Tanaka family, reincarnated.

Fifth Tanaka Family Conference.

"Well, just two weeks. My pretty daughter was a Virgin for some reason while I was away from home for only two weeks, I wonder what that means?

At the end of his long journey from the Empire, he arrived at the port proud of his Simmons territory, while waiting for load-carrying men, cleaners, sailors who happened to take the streets, and merchants began to pray one after another to Melsa.

"That one! Lady Melsa, mother of the Virgin Emma."

"Lady Emma's mother? Is that the Virgin Mary Melsa?

"Bless the Virgin Emma, the Virgin Mary Melsa, and the Count Stewart family!

…………………………………………… Yes?

It's not just the harbor.

He also prayed when he headed to the Royal Castle for a report before returning to the Stewart family.

"It's Master Melsa. Have you returned safely? The Virgin would be delighted."

"What a grand standing. That's the Virgin who raised the Virgin."

……………………………… Yes?

"I wonder what that means?

The family is seated on the floor in front of Melsa.

"No, Melsa. You knew Emma was an angel for a long time! Everyone just noticed it..."

Leonardo tilts his neck when he doesn't understand why Melsa is angry.

"Will you shut up for a second?

"………………… Yes"

"William? Explain. Why is there a slum city added to the Stewart family territory in just two weeks? Why are there so many more bugs? Why is the mansion annex turned into a treatment center? Why is Emma called the Virgin? We all swore when we left the palace, didn't we? He wants to live as discreetly as possible in Wangdu."

"Hey Mother! All of them… er… become………"

William answers with a rattle and trembling.

Mother... I've got it all figured out... I can't use bad excuses.

Is that it? It's been two weeks...... so much fun?

I'm not supposed to be doing anything wrong as far as I can remember......

"Emma? Why are they calling you the Virgin?

"Hih! also, sorry! Mother... I don't know what..."

Melsa's glance of ice stabs Emma.

Never be known.

That I was staring at Lady Rose's tits at a royally hosted night club.

That in nursing the inflexible sailor, the withered dedicated sir was touching you all over with his ringing nitanita face.

I thought I had contained it enough myself.

It has now spread throughout the kingdom rather than throughout the king's capital.

In aristocratic societies, in slums, in tailor neighborhoods, and in Simmons harbors, rumors ran around at terrible speeds, spreading further afield.

Even sexy women.

Badly in between, the beginning and end of what even the reopened school will say.

It's not a good idea to prank a girl, but Master Robert and Master Brian would be reflecting, too, and I suppose I could get her out of jail?

I shouldn't have said anything!

Maybe they thought we were buddies to shelter the two of us who played a prank like skirt turning.

I can't believe I'm a sex woman... Mother will never forgive me.

"Besides, it looks like you spent a lot of money, too? Georg?"

"Hih! I had a lot of nightclubs... and the ink was out of stock so I refilled it... And then... the cost of developing the slam... the roads, the buildings... and the registration of the residents of the Palace and other simple medical examinations... we need to educate them, so we need to recruit teachers... and at the same time we need to do our job good offices so that we can live... and we need to improve the breeding environment for the bovine animals, and the treatment center for septicaemia..."

I'm scared to be mad at you, and all Georg's tails are all gognog and butt blush.

If Emma whines, Joshua will respond quickly, so everything can be done at an unlikely speed.

Maintenance of the treatment center was unusually fast, especially since the prince would get a knee pillow from Emma.

Joshua... you're not the one competing, are you?


To Melsa's sigh, the whole family sees Melsa shaking.

"How can you make a scene so far in just two weeks?

"" "" Sa, come on............ ""

Leave a message. All foursome bow down.

Looking back again, we don't even know.

"Whoa, mother. But it's not like I caused a commotion! It's all coming from the other side!

Emma sues desperately.

It wasn't all Emma's fault that the king was unscrupulous about the reward, that the tailor was in trouble, that the worm came down, and that someone was in trouble with septicaemia.

"... and you stuck your face in everything, didn't you?

"!!.............................. Yes. I'm sorry."

In the end, apologize.

"Emma, you can't turn around no matter what the Virgin is called from now on. Trouble with the church, huh?

Religion is something that I don't want to be involved with as much as possible for a faithless Tanaka family.

Well, if the Church mistakenly recognized Emma as the Virgin, wouldn't she be unable to marry her? I can't see my grandson!

The Church says the Virgin should be a clean virgin.

Don't be ridiculous. We're talking.

"Oh, Mother? Exactly. I'm not dumb enough to be called a sex (...) woman (...) and say yes, either, am I?

Emma is outraged.

Sex women are just a bad word, and I'm a pervert of porn from myself - there's no way to say it.

"Meh, Melsa? Is it time to discuss the family meeting agenda?

It's a family meeting that deliberately lowers the servants.

Leonardo puts his right hand up pissy and suggests that there's no time to end it just because he gets angry all the time.

"…………… well, that would be good"

Melsa's expression soothes so that the switch switches between them.

Although it is a small change to the extent that only the family can manage to discern when it comes to soothing.

"Mother. Did you get the example thing?

Emma asks with excitement and anticipation.

"Yes, this time I was able to bring home rice, miso, soy sauce and bonito"

"" "" Whoa, whoa, whoa! Exactly!! ""

I think I can drink miso soup for freshly cooked rice tonight.

It's a feast - prepare for the feast - and the three brothers and Leonardo shake.

"But it will be difficult to get rice continuously as it is"

Melsa begins explaining the Empire's problems so as to give the happy family a nail.

"Plant hazard......?...... that's unusual in the southern continent?

Unlike local junction hazards, plant hazards have rarely happened on the southern continent.

Mmm... and Georg roars.

"Oh, Georg. You're studying hard, aren't you?

Melsa laughs unexpectedly.

"Also, of course! Mother."

I'll lay low that I just happened to be in the prince's story.

Emma's gaze is cold.

"And is it Owata? Mother, I thought Owata was only in the North."

I ask curiously that I have never seen anything in the book that William has studied that says he is swarming the southern continent.

"It was owata. I saw it with these eyes, no doubt about it."

Once, I wouldn't do anything wrong with Melsa passing the Advanced in Demonology at school with her best grades.

"When does the seed fly?

Leonardo looks serious.

Owata is hard and cannot be harvested like other plant demons.

Even if you are lucky enough to get out of the junction and find your parent strain, it's hard to scratch roots, stems, flowers, even seeds.

And the seeds splash more widely than a few kilometres.

"Now that the flowers were blooming, they think they'll start flying in the summer. I thought one more year would be the limit after seeing the rest of the Empire's land..."

An owatta that flies seeds once every six months and expands group fabrics is classified as a demon that, like slime, still doesn't know how to knock them down.

"Huh? Isn't it tough being imperial? Is migration progressing?

Georg feels and asks the serious face of his parents about the imperial crisis.

"" Welcome to…… "

"" Ayarugu.................. "


My family sees Georg unfortunately.

"Brother, this world is hard to migrate, isn't it?

"It was..."

In this world, man can only live in a demon-free union and on an island surrounded by the sea.

Nowhere can we afford enough land or food to move all our citizens to another country.

If there are too many people, the country will perish.

Even in the Kingdom, the Church assumes the role of permitting marriages of kingdoms and controlling the population.

As a result, discrimination against extramarital children is terrible, and no one has ever said anything to the children of the slums, even if they have not received support from the Church.

In some such circumstances, large numbers of people are forbidden to migrate in order to protect the country and its citizens as agreements between States.

"A lot and a hundred people would be the limit, though I don't have to get permanent residency in exchange for a lot of money, valuable technology, or demon stones. Besides, the Empire has a verbal problem, and I don't think there's anywhere near reaching out to a country that's been through the clan for years."

"Even in my kingdom. Food distress can help, but plant hazards... when it becomes an owatta herd too..."

Leonardo, who heard about Melsa, also haunts my head.

Population, too, but almost every country can't afford to be helped to the hazards of another country with a handful to deal with the demons that appear on the border.

If, in the unlikely event that the seeds of the owatta ever germinate in the kingdom of confusion from the Empire, they will perish next to the Empire.

I can't insult you with a fire across the shore.

".................. but we need to help!

Singh... Emma speaks out for the only member of the family who has become

As a kingdom, I can't help it.

The Empire has also given up.

There's no solution.

I know, but still, Emma gets up.

"Because rice, you won't be able to eat it!

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