Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 612 Not such a person

When the officials were chasing people away, Yi Shuyuan hid by the gate inside the Zhenjun Temple without any thought of hiding deeper. This was taught by the old temple workers of the Zhenjun Temple.

It is said that if an official comes in, just go to the side with the temple workers and pilgrims. They don’t know the storyteller, so as long as no one betrays them, most people outside will think that they are pilgrims, and they will sneak away while the officials search inside. That’s it.

But obviously this clever trick was no longer needed, and the calm outside soon returned. A fortune teller who was setting up a stall outside walked into the Zhenjun Temple and said to Yi Shuyuan, the temple workers and other pilgrims on the side.

"The official has left. This gentleman is fine!"

The tension of the others was immediately relieved, and smiles appeared on everyone's faces.

"It's good to go!" "It's okay, it's okay. Sir, do you want to continue your story?"

Yi Shuyuan smiled, held the folding fan upside down and greeted the people around him.

"I've finished talking about "The Legend of Duke Chu". I've been talking about it all morning, and my mouth is dry. I'm going to leave after paying homage to Emperor Fumo. The official here gave me some thin noodles. If you really don't know what's good and what's good, I'm going to leave." It’s also difficult to do!”

"What you said makes sense."

"But sir, you haven't paid for the book yet!"

"Yes, I haven't received any money yet!" "For such a good skill, you must be paid!"

Everyone around me thinks it makes sense. Those gentlemen who listen to books on weekdays can't compare with the people in front of them. No matter what, they have to spend a few coins!

Yi Shuyuan quickly stopped everyone.

"Everyone, everyone! I accept my kindness, but today I am just saying "The Legend of Chu Gong" on a whim, and I have no intention of collecting money. It is a great honor for you to listen to it, so there is no need to give money!"

Hui Mian transmitted the message to Yi Shuyuan's ears.

"Oh sir, why don't you accept the money? If you don't accept it, it's free. If you accept it, you can buy delicious food!"

Yi Shuyuan ignored Hui Mian, but the people around him were still enthusiastic. If you don't accept money, you have to eat, right?

"Sir, can you have a place to eat at noon? I would like to treat you to dinner!"

"Me too!" "Then why not use some food in the temple? Granny Chen will definitely not object!"

It was obvious that the people around him were very enthusiastic. Yi Shuyuan smiled, thanked everyone for their kindness, and then went to the back of the temple.

There was a temple worker who followed him diligently, and was persuaded by Yi Shuyuan to let him go about his own business. Firstly, he liked to be quiet, and secondly, following several people was always too conspicuous, in case the official changed his mind. Are you back to arrest someone?

In a few words, Yi Shuyuan persuaded everyone to leave, and then entered the back of the temple.

There is no shortage of incense in Zhenjun Temple at any time, and this is also the case today. However, because Yi Shuyuan was telling stories outside the temple, there were relatively few pilgrims in the temple in the morning. When the officials arrived, the birds and beasts dispersed, and it was almost noon. There were few pilgrims in the temple. Deserted.

There were also few pilgrims in the Demon-Conquering Hall and the small square facing the Datong River.

Yi Shuyuan came to the Demon-Suppressing Hall with three sticks of incense in his hand. These were given to him by the temple workers when they left, so they naturally didn't charge for them.

In the hall, the Holy Monarch wearing a battle robe stood on the altar, as if he was overlooking everyone who came to the temple, and he was also overlooking the people of the world.

Yi Shuyuan went to the candle on one side to light sandalwood incense, held the incense to worship the god, and then placed the incense on the incense burner in front of the altar.

Outside the door of the Demon-Conquering Hall, Chen Han stood leaning against the door. She didn't know when she came. She waited for Yi Shuyuan to finish offering the incense before she said with a smile.

"It is said that in the three realms, gods and men cannot bear to bow to you. Your husband and the emperor are close friends, so why do you have to worship the emperor?"

Are you trying to tell me why I want to harm the emperor?

In fact, Yi Shuyuan just had a little bit of fun and offered himself incense for fun. Of course, he couldn't say that. He turned around with a smile when he heard Chen Han's voice.

"Rumors are just rumors after all. At least the true king can bear Yi's worship. Of course, there are indeed many gods who can't bear it."

Seeing Yi Shuyuan turn around, Chen Han walked a few steps away from the door and bowed to him inside.

After Chen Han stood up, he said with a smile.

"I have prepared meals for Mr. and Senior Gray."

Hui Mian suddenly raised his head.

"Isn't it a vegetarian meal?"

Chen Han covered his mouth and smiled.

"Zhenjun Temple is not a monk's temple, so how can it be a vegetarian meal? There must be wine and meat, Senior Hui!"

Hui Mian suddenly grinned.


The temple workers ate in the dining hall of Zhenjun Temple. In the small room next to the kitchen of Zhenjun Temple, there were Yi Shuyuan and Chen Han, plus Hui Mian.

The wine was tiaojian wine, which was spicy and flavorful. The dishes were served separately in a big pot, plus a roast chicken bought from a restaurant. It was quite rich, at least Hui Mian's mouth was full of oil.

At the dinner table, Yi Shuyuan was also very curious about Chen Han's decades in this temple, and talked about the events of these years while drinking and eating.

Although Yi Shuyuan was vaguely aware of some things because it was his own temple, that would be the limit if he didn't pay careful attention to it.

"Chen Han, you were a well-known temple girl in Dengzhou back then, and there were many talented scholars who had their hearts set on you. Why didn't you choose one of them and give it a chance?"

Hui Mian asked this, causing Chen Han to laugh.

"Whether it is a man of letters or a talented scholar, those who are obsessed with me are just coveting my appearance. How many of them are sincere? As the appearance grows old, no one will care about me."

Yi Shuyuan held up the wine glass and drank it with a smile. He didn't say anything. Chen Han was focused on seeking the truth and had no time for him to take care of it.

When Yi Shuyuan put down the wine glass and Chen Han got up to pour the wine again, Yi Shuyuan blocked the wine glass with a folding fan.

"I won't drink more. I'll take away the remaining half a bottle of shoulder wine later."


Chen Han didn't dare to persuade Yi Shuyuan to drink in front of him. He put down the wine bottle and sat down next to him. However, Yi Shuyuan and Hui Mian couldn't see that he was hesitant to speak.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, if you have anything to do, just say it. There is no need to be restrained in front of Yi!"

Yi Shuyuan's words also made Chen Han make up his mind that the matter must not be hidden from the Immortal Lord, otherwise the True Lord may not be able to save his sister in the future.

Thinking of this, Chen Han left his seat and was about to kneel down in front of Yi Shuyuan, but Yi Shuyuan waved his sleeve to the side, making her unable to kneel down at all.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, there is no need to pay such a big courtesy. If you have any questions, just tell me."

Yi Shuyuan's expression returned to calm.

Not being able to kneel down to apologize made Chen Han even more guilty, so he could only bow his head and salute and speak.

"Mr. Yi, my sister-in-law Yu Xinmei doesn't know how high the sky is. She saw Xingluo Dan in Lingdong many years ago and swallowed it under a bridge. This elixir was the pill that Master Qi Tian and Immortal Mo were looking for. My sister-in-law But swallowing it is already a big mistake.”

As he spoke, Chen Han raised his head and looked at Yi Shuyuan.

"Chen Han knows that he can no longer return the elixir, so please sir, for the sake of Zhenjun, for the fact that I have guarded the temple for Zhenjun for many years, and for the merits of my sister-in-law who once saved the people by controlling floods, please treat my sister-in-law from my kindness. "Easy to lose"

Yi Shuyuan looked at Chen Han's anxious look and suddenly smiled again.

"Although there are many false rumors about Yi from the outside world, Daoyou Chen shouldn't be unaware of Yi's temper, right?"

"Chen Han naturally knows that Mr. Chen is generous. However, there are right and wrong in things, and there is a greater distinction between severity. Master Qi Tian and Immortal Mo were swallowed by the younger sister. This is a serious crime."

Hui Mian was holding a chicken stand on the side and chewing it happily. He couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha."

This laughter made Chen Han look in surprise, and saw a shiny mink face sticking his head out from the chicken stand.

"This can only mean that your sister is destined to have this fate, and it can only mean that Qi Xiaozi and Shi Sheng are not good at practicing!"

Hui Mian thought about that scene and found it interesting.

"Hey, if you have the same evil intentions as that bastard, then you are really going to kill yourself!"

As soon as he heard what Hui Mian said, Chen Han immediately understood. Sure enough, Xianzun and Senior Hui had known about it for a long time. Whether she said it or not might not only be a crisis for the younger sister, but also a catastrophic choice for himself.

Yi Shuyuan knew Chen Han's concerns, but he didn't know that she thought so much. At this moment, he still felt relieved.

"As Hui Mian said, your sister is destined to have this opportunity, but that's all."

But what? Chen Han suddenly became nervous.

"But this kindness is too heavy. I wonder if your sister is ready to repay it? Well, it's not to repay me, but to repay the person who lost the elixir. This elixir should have been his!"

Chen Han had long heard his sister Yu Xinmei explain the original incident in detail, so he naturally spoke quickly at this moment.

"Sir, don't worry. Although my sister-in-law is not a great practitioner, she is also a person with enlightened nature. She has done good deeds and repaid her kindness. This is our consistent principle. My sister-in-law will never forget it."

"Just what?"

Yi Shuyuan asked lightly, and Chen Han gritted his teeth and continued.

"It's just that my sister-in-law has already chosen to retreat in order not to waste the power of the elixir. As far as I know, that old man has passed away."

Yi Shuyuan nodded slightly and put down his chopsticks with one hand. Hui Mian would clean up the mess on the dinner table. He unfolded the folding fan in his hand, shook it gently and sighed.

"It doesn't matter whether the person is there or not. It just depends on whether she is serious about it. You don't need to worry too much. Maybe your sister's fate is like this. It is a gift from God. It is worthy of her success in practice."

That would be great!

Chen Hanxin has been more than half at peace, and it seems that the Immortal really has no intention of blaming him!

Yi Shuyuan smiled. He couldn't say what would happen in the future, but he didn't think it would happen from the perspective of stories about traveling around the world and meeting sentient beings, or from the perspective of cultivating one's own mind. That's it.

While thinking about it, I chatted with Chen Han for a few more words. When I looked at the table again, I could only say that Hui Mian was worthy of being Hui Mian. Most of the plates had been "cleared", but I didn't know how much was collected under the neck.

"Okay, the meal is finished and it's time for Yi to leave."

As Yi Shuyuan spoke, he picked up the remaining half bottle of wine. Hui Mian also jumped on his shoulders and walked out of the temple hut in a few steps. Chen Han also sent him out.

Yi Shuyuan looked back and suddenly said.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, is there anything you need Yi to ask the True Lord for you?"

Chen Han knew what Yi Shuyuan meant and just bowed gratefully.

"Chen Han doesn't dare to ask for anything extravagantly. I just hope that the True Lord will not blame me for my daily negligence. Being able to practice here is already a great blessing!"

Yi Shuyuan nodded and said nothing. He carried the wine bottle and walked towards the front yard of the temple, and soon left the Zhenjun Temple.

Chen Han arrived in front of the temple, but even in her eyes, Yi Shuyuan gradually became confused and disappeared before her eyes after leaving the temple.

In the sky, Yi Shuyuan melted into the wind and flew with Hui Mian over Dengzhou City and into the sky. Hui Mian conjured some peanuts on his paws and talked while eating them.

"Sir, I thought you were going to bring half a jug of wine to worship Chu Hang!"

"Then sir, can't I go find him directly?"

"Yeah too"

Yi Shuyuan looked towards Dengzhou City, Hui Mian also followed his gaze and saw some carriages and horses carrying supplies unloading goods at several shops in the city.

Hui Mian then asked again.

"Tan Yuanshang is so capable and so angry at the time. Why didn't he just drop his burden and cause some trouble to make the emperor feel uncomfortable? Is it because he was afraid that the emperor would punish him?"

Yi Shuyuan thought for a moment before answering.

"With Tan Yuanshang's ability, if he really wants to do this, there will be no trace at all. It can only be said that although he is angry, he understands Chu Hang's wishes better and abides by his own principles. If he really wants to do it, the court will We are in a hurry, but the real sufferers are ordinary people Tan Yuanshang and Chu Hang, neither of whom are like this!"

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