Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 594 A wisp of black hair

After the inspector left, someone approached him and asked in a low voice.

"Sir, who are these ghosts and why are you so polite to them?"

The inspector looked back at the Wangchuan Bridge over there.

"Anyone who can cross the Yin River and even get close to the Wangchuan Bridge, no matter who they are, must be very capable. It seems that their souls have left the body. They should have obtained permission from the city god in a certain Yin Division. They are probably from a certain place. A lineage of sorcerers.”

After saying that, the inspector also sighed.

"It is really not easy for a magician to reach this level of practice, and it can be regarded as the right path in the world. But even if he does many good deeds, he will definitely accumulate a lot of bad karma when subduing ghosts and eliminating evil. It is rare for him to end well. Give him a convenience."

"I see!"

As the ghosts and gods over there left, Yi Shuyuan glanced at Qi Zhongbin, who also smiled. But in front of him, Mai Lingfei and the woman who had been waiting for nearly twenty years looked at each other in silence for a while.

This woman's appearance is not too outstanding, at least after Yi Shuyuan has gone through so many things, whether in the world or in heaven, and has seen too many demons, ghosts and practitioners of all kinds, this woman's appearance is definitely not outstanding. Outstanding, not to mention Yi Shuyuan's own two changes in female appearance.

But this woman also has a special temperament that makes her stand out even among the ghosts beside the Wangchuan Bridge.

At this time, the woman and Mai Lingfei looked at each other in silence. The former looked at the old A Fei blankly for a long time before finally speaking.

"Will the innate realm age so quickly?"

Unexpectedly, the first sentence contained such content. A Fei's lips twitched slightly and a smile appeared on his face.

"In the innate realm, you can age slowly or quickly. I dreamed of crossing this bridge and dreamed of you standing here. Are you the one who entrusted me with the dream?"

The woman also laughed when she heard this.

"My life has expired and my spirit tablets are blocked. Lord City God allowed me to come to the Wangchuan Bridge and wait for twenty years as a gift. How could I run out of the underworld to entrust my dream to you? But why did you come so early?"


Ah Fei was stunned for a moment. The situation just now was already close to twenty years ago. Is this considered early?

The woman looked at Ah Fei.

"You are an expert in the innate realm, you shouldn't have come so early."

This sentence made Ah Fei frown slightly. Yi Shuyuan and Qi Zhongbin, who heard this not far away, were also thoughtful. The words seemed contradictory, but they could understand them.

After waiting here for twenty years, the woman not only looked forward to seeing her old friend, but also hoped that he would not come so early.

In her thoughts, the woman murmured.

"Sometimes waiting may not be the best, but it's good to be able to cross the Wangchuan Bridge together. I just don't know if we will see each other again in the next life."

The woman looked at A Fei standing in front of him in a daze, and finally a smile appeared on her face.

At this moment, she bloomed like a lily, and she was so beautiful in Mai Lingfei's eyes.

Seeing that A Fei was still in a daze, the woman couldn't help but stretched out her hand to touch A Fei's arm, and then looked up at him.

"Idiot, won't you hug me?"

Before the words could even be finished, Ah Fei had already hugged the woman tightly into his arms, as if the other person would disappear if it was a moment later, and the woman also hugged Ah Fei tightly. Although the other person was old, he was still strong and strong.

This scene is rare near the Wangchuan Bridge. It attracts the surrounding ghosts to look sideways, and even ghosts and gods in the distance will turn their attention to this side.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!"

Hui Mian stood on Yi Shuyuan's shoulder and made some strange noises, looking at Yi Shuyuan and then at Qi Zhongbin.

Qi Zhongbin stroked his beard and looked at it for a while, then he couldn't help but say.

"This woman seems to be very keen!"

After the words fell, the woman over there who had her face pressed against Ah Fei's chest suddenly raised her head and looked at Ah Fei doubtfully.

"Why do you have a heartbeat? Why is your breath so warm?"

Looking at A Fei's tearful eyes, the woman suddenly realized what she was doing, and she felt mixed and surprised.

"You're still alive! You didn't come here to be reincarnated. Did an expert take you to the underworld?"

After living in the underworld for many years and waiting here for twenty years, the woman did not understand everything. She knew that there was such a thing as going to the underworld, and she also understood that A Fei was not really dead.

A Fei just nodded and then spoke.

"I can accompany you to cross the Wangchuan Bridge!"

"No! Go see my father, go see my mother."

A Fei frowned slightly, but still nodded.

"You still have a few months, you still have time!"

When the woman heard this, she was angry and funny.

"Don't come here again, you are not allowed to leave so early! Didn't you say you have seen people who entered Taoism through martial arts? Although you never told me who it was, I believe you. Lord Cheng Huang also said that innate warriors have actually already Touched the Word.”

A trace of A Fei's familiar innocent smile appeared on the woman's face.

"I heard the ghosts and gods in the underworld say that even if there is an afterlife, we may not be able to meet you again. As the saying goes, it takes five hundred times to look back in this life to miss you once in the next life. I'm afraid I won't be able to see you."

"You are Mai Lingfei, a rare martial arts wizard in thousands of years, the first person to conquer the Western Regions and grasslands of Dayong Dayan. Maybe I will forget you."

The woman spoke a little garbledly, biting her lip slightly when she finished speaking, and raised her head to look at A Fei seriously.

"But I don't want you to forget me!"

A Fei didn't say anything, he just hugged the woman tightly. At this moment, some thought came into his mind.

Yi Shuyuan turned the fine pen in his hand without saying anything, while Qi Zhongbin glanced at the master, thought for a moment and took a few steps forward, and his calm voice reached the ears of A Fei and the two of them.

"The cycle of life and death is the order of heaven, and it is the most severe law of the underworld. If it is a newly dead soul, there may be some way to think of it. However, she has already passed the Wangchuan Bridge and is irreversibly going to hell! Even if she messes with the laws of the underworld, you can take her away. , it’s also a lonely ghost in a miserable situation, Master Mai, don’t do anything stupid!”

Ah Fei just had a fleeting thought, but actually he vaguely understood something, and he couldn't help but sigh.

The two of them stayed by the Wangchuan Bridge for a long time, maybe a few hours, maybe a few days.

Until the ghosts and gods who had left before returned again, he looked at Yi Shuyuan and others, his eyes changed slightly. Day and night had already alternated outside, and people who were in the dark shouldn't last so long.

"But don't blame me for not reminding you to wait. People who wander into the underworld will not be able to get out if they stay in the underworld for a long time!"

After saying this, the ghost did not stay any longer. His subordinates threw the bound ghost towards the Wangchuan Bridge. The latter was immediately thrown onto the bridge and was squeezed across the bridge by other ghosts. However, he also had some thoughts. Trying to turn around only made him unsteady on the bridge, and he screamed and fell into the river.

Many arms immediately emerged from the originally calm waters of the Forgotten River, grabbing the ghost and dragging it down. Countless ferocious ghosts rushed up to bite the new soul.

"Humph, he hid for too long, missed the opportunity, and couldn't cross the Wangchuan Bridge."

The voice of the ghosts and gods came, not only to Yi Shuyuan and others, but also to the ghost who was still lingering by the Wangchuan Bridge. Then he went away and never came back.

Yi Shuyuan watched the ghosts and gods leave. At this moment, he finally stopped watching and walked to the Wangchuan Bridge.

"A Fei, Miss Chu, it's okay!"

With Yi Shuyuan's ability, it is not a problem to stay here, but it has been long enough, and anything too much is never enough.

A Fei and the woman finally separated. One stood there, trying to get close to the Wangchuan Bridge, but was restricted by an invisible force, making it difficult to move even an inch.

The woman seemed to have had her wish granted. She just moved one step towards the bridge and was sucked to the bridge by invisible forces. She was also led towards the bridge by the ghosts around her who were chasing reincarnations.

"A Fei - go see my parents -"

A woman's voice came from the bridge. Ah Fei, who was originally told not to make any noise in the underworld to avoid revealing the breath of the living, now shouted loudly.

"I will go - I will also come to you, I will not forget you -"

The pen in Yi Shuyuan's hand naturally turned into a folding fan as his thoughts flowed. With a habitual flick of his wrist, the folding fan unfolded and flapped gently in front of his chest.

At this moment, in Yi Shuyuan's eyes, Ah Fei was still the young and frivolous Jianghu traveler he was back then, not even the slightest bit senile.

Unknowingly, Master and Disciple Yi Shuyuan seemed to have something in their hearts, and Daorong felt the scene. Vaguely, they seemed to see some of the past situations of the two people, perhaps it was also what A Fei and the woman were reminiscing about each other at this moment. implicated.

In the eyes of the two immortals, it was like a painting-like rainbow, connecting the two people who were gradually moving away on and off the bridge.

That year, in order to help Pei Changtian fulfill his long-cherished wish, Chu Hang sent an invitation to the Mai family. In his personal capacity, he hoped to invite Mai Lingfei to come and have a chat with Pei Changtian. If possible, he could discuss matters with Pei Changtian.

That year, more than half a year after the letter was sent, Ah Fei didn't know about it until he returned home. Then he went directly to Beijing to meet the pillar of the country, and met Chu Hang's little daughter for the first time.

The daughter of a high-ranking official and a noble lady, she shouldn't have any entanglements with Jianghu, but she got closer and closer to Mai Lingfei, who was much older than her. Perhaps there was also a factor in the matchmaking between the general and his wife.

At that time, Mai Ake was overjoyed when he heard that his brother finally had the idea.

The memories of this moment are all beautiful, until Chu Qi has disappeared on the Wangchuan Bridge.

Yi Shuyuan gently patted Mai Lingfei's head with a folding fan.

"Let's go, what's the use of just watching here?"

In fact, after passing the middle reaches of the Wangchuan Bridge, you can no longer clearly see the situation on the other side.

A Fei turned to look at Yi Shuyuan.

"Mr. Yi, you have great supernatural powers, do you know where Qier will be reincarnated?"

"Yi may not know this, and she won't be a human being in her next life. She may be a fish, a bird, or a flower. Do you think she can be a human being if she wants to be?"

Yi Shuyuan said as he looked at the water of Wangchuan River. There were so many ghosts in the water that even the flowers and plants could not be found.

"That's right, even if he is the Dragon King, he may be reincarnated as just a fish!"

Hui Mian said this, and Yi Shuyuan swept his folding fan at this moment. The three of them seemed to escape into a mist on Huangquan Road, and they rode the dark wind and were far away from the Wangchuan Bridge in an instant.

"Then how do I find her?"

Yi Shuyuan in the dark wind glanced at Ah Fei who was a little anxious, smiled and pointed at his hand with the folding fan. Qi Zhongbin also looked along the folding fan, and Ah Fei also lowered his head at this moment.

It turned out that there was a strand of black hair wrapped around A Fei's hand.

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