Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 602 I’m just scaring you!

It was still early, and behind the Dengzhou Yamen official office, most of the guards from the capital and the local officials had not yet rested. Yu Ziye's scream before he woke up was a bit harsh, and it immediately attracted nearby officials.

The officials thought it was an imperial envoy who had been assassinated, and hurriedly gathered a few people.

"Bang bang bang"

"My lord! My lord, are you okay?"

"grown ups?"

Yu Ziye inside was in shock and did not respond yet. Several guards and officers outside looked at each other and put their hands on the handles of their knives. One of them even kicked the door open with a "bang".

Several officers rushed into the room, and there was a "clan", "clan", "clan" and "clan" sound of drawing swords.


The sound of the door being kicked and the sound of the sword being unsheathed startled Yu Ziye again, and he was so frightened that he froze on the spot.

When the officials saw Yu Ziye sitting at the table, they knew there might be a misunderstanding, and Yu Ziye finally came to his senses.

"What do you want to do? Who let you in?"

Several officials looked embarrassed, and the leading guard hurriedly explained.

"Sir, we just heard you yelling and thought you were in danger. Put away the knives!"

While the official was talking, a gust of cold wind blew into the room. The lights of the oil lamps inside kept beating, and the papers on the table clattered.

Yu Ziye quickly used a paperweight to hold down the half-written memorial, and looked at several officials with an angry look.

"I just had a nightmare, it's nothing serious! Let's go, let's go!"

"Yes! Since the Lord is fine, that's the best thing. I'll take my leave later."

Yu Ziye watched the guards and officials exit, but the cool breeze before closing the door still made him shiver a few times.


The guard who was about to close the door outside made a move. Yu Ziye came over and opened the door to look at an official outside.

"Are you the police officer here?"

Everyone outside was confused, and the person being questioned responded with a slightly uneasy response.

"Yes sir!"

Yu Ziye nodded and waved to the man, who then came over and heard the imperial envoy whisper a question.

"Is there anything dirty in your yamen?"


The police officer was stunned for a moment. He thought he might be blaming him, but he didn't expect to ask such an incomprehensible question, so he couldn't help but laugh.

"Master Imperial Envoy, what are you talking about? Do you not know where this place is?"

Yu Ziye was stunned for a moment.

"Isn't this the Dengzhou government office?"

"Yes, sir, how can ghosts and evil spirits enter the imperial government office, and this is Dengzhou City!"

This kind of thing that is now spread among the officials and the people is not known to Yu Ziye, a high-ranking official in the capital, and he even asked subconsciously.

"Ghosts can't enter the government office? What about Dengzhou City?"

"Sir, the first temple of the Demon-Conquering Emperor is just outside Dengzhou City. Our ancestors have always said that Dengzhou is the dojo of the Demon-Conquering Emperor. How can any monster dare to cause trouble here, let alone enter the Yamen to cause trouble! "

The local official from Dengzhou said this with a sense of pride in his tone.

Yu Ziye frowned and said nothing more, letting the guards and officials leave.

When everything in the room calmed down, Yu Ziye sat at the table and felt dazed for a while. He couldn't enjoy the Chinese New Year in the capital this year, and he had to stay in this damn place for who knows how long.

At dawn the next day, Chu Hang went out early with the local officials in Dengzhou. It wasn't that he didn't call Yu Ziye, but he said that he was unwell yesterday after a long journey, so he didn't call him early this morning so that he could Have a comfortable lie-in.

Most of the officials in the Dengzhou Yamen followed Chu Hang out, and the inside of the Yamen seemed quiet.

Yu Ziye slept until three o'clock in the morning, walked around the Yamen to prepare to go out, and went straight to a restaurant in Dengzhou for a good meal.

Although Lingdong was affected by the disaster, it had always been a prosperous place, and Dengzhou City was also a large city in Lingdong, with many tricks up its sleeves.

As soon as he left the yamen, there was a lot of noise outside. Without Chu Hang pressing down on him, Yu Ziye felt particularly relaxed and comfortable.

However, there were no local officials accompanying the censor, so Yu Ziye was a little unhappy. He looked back at the Yamen and couldn't help but sneer in a low voice.

"Hey, there are a bunch of sycophants in Dengzhou Yamen who follow the prime minister every step of the way, trying to get promoted and make a fortune, huh!"

The guards around Yu Ziye looked at each other without speaking, and followed him step by step towards the street.

The street was noisy with people coming and going, and it was very lively as the New Year was approaching. Yu Ziye walked happily and chatted with the guards on the side from time to time.

"I don't know why Prime Minister Chu is so nervous. Look at the bustle of Dengzhou City. It doesn't look like there is any disaster at all. The food from various places in the imperial court is so late, and he keeps asking for memorials, tsk tsk."

Yu Ziye whispered "tsk tsk" twice, but he didn't want to meet an old man carrying a flag. He stared at Yu Ziye for a while as he passed by. The old man also said "tsk tsk" as he passed by.

Yu Ziye frowned and looked back at the old man passing by. He should be an old fortune teller. After all, the banner read "divide fortune telling".

"Somebody come!"

Hearing Yu Ziye's call, the plainclothes guards on the side responded immediately.

"What's the matter, sir?"

Yu Ziye pointed to the old man over there who had walked out more than ten steps.

"Stop the fortune teller for me."


Qi Zhongbin kept walking forward, holding a flag in one hand and stroking his beard with the other. Although he did not look back, he glanced back slightly, with a smile on his face, and he was indeed chasing after him.

It's just that Qi Zhongbin seems to be walking slowly, but in fact the distance taken by each step is very comparable, but ordinary people can't detect it.

This caused several guards to chase after him slowly but found that they couldn't catch up for a while, so they couldn't help but start running.

Yu Ziye, who was at the rear, saw that his men had gone away and never returned, so he followed them with a few remaining people.

It took more than ten breaths for Qi Zhongbin to be "caught up". One of the guards couldn't help but use Qinggong, and after a somersault, he landed in front of Qi Zhongbin and reached out to stop him.

This scene also attracted passers-by on the surrounding streets to look sideways, and some even pointed in the distance.

Qi Zhongbin looked surprised, looking in front and at the people coming from both sides.

"I wonder what you are doing by stopping me?"

The guards didn't care about others and just said to the old man.

"Our master wants to see you!"

"Your master?"

Qi Zhongbin looked back and saw that Yu Ziye, who had been chasing him all the way, was already nearby.

"Oh, he is your master?"

"Yes, it's me!"

Yu Ziye walked up to Qi Zhongbin, slightly out of breath, and looked at the old fortune teller carefully. The old fortune teller was carrying a flag and carrying a wooden box on his side. He looked like an expert in the spirit of immortality.

But it was obvious that few people, including Yu Ziye, knew Master Dayong.

Most people are visual animals. Just looking at the appearance of this old fortune teller, I felt that the other person should be a capable person. Yu Ziye would be the same now, and he was a more sensitive person, so he wanted to pursue him. Ask.

"You just saw me. Sir, why did you make a "tsk, tsk" sound?"

Qi Zhongbin smiled and said.

"I see how good-looking this gentleman is, and I just think that he looks good and is very lucky!"

Yu Ziye laughed as soon as he heard this. He asked for money for saying good things, but it seemed that he had no ability in this way.

There are so many people in the world who cheat and kidnap them, and there may be another one in front of them. Yu Ziye asked casually.

"Then why do you think I have such a good face and how lucky I am?"

"The fortune is full of gold, and the official status is rising. This gentleman is not only rich in wealth, but also has a prosperous official career."

Yu Ziye thought. He had just arrived in Dengzhou City last night. He had barely gotten off the carriage in the dark. He just went out for a walk today, so he probably didn't know much about him.

This old fortune teller has real skills!

"It's just a pity, it's a pity."

Qi Zhongbin stroked his beard with a smile and said a few words of pity, then avoided the person in front and continued to move forward. Yu Ziye was stunned for a moment and quickly chased after him.

"What's the pity? Old fortune teller, just give me a good fortune telling. If your prediction is accurate, I will reward you greatly!"

As he spoke, Yu Ziye winked to one side, and the person accompanying him immediately took out a piece of silver.

Qi Zhongbin just glanced at it, shook his head and continued walking forward.

"The wealth is rolling in and the pot is full of gold. It is difficult to get out of this pot. If the official career path is not right, the body will be shattered into pieces!"

"What did you say?" "Bold!"

Several guards immediately grabbed Qi Zhongbin, and Yu Ziye also showed displeasure as he walked over and stared at the old fortune teller.

"I wonder if there is a solution?"

Qi Zhongbin looked at the imperial envoy, smiled and reached out to pat the guard's hand.

"That's why I said that this gentleman is a blessing. If he can benefit the common people, and his merits are combined, the disasters will not be so great. It's a pity that the energy I see in this gentleman is indeed a dead end."

As he said that, Qi Zhongbin didn't care about the unkind expressions of the people around him, and just became confused.

"Everything is obviously fine, so why is this happening? I'm also confused, so I couldn't help but take a few more glances at you just after I passed by. It shouldn't be a problem, unless..."

"Unless what?"

Qi Zhongbin looked at Yu Ziye intently.

"Unless this gentleman is going against the grain and harming thousands of people, but that's not right. How can you be so capable? Alas, I don't count this kind of fate. Forget it, my life will be shortened!"

As Qi Zhongbin was about to leave, how could Yu Ziye let him go like that, so he hurried to stop him in person, and his attitude was much better than before.

"Old fortune teller, please stay a moment. Let's talk and do the math. It doesn't matter how much it costs!"

"Hey, hey, don't leave."

The old fortune teller just kept walking and walked to the street ahead. A large group of people passed by, beating gongs and drums, and splashing flowers in a noisy manner.

In the chaos of the crowd, several guards immediately protected Yu Ziye, and the trace of the old fortune-teller disappeared unconsciously. The noisy crowd moved forward with many onlookers, and also led Yu Ziye and others forward in the chaos. OK.

Where can I find an old fortune teller in this situation?

Some guards asked and thanked the people, and then they learned that today was the day before the demon-suppressing emperor "changed robes", that is, changing clothes for the gods. They had to go to the Zhenjun Temple to put on newly made divine clothes for several gods. A custom unique to the Lingdong generation.

"Sir, the fortune teller must also go to Zhenjun Temple to set up a stall!"

"Yes! Let's go to Zhenjun Temple too!"

Yu Ziye took people to the Zhenjun Temple. Before they reached the temple, the area outside the city was already noisy with gongs and drums, and there were even some shirtless men carrying large sedan chairs.

It was a cold day, but those shirtless young men didn't seem to feel the cold. The big sedan did not have a roof and four sides, but chairs. On the chairs of several sedans were pieces of divine robes.

The crowd was cheering "Hey, hey, hey, hey!" as they headed towards the Zhenjun Temple. In front of the temple, Yu Ziye discovered that Chu Hang and many local officials were also there.

"Sir, give it!"

Yu Ziye looked down and saw that a guard had bought the buns from somewhere.

After all, he hadn't eaten yet when he got up. Yu Ziye grabbed the bun and ate it while hurried towards the Zhenjun Temple. Since Prime Minister Chu was here, he must have shown his face.

At this time, Yu Ziye's body seemed to have become much stronger all of a sudden, and the crowded crowd could not stop him from moving forward. He squeezed to the front, and the officials nearby even advanced loudly in the bustle.

"Prime Minister Chu, my subordinate Yu Ziye is here! Prime Minister Chu, my subordinate Yu Ziye is here -"

Chu Hang was a little surprised when he heard the reputation, but he didn't expect Yu Ziye to come too, with a smile on his face. This can be regarded as strengthening the relationship with the local officials and people.

The activities in the Zhenjun Temple were very lively. Yu Ziye entered the temple with Chu Hang, paid homage to the Demon-Conquering Emperor together with local officials and people, and changed the divine clothes for the great god. All of this made Yu Ziye forget the original purpose of coming here.

But when it was time to change robes in Yunlai Hall, Yu Ziye, who had just entered the hall, was suddenly surprised.

There were many people worshiping gods in the main hall, and everyone was either smiling or solemn. Only Yu Ziye looked not so good. He stared at the god standing in the main hall with wide eyes.

This god stood high on the altar, holding a scroll in one hand and a pen in the other. He stood there and seemed to be looking at everyone who entered the temple. Yu Ziye felt that the other people were staring at him, and he had a feeling of smiling but not smiling. Time only felt chilly.

"What kind of god is this?"

Yu Ziye asked the people around him in a low voice, and someone naturally answered.

"Sir, this is the great god Yunlai. Legend has it that Kirigakure Yunlai is the first great god under the Subduing Demon Emperor. He records the merits and demerits of the world, rewards good and punishes evil, and his power is boundless."

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