Yi Shuyuan looked at Yuan Jingsi's retreating light. With his synaesthesia, he could feel that the other party was not showing off, but was really open and forthright.

"That's what the so-called sincerity of immortality is like!"

After hearing the master's words, Qi Zhongbin stroked his beard and looked at the almost invisible escape light, and then looked back at the "Sword and Rainbow Dividing Rain Map" in the master's hand.

"The artistic conception of this man's painting is extraordinary. Although he borrowed the master's sword intention, it is enough to show that his realm is unusual. He is actually a sword cultivator, but when he came here, I couldn't feel it. It was as if he was a sword cultivator. A refined scholar comes to visit.”

Qi Zhongbin's meaning when he said this was already clear. The more inconspicuous a person is, the more amazing they are when they reveal their true abilities.

Hui Mian stood on Yi Shuyuan's shoulder. After seeing his husband look away, he admired the scroll with joy on his face and couldn't help but speak.

"Sir, don't you give him some time? Such a person is worth making friends with!"

Yi Shuyuan looked at Hui Mian and nodded.

"Yuan Taoist friend is indeed worth making friends with. A gentleman is like ink, and the friendship between gentlemen is as light as water. In fact, there is no need to deliberately stay with him! Let's go."

After the master said so, Shi Sheng said nothing more, looked at each other and smiled with his junior brother, and flew towards the east on the magic cloud.

Although Yuan Jingsi did not seem to have any enthusiastic communication with Yi Shuyuan and his party, and only gave the scrolls to each other, both Yi Shuyuan and the people in the sect remembered him deeply and left a very good impression.

This is much better than the many people who went out of their way to find Yi Shuyuan, and there were many such people in the South China Sea Dragon Palace before.

When Yuan Jingsi was in the Dragon Palace at that time, he had no intention of standing out in front of Yi Shuyuan. He only carefully organized the classics and assisted fellow Taoists from all walks of life to sort out the thirty alchemy classics. Afterwards, everyone dispersed to look for paintings to present.

After Yi Shuyuan and others' Fayun flew away, where Jingsi was, the boy beside him kept looking behind him.

"Oh Master, Immortal Lord and the others flew away. I thought they would stop us and give us some elixirs to eat."

The boy looked extremely disappointed. Legend has it that Yi Daozi was the ultimate immortal of alchemy in the world. The so-called peerless immortal was someone who stood at the pinnacle of the alchemy lineage and was also a unique one.

As he spoke, the boy's face bulged, his mouth began to murmur, and he looked at the master beside him with a complaining look.

"Master, it's all your fault. Why didn't you ask the Immortal Lord for the elixir just now? The Immortal Lord obviously seemed very happy. If you want it, he might give it to you, right?"

Yuan Jingsi looked at the child next to her with joy, and she even smiled happily when she saw him holding his breath.

"Hahahahahaha. Qi'er, you really want to eat the elixir, right?"

"You're still smiling, you're still smiling!"

The boy stretched out his hand and beat the master repeatedly. The latter smiled and stopped laughing, and then looked back at the horizon where the fairy light had long since disappeared.

"If I open my mouth, it's not that I might give it to you, but I will definitely give it to you! The Immortal Master feels the true meaning in the painting, and he really likes it. It also makes the teacher feel that the painting is not in vain."

"Then why don't you speak?"

Yuan Jingsi smiled again and looked down at the boy beside him.

"I gained enlightenment by observing the sword and rainbow, dividing the rain, and compiled the alchemy scriptures together to obtain the Dharma. I have taken advantage of every opportunity. This painting can be regarded as a piece of my heart. Of course, I am not without selfish thoughts."

Saying that, Yuan Jingsi reached out and rubbed the boy's head.

"Qi'er, one day you will understand why my teacher didn't speak today. People in the immortal way are not without desires and pursuits. If this is true, cultivating immortals will also have no interest in life, but you must also know that when you think clearly, Stop your desires in moderation!”


Yuan Jingsi paused for a moment, and the boy beside him frowned.

"And what?"

Yuan Jingsi smiled.


In a flash of light, Yuan Jingsi had already flown in the direction of the setting sun in the distance. What he didn't finish was that although he didn't ask for elixirs, the little boy would one day understand that not asking for anything today is far better than asking for it. Although Yuan Jingsi This was not his intention, but he could feel it a little bit when he came into contact with Yi Daozi today.

However, it is better not to tell children these things, so as not to have wild imaginations when their minds are immature.

"By the way, Master, no one can find Yi Daozi, why can you find the Immortal Lord? Then can you take me to find the Immortal Lord at any time in the future?"

"Hahahahahaha. You kid"

Tong Yan was naive, but Yuan Jingsi patiently explained.

"I was able to find the Immortal Lord all because of the ray of sword intent on the "Sword Rainbow Dividing Rain Picture". Now that the picture has been given to the Immortal Lord, I naturally can't find it. If the Immortal Lord is so easy to be found, If you find it, you won't be annoyed to death by people asking for elixirs. It would be troublesome for me to think about it."

"Yeah too"

The boy looked quite disappointed——

As the sky turned white again in the east, Shi Sheng winked at his junior brother who was sitting cross-legged on one side, and the latter understood.

The brothers turned their heads to look behind each other, and saw Yi Shuyuan opening the scroll again and admiring it.

Yi Shuyuan really liked "Sword Rainbow Dividing Rain Picture". He did not expect that someone could present his fleeting sword intention so perfectly, and even added some embellishments based on the other person's own understanding of the state of mind.

This point is not superfluous, but the icing on the cake. Even Yi Shuyuan, a swordsman at that time, has a new understanding in his heart when he looks at this painting again.

If Shao Zhen's paintings are the best in the world, then Yuan Jingsi can be said to be a masterful painter among immortals.

As if knowing that the two apprentices were looking at him, Yi Shuyuan suddenly said something calmly.

"It would be interesting to take the former Taoist friend to meet Mr. Shao, right?"

Hui Mian was lying on his back and taking a nap on Yi Shuyuan's shoulder. When he heard these words, he suddenly woke up and said with a smile.

"Shao Zhen? I almost forgot about this person, but can Shao Zhen still be able to write?"

Hui Mian's words reveal the most ruthless thing in the world, which is the never-ending time.

Among those who seek immortality, the initial motivation for a large number of people who seek immortality is simply to make time "slow down".

Yi Shuyuan put away the painting and stood up from the cloud. The master stood up, and the two disciples Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin also stood up.

Because the Fayun is high in the sky, there may not be too obvious skylight on the ground. It is still just before dawn, but from their perspective, the white belly on the horizon is already glowing with some gold.

Gradually, the faces of Yi Shuyuan and others were also illuminated by the golden light of the rising sun.

The fire of the sky is like running water, burning slightly and brushing over everyone's faces and bodies

"As the sun rises and sets, year after year, Mr. Shao may have stopped writing, but his body should still be strong. As time goes by, all kinds of feelings, joys, regrets, and hatreds will affect more than just him."

In recent years, Yi Shuyuan has been hiding from the world for many times, not because of what he thought, but because it happened for a reason.

But when I think about it, there are many things in the world that I have not touched for a long time. Whether it is a deep friendship or an acquaintance, are many old friends in the past okay now?

Maybe someone has passed away and I don’t know if there are any regrets?

With his thoughts at this point, Yi Shuyuan looked at Shi Sheng who was lost in thought over there. Shi Sheng had been away from home for nearly four years. For him, the Moh family might have changed a lot. Qi Zhongbin was also looking at the east and lost in thought.

The clouds became silent for a moment, and only the sound of the surrounding wind blew past my ears.

"By the way, Master, I encountered something interesting before I came to see you!"

When Shi Sheng mentioned this, Hui Mian and Qi Zhongbin thought of it almost immediately.

"Yes, yes, sir, we met a long-haired ghost. There must be a story in it, and there will definitely be a story in the future!"

"Oh? Tell me!"

As expected, Yi Shuyuan became interested, and the two disciples plus Hui Mian vividly described what they had encountered before.

Starting from when Hui Mian and Qi Zhongbin went to the Mo family to look for Shisheng, they were looking for the Star Luo Pill that turned into a star. Then they went to Lingdong, where they met the long-haired ghost who had been reincarnated, and finally encountered fish and turtles fighting for the pill.

Just like classmate Yi Shuyuan's storytelling, the two of them and Yi Diao spoke very thoroughly and delicately, showing a bit of the emotion of "people in books".

By the time Yi Shuyuan smiled after hearing this, Fayun had already arrived at a familiar place. After a long flight, he had reached the original sky above Dayan.

This is not because Shi Sheng's control of Fa Yun was erroneous, but because of the influence of Yi Shuyuan's thoughts, the situation around Fa Yun responded and led him to deviate from the direction, but Shi Sheng was aware of it and would not deliberately change it.

Of course, this place may no longer be called Dayan. After all, the situation of separatist rule among the princes has long been formed. Not to mention that when Nanyan was still there, it was no longer in its prime. Even now, how many old people still remember Nanyan are still alive. Woolen cloth?

"Master, my disciple is going home now!"

Shi Sheng saluted and said goodbye. Now that he has grown up, he does not always want to be with his master.

Yi Shuyuan waved his hand. After Shi Sheng straightened up, he glanced at Qi Zhongbin. The brothers nodded to each other, and then Shi Sheng left towards Nan Yufeng.

"Shi Sheng, remember to prepare something delicious for me. I will go find you later——"

"I know, Senior Gray——"

The sound was already far away when it came and went.

Qi Zhongbin didn't say anything. He followed the master who naturally turned away the cloud of Dharma and walked away with the wind, flying towards the mountains and rivers below.——

On the river in summer, the dawn light shines on the river surface and brings out a stream of water. There is a small boat docked here, and on the boat there is an old man wearing a raincoat and a bamboo hat holding a fishing pole.

On one side of the bank, two groups of people, one chasing and the other fleeing, were fighting. The swords and swords were flying with blood, but they seemed to have no effect on the fisherman.

Some on both sides of the pursuit were speaking impassionedly and righteously, some were resentful, and some were sarcastic.

It seems that it is not just a vendetta, but too many such things have happened in this land, or in all lands, in recent years.

The fisherman just held the fishing rod and looked at the float. Hearing the screams on the shore behind him, he sighed softly, but never looked back.

Yi Shuyuan and Qi Zhongbin turned into a breeze and blew through the neighborhood, and the fighting sounds of the crowd naturally reached their ears.

The fight was lively, but the two sides were actually evenly matched. The chasing side had more people but was a little confused, while the running side had fewer people, but was more skilled. Although they would be overtaken, it wouldn't be a problem to hold on for a while.

Yi Shuyuan and Qi Zhongbin landed on the shore. They first looked at the people fighting there, and then looked at the boat over there.

Even though he is covered by a coir raincoat, the faint sense of familiarity seems to be the same from that time to now, from youth to maturity, and now to the fisherman, A Fei is also old!

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