Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 593 Able to be accommodating

Passing through the gate of hell, entering the underworld, walking through hell, and even turning into a ghost. This was an experience that Mai Lingfei had never had before, and it allowed him to further understand the other side of the world.

It's just that Mai Lingfei is no longer an ordinary person. Faced with all these changes that would make ordinary people scream, he can follow Yi Shuyuan and face them with a calm attitude.

At this moment, Yi Shuyuan, Qi Zhongbin and Mai Lingfei were all walking on Huangquan Road, and the latter couldn't help but look back and forth.

"This is Huangquan Road!"

Huangquan Road is not a very broad road, or in other words, Huangquan Road is changeable. Some places are wide, some places are narrow, some places are close to mountains, and some places are by water. The ghosts on the road are sparse and dense, and sometimes they are far away. Not one in sight.

Moreover, there are many forked roads on the road to the underworld, and ghosts from all walks of life will come from these forked roads from time to time, and then merge into the road to the underworld.

A Fei observed every place he passed, and he found that his group of people actually walked very fast. It often took a short time to pass through a mountain, or maybe the ghosts here walked very fast.

From time to time, you can see some flowers on the roadside. They are red flowers, perhaps the two-flowered flowers mentioned in common sayings.

"Yeah, this is Huangquan Road, there's nothing strange about it, right?"

Yi Shuyuan said this with a smile.

There is a gentle breeze in the underworld, and I feel no fatigue or discomfort while walking on the road. There is no end in sight in front of me or behind me.

Some of the ghosts I met on the road were muddle-headed and seemed to just keep walking forward, while others looked similar to normal living people. Occasionally, you could hear the voices of ghosts chatting with each other.

Hui Mian often helps A Fei solve his doubts.

For example, if some ghosts look confused, they may have suffered a lot of punishments in the underworld. They are often the most guilty people, and some of them may have been beaten stupidly.

Some of them are almost like living people. They probably have not suffered much sin, and their descendants often offer sacrifices and offer incense.

Some ghosts look like ghosts at first glance, and there should be a reason why they look scary. You can often find some traces on them.

The sound of water gradually appeared in the front, and soon a wide river appeared in sight, and there were more ghosts.

"Is this the Wangchuan River?"

"Yes, this is the Wangchuan River!"

After all, Ah Fei is not a real ghost. He does not have that kind of instinctive fear of the Wangchuan River. Other ghosts tend to lean towards the inner bank of the Wangchuan River, but Ah Fei is curious and wants to take a closer look.

Hui Mian jumped on his shoulder at this time, and patted his shoulder with his tail after he approached the Wangchuan River.

"Be careful, don't go too close. There are many ferocious ghosts and ferocious creatures in the Forgotten River. They will never be reincarnated in the river. They are full of jealousy towards any ghosts on the shore or on the boat, and they want to tear them apart." , I wish I could drag them all into the water."

Mai Lingfei's heart trembled slightly. He looked at the seemingly calm water. He didn't feel any danger at all, but he knew that the mink on his shoulder was definitely not lying to him.

There was a ghost passing by. Qi Zhongbin walked up to Ah Fei and stretched out his hand to give him a hand, then led him to follow Yi Shuyuan on the main road.

When the ghosts and gods passed by, they also looked at A Fei and Qi Zhongbin emphatically. After all, these two ghosts seemed to have taken the initiative to get closer to the Wangchuan River. It was still rare among these ghosts, but that was all, and they would not pay too much attention.

The ghosts and gods who can visit this place are also somewhat unique. They maintain some rules on the Huangquan Road and have some special tasks themselves, but the frequency is not too high.

As soon as he saw these ghosts and gods, Yi Shuyuan said something to A Fei and Qi Zhongbin.

"We have to hurry up!"

After saying that, Yi Shuyuan reached out and made a move, and A Fei and Qi Zhongbin were pulled back to him. A gust of dark wind was brought up under the three people's feet, and the speed was much faster than before. It felt like they had passed a long distance in the blink of an eye.

As there are more and more ghosts around, a bridge over the Wangchuan River can be vaguely seen ahead.

The Wangchuan River itself is extremely wide, so the Wangchuan Bridge is also very long, but the Wangchuan Bridge itself is not too wide, so the ghosts on the bridge are very crowded. Fortunately, it is difficult to be squeezed into the water even after getting on the bridge. It seems that the bridge has some kind of protective power.

Once here, the ghosts will instinctively rush forward. Reincarnation is a desire that exists in the heart of every ghost. At this moment, it is like the hope seen in the dead soul, and it is difficult to stop here.

However, Yi Shuyuan and others stopped some way away from Wangchuan Bridge. After all, they were not really going to reincarnate.

Yi Shuyuan stretched out his hand and pointed to the Wangchuan Bridge. There was a place there, big or small, with rocks and mounds, and sporadic ghosts wandering there. These ghosts competed with the bridge. The bridge's other ghosts are stark contrasts.

Some of these ghosts are equally confused, while others are still awake. Without exception, they are all looking at the path to death.

At this time, the ghost and god who had just passed by Yi Shuyuan and others appeared at the bridge. His body showed a mist-like light, and in the blink of an eye he had arrived at the place where ghosts stopped.

As early as when these ghosts and gods approached, some ghosts had already taken a step forward or hid, or fled to the underworld hills on one side, but most of the ghosts were still waiting here.

One of the ghosts and gods has cloud patterns on his official uniform. He holds a long lock in his hand and looks at the ghosts around him.

"Anyone who has waited twenty years should cross the bridge immediately!"

Some ghosts were confused, and some asked for mercy.

"Sir, the person I'm waiting for hasn't arrived yet!" "Yes, Sir, the person I'm waiting for hasn't arrived either!"

However, the ghosts and gods did not give the ghosts any room to maneuver. They blew out a burst of Yin Qi from their mouths, and the ghost Qi above the heads of many ghosts appeared.

"Get on the bridge quickly! Don't let your thoughts cause resentment or cause the Forget River to change!"

As the ghosts yelled and scolded, a terrifying aura enveloped many ghosts. Some ghosts took the initiative to get on the bridge out of fear, but most of them remained unmoved.

So the next moment, those ghosts and gods started to catch ghosts. In the blink of an eye, they had already used soul-binding locks to catch some ghosts with special ghost auras.

"My lord, please have some mercy!" "Don't arrest me, I haven't reached twenty years yet -"

The ghosts escaped and were chased by ghosts, and many ghosts were caught in just a few moments. Even at the Wangchuan Bridge not far away, there were many ghosts crossing the bridge looking over there.

The leading ghost looked at the hills behind and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Some ghosts that have passed their time are escaping. Go and catch them quickly!"


There are too many ghosts waiting to gather here, and many of them are growing more and more resentful. They once caused the Wangchuan River to swell in this section, which is not a good thing.

Obviously these ghosts can get the opportunity to be reincarnated, and in the end they cause disaster. Not only will they never be reincarnated, but other ghosts will also be harmed.

Some old ghosts were captured, and some of them had undergone many changes, even appearing like green faces and fangs as the people in the world said.

Many of these ghosts were waiting here because of resentment. They might have been able to reincarnate at first, but now it is too late. Many ghosts caused the water of Wangchuan River to turbulent before they even got on the bridge, and were directly thrown into the river by ghosts and gods, making sad and unwilling sounds. Howl.

This sound also scared the surrounding ghosts and gods into silence, and they moved slightly when crossing the bridge.

At this time, the patrol led by the bridge walked toward a woman who looked uneasy. Although the ghost aura above her head was still relatively bright, it could be seen that she had been here for a long time.

"You have been waiting for at least nineteen years. It's not long. Do you want to wait any longer?"

"Sir, I have been told by Cheng Huang that I will wait here for twenty years. When twenty years are up, I will get on the bridge by myself!"

The ghost frowned and looked at the woman. He should act according to the rules, but according to his experience, the woman in front of him might not leave easily, fearing that there would be another arrest.

"I hope you take care of yourself!"

The ghost said as if he noticed something. After the woman turned around and looked in the direction she came from, there were three ghosts standing there.

newcomer? No, why don't you have the light of the Yin Division's talisman on your body?

The woman who just spoke frowned and kept staring at Mai Lingfei, seeming a little confused, a little confused, and a little afraid to confirm.

However, Ah Fei recognized the woman at a glance. Even though the woman's appearance was slightly blurred in his memory, at this moment, all the memories were instantly clear, and he just strode over there.


A call came, and the woman's heart was shocked, and her eyes suddenly widened.


Hui Mian clicked "tsk" on Yi Shuyuan's shoulder. People who meet and call him "A Fei" have an unusual relationship.

The ghosts and gods over there were surprised to meet someone who had been waiting for him?

There are many ghosts waiting here, but not many are waiting, and it is not a matter of resentment or debt, but a matter of love.

But there’s something wrong with the origins of these ghosts!

The ghost and god first looked at Ah Fei. Because of his excitement, tears overflowed from the corners of his eyes. These tears contained true feelings, but they also revealed a trace of the innate yang aura, which was incompatible with the underworld.

This also suddenly made the ghost narrow his eyes.

Yi Shuyuan secretly said something was wrong.

"Sir, your ghost art is about to be ruined."

Yi Shuyuan grinned. It seemed that he was. The ghosts and gods over there were already walking towards him. It was obvious that the other party had seen through that the three were different from ordinary ghosts. He even saw through that Yi Shuyuan was the leader. Mainly because It can be seen through the attitude of the other two ghosts towards the person in the middle.

At this moment, the ghost and god had already walked up to Yi Shuyuan. Looking at the other party's official uniform, he should be an inspector respected by several departments. He was a ghost and god recognized by many underworld departments. He had been wandering in the underworld all year round and his moral conduct was not shallow.

Yi Shuyuan thought about how to deal with it. After all, this kind of situation was certainly not a hurdle for him to overcome, but it was somewhat embarrassing.

But when the ghost came to him, he smiled slightly and whispered.

"In some ways, sending Yang souls to the Yin to meet ghosts can be regarded as intentional. As the woman's twenty-year period is approaching, you should hurry up and persuade the woman to cross the bridge. Over time, things often change. I have seen this kind of thing too much"

After saying that, the ghost glanced at Qi Zhongbin.

"I will turn a blind eye to your affairs and leave as soon as possible!"

Ghosts and gods do things according to the rules, but they are not absolute. They punish evil severely, but they often open up to good deeds, and the one in front of them is obviously tolerant.

Yi Shuyuan understood this and hurriedly bowed to the ghosts and gods. Qi Zhongbin also followed suit.

"Thank you for your accommodation, sir!"

The ghost nodded.

"There are some old ghosts over there in Xiaoyin Mountain who have not been captured for many years. I will come as soon as I go. When I come back, I hope to see her crossing the bridge. Do you understand?"

"Understood, sir, please excuse me!"

The ghost nodded, turned around and brought out a gust of wind, and disappeared by the mountain in the blink of an eye.

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