Chu Hang's guess was undoubtedly accurate, because Yi Shuyuan had solved the mystery.

"This cousin is amazing! The water, pulse, and energy in this world are connected, and he is respected in the waters of all directions. Why don't I have such a relative?"

Yi Shuyuan joked like this, which made Feng Yan, the Dragon Lord of East China Sea, grin.

There are definitely not many people in the world who dare to make fun of Long Jun, and Yi Shuyuan can be counted among them.

"It turns out that Mr. Long is here in person, and Chu Hang is here to greet you!"

Chu Hang solemnly saluted Feng Yan again.

Although Feng Yan said that Chu Hang was half of the dragon clan, he did not regard him as the supreme dragon clan in front of Chu Hang himself. Instead, he bowed back to show his respect for Chu Hang.

Yes, respect, Chu Hang's merits are not small, no matter how bright or dark, even the Dragon Lord of the East China Sea admires him a little.

Xiang Yi looked at this scene and thought for a moment before speaking.

"Longjun, Xiang came to the lower realm this time with an imperial seal. Although Chu Qing has some disputes with the Dragon Clan, I hope Longjun doesn't mind!"

Feng Yan still had this sense of propriety, and he didn't have any objections about it. He went ashore in person, stayed from Lingdong to Hexi for so long, and came to see Chu Hang alone, which is enough to illustrate his attitude.

"Don't worry, Mr. Ziweixing. I'm here just to take a look. It's a rare thing in this world. Maybe it will never come again!"

Lord Ziweixing then looked at Yi Shuyuan. If Yi Daozi was determined to accept Chu Hang into the Immortal Sect, then the matter would have to be discussed separately. However, the latter nodded slightly, obviously having no other thoughts.

But Ziwei Xingjun looked at Chu Hang again.

"Chu Qing, in fact, you are so powerful as Datong River that you are already the de facto Datong Water God. However, Xiang still wants to ask you, are you willing to be granted the title of Heavenly Realm? In addition to the Ministry of Water, are you willing to enter my Ziwei Palace?"

"Chu is willing!"

There was nothing to say. Chu Hang was happy to see Xiang Yi again, and he had no objection to entering Ziwei Palace.

Ziwei Xingjun personally read out the edict on the banks of the Sishui section of the Datong River, and added the divine light of heaven to Chu Hang to help him condense his body. He also specially gave him Shinto methods to make up for the lack of Chu Hang's Shinto methods.

But everyone knows that Chu Hang actually has another method, a method that is extremely special and suits Chu Hang. It is also this method that allows Chu Hang to escape at the last moment.

As for where this method comes from, Ziweixingjun understands it, and Donghai Longjun also understands it.


In the midsummer of that year, outside Dengzhou City, where the tomb of Chu Hang was located, a slightly lost old man with gray hair walked here alone.

The tomb was built very decently, with white stone protection and lampposts along the way, but it was obviously not enough for Chu Hang's status as the chief minister of the imperial court and the emperor's master.

It's just that this cenotaph is the sentiment of the officials and people of Dengzhou, and its weight is no less than that of a lavish burial according to the imperial standards.

The old man walked to the tomb and looked at the large characters engraved on the tombstone. His lips trembled but he could not read out.

There is a stone pavilion next to the tomb of Dayong Xian Gong, Prime Minister of Chu. Inside, a stone tablet is engraved with an epitaph, a series of names, such as Dayong Xian Gong, a veteran of three dynasties, a famous minister in the world, etc. The beginning of the title is enough to let future generations understand the extraordinary nature of the tomb here.

The old man was already in tears at this moment. He held an important position and was traveling a long way. By the time he came here after handling the key matters at hand, it was already too late.

"Dad - the baby is late - dad -"

The old man finally cried out, crying so hard that his body trembled and his heart was broken.

There was a thatched house a little further away, and a middle-aged man about forty or fifty years old came out of it. Hearing the cry and seeing this scene, he also hurriedly ran towards the tomb.

"Brother. Brother!"

The old man with tears streaming down his face turned his head to look, and then noticed the brother who was keeping his filial piety.

"Hongzu, brother is late."

The two brothers had actually not seen each other for several years, but they did not expect that their reunion would be like this.

On the river in the distance, Chu Hang just watched this scene. Facing this pair of sons, he also felt a lot of emotion, felt relieved, and felt that he was slightly indebted, but as a father, he had given everything he could. Gave it to the child.

Not to mention the scene he was facing at this moment, sometimes Chu Hang could hear the sound of crying in the distance. That was the voice of his eldest daughter who was inconvenient to come to Dengzhou.

Chu Hang deliberately hid a series of things from his children. It has to be said that as a father, he was very successful in hiding his children, so his departure seemed so sudden to the children.

Although I can't always show up to be by your side, as a father, I can still protect you and keep you safe!

As a father, I never leave!

“Crash, la, la, la”

Raindrops fell from the sky, and it started to rain without warning by the Datong River.

"It's raining, brother, let's go to the thatched cottage to take shelter from the rain! Don't get caught in the rain and get sick." "Okay!"

The two brothers in front of the tomb over there finally took shelter from the rain and left. After running for a while, they entered the thatched cottage.

"Oh, the rain just keeps coming."

The two brothers were patting their clothes while they were talking, but at this time, the two brothers suddenly discovered something strange, and they stopped patting after a few times.


Chu Hongzu said this, and Chu Hongsheng continued.

"Why is there no rain on us?"

The two brothers stood in the rain for a short while, and then ran for a while in the rain. Although they didn't get wet too much, their clothes were not so dry, and even their hair was not wet.

The two of them looked at the tomb outside the house and at the Datong River with its rolling water. Perhaps their father's spirit in heaven was protecting them.

People from two dozen states in the Datong River Basin said that even though their father passed away, he would protect the people for God. It would be great if that was the case——

In front of the Zhenjun Temple outside Dengzhou City, Yi Shuyuan has returned here again.

However, Yi Shuyuan did not enter the Zhenjun Temple. Instead, he set up tables and chairs outside the Zhenjun Temple. With a folding fan and a square foot, he spoke about "The Biography of Duke Chu" with great emotion.

However, I was fascinated by the pilgrims who came to offer incense and worship the gods or who had already prayed. Naturally, a large circle of people quickly formed inside and outside.

At this time, the elderly, children, women, children, and scholars were all listening. Even the fortune tellers who interpreted fortunes for people came over and sat on their little horses to take advantage of the reading.

It was obviously worth it, not just because this storyteller came here and was good at ventriloquism changes, and he amazed everyone with his skills as soon as he started speaking.

What's more, "The Legend of Chu Gong" has been banned by the imperial court. It used to be a good story that spread the trend of the world, but now few storytellers dare to tell it.

Why is it said to be rare? Because this is Lingdong after all, there are still some storytellers or even just scholars who secretly tell stories in private and secretly keep manuscripts of "The Legend of Chu Gong".

It's just that no one who came to offer incense today expected that there would be a bold person who would openly speak about "The Legend of Chu Gong" in front of the Zhenjun Temple!

As a Dengzhou native, it is natural for me to do so.


With this compliment, everyone who listens to the book will know that they have encountered a treasure!

I heard that "The Legend of Chu Gong" was written by a strange storyteller. The listeners of the original version of "The Legend of Chu Gong" felt as if they were being brought into the book. Today, after listening to only the first paragraph, many people realized that those people in the city could not be harmonious with each other. This storyteller is as good as he gets and this is a book not to be missed.

At this moment, Yi Shuyuan was talking about the most critical paragraph, and the narration voice in his mouth also carried a trace of powerful vicissitudes.

"The Duke of Chu was walking towards the Datong River, his pace getting faster and faster. The officials and government servants who were chasing behind him could not catch up with such an old man no matter what. After hearing the news, the common people also found it difficult to catch up."

The waves of the river were surging and the wind was howling angrily.

"Huuu. Huuu"

Yi Shuyuan covered his face with a fan and let out a gust of wind. At this moment, the trees near Zhenjun Temple were swaying, and the river not far away was filled with waves, as if there was a real strong wind again.

Everyone who listened to the book was extremely nervous, and some even had goosebumps on their bodies. This was not fear, but a feeling of sadness or anger.

Chu Hang walked into the river and smiled at the boat in the middle of the river. At this moment, the voice that came out of Yi Shuyuan's mouth was actually Chu Hang's voice.

"Please tell your Majesty, Eunuch Chang, that I, Chu Hang, have acted openly and aboveboard throughout my life, and have a clear conscience throughout my life as an official. Even if I am guilty, I do not need an iron book to save me."

"As for the disaster that the Holy One is concerned about, it will be resolved soon."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yi Shuyuan, whose face was covered by a folding fan, made a sound of water. Everyone knew that it was Prime Minister Chu who had thrown himself into the river.

Some children even cried in the arms of their elders at this moment.

Yi Shuyuan glanced at the crowded audience and dropped the ruler in his hand heavily on the table.


Boom boom——

As soon as the ruler fell, everyone was shocked. Some people who had an impression seemed to have heard the thunder that day again.

From early morning to noon, "The Legend of Duke Chu" was finally finished by Yi Shuyuan in one breath. I don't know how much it delayed the pilgrims, but everyone thought it was worth it.

It was also at this time that some officials from the periphery arrived belatedly and came to drive people away. Before that, they also listened to the whole book in a corner.

"What are you doing?" "Someone came to report that banned books are being discussed here. Is this true?"

The officers were shouting loudly before they even got close.

As soon as the official came, the crowd suddenly became confused. In the chaos, the temple workers of Zhenjun Temple and some pilgrims helped Yi Shuyuan move the tables and chairs into Zhenjun Temple.

"Sir, quickly go to the Zhenjun Temple to take shelter!"

"Yes, sir, hurry into the Temple of the True Lord. The officials don't dare to arrest people under the eyes of Emperor Fumo!"

"Thank you very much!"

Yi Shuyuan looked grateful. Someone moved the tables and chairs. He followed some pilgrims and hid in the Zhenjun Temple. He looked outside when he left. He felt that those officials probably didn't want to arrest anyone.

At this time, the peripheral officers lazily came to the tree where Yi Shuyuan was telling stories just now, looked around, and started fighting with each other.

"Huh? It seems that the report is untrue?"

"Yeah, where is it? Oh, you, yes, I'm talking about you! Can you see or hear someone talking about banned books here?"

A ferocious official suddenly stopped a pilgrim. The latter's face suddenly turned pale, his body trembled slightly and he hesitated.

"No, no, little one, little one didn't hear it."

"Speak more clearly!"

"No, I didn't hear it!"

The officer almost nodded.

"Oh, no, didn't you hear that? Then the person who came to report was just reporting to the official blindly?"

"Hmph! How dare you tease our Dengzhou Yamen! It seems that you are not a good breeder!"

The officer cursed for a while and left without even entering the gate of Zhenjun Temple. From the looks of it, it seemed like he was going to find trouble with the person who reported to the officer.

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