others summarized the remaining writings, and the harvest from now on is far better than before.

Perhaps it is because the calamity of the Alchemy Path has passed, and the subsequent progress can be said to be unimpeded under limited conditions. The experts of this Dao from all over the world have concentrated their energy on the remaining content.

Starting with "Zhen Lu Dan Zong", the final summary of thirty alchemy books has broken the shackles of today's alchemy.

In order to repay the help of all parties in the Four Seas and Four Worlds, and to compensate for their losses, the Four Seas and Four Worlds had rubbings that could be taken away, and the original copy was unanimously determined to be stored in the South China Sea Crystal Palace. Of course, it had to be the rebuilt Crystal Palace.

It's just that the mysterious treasure house of the Crystal Palace seems not to have been affected much in the first place.

But although it is said to be an authentic copy, there is actually no difference in content from other rubbings. It can only be regarded as the first collected and sorted book, and it has greater commemorative significance.

In addition to Four Worlds, all the other immortal houses that generously helped cannot be forgotten. However, on the other hand, they cannot take away the real rubbings. After all, the truth is not passed down lightly.

But those who come this time can read the alchemy classics in the Nanhai Dragon Palace. How much they can understand depends entirely on the individual.

And from now on, their descendants can go to any of the four heavens and the Four Seas Dragon Palace to read the alchemy canon without any hindrance. They also rely on personal understanding, but it is not that they can go all the time, but based on the alchemy canon of this time. Depends on contribution.

But the trace of the fairy is elusive. Originally, there were not many fairy houses that came this time. Even the Zishan Immortal Sect that arrived last, there were two sects, three sects and five sects in front, with a total of ten fairy houses participating.

The Zishan sect rushed to the late gathering and made almost no contribution at the beginning. They didn't even have time to put down the books they brought. However, because of this, the hundreds of books they brought were spared, although they were not that important in hindsight. of classics.

But he still won three opportunities for the younger disciples of the Zishan Sect, and it was also the fate of setting foot on the mysterious place of Alchemy three times.

As the most important figure in this ceremony, Yi Shuyuan did not keep these thirty books, but he could borrow them from all over the world at any time, and there were no restrictions on his disciples.

And everyone knows that the alchemy path in Yi Daozi's heart may be the most precious, and not everyone has the opportunity to understand it.

In addition, as a crucial figure in this Alchemy Ceremony, no one can forget Yi Daozi.

The original pearl collection "Zhenlu Danzong" came from the heaven above and should have been returned.

But the Dinghai Divine Needle was left in the South China Sea. In order to repay Yi Shuyuan, the Dragon Lord of the South China Sea went to heaven in person to negotiate with the Emperor of Heaven, and was willing to leave the four-pillar True Yang Furnace in the heaven in exchange for taking away the "Zhenlu Dan Zong" The real pearl was hidden and given to Yi Shuyuan.

Although the Pearl Collection is special, it is only a book after all. The backup classics do not contain the "Zhenlu Danzong", and the Dragon Lord came to talk in person and even presented the four-pillar True Yang Furnace. It can be said to be full of sincerity, and the heaven above How could you not agree?

In the end, the four-pillar True Yang Furnace remained in the Southern Heaven Realm, and the Nanhai Dragon Clan could also use the Alchemy Furnace in Heaven. It was shared by both parties, and the Heavenly Clan had a larger share.


In Nanhai, in the slightly repaired Crystal Palace, Yi Shuyuan personally sorted out the rubbings. Nanhai Dragon Lord, Sifang Xingjun and representatives of the other three sea dragon clans were all standing aside, either helping or watching.

Also helping are some immortal cultivators in the Immortal Mansion who have profound knowledge of calligraphy and painting.

Thirty books, each about six to nine volumes, which also contain many of Yi Shuyuan's understandings of alchemy. They are now divided into eight parts and have all been sorted out.

There are a total of eight tables lined up in the main hall, with thirty alchemy classics placed on them.

The one placed in the center is the most special, because on top of the other twenty-nine books, there is also a clear bead.

Everyone present looked at these eight-point classics, and their hearts were full of emotion. Although everyone knew that the road to alchemy was full of difficulties, at least there was a guiding light.

"This is all due to your strong help. Although there are disasters, it is also a meritorious deed for us to complete such a grand event!"

Dragon Lord of the South China Sea, as he said this, smiles appeared on everyone's faces.

Yi Shuyuan saw that these people were all reserved, smiled and opened his mouth to break the deadlock.

"We don't want to praise each other anymore. We should collect the books and return them to the four seas."

"What the Immortal Lord said is absolutely true!" "Then I won't be polite!"

Everyone smiled at each other. After Yi Shuyuan took away the bead collection in the center, the others took away the books on the eight desks.

"Hahahahahaha. Fellow Taoists, there is no need to leave in a hurry. There will be a banquet later. Even though my Crystal Palace is dilapidated now, it still has a lot of what it should have."

Nanhai Longjun’s words were not a joke.

As soon as the water droplet hung, the banquet was spread inside and outside the ruined hall. There were also a lot of fine wines and delicacies, but I don't know how it was created.

This banquet called "Xie Dan Banquet" lasted for three days. Once the banquet was over, monks from all over the world also left one after another, including Yi Shuyuan, whose trip was considered to be a complete one.


Jiang Lang led the East China Sea Dragon Clan to escort thirty alchemy books back to the East China Sea. It was his responsibility and he couldn't walk slowly with Yi Shuyuan, so he had already taken the first step.

At this time, Yi Shuyuan took Shi Sheng, Qi Zhongbin, and Hui Mian who was lying on Shi Sheng's head and walked eastward on the clouds.

The two disciples were riding on the clouds, while Yi Shuyuan lay on his side on the top of the clouds, letting the breeze blow on his body, which was considered relaxing and comfortable.

"Master, do you think the alchemy path will be as glorious as it was in ancient times in the future?"

This time can be regarded as breaking the shackles and bringing forth the new, and the Danding lineage has ignited hope.

Yi Shuyuan yawned. In the past few years, his mental energy has been extremely exhausted. Even he would be a little energetic. He smiled when he heard his disciple's words.

"Alchemy may never reach its former glory."

Hearing these words, Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin looked at each other in confusion, and even Hui Mian jumped on Yi Shuyuan.

"Why, sir, these thirty classics can be said to be a collection of wisdom from the past and the present, setting the precedent for today's alchemy. Now that the Dharma lineage in the world is considered prosperous, how can it not be achieved?"

Yi Shuyuan glanced at Hui Mian.

"Hey, that's the point. Nowadays, the Dharma lineage in the world is considered prosperous. Even so, it is difficult to achieve enlightenment. In ancient times, it was much more difficult to practice the path to enlightenment. After all, the Danding lineage is difficult and dangerous. How many people in the world today would actually spend their entire lives studying this?"

As he spoke, Yi Shuyuan added another sentence.

"Of course, the situation will definitely be much better than before. It's not like the elixir is unique to my Qiankun lineage."

At this moment, Yi Shuyuan's heart moved slightly, and after a while, Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin looked back.

"Master, someone is chasing you."

"Wait for him."

When Yi Shuyuan said this, Fayun also slowed down.

Not long after, a Qingxu Immortal Cultivator led a boy from behind and came nearby on a cloud. Yi Shuyuan had also stood up. The former bowed to the clouds and saluted as soon as he got close.

"Yuan Jingsi pays homage to the Immortal! I've met all fellow Taoists!" "Meet all seniors!"

The children beside Yuan Jingsi also saluted nervously.

Yi Shuyuan had an impression of this man. He had come to see him before when he was collecting the alchemy canon. He had good cultivation and was also a person who could not be ignored when collecting some alchemy canon contents.

"It turns out to be the original fellow Taoist."

Yi Shuyuan stood up and returned the salute, while Shi Sheng, Qi Zhongbin and Hui Mian also saluted one after another.

"I wonder why my former Taoist friend is chasing after me?"

When Yi Shuyuan spoke, he also looked at Yuan Jingsi carefully, not only because of He Guigan's reasons, but also because the other party was able to find the right position to pursue him, which must be unique.

Yuan Jingsi didn't say much. He took out a long scroll from his sleeve, then took a few steps forward and stepped into the Fayun where Yi Shuyuan and others were, and handed one of his hands to Yi Shuyuan.

"This painting was made by Yuan. I am grateful to the Immortal Lord for letting Yuan see this scene and leave it in the painting. Now I will give it to the Immortal Lord. I hope the Immortal Lord will not dislike it!"


Yi Shuyuan thought for a moment, then reached out to take it, and then slowly unfolded the scroll under the expectant eyes of the person opposite.

Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin on one side couldn't help but come over, and Hui Mian had already jumped onto Yi Shuyuan's shoulder.

As the scroll unfolded, even Yi Shuyuan opened his eyes slightly and his pupils expanded slightly.

When the Xuan Jin Dan turned into a rainbow, the artistic conception and momentum of the unintentional sword pointing to the sky were perfectly integrated into this painting. The impact even shocked Yi Shuyuan himself, as if he were seeing each other from another person's perspective. That sword from back then!

Clouds, drizzle, sunshine, rainbow, and that sword rainbow with unparalleled sword intent

To be honest, although Yi Shuyuan doesn't paint often, he thinks he should be good at painting, but he knows that his painting skills cannot compare with Shao Zhen's back then, let alone Yuan Jingsi in front of him.

"Excellent, extremely wonderful! The painting is extremely wonderful! Does this painting have a name?"

Yuan Jingsi also smiled when he heard Yi Shuyuan's praise.

"Returning to the Immortal Master, the name of this painting is: Sword Rainbow Dividing Rain Picture. After I finished painting this painting, I looked at it from time to time. I have improved a lot in my swordsmanship. I am grateful for the guidance of the Immortal Master, so I came here to give this painting to you!"

Yi Shuyuan looked at Yuan Jingsi and understood what the other party meant. To be honest, he didn't think he was giving advice, but from the perspective of a magnanimous person, it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was giving advice.

"Thank you very much. I really like this painting, so I accepted it!"

Yuan Jingsi became even more happy when she heard this, took two steps back and bowed again.

"In that case, Yuan takes leave!"

Yi Shuyuan was slightly surprised, and then the other party turned into a ray of light and left with the boy beside him.

After practicing for so long, Yi Shuyuan is now well-known all over the world, and he is especially well-known as the master of alchemy. Except for a few close people, all the people who come to see him have tried their best to find him, and they all have something to ask for.

People like Yuan Jingsi are really rare.

"Master, he just left like this?"

Hui Mian was also shocked when Shi Sheng said this.

"Yeah, I thought he would ask for an elixir!"

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