Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 606 The Last Disciple

There is a saying that everything depends on human effort, and some things often require you to really sink your mind and do it seriously before you can understand it.

Yu Ziye followed Chu Hang during this period. At first, he even had the idea of ​​​​making a stumbling block. Later, he really calmed down and learned humbly, and he was able to think from the perspective of someone who really does things.

Sometimes an unexpected opportunity leads to a small change, which may gradually change your life, and Yu Ziye has this trend.

So when the imperial edict came to Dengzhou, it was Yu Ziye who understood the emperor's thoughts on the one hand, and the helplessness of Prime Minister Chu on the other. At the same time, he also felt an inexplicable feeling of anger.

It seems that because of this imperial edict, the entire Dengzhou Yamen, from the officials down to the messengers, has been cast into a haze, and their motivation to do things has been reduced.

Moreover, two multi-state drought relief canals have connected many key routes, but after all, the weather is not good and there is not enough water, so what is the use of having canals?

In the official office, Chu Hang sat alone behind the desk. On the desk was the imperial edict. He stayed here all day and night.

There seemed to be an invisible pressure in that room, which made the entire Dengzhou Yamen officials and policemen afraid to approach.

The eunuch who came to announce the decree did not receive a personal reply from Chu Hang, and he did not dare to leave casually. However, he tried to find Chu Hang several times, but he did not dare to approach that official office.

Perhaps the emperor's original intention was to make Chu Hang admit that he would also fail, but he did not expect that Chu Hang would not answer at all.

On the evening of the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, the eunuch finally couldn't bear it anymore and went to another official office to find Yu Ziye.

When the eunuch arrived, Yu Ziye was studying many documents and albums on the desk. He heard the movement and looked towards the door, only to find that the eunuch who announced the decree had arrived.

"It's Eunuch Chang who's here. I'm sorry for the delay in greeting you from afar!"

No matter what he thought in his heart, Yu Ziye still stood up and greeted him with a smile. The eunuch also smiled when he entered. After all, Master Yu is also a confidant of the emperor.

"Master Yu, you're welcome."

"Father-in-law, please!"

Yu Ziye asked the eunuch to sit on a chair aside, and even poured tea for him personally while asking in a low voice.

"I wonder why my father-in-law is here?"


The eunuch sighed.

"It's not because of Prime Minister Chu. Your Majesty wants me to hear what Prime Minister Chu has to say. But Prime Minister Chu doesn't respond. It's hard for me to go directly and ask questions. It's very troublesome."

Yu Ziye understood that he was here to ask for help. He poured the tea before speaking with a smile.

"My father-in-law, please don't be impatient. Just wait until Yu goes to ask Prime Minister Chu, oh, please have some tea!"

The eunuch's face showed joy.

"I'll leave it to you, Master Yu!"

"Don't worry, father-in-law. Yu will go to Prime Minister Chu to find out what's going on. He will definitely give you an answer personally."

After Yu Ziye finished speaking, he walked out of the house directly. Eunuch Chang behind him was stunned for a moment. There was no need to be in such a hurry. Let's chat for a while.

Outside the house, when Yu Ziye left, he ran into the police officer who came to deliver the meal.

"Hey, sir, here's your dinner!"

The officer quickly called Yu Ziye to stop, and the latter pointed to the house he left.

"Send it over there. Eunuch Chang is here. Just give it to Eunuch Chang for his own use!"

After saying that, Yu Ziye left on his own. Seeing that he was in a hurry, the officer had to bring the food to the official office. When he saw the eunuch who was delivering the order drinking tea inside, the officer didn't want to get close to him, but his face was still crowded. Make a smile.

"Eunuch Chang, Master Yu asked me to bring you dinner!"

The eunuch was stunned again. How could Master Yu arrange things so quickly? Just went out for dinner and already arrived?

"Hehehehe, no, no, the Za family has already booked a banquet at the Denglou. We will go there with Mr. Yu when he comes back later! Just take these meals away!"

The eunuch glanced at the food on the messenger's tray, which included a bowl of white rice, a small bowl of green vegetables, a small bowl of bacon, and a small plate of dried radishes, without even wanting to take a second look at them.


The officer responded and left with the tray. When he reached the door, he looked back at the smiling old eunuch and cursed the eunuch in his heart.

On the other side, Yu Ziye walked to the courtyard of the government office where Chu Hang was located. As he approached the door, he bumped into the food delivery person. However, it was not an official, but Chu Hang's old servant, who also came out with food.

Seeing this scene, Yu Ziye hurried forward.

"Why, Prime Minister Chu doesn't want to eat?"

The old servant had a sad look on his face. When he saw Yu Ziye, although he had the impression that he was a sycophant, he still couldn't help but speak.

"Master Yu, my master has not eaten for more than a day. Please go and persuade him to eat more. He is old and his body and bones cannot bear it."

Yu Ziye was startled. He didn't bother to knock on the door, and opened the door directly and entered the official room. Chu Hang, who heard the creaking sound of the door hinge, also happened to look up at this moment.

"Master Yu is here?"

Yu Ziye saw the old auxiliary sitting inside at the table, his expression was very calm, and he didn't seem as haggard as he imagined.

"Xiang Chu, please take care of your health. Eat at least two bites of this meal."

There was food on the corner of the table, which was still steaming. It was obvious that the old servant just took away the food before replacing it.

Prime Minister Chu has always cherished food, especially in these famine years. He would not leave a grain of rice in his daily meals, and it was even more impossible to skip meals because of work needs. Who can not worry about it today.

"Prime Minister Chu, Your Majesty actually cares about Prime Minister Chu."

Chu Hang just looked at Yu Ziye calmly, and it took a long time for a smile to appear on his face.

"Not bad, not bad, your energy has changed, not bad, not bad."

Yu Ziye was slightly confused when he heard this. What did Mr. Chu say?

But Chu Hang didn't explain, and his smile didn't change.

"Even Mr. Chu sometimes makes mistakes. If you, Yu Ziye, were in front of me in the early years, I wouldn't think much of you. But now, I have changed my mind a lot."

These words made Yu Ziye feel happy and a little worried at the same time. He didn't know why Prime Minister Chu suddenly said this.

"Yu Ziye!"

Chu Hang suddenly shouted like this. Yu Ziye was startled by the increased volume and subconsciously responded solemnly.

"The official is here!"

And Chu Hang looked at this person who he once thought was a sycophantic minister, and now he has the tendency to transform into a virtuous minister, and he understood that a minister should not only be smart and practical, but also know how to maneuver according to the circumstances. In an era when the emperor was not so wise, perhaps Yu Ziye Such a person will be much more important than many ministers who only know how to be honest and loyal.

Thinking this, Chu Hang showed a relieved smile on his face.

"I've been here all day and night, waiting for you. Let's have a long chat tonight. By the way, you haven't had dinner yet. You should eat this meal quickly. I can't eat it."

"Xiang Chu, this is"



Although Chu Hang looked pleasant, he had an inexplicable power at the moment, which made Yu Ziye dare not disobey him, even if it was just to let someone eat.

As the sky gets darker, the lights are lit, and this light continues in the official office.

On the other side of Yu Ziye's official office, the eunuch who passed the order waited and waited but could not wait for Yu Ziye to come back. However, he did not dare to go directly to Chu Hang to see him, so he finally had to leave alone.

That night, the eunuch who delivered the order was in the private room of Shangdeng Tower, accompanied by many officials, having a great time eating food and drinking, and also received a lot of benefits.

After all, sycophants are inevitable everywhere.

That night, Chu Hang and Yu Ziye were in the official office with an oil lamp lit, chatting from nightfall to dawn, and then the sky gradually brightened.

When the dawn light shone on the earth from the east, Yi Shuyuan and Qi Zhongbin stood on a bridge outside the city and looked east.

In the official office, it was no longer pitch black outside the door, but light came through.

After talking for a long night, Yu Ziye not only did not feel sleepy, but was in high spirits, and so was Chu Hang opposite him.

Yu Ziye couldn't understand how such an old man could be so energetic after not sleeping for several days.

But at this time, Chu Hang stood up, reached out and grabbed the imperial edict on the table, then walked to the door and opened it.

The morning light came in, making Yu Ziye, who felt a little dazzling, subconsciously cover it with his hands, and Chu Hang also turned to look at him at this moment.

"Yu Ziye, if you are willing, you will be my last disciple. Please assist Your Majesty and protect my great principles!"

After saying this, Chu Hang walked out of the room.

"Prime Minister Chu."

Yu Ziye immediately wanted to get up and follow him, but after sitting on his knees all night, when he wanted to stand up, he felt a soreness in his legs and knees, and he felt slightly dizzy.

"Prime Minister Chu, Prime Minister Chu——"

Yu Ziye endured the pain and stood up holding the desk, staggering and rushed to the door. However, Chu Hang's figure was nowhere to be seen, but he still rushed out and rushed all the way to the outside of the government office. Only then was he on the street with no pedestrians. I saw Chu Hang's back, and Chu Hang had already gone a long way.

Unable to think about why Chu Xiang walked so fast and why other people in the yamen didn't notice this, Yu Ziye rushed to catch up, even forgetting to notify others, and shouted while chasing.

"Prime Minister Chu—Prime Minister Chu—wait a minute—"

Yu Ziye's shout finally alerted the officials in the Yamen behind, and also alerted some people along the street.

However, Yu Ziye couldn't care about the others at this moment. He only hated himself for missing a pair of legs. Even though his feet had recovered, he couldn't catch up with a gray-haired old man, so he chased him all the way out of the city.

At the same time, officials and messengers from the Dengzhou Yamen also chased him out, and many people nearby followed him after hearing the news.

Chu Hang walked in front, looking for water vapor and following the feeling in his heart all the way to the outside of the city, to the bank of Datong River, and stopped only when he reached a large riverside step outside the city.

Looking at both ends of the river, Chu Hang couldn't help but have a smile on his face.

At this moment, in a teahouse outside the city, two figures sprang out from the window and rushed towards Chu Hang by the river. The two figures were Pei Changtian and Mai Lingfei.

The two of them had a premonition of something at this moment, but while they were still in the air, their clothes were suddenly pulled by someone.

What? who?

Someone was able to hold the two masters silently. Pei Changtian and Mai Lingfei turned around and attacked the rear almost at the same time.

"Bang~" "Bang~" "Bang~".

The fists, palms and claws were as fast as lightning, but the person behind the two people easily slapped them away with one hand. During the exchange of more than ten moves, the three of them also landed from mid-air.

After landing, neither A Fei nor Pei Changtian could move anymore, as their meridians were obviously sealed by the other party.

A Fei and Pei Changtian had shocked looks on their faces. It was hard to imagine that they would join forces and be restrained by someone sealing their acupoints in a confrontation.

In front of them was a man wearing a python robe, looking at them calmly.

"My skills are good, but I can't let you pass!"

The man said this, looked past the two of them and looked not far away, with a look of surprise on his face, and even murmured.

"I see, Yi Daozi, you already knew that, right?"


On the steps by the Datong River, Chu Hang unfolded the imperial edict again, recited it in a low voice, put a slight smile on his face, and boarded a building boat into the water.

"Eunuch Chang, didn't your Majesty ask how to explain the disaster?"

The eunuch who was drunk last night was arranged to rest on the boat on the upper floor of the lantern building. What was ridiculous was that there were two naked beauties sharing the bed.

At this moment, the eunuch was suddenly awakened by Chu Hang's voice and rushed to the boat window. When he saw the river in the distance, another voice came over.

"Please tell your Majesty, Eunuch Chang, that I, Chu Hang, have acted openly and aboveboard throughout my life, and have a clear conscience throughout my life as an official. Even if I am guilty, I do not need an iron book to save me."

After a slight pause in his words, Chu Hang looked towards the water.

"As for the disaster that the Holy One is concerned about, it will be resolved soon."

With that said, Chu Hang held the imperial edict and walked towards the Datong River step by step.

The government officials and messengers who rushed to the shore, as well as some people by the river who had no idea what was going on, all showed panic. Yu Ziye rushed directly to the Datong River.

"Prime Minister Chu can't—"

"Prime Minister Chu——" "Master Chu——"

Including Yu Ziye, countless people rushed to the Datong River. The nearest people even felt that they could hold Chu Hang, but just one step away, Chu Hang had already walked into the water.

"Plop~" "Plop~" "Plop~".

Many police officials and young adults who were one step behind jumped directly into the water, including Yu Ziye, who didn't know how to swim at all. Countless people on the shore were shouting.

But except for the officials and the young man splashing in the water, no one found Chu Hang, whether they were swimming around or diving to look for people, and they only rescued Yu Ziye who was constantly flopping in the water.

At this moment, the originally peaceful Datong River seemed to become turbulent and agitated.

"Wow, wow, wow."

The river stirred up big waves, and the officials and young people who were rescuing people in the water had to swim to the shore, and there were already shouts on the river bank.

"Lord Chu——" "Mr. Chu——"

Yu Ziye did not think about his own safety at this moment. He seemed to want to go into the water, but was dragged ashore by the official.

"Sir, sir, you can't go!" "Sir, you don't know how to swim!"

"Prime Minister Chu——"

Yu Ziye broke free from his official duties and knelt directly on the bank, kowtowing into the river until his head was broken and bleeding.

"Dong dong dong"

"Prime Minister Chu—Prime Minister Chu—the lower official deserves to die, the lower official deserves to die—"

"Dong dong dong"

“Crash, la, la, la”

The waves in the Datong River started to rise, and the wind gradually became stronger, so strong that people on the shore could no longer stand.


There was a burst of thunder in the sky, and the clouds suddenly became dense, as if a heavy rain was about to fall.

However, before the heavy rain fell, many steps that were originally exposed on both sides of the Datong River were submerged step by step.

"The water is rising——" "The water is rising in Datong River——"

Someone on the shore shouted loudly

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