Tanaka family, reincarnated.

Bugs, wood dust, wave rides and.

"Your Highness, are you okay to get up?

Less than a few minutes later, Edward wakes his head off Emma's lap.

"Is Emma the one who's gonna be okay? The bugs that made a scene in the school should have looked like they were going to shake the lady up. Did you sleep last night? Isn't it hard?

Ask Emma with the face the prince seems worried about.

"You have nothing to worry about, Your Highness. I slept well, I'm not hurt, I'm fine."

Laughing and answering the question, Emma is heartily anxious for a mouthful that seems to know what the prince's worm is.

If you can find yourself in this mansion, you're likely to be confiscated.

"Your Highness looks spicier than that. Master Arthur said you weren't asleep, but last night, was something wrong?

I was also concerned about the prince's pale complexion with the thought of moving him away from the worm story.

"We caught the culprit of the commotion last night"

The prince said only a few words, but replied briefly so that Emma, the victim, could feel safe.

"Well, Master Robert and Master Brian, have you been caught?

"You knew? That they're the killers."

He was not the prince who would cover his mouth with both hands but would miss listening to the words that came out accidentally.

If the bovine information leaked from Robert and the others, it turned into a bubble of water even though he kept quiet that it might be retrieved. Georg sitting face-to-face would be stupid, too, wouldn't he? And he has a frightened face.

".................. I'm sorry. I needed to let you know... I thought..."

"No, it's about sweet Emma. Even Robert thought it would be unfortunate to put him in jail."

The prince frowned and laughed.

The more you are called [Virgin], the more merciful Emma is.

Even the stupid Roberts will forgive you.

I've seen you so bad.

Emma was lying down and shaking her hands on her knees.

Maybe I remembered the fear of yesterday's commotion.

"... Ladies and gentlemen Robert... are you in jail now?

Emma asks to squeeze it out.

"I caught him coming back to school last night looking for a bug. It caused all that commotion at the school, the knee of the royal castle. Until the punishment came to pass, he was to be imprisoned. And that worm is a precious worm for the kingdom."

"In jail... in jail...? Precious bugs for the kingdom......?

Georg began to sweat sloppily and strangely.

It's hard to tell because I'm lying around, but Emma should be in the same hurry.

"Mm, did you just throw a bug and put it in the shed?

Emma sees the prince in a trembling voice in a hurry.

"Emma, don't push it. You don't have to say [I just threw a bug] etc. I guess the fear Emma felt was considerable, huh? Emma is the biggest victim of all the damage caused to the young lady. I was worried about Emma and I couldn't help it."




Oh, we were just trembling with joy then!?!?!?

Huh? Dear Robert... Dear Brian... Huh?

So, you just threw a bug at a girl, and now you're being put in a cell?

Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?

Though I thought you were a little young for your age... Huh?

He probably only felt like skirting at the girl who bothered him............?


A cabin?

Yes, different worlds..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

"Oh, uh... Your Highness? That udem...... ugh hey... are the thrown bugs that valuable?

Georg only has a bad feeling about the bugs that he took home without permission.

I don't care what you think, I'm a disgusting bug, but if it's that precious, I have to convince Emma to cry. But I have to give it back.

"... that was a bug that the royal family finally gave way to from the Empire about 200 years ago. I've only seen it in pictures..."

The prince assures Georg's untimely serious face that he had also heard the details of the worm from Emma.

Desperately angry, he interpreted himself as trying to learn more about the dreadful looking bugs that tormented his sister.

Not so much as a top secret matter, but I will keep my mouth shut about the explanation the king taught me last night about insects that became more unknown as 200 years went by.

"That bug is gonna be a pill."

"" Kuku medicine............ is it?

The voices of brothers and sisters overlap.

Medicine, not ornamental or anything.

If it's life-threatening.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

But I planted eight formations because of it...

"It is the only medicine for the disease, which is also the cause of the death of Connie Mou, the great wizard. At the end of the day, he bled subcutaneously, and the old wounds opened, and his teeth wore out, and he died of a terrible disease."

"Connie Mu......... you know, of the biography...?

The biographical figure Miss Marina had at her first tea party at the Stewart family. Famous enough that no one in the kingdom knows...

"Oh. The biography only says from his adventure east to his return, but he suffered the disease in the middle of his adventure. His end was taken by the royal family. He said it was a tragic end for the king to tremble."

"Well, the medicine for that disease is that worm, isn't it?

After saying no to say anything else about the disease or about the loss of the worm, which is now the only medicine, so that the people do not become anxious and panic, the prince nods.

"Though it was not thought to be an intended disease, it is on diplomatic records that a massive famine broke out in the Empire a few years after Connie's death, with similar symptoms. Years later, the plant hazard came out when it happened. Many at the same time. The royal family decided that Connie's illness was just lucky."

"So the royal family at the time imported insects from the Empire that would be the raw material for that drug..."

The price of the bug is too scary to ask......

When the prince returns, Georg swears to his heart that he needs to convince Emma.

"That's the thing. At the time, the Empire was under the influence of plant hazards from famine, and the people's lives seemed terrible. Originally, I hear that the North continent has difficulty growing crops. The example disease was also endemic, and the sick were discriminated against, and only the well-known could take precious medicines, and the people died in large numbers. One day, for when the disease eroded the kingdom, the royal family left it to a certain duke family to avoid..."

"Well, the Duke's house was Robert's..."

"I checked with the Lance family this morning and there wasn't a single bug..."

The prince makes a dark face when his unpleasant hunch has been centered.

"The worm is also life-threatening to go and collect with a species that does not live in the junction. It is also difficult to raise and cannot increase the number well. I managed to get it in exchange for food when the Empire was a food catastrophe caused by famine and hazard, but no matter how much money loaded, the Empire, which became a great power and rich in trying to provide food, will not give me a single bug"

"Um... can't a hunter in the kingdom go looking for that worm...?

Georg sucks, decides he's ready to go get it.

"No, it seems it was a coincidence that the Empire was able to get that bug. They found it when they led the army outside the junction in dealing with plant hazards, and they don't even know if it lives on the southern continent"

"Plant hazard... that was about plant-based demons breeding in the junction, wasn't it?

"Phew, Emma's studying a lot. If it's one or two plant demons, you can pull it through, but if it breeds heavily, it's the only way to defeat the parent stock that would be outside the junction."

"... oh, uh... I'm starting to feel like I've heard that before"

Georg's eyes swim.

"... brother, that's where you're supposed to learn in yesterday's class, right? You skipped the preview because your mother's not here, right?

"... no, hey, I'm busy..."

"By the way, Your Highness, how does that worm become a drug? Is that an ointment? Are you on medication?

I also forget that I was intentionally trying to deviate, and Emma eats into the story of her favorite bug.

"Emma? What are you gonna do when you hear that? You'll also feel worse"

Stared with sparkling eyes like never before, the prince is astonished.

I can't believe you got so interested in me yesterday... what the hell is wrong with you?

"No, Your Highness. It is better for everyone to have knowledge of the disease. Because I can help you when you have to."

"You know what, Emma's really sweet"

............... No, you just like bugs to death, don't you? Your Highness.

Georg muttered in his heart to the prince on his way to the end.

"The imperial medical books state that they are dried, powdered, dissolved in citrus juice and drunk"


"Oh, they seem to smell a little. They mislead them to take it with sour fruit"

"I see...... so, are there any cases of development in recent years?

If anyone is suffering right now, let's honestly return the boar.

Emma made a bitter decision.

"No, we haven't had a report of an outbreak in years."

Feel free to stroke your chest...................

It's just not in His Highness's ear.

It was Joshua who came to the Stewart family today, but William told me that the prince was getting Emma a knee pillow, and I couldn't stay, so I went on a special attack to the reception room.

Joshua thanked his subordinates early and was relieved that there was no prince's head on Emma's lap.

"Your Highness, the disease is still being suffered by people in the slums and harbour towns of the kingdom. Precious medicines are consumed only by the aristocratic class and will not be used by the people"

If Master Emma has time to kneel pillow, why don't you learn more about Ichii and give her a tickle and nail.

"... yes, you have a sick person... I kind of get the slum neighborhood with no good sanitary environment, but port town? Could it be infected from abroad?

Emma, who has a much sadder face, asks Joshua a question.

"Its kindness to the common people...... Emma...... are you an angel?

The prince shrugs when he sees that face.

"Master Emma is an angel, long before I met His Highness..."

Joshua tows it low so that only the prince can hear it.

"Dear Emma, do you think that the disease we were talking about earlier was a disease that is also being spoken of among merchants, especially for sailors? The last few decades have been small in number, but more often than not, many sailors suffered in times when the ship's performance was lower than it is now, and the voyage took months."

Joshua was Joshua and was coming back out after a thorough examination of the boar.

Joshua will always go deeper, deeper and deeper into what Emma wants to know.

I am only called in the shadows by Dr. Goool and the three brothers.

"............ hmm?.................. sailor.................. is that it?

Emma gets caught up in something.

"At the time, and still do, he sent a plea to Sir Lance that the Simmons Territory Chamber of Commerce would never give up the worm (medicine), but he was blown with an extrajudicial price and held his head..."

The Rotosilt Chamber of Commerce did not know Joshua to always use the latest ships, but said the less profitable Chamber of Commerce had no choice but to sail on underperforming ships.

The longer the voyage, the higher the prevalence was whispered truthfully in the port town.

The worm (medicine) was too expensive to pay for the disposable sailors of the unprofitable Chamber of Commerce. A common man without money can only cry.

Still, there were times when not everyone brought money to work, but the cost of medication until recovery was enormous, and many chambers of commerce were crushed.

"That can't be right!? The Duke of Lance tells me the kingdom gives you a huge forehead of bug feeding every year? to provide free medication to those suffering from the disease."

The prince rises indignantly before he finishes listening to Joshua.

"Your Highness, shouldn't this speak not only to Master Robert, but also to the Duke of Lance?

Georg was desperate to turn his head and think as difficult stories flew around.

The number of bovines was raised to the extent that Emma enjoyed the formation.

I am reluctant to send it out even though it is in stock.

If you had deliberately raised the price of the only insect in the kingdom that only the Duke Lance family rears and reported zero patients to the royal family......

Isn't that a pretty good case of fraud? This?

"Oh, I guess I'll have to look into it. I have to report it to the King..."

The prince nods at Georg's words and tells Emma with regret that he hurries back to the royal castle.

"Your Highness, I know you're busy, but when you rest, please rest, okay?

Grab the prince's sleeve and Emma speaks up, commanding the stewart family servants to hurry up and get Arthur and knights from the other room.

The prince, Emma, who was sitting in the reception room with a blue face, was turning bright red after her knee pillow.

This is supposed to be pretty sick.

I would be too pitiful to work until I was so much, even though I was only a student in my previous life.

"Ew!! ………… Emma is really, really sweet……"

The complexion of the prince, who was somewhat healed, stains bright red again.

The prince left the Stewarts early enough to hide it.

"Bruise!! Emma, you............... where do you remember that? How to grab that sleeve!!

After the prince leaves, Georg holds his head as usual.

"Sister, did you do something again?

William sitting next to Georg looks at his sister with cold eyes.

Emma was kind of thinking about ignoring the mourning of her brother and brother like that.


Something, get caught.

"Um, Master Emma? Never knee pillows to Your Highness from now on, will you?

Joshua sitting next to Emma asks Emma to do that.

"Huh? Joshua, now? What? I'm sorry, I was thinking..."

"My lord Emma, no knee pillows for Your Highness."


That's not what Joshua says Emma can't do.

Indeed, a prince of the kingdom could call a knee pillow a sin of disrespect if he is bad.

"Okay, Joshua. The knee pillow shall not be made to His Highness."

"... if possible, it would be helpful not to have another man do it"

[All right] but soon I realize that maybe I don't, and Joshua keeps another nail on it.

"Huh?... Oh yeah. I don't like remembering who I am, so there's an inadvertent crime of disrespect."

"That's right. Because there are many royalties and nobles in the school and in the king's capital. As long as you don't knee pillows!

"" Joshua........................... "

Georg and William look at their childhood friends with regrettable eyes.

"So what was Emma thinking?

Joshua asks Emma, completely ignoring the unfortunate eyes of the brothers.

"It's about that disease. Something catches me."

It's like I've heard something... like I don't...

Um and further thinking, Emma knocks down the cheat body and puts her head on Joshua's lap.

"Ah!! Emma!!"

"Hey!! Sister!!

Georg and William scream.

"Hmm? Isn't it a good idea to have a knee pillow?

Anyway, I've been busy playing with the boars and the prince came this morning.

Don't be a prince. I'm a little tired.

"... an angel... an angel... an angel's head... on his knees!!!

Joshua forced himself into prayer time.

"You've decided no!

"You've decided no!


Joshua gently stops Emma from trying to wake her head when she shakes.

"Dear Emma. Are you all right? I... see... as you know, I've been a commoner until now. Because it has nothing to do with disrespect. I (...) both knee pillow and be (...) Ke (...) is............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Joshua, awakened at the moment when the slightest weight on his knees was lost, returned Emma to the knee-pillow position again in the driving of a merchant in front of him, in the contempt of his brothers.

"... Joshua... you..."

"Huh?... Joshua... Cool..."

"... Gohon... what does Emma hook up with that disease?

Joshua asks Emma again, keeping her hand on her shoulder, distracted by the crease.

"Plant hazard on hunger, I somehow feel like I know the disease is endemic to the weak people of the slums, but why sailors there?

I've never seen Emma grow up in a palace far from the sea, but the stories I hear from Joshua and the memories of her previous life show that sailors are the image of the inflexible men who are susceptible to disease....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Wake your head off Gabba and Joshua's knees and look at Georg.

"Brother, how did Your Highness say to drug the boar?

"Hmm? Is that it? It's powdered and mixed with citrus juice, right?

"That's it!!

"No? Which?

"The disease, I'm sure, is septic!

"............... what's that?

"You were reading Wao Piece!!!

"You, Wao Piece, how many stories do you think we have?!?

He is a brother who cannot learn anything from comics.

I want you to gather an empty head.

"Sister......? Have you forgotten how old I used to be, that I remember only my sister? Though I remember most of it... your brother is pathetic on the boulder, isn't he?

Follow my brother in the face as if William had heard Emma's heart.

"Dear Emma, what the hell are you talking about from earlier?

Joshua, who had bitten off the remnants of his knee weight, but his brother's conversation also made him feel alienated because he wasn't sure.

"Joshua, I want you to bring someone suffering from that disease from one end to the mansion! There's a cure I'd like to give it a try."

Emma laughs invincibly.

I didn't even have to hear Joshua's reply.

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