Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 607 The drought can be solved

The rolling Datong River has a mainstream basin that stretches for several states, and its tributaries spread to countless places. It has irrigated the vast land east of Lingdong since ancient times.

For countless years, the Datong River only showed signs of drying up during the severe drought during the Chengxing period.

Now there is another drought. Although it is not as exaggerated as during the Chengxing years, it lasts longer. In the past two or three years, the water level has dropped to a very dangerous level. In some river basins, the water is only a few feet deep, and even larger ships need to travel. Tracker assistance.

At this moment, the Datong River is surging and the water level is rising.

"The Datong River has swollen——"

"The water is really rising!" "The water is rising——"

"Get out of the way quickly——"

Originally, due to the drop in water level, many places that should have been on the water surface became banks. Many people along the coast were standing in these places. When the water level skyrocketed, many people hurriedly rushed to the real shore.

The river water splashed against the shore, and the water area nearly doubled in a short period of time, and it is still expanding.

The news of the rising water in Datong River seemed to have wings. With the shouts of people on the bank, it spread to further places. Many people in Dengzhou City rushed out to see the situation of Datong River.

Not long after, there were already many Dengzhou people along the Datong River outside the city.

On the high-rise boat in the river, the eunuch carrying the order clung to the side of the cabin. The entire high-rise boat was shaking continuously, and some screams could be heard inside the boat.

But the eunuch who delivered the order still stared at the river bank in the distance from the window of the building boat. Of course, that area was now completely submerged by the river.

The scene of Chu Hang walking into the river shocked the eunuch from the capital.

"Rumble--" "Crack---"

The sky has been completely obscured by clouds, and lightning flashes across the sky and illuminates the earth.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa."

The heavy rain finally fell.


At the same time, it was also raining in Chengtian Mansion, a sudden thunderstorm.


Thunder resounded through the sky, and the roar was so violent that it suddenly woke up Emperor Dayong who was resting on the soft couch in the imperial study room.


The emperor straightened up, his head covered with cold sweat.

The eunuch on the side came over quickly.

"His Majesty!"

The emperor trembled for a moment, listening to the wind and rain and the violent thunder outside, and finally calmed down, but the thunder made him feel guilty inexplicably.

"Why was there such a big thunder suddenly?"

"Your Majesty, the weather is changeable at the turn of spring and summer, and a sudden thunderstorm is extremely common!"

The eunuch's words made the emperor calm down a lot, and he nodded and relaxed.——

Both sides of the Datong River are now in chaos. Some people are hurriedly hiding from the rain, some are rejoicing, but there are also many people who are still looking at the Datong River. Now with this turbulent river, it is impossible to go down to save people.

"Prime Minister of Chu. Prime Minister of Chu"

Yu Ziye shouted towards Datong River, his voice was drowned in the sound of rain. The heavy rain washed the blood from his forehead and merged it with his tears.

He was dragged away from the shore by several officers. The river was turbulent and it would be difficult to save him if he was swept down.

There were also many people on the shore who were unwilling to leave. After many people who were originally jubilant gradually understood the situation, their extreme joy turned into shock. It is difficult to describe the emotions in their hearts at this moment.

The rain became heavier and heavier, forming a violent storm, and people on the shore could not stay any longer.

"Will there be another flood?" "Oh my God, will there be another flood after the drought is over?"

There were older people crying to the sky, and even younger people rushed over to help.

"Come on, hurry up, don't stay on the shore!"

"Hurry up"

Many people have fear in their hearts. According to the rising water method of Datong River, who can not be afraid?

The banks of Datong River, which were originally crowded with people, soon became empty.

In a corner by the river, Pei Changtian and Mai Lingfei shuddered slightly, and suddenly regained control of their bodies. They hurriedly turned sideways to look at the Datong River. At this moment, the river was rough and stormy, and there was no one there, let alone Chu. The figure of Hang appeared.

The mysterious master who had just controlled the two people had disappeared.

"Lord Chu" "Prime Minister Chu!"

A Fei and Pei Changtian walked a few steps toward the river in a daze, with grief, anger and confusion on their faces.

"Qier, I can't help you."

Ah Fei murmured like this, his fists tightly clenched, while Pei Changtian pinched his thighs with his claws and sighed.

"Perhaps this is the destination chosen by Mr. Chu himself, and this rain must have been transformed by Mr. Chu."

The two of them stood by the river in the heavy rain for half an hour, and then they finally calmed down. The changes in the Datong River and the weather were obviously extremely unusual, and maybe it was what some people called a certain fate.

Even Pei Changtian realized clearly at this moment that the water and rain were related to Chu Hang, and they could not save Chu Hang.

But if it hadn't been for that mysterious master just now, with the abilities of the two of them, maybe they could have stopped Mr. Chu?

This thought grew uncontrollably in the hearts of the two of them. After a long time, it turned into a sigh and melted into the rain. The two of them walked step by step towards the Datong River, their clothes soaked by the rain squeaking.

"Master Mai, your martial arts skills are unparalleled in the world, but the man just now is obviously invincible. Is he the legendary Long Feiyang?"

A Fei shook his head.

"Although I have never met Dragon Warrior, that person just now is definitely not him."

Ah Fei, who is in the current state, can already sense some special things. At this moment, with hindsight, he realizes that the person just now does not seem to be a mortal anymore, and his characteristics are also different from the Long Feiyang whom he heard from his friends back then.

"That man is wearing a black python robe. Is he from the imperial court?"

Hearing this, A Fei shook his head.

"That's not a python robe. It has claws and a body, no head and no tail."

Although they only fought for a short time, Ah Fei could still see it more clearly.

On a bridge over the Datong River, Yi Shuyuan, Qi Zhongbin, and Hui Mian had been standing on the bridge. The rain fell around them and all ran down their clothes.

At this moment, the water under the bridge was surging, and there was even a feeling that it was about to collapse the bridge. Many people had already evacuated from the many buildings on both sides of the Datong River, and had already fled into the city.

Perhaps some of the rich and powerful are already considering escaping to higher ground.

After all, there may not be many people alive today during the flood, but the imprint left by the flood is deep in the hearts of Lingdong people.

However, everyone was flustered, and naturally it could not include Yi Shuyuan and Qi Zhongbin, nor could it include the people who arrived on the bridge at this moment.

Yi Shuyuan seemed to have just realized it, with a bit of surprise on his face. He turned and looked to one side, and then saluted the visitor together with Qi Zhongbin.

"It actually surprised Yi that he alerted Lord Long to come here!"

It turns out that the person who just stopped Mai Lingfei and Pei Changtian was Donghai Dragon Lord Feng Yan!

Donghai Dragon Lord bowed his hands in return, shook his head slightly, smiled with a sense of absurdity, and walked onto the center of the bridge.

"Yi Daozi, you already knew that, right?"

A slight smile appeared on Yi Shuyuan's face.

"Whether Mr. Long believes it or not, it can be said that Yi knows three points and guesses seven points. What I saw or felt today, but it is difficult to completely investigate it. I only know that there is a way to solve it."

At this moment, Feng Yan also walked to the center of the bridge and looked at the rolling Datong River under the bridge, seeming to be lost in thought.

"Does Mr. Long want to convict him of another crime?"

To be honest, Yi Shuyuan is not weak at all when facing the Dragon Lord of the East China Sea, and he also understands the complex mood of this real dragon at this moment.

After hearing Yi Shuyuan's words, Feng Yan smiled and shook his head.

"After so many years, so many things, and so many changes, if I hold on to you, wouldn't I make you laugh, Yi Daozi?"

Feng Yan sighed as he spoke.

"After all, he can be considered half a member of the dragon clan."

Hearing this, Hui Mian on Yi Shuyuan's shoulder couldn't help but mutter.

"Does this count?"

Feng Yan turned to look at Hui Mian, who was so frightened that Hui Mian immediately shrank into Yi Shuyuan's clothes and did not dare to poke his head out.

With a "bang~" sound, a building ship hit the bank on one side of the bridge, which also attracted the attention of Yi Shuyuan and others.

It turned out that many people had fled both sides of the Datong River, but the building boat that conveyed the eunuch's message was still in the river. Because the water level surged, it directly submerged the pile heads, and it was impossible to get off the boat. It had been swept up by the turbulent river water and was messed up everywhere. change.

Even the few people on the bridge at this moment could still hear the panicked screams of those in the boat below.


The heavy rain continued all day and night, and the rain clouds covered far more than just a small area like Dengzhou City.

Many people are worried about a major flood, and local officials and citizens frequently go to various parts of the Datong River to check the situation.

But when the heavy rain gradually stopped, everything became clear.

Drought-resistant canal!

Although the water is turbulent and the rain is terrible, it seems that all the previous work has been prepared.

Drought-resistant canals carry water during droughts and release floods during floods. Nowadays, many places are in line with the standards of many states in Hexi Province.

The turbulent water of the Datong River continues to flow through the drought-resistant canal, flowing from the upstream and downstream to everywhere in Lingdong, and also nourishes almost the entire Hexi Road.

Flood disasters have not occurred, but the drought in dozens of states in Lingdong and Hexi has been resolved since then.

The next day, the Datong River seemed to have calmed down, but the water had remained at a very pleasant depth.

Although it is a good thing that the drought has been resolved, many people are unable to express their joy. Today, there are many, many more boats on the Datong River.

Whether it is the government or the common people, hundreds of boats are constantly looking for it along the direction of the Datong River.

"Prime Minister Chu——" "Prime Minister Chu——"

On some ships, someone kept shouting. Although many people knew that Chu Hang was in danger, people often said that the soul of the newly deceased would linger near the corpse.

People want to find Chu Hang's body, and they also hope that Chu Hang can give some guidance.

Regardless of superstitious thinking or self-belief, the rising water of the Datong River and the rain were too coincidental, and the layout of the drought relief canal was also too coincidental. It is not that no one among the people had thought about the question that Yu Ziye once asked Chu Hang face to face, and Now, everything has an answer.

Of course, in the hearts of the vast majority of the people, this was Prime Minister Chu’s wading into the water to move God, opening his eyes and relieving the drought!

The news spread from ten to ten, and in a short period of time, it was spread along the Datong River Basin by people who continued to go down to salvage the corpses. This led to more and more boats joining in, and people along the Datong River either watched or helped to search. more and more

However, the river is so wide and has so many drainage basins that it is impossible to fish it out——

The drought was indeed resolved, and it rained frequently for a period of time. The rain was not heavy, but it was enough to show that the weather had changed.

It was raining again today. In the Dengzhou Yamen, Yu Ziye stood at the door holding documents and pictures and stared blankly at the sky, recalling the conversation he had with Prime Minister Chu that day.

"The drought-resistant canal is indeed exquisite, and the water management is impeccable, but there is no water! If God doesn't take good care of it, what can we do?"

"Hahahahahahahahaha, Master Yu, you said it well, you said it well."

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