Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 601: Welcome on both sides of the road

"Ah Qiu."

Yu Ziye sneezed hard again on the carriage, causing mucus to fly out two feet away, and then quickly wiped it with a handkerchief.

"This kind of errand is simply a torture."

While muttering, Yu Ziye couldn't help but think, how could Xiang Chu, an old man, endure this?

As the saying goes, the winter is difficult for the elderly. Not only was there a shortage of food in people's homes in the winter, but also because the elderly are not resistant to freezing. It is said in "On Strange Epidemics" that when people are old, their five internal organs are exhausted and their yang fire is weak. How can they be in the prime minister of Chu? This doesn't apply?

A little further away from Yu Ziye's carriage, Chu Hang did not join other local officials in despising Yu Ziye, but looked up at the sky.

Over the years, Chu Hang has been relatively sensitive to some smells, and it is especially obvious here.

As the saying goes, auspicious snow heralds a good year, but this winter, in many places on Hexi Road that Chu Hang has visited, there was very little rain or snow.

Water vapor, not enough!

On the same day, after arranging the work in Changyuan County, Chu Hang returned to the Sizhou Prefectural Government Office to take a break and draft a memorial at the same time.

Sizhou is a place with abundant water resources in Hexi Road. The situation after arriving this time is also not optimistic. One can imagine how serious the situation in other places is.

The problem of people drinking water is easy to solve, but the problem of irrigation is very big.

Early the next morning, Chu Hang was ready to leave immediately. He wanted to rush directly to Dengzhou. Naturally, there were officials knocking on Yu Ziye's door early in the morning.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang."

"Master Yu, are you up? Please prepare quickly. As agreed yesterday, we have to go to Dengzhou immediately!"

Yu Ziye was all wrapped up in the quilt, and he couldn't bear to hear the knocking on the door outside. It wasn't even daylight, and he only got up early when he was in the capital for court meetings. When he came to these two areas, it was... Get up early and stay late every day

"Stop knocking! I'll be up soon!"

Yu Ziye drank, reluctantly lifted the quilt, and suddenly felt a chill coming over him. His whole body couldn't help but shiver, and he immediately wrapped the quilt again.

"Master Yu, it's time to get up, otherwise we won't be able to make it to the inn, and we will have to camp outside that night!"

Chu Hang's voice came from outside, and Yu Ziye inside was so frightened that he jumped up from the bed.

"Yes, yes, sir, get up immediately!"

Chu Hang outside nodded.

"Then I will be waiting for Master Yu in the dining hall to have breakfast with you. Don't keep me waiting."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

After Chu Hang finished speaking, he left directly, and he just came over and called out.

How could Yu Ziye dare to show off when facing Chu Hang alone? He was so frightened that he became energetic and hurriedly dressed, which was called a resolute act.

The two officers outside listened to the commotion inside, looked at each other and smiled.

A few days later, I don’t know who leaked the news. It was more likely that the people from Lingdong in Sizhou rushed back first. On the official road outside Dengzhou City, the people of Dengzhou and local officials who had received the news lined the road to welcome him. The old Prime Minister of Chu came.

Before Chu Hang and his entourage approached Dengzhou City, there was already a commotion in the distance.

"There are officials there, and they must be Prime Minister Chu's team!" "Prime Minister Chu is here!"

The local officials in Dengzhou moved forward first, and the people everywhere also wanted to follow, but there were official officials to maintain order.

When Chu Hang was riding in the car, he kept a topographic map open on his knees. After many years, he had already asked Pei Changtian, Mai Lingfei and others to check the changes everywhere.

But not long after, Chu Hang noticed some noise outside, and he couldn't help but frown slightly. He shouldn't have arrived at Dengzhou City yet, right?

At this moment, an official rushed to the carriage excitedly.

"Prime Minister Chu, Dengzhou officials and Dengzhou people are coming out of the city to welcome you!"

Chu Hang was slightly surprised, and he opened the curtain in front of the car and looked around. Sure enough, he saw many people in front of him.

"Mr. Chu, I've been waiting for you for a long time -" "Mr. Chu, just come -"

"Prime Minister Chu, we Lingdong people all remember your kindness!" "Prime Minister Chu, I saw you back then -"

"Master Xiang, there is shoulder-to-shoulder wine here——"

As the team of carriages and horses continued to move forward, there was a lot of noise and joy in front of the carriages, which also frightened the accompanying officials in the team.

Among the people in Dengzhou, Yi Shuyuan clapped his folding fan and watched this scene. Qi Zhongbin beside him couldn't help but nodded and stroked his beard. Elsewhere, Pei Changtian and Mai Lingfei were naturally among the crowd.

Of course, before this, Yi Shuyuan had already spoken many times in Lingdong and Hexi roads, and the content was about the disaster relief work that year.

At the front of the motorcade over there, Chu Hang simply got off the carriage and walked forward with the Dengzhou officials. The people around him were even more enthusiastic, but they were not crowded together.

"Dear fellow folks from Lingdong, thank you very much Chu!"

Chu Hang raised his hands and saluted forward, taking this opportunity to directly begin to understand the situation in Dengzhou and even the entire Lingdong.

When he learned that the drought relief canal was still quite effective and that the situation in Lingdong was better than expected, Chu Hang looked up at the people around him and couldn't help but stop.

"Chu knows that the drought has affected the harvest and that everyone is having a hard time, but many states in Hexi Province had no harvest last year and even the year before last. The situation there is really serious."

As Chu Hang's words spread, the officials and people near the official road gradually became quiet.

Although the old prime minister is old, his voice seems to be particularly loud at this moment, and it can be heard far away. Even for people who cannot hear clearly in the distance, there are many people who relay it on their behalf.

"Chu has another unkind request - when Lingdong was in trouble, Dayong was united and all parties came together to help - now the drought in Hexi Road is severe, and even the ponds are cracked and it is difficult to store water. People and animals Water use has become a problem.”

Chu Hang paused before continuing.

"We have a drought-resistant canal in Lingdong, which can control drought to a certain extent, but there is no drought-resistant canal in Hexi. If I want Hexi to open a drought-resistant canal to connect with Lingdong, it may have some impact on this place, but it can save countless lives."

After Chu Hang finished speaking, the people around him made no sound, and many even looked at each other in confusion.

The people who come here include businessmen from all walks of life as well as ordinary people, including landlords and officials, as well as scholars, but they all probably understand what Prime Minister Chu means.

"Don't worry, everyone, Chu will definitely ensure the food supply to the two states, and will also suppress food prices. Moreover, Hexi has always had abundant rainfall. If the water vapor returns there, the Gonglian Drought Canal will also benefit Lingdong immediately!"

Yi Shuyuan stood behind the crowd, probably aware of some subtle emotions in the crowd. He smiled slightly, unfolded his folding fan to partially cover his face, and a rough voice immediately shouted out.

"Support Prime Minister Chu - when we were in trouble in Lingdong, the whole world came to our aid. Hexi is adjacent to us, how could we not help -"

Qi Zhongbin looked at the master next to him in shock. Yi Shuyuan just smiled narrowly, and someone in the crowd immediately responded to his move.

"That's right. When Lingdong is in trouble, the whole world will help. We can also help others -" "We believe in Prime Minister Chu -"

"Yes, I believe Mr. Chu——"

The atmosphere in the crowd became lively again, and a smile appeared on Chu Hang's face. His disaster relief efforts, or many government orders, always put one's heart first. If we can't work together, we will get twice the result with half the effort.

Then the team moved forward. The closer they got to the front, the more people there were and the louder the noise.

Yu Ziye sat in the carriage and did not get out. From time to time he opened the curtain and looked outside. Along the way, from far away to Dengzhou City, until he entered Dengzhou City, there were countless people and officials who came to greet him.

Yu Ziye even thought that there were so many people in the entire Dengzhou City?

However, there must be a large number of people in Dengzhou City, but some of Yu Ziye's ideas are correct. It is true that it is not just people from Dengzhou who come.

In front of the Zhenjun Temple outside Dengzhou City, Chen Han, who had now transformed into an old man, couldn't help but sigh in his heart when he looked at the endless stretches of Lingdong people welcoming him in the distance.

Even after so many years, Prime Minister Chu is still very respected in Lingdong. Especially at this critical moment, Prime Minister Chu's arrival makes people even more excited.

That night at the Dengzhou government office, after a brief refreshment, Yu Ziye stayed at the government office early.

After all, Dengzhou is a prosperous place, and the conditions in the government office are much better. At Yu Ziye's request, he actually lit a brazier to keep his room warm.

Yu Ziye didn't sleep either. He laid out the Four Treasures of the Study in front of his desk and prepared to write a memorial. As a supervisory censor, he also had to report to the emperor regularly.

After writing a long paragraph according to the script, Yu Ziye stopped writing for a while. After hesitating for a while, he continued writing:

When Prime Minister Chu came to Dengzhou, there was a huge pomp. Officials from Dengzhou and even Lingdong received the news in advance and came to greet him outside the city. Rich merchants and even ordinary people also had to go out of the city and lined the streets to welcome the chief ministers of the imperial court who came to provide relief.

When describing the content, I slightly changed a few words, and the meaning of the memorial suddenly became a little strange.

"Woohoo. Woohoo"

A strange gust of wind suddenly rose in the room, blowing out the oil lamp in front of the table, and Yu Ziye was shocked.

From light to darkness, Yu Ziye felt a little uncomfortable and felt an inexplicable fear.

"Humph, you treacherous villain will not end well sooner or later!"

A voice suddenly appeared. Yu Ziye shuddered and looked to one side. A man in a wide robe and long sleeves holding a gold pen looked at him coldly.

The next moment, the tip of the pen pointed directly at Yu Ziye's face, crossing it from bottom to top.


The painful feeling made Yu Ziye scream heartbreakingly.


Yu Ziye woke up with a start, only to find that he had just fallen asleep on the table. When he looked around him, there was no man holding a pen. The oil lamp was burning, but the memorial he had just written seemed to have been scratched out a little by him. .

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