
I placed the stem of the owatta that my mother brought home from the Empire as a dossier on my desk.

The sound, albeit demonic, was a hard one that I didn't think was a plant.

William takes the owatta placed on his desk and observes.

"Light for hard............ the structure of the stem looks like bamboo, doesn't it?

Inside the stem of the owatta there is a cavity and a verse at equal intervals.

The weight of the seeds and leaves gradually causes this stem to gradually develop until it is ready for seed germination.

And when you're ready to germinate, the leaves that were acting as heavy peel off the stem simultaneously, causing the seeds of the owatta to splash with the recoil of the stem that has reached its limit.

The scattered species still possess a catapult-like attack power, and they land projectiles to crush the external enemy that inhibits germination.

How easy it is to penetrate the roof.

"How do you have this stem cut? The owls are hard and they can't be cut."

William holds (...) eh (...) and goes home (...) eh (...) and looks at the stem cut to size and asks Melsa.

Owata's horror lies in its inability to fell.

Yet in front of me is an owatta in a cut state.

"This is the National Treasure Knife of the Empire... Chang Song Xing Li? They say it's an owatta slashed with a knife made by someone like that. There are a number of swords in the Empire that have been stored as national treasures, and some of them have been able to pass the blade through the owatta."

Chang Song...... Xing Li...!?

"Hey Mother!! That's tiger thoroughfare!?

Emma rises up about the harbor where she was a woman in her previous life.

"Tiger Cher?

"Mother, what else? What other swords do you have? Authentic or Murakami? concurrent light??"

The whole family tilts their necks at Emma's momentum.

After all, they don't seem to recall 100 percent of their previous lives.

"What did the other swords say?... but once you killed Owata, you were talking about losing it, right?

The Empire gave Melsa no extra information about the owata, but she hasn't told me the names of every knife that slashed the owata.

"Out of shape!! Tiger Cher, stay out of shape!!

Only Emma is shocked by Melsa's words.

"I mean, what Emma calls a tiger thoroughfare? Can I think of a Japanese knife that can kill so much? So, if you make a bunch of the ones that can kill you and cut down the owls, you'll solve it...?

If you can kill Owata, no problem, right? and Georg.

"Dear brother... you can't easily shake a national treasure's big business class knife, can you? And did you hear that you can only use it once? … maybe you'll need the skill of someone who uses a knife… even if you can harvest a few of them."

Emma stares at her brother after thinking about it for a moment.

"But look, I just figured out I could slash it, but it's a harvest, right? Emma?"

"... Indeed. But your father? Maybe it will never be slashed with the sword of the kingdom, it looks like the imperial treasure is almost gone, and if owatta breeding is filling half the land of the empire...... it's a little hard, isn't it?

Information from the Empire was unlikely to be directly linked to the thread of the resolution.

The whole family haunts my head with hmm.


"Yes, Mother! Oh, my God!"

"What's going on? Emma? Did you come up with anything?

"The sun is setting!! It's time to cook rice!

"" "" Ha!! Yes it was!!

It is summer that the imperial owatta next flies the seeds.

There is still a respite for time.

More important than that is......

That's right.

It's dinner tonight.

Quickly, we had to go to the kitchen... and the Fifth Tanaka Family Conference was held early.

In the kitchen, hand-held cock.

Four boys with blue hair are cooking imperial ingredients.

"How's it going?

To the shabby cock, Melsa asks.

"Ma'am, I've never dealt with ingredients and I can't even get my hands on them. Your wife brought you here from the Empire. Though I'm leaving it to them... I don't know what to say..."

Cock cried to Melsa when he was in trouble.

The Neapolitan made by Melsa in the Empire was accepted more than expected, and its gentle flavor was to provide a little peace to the imperial people who gave up everything.

With the help of Violet, Ume did me a favor when I gave Ume the recipe for my request.

'Dear Melsa, six months from now, the rice will run out as it is. The rest of the six months when the empire perishes, we must live with the food of the kingdom. Can't you teach these kids how to cook so the people can have a good meal for the last six months?

I want these four boys to teach me a dish that fits the mouth of the imperial with ingredients from the kingdom.

It was now the boys cooking in the Stewart family's kitchen that Melsa, who listened to Ume's wishes, brought home.

"Itou, what do you say? Isn't it hard to cook because there are no demon stones?

Melsa speaks to one of the boys.

"!! Dear Melsa! It's okay. It's similar to my grandmother's house kitchen, so I think I can handle it '

I thought it would be tough in a kingdom without demon stones until the boys got used to it, but I'm relieved.

"Um... Dear Melsa... It's their name… it's hard for us to hear, and we can't pronounce it"

Cock reports like it's hard to say.

"All the task princes called it normal, though?

Emma leans her neck strangely as she cringes her nose over the cooking smell of the rice.

"... Um... Ladies and gentlemen...?

Not only Emma, but Georg, William and Leonardo were equally sniffled and gathered in the kitchen.

"Ha... right. His Majesty normally called the Tasks Prince..."

Leonardo snorts at Emma's words as she was making a huge chorus of her gizzard belly bugs.

"Prince Taske can hear you! But they... yes, huh? Hira? Chiwa? become....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Cock moans that he can't even call his name.

"Mother? Their names...... what's their name below?

While William endures Yodale, he suggests that if his last name doesn't work, he call it a name.

"That's Taro for all four of us."

In the Empire, the eldest son before his former uniform is roughly named Taro. My second son is Jiro.

In the Imperial Family and the General Family, they take over their names like Kabuki actors from generation to generation, but the common men are Taro, Jiro, Sanro and Shiro to their main uniforms.

Because of this, it seems that girls never change their names as adults, and they have many names for flowers and fruits, hoping not to have trouble with food, so that they grow up beautifully.

"Um? Ma'am? I can't even hear you."

Cock moans again.

"We don't know what it feels like to be unable to hear... are you in trouble?

I sympathize with the cock William drops his shoulder on.

It would be inconvenient not to be able to call them names because the boys work exclusively in the kitchen.

I can't always have someone from my family stationed in the kitchen.

"Why don't we just name it kingdom-style already?

Georg, who wants rice sooner than that, calls the boys.

I heard about it at the family meeting, but it's my first meeting, so I'll introduce myself.

"I'm Georg Stewart. I'm the son of Melsa Stewart. This is my sister Emma and my brother William. And my father, Leonardo."

The four boys seem serious in character, deeply grateful before naming their names.

"My name is Tallow Itow"

"It's Tallow Hara."

It's Tallow Chiziwa.

It's Tallow Nakaura.

I look at Georg with a nervous face that I will take care of starting today.

I'm waiting on the spot, wondering if I have business with the caller.

'I'm sorry to speak to you during cooking. Um, do you mind if I give your names to the Kingdoms and give them a kingdom-style name?

Basics, everything Georg goes with a direct ball.

'Oh, did I? I was distressed when this chef had some trouble... but you can't even make sense of his name as long as it's done, right?

'We are also going to make an effort to remember the words as much as possible. If you like to decide on your name...'

"We don't know the name of kingdom-style."

"You can be proud when you get back to the country to get your name in front of your former uniform."

There is no sudden suggestion or bare gesture that the boys find offensive, and I accept it flexibly.

Madam Chief, I'm sure there's no mistake in Ume's candidacy.

"Dear Emma. Jacob's brother, who is in the hospital at the treatment center, would like to see Emma.... Um, he came directly after work, and he wasn't very clean... Do you refuse?

A servant of the Stewart family came to report as a nuisance.

Not long ago, even the cases that the servant had voluntarily refused, from family to servants since that tragedy, have been thoroughly observed in reporting, contacting and consulting.

Ho Len Soo is serious (seriously) important.

"Mr. Jacob's brother?... I heard you're only a fisherman (a different sea man from a sailor...) Of course I'll see you!

Ikeoji sailor Jacob's brother doesn't have a choice not to see him.

Runlun to the garden (because the servant hesitated to enter the mansion) and….

A man (an old man) stood proud of his body even more than Jacob on his black, tanned skin.

"Holy Virgin! My brother is taking care of me. Um, I'm sorry I came dressed like this. I've caught a rare fish, so I really want the Virgin to eat it... and I can't stay or stand..."

A dazzling bicep from a shirt with rolled sleeves.

Did you rush here after work, sweat glowing at sunset on your forehead?

A bully who lowers his eyebrows uncomfortably in the garden of the noble mansion.

I guess it's good......

Three cups of rice is just fine.

With a sparkling and full smile, Emma welcomes Jacob's brother.

"Well, don't worry about anything. Mr. Jacob's on his way to comfort, isn't he? If it's all right with you, why don't you go check on your face before you go home?

"……………………………… Angels…!

Georg and William, who were following Emma, did not miss Jacob's brother blushing and whining.

"... 100 percent hit rate..."

"Of the devil... up the demon king... what was there?

My brothers can only sigh at Emma, who transforms the old men, who have been the stupidest to make rumors of what is a Virgin, into fanatical believers with one smile.

"Ha......! It's a fish, but it's a rare one around here, and I definitely want you to eat it!

That being said, Jacob's brother puts in a rare large fish and lowers the leather bag he was in charge of to the ground and takes out the fish inside.

The bag seemed to have sea water in it to keep it fresh and looked pretty heavy.

A successful arm carrying that bag lightly grabbed it and lifted it with a bitchy and well-lived fish.

Beautiful fish in cherry blossom color.

Jacob's brother said it was rare, but a nostalgic fish for the three brothers.

"" "Tah-tah-tah-tah!!

Waiting for a family dinner table.

She cleverly uses the [chopsticks] that Melsa brought home as a souvenir of the Empire and Emma pounds her tongue on the soaking of horseradish.

Thanks for the soy sauce and crumbs.

"Hey? Brother Georg, is it important? Hou ren soo."

"Ah, oh.

In the middle of the dining table, the sea bream is made alive.

"For rice, miso soup, soaking horseradish... seabream sashimi... great!

Leonardo is shuddering with joy at the mess.

"I just want wasabi, but just soy sauce is delicious. Sister, the demise of the Empire must never be stopped, must it?

I still have plenty of ingredients to eat.

Eat one and you'll have another, more things you want.

William realizes that if the Empire were to perish, it would likely be impossible to get everything.

"Owata... I'll definitely attack you by summer"

With sashimi and rice tucked in, Emma renews her determination.

"................................................... you know? Gentlemen?............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... It's raw, right?

Even the maid and servant are cocks, confused.

Fish in the kingdom, no, meat, but no culture to eat raw.

Normally disgusting.

The odd thing is that the family carries raw fish into their mouths looking delicious.

Yet I'm not lost in their chopstick movements.

A few dozen minutes ago...

Itou asks the three brothers who went back to the kitchen with the sea bream again.

'That's a good living sea bream. Is there hope in cooking methods?

"" "" "" With sashimi!!

My family's heart was one.

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