Tanaka family, reincarnated.

The Virgin descends.

There was the Virgin.

She's just a young girl.

Jacob the sailor gently kisses the shadow of the nursing girl.

Not only Jacob, but all the patients suffering from that abominable disease, give a softly thankful kiss to the shadow of a girl stretched out into the sunset.

No matter how many times I asked for it, I didn't get the medicine.

The sailors, hired by just a small chamber of commerce in a large port, fall ill by the end of a long voyage.

If only a learned, tough body makes a sailor of capital sick, he or she immediately bottoms up with money earned, etc.

That disease makes me sick.

Those who were smiling and exchanging words until yesterday begin to distance themselves.

That disease will not heal.

A smile disappears from my dear family and the days of despair begin.

A life that lost its great black pillar and was not yet rich is at once distressing.

Only wait slowly for death while the meal is not satisfactory either.

I had given up living.

There was no hope anywhere.

In the dark darkness, only to stand, to suffer, to wait for death.

... of... should have been.

All of a sudden, the men commanded by the bluffing boy show up and the whole family, who is in need of a tall carriage like they have never ridden before, is transported to an aristocratic neighborhood where they have never set foot before.

Clean beds in the mansion with large gates.

Dirty bodies are cleansed, open ancient wounds are allotted, hungry bellies are filled, even broken hearts, on the contrary, are healed.

Only rumors, I knew.

That there is a Virgin in the king's capital.

At first it was spread around merchants, especially tailors.

The harbour townspeople laughed that it was a common rumor.

Rumors that should have disappeared in three days did not disappear in three days.

I also heard stories about the people in the subordinate neighborhood, even among the aristocracy, and the slums who make such rumors the stupidest are also intoxicated by the Virgin.

Stupid rumor.

If you're really the Virgin, why don't you help me?

I know.

It's just eight wins.

Even the Virgin is not free.

There's no way the Virgin is free enough to help me with such poverty, sickness and lack of learning.

Yes, I thought so.

"Mr. Jacob. You can have all your rice now! Please also eat dessert. It's orange today."

The grinning Virgin recommends a whole orange.

With that smile my body, my heart, all that hard disease twitching and healing.

Patapata and the little children who busily obey the Virgin say they are all slum children.

The Virgin is also dressed in a white white coat worn, and the way she works is the well-trained nurse herself.

Meals served in the morning, noon and evening always come with dessert, and at three o'clock until a snack.

Nor do the children of the slums get their hands on it.

It wasn't there to see the children of the slums, beating people, deceiving them, killing them the worst but trying to get into one piece of bread.

Holy child who turns to the Virgin for instructions and obeys the Virgin's instructions.

What the hell are they making me look at?

How many times the hell have you seen a miracle?

That terrible illness is slowly recovering in just a few days.

All the Virgin gave me was a clean bed and a meal.

Neither all that greedy medicine nor doctors are here.

Jacob thinks.

A miracle that makes incurable diseases better.

"Mr. Jacob. The wounds are blocking, too. I'm sure you'll feel better."

The Virgin smiles.

I hated nobility.

A nobleman looking down on us, like he sees something dirty.

Not only Jacob, but all the sailors hated nobility.

When I was brought to the aristocratic city, I was prepared to die.

He said he was chosen to play with a crazy nobleman.

"Mr. Jacob. You'll be back. Oh, eating oranges without leaving them! It's a promise, isn't it?

Now there will be no one in this place to say that they do not like nobility.

Because that beautiful young Virgin is a maid of the Count's house.

The Virgin is full of charity, and instead of looking down, she gently touches it with a familiar look.

Replacing the bandage on the wound doesn't make one disgusting face.

When talking, look me in the eye, hold my hand, even a goodbye hug.

It reminds me of my dignity as a person, which I have lost since I fell ill.

The Virgin's smile also cures the disease.

I don't need a doctor, I don't need medication.

That smile cures the disease, too.

So many smiles.

Dahl, the smile of the Virgin on her powerless arm gives her strength.

Oh, a real Virgin appeared in the kingdom.

Jacob takes care of eating the orange given to the Virgin one bite at a time.

Fresh fruit can't be eaten if you go on a voyage.

Because the disease is cured.

Taste it well and engrave it in your heart with that smile.

"Sister. We've been hearing from the school since dawn of the day off, right?

William speaks to Emma as she finishes handing out dessert oranges.

"............... Sister, you're being too nibbly, aren't you?

Note with a frightened look that the corner of Emma's mouth that turned around remained raised.

"'Cause William... Guys, guys, it's cool..."

I opened an annex on the Stewart family property, which was too large to use, as a treatment center for septic patients, but a delightful miscalculation awaited Emma.

Many of the sailors forced to make long, harsh voyages that had to be septic were slightly over active age men.

Young sailors can only get a job on a ship in good condition.

I didn't have to work on a boat to get sick on purpose.

There are many poor but physically moving sailors in their 50s and 60s who leave on long and arduous voyages.

With the work of the Stewart family and Harold in Slam Street, dietary conditions have improved dramatically for some time now, with few septic patients.

In other words, arm proud men who were able to move well before the majority of septic patients transported to the Stewart family annex suffered from diseases in their 50s and 60s.

Skin burnt in the day, deeply carved yearly wheels with tannic wrinkles, and the characteristic wildness of the sailor.

It was a layer that leads to and fits into Emma's strike zone.

"This is the Harlem of the Other World."

William sighs as he feels an unspeakable sense of injustice about his sister going to the annex if he has time, even though he is not very helpful.

"Tell me not to look at the young girl, don't touch her, don't talk to her, my sister can see her uncle all she wants, touch her, talk all she wants... sloppy! I envy you!

Plus, Uncle Whee activated and compassionate.

In an irrational world, irrational sister.

My hard-won brother drops his shoulder without even knowing who to complain to.

"" Dear Emma! I got the job done - "

Slam children come together after cleaning up their meals.

"Good day. Then I'll have your paycheck ready because you're done with your work today. I've got some dinner, so you should eat it."

"" Yes ""

Since Slam Street has become Stewart territory, these days other nobles have been given jobs to their children without any hesitation.

There are no more hungry children in the slam.

The full cooperation of the Rotosilt Chamber of Commerce has led to the repair of a slam building that was rapidly pitched and worn out.

"Why all the boys..."

All the children who are coming to the Stewart family to help were boys, and there was no such thing as William's favorite toddler.

"Dear William, women are popular with Hannah and the help of this tailor and the help of Harold's brother in dyeing yarn. What was that? Futuristic? You said something like that... but we're gonna have dinner. I'd definitely like this one!

In all times, in all worlds, women are intentional and men are short-circuited.

Regularly giving Mr. Harold a job that even children could do from the Stewart family, tailors and the Rotosilt Chamber of Commerce, the children chose to work and began to work of their own free will.

Plans are also under way to do it in one of the buildings that has repaired facilities that teach reading and writing calculations, sewing and dyeing, ink making, courtesy, etc. so that more advanced work can be done.

"Brother Hugh and I are the most popular... but the conditions are pretty tough, aren't they?

"Nah? We have to work hard too."

By [choosing] a job from me, I develop a sense of responsibility and study to do the work I want to do more.

The little light of hope the Stewarts had given the slums had begun to function surprisingly well.

"Everybody just has to do whatever it takes. We're all bad at it, so if you do it all the time and find out what you like, it's gonna be a strength no one can beat!

"" Yes, Master Emma.

And the children of the slums will be drilling and growing up as professionals in a wide variety of fields.

All with absolute loyalty to the Stewart family.

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