Tanaka family, reincarnated.

Intergenerational gaps and untransmitted appeals.

"It's rice -!

After a very satisfactory meal, the three brothers take rice to the cats.

We usually eat together, but now that Tallows is in the mansion, he's hiding in a separate building.

The ninjas still look frightened by the cats, so the introduction was all snorted out at the family meeting to be discreet.


The cats gather in Emma's voice with Mr. Cormay at the head.

"Today, my God, you're a cat!

Sprinkle miso soup on rice and sashimi with raspberries and sea bream on topping.

In Wangdu, the cats of the Tanaka family eat the same thing as humans.

When I was at the palace, I ate demons and filled my belly, and all the family prepared was about a snack to eat with Emma.

Cormay shakes her head properly to Emma, who also thinks about her health and whether she should reduce salt and oil.

Cormay said he just eats because he wants to because he wants to because he remembers from a previous life, and in fact he doesn't have to eat to live.

The basics are fine just absorbing the magic drifting around it and you don't necessarily need a meal............ but I want something delicious.

The Tanaka family and the namesake are with the appetite.


"Ni? Ni?

Kanchan and Cho look at dinner tonight in wonder.

For two completely crunchy generations from birth, they remained cats for the first time in their previous lives, including this one.


Cat, it's been a long time!

and Mr. Cormay and Lew start eating happily.


"" Ugh!

He seemed to like it, and both of them started eating it talking about it.

"Hehe, delicious?

Emma laughs as she watches to stay out of the way during dinner.

"Um, sister. Cats, what are you always talking about while you eat?

Visit my sister for the cat language that William was concerned about.

The way the cats ate is no different than in previous life. I always eat it, saying wow.

"Oh, it's a basic food repo"

"" Food repo.... Food repo?

"Yes. food repo"

Mr. Kormei (the leftover generation of dinner) has carefully taken stock of this cat's juice. The flavor is deeper than the bonito and fish.

Lew (half a generation of leftovers and crisps from dinner) is delicious ♪ Fish long time no see! Yummy!! It stays good and good ♪

Kanchan (the crunchy generation) has a flavour that I have never eaten. But I don't hate it ♪ Sometimes I want to hunt monsters. I want raw demon meat.

Cho is soft and easy to eat! I like it! But I can't forget it.... Chu 'ru... Chu 'ru...

Not what they all said, but it was a basic food repo.

"......... in my last life, Kan and Cho were eating the same crunch for almost 365 days... and you've been eating repos for a long time?

Georg is surprised.

"They say crunch has a crunchy virtue, don't they?

"" Nha!

Kanchan and Cho nod as they agree.

"... No, Mr. Kormey, gourmet!!

Maybe the leftover generation has a sharp taste because they eat all sorts of things.

From the day after that, the three brothers began their study of defeating Owata in earnest.

Collect materials and create monster calves in the school's library, which boasts the Kingdom's best collection of books.

I've tried everything to boil, bake, beat, cut and come up with the owatta stems my mother brought home, but it's all ended up failing.

"Sister...... how are you? This..."

William pounds on his desk and makes a weak noise.

"Your hands are numb and you're not moving anymore, are you?

Georg, who had cut or slapped Owata's stem with a sword and a stick, also frowns at his billowing hand.

"Owata is completely intact..."

Emma sighs as she picks up a broken sword, an owatta stem rolling in a crushed stick, and observes.

"Even if we find the parent stock of Owata, this is difficult."

After the plant demons bred, it was noted in Theory and every dossier that they aimed at the parent strain, but as far as owatta is concerned, they are unlikely to even defeat one of those strains.

Well, can you tell from the parent stock that it's not? The material doesn't say the key thing.

"The Imperial Knife that you slashed this is too much... this sword and this sword are pretty good priced ones, right?

Once again Georg despairs of not being able to scratch one.

"... this is going to be so profitable if it can be processed..."

Pompous and Emma squeaks.

Ouatta similar to bamboo would be a versatile material as long as it could be processed.

There are also a few things that I found out in my daily research.

When the owls are boiled in sea water, the mucus floats from the incision into puffy balls.

The mucus served as a natural adhesive, allowing the owls and owls to be completely stuck together.

"This... if you put ingredients in the owl, cover it, and boil it... you can have a preserved meal to hold on to."

Owata's thermal conductivity was close to metal and could also be used as a barbecue iron plate (practiced, actually eaten, of course).

"Uh... it just looks like bamboo and seems antibacterial, doesn't it?

William also agrees with Emma as she peruses the material on her desk.

The glued owl is not strongly and easily bonded to the longitudinal force, but is weak to the lateral force, and can be easily opened because when force is applied to twist it is bonded to the pakin.

In other words:

"With this, I could do a cat can..."

Cat cans...... that if you can cans in this world, you can make portable food that can be stored for a long time.

Few hunters, experts in demon hunting, can make it home alive and safely if they go outside the boundaries to find the parent stock of plant demons.

The wizard of the Empire also lost his life when he was attacked by demons by leaving the border to find his parent stock.

The enemies on the other side of the line are not only demons, but water, food procurement and securing beds are all at stake.

Possible portable food for long-term storage would be an item that would increase hunter survival.

Numerous materials say that if you defeat the parent strain, the reproduced plant demons will wither simultaneously.

But it didn't seem to Emma that she could find a parent stock that a samurai and wizard with enough knives and arms to slash an owata couldn't find in less time.

Searching for the parent stock is not a good idea given the manpower and time remaining.

"I wonder if the flying distance of the species will grow and fall into the ocean if we improve the nutritional status of so much owatta already and grow about three times as much as we do now..."

Thinking about it a lot, Emma squeaks that's getting a little annoying.


"No, Emma. The nutritional status... is so immediate... it could be..."

My brothers couldn't deny Emma's throwing words.


I can hear my mother Melsa calling Emma from the garden.

This is definitely an angry voice.

Emma, Georg and William, who I remember, tremble on my shoulders.

"Emmerrrrrrrrr!!!! GEORGOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! WILLIAHHHHHHHHH!!!! Don't explain!

"" "Ha-ha-ha" "

The three brothers rushed to the garden where their mother was.

"What's this about?!?

At the tip of Melsa's fingers were the cows Emma had recently acquired.

I think I just ran into you in the middle of formation training under Mr. Kormey's direction.

The cats repaired their hair with a strange face a short distance from Melsa, and the cows who lost their commander stopped at Oro and the lack of location on the spot.

"Mother? What is this...?

Emma's gaze, which cuts off her wrinkles, is unnaturally pointing in the direction of the day after tomorrow.

"Emma, look at me. Look me in the eye. Emma, why are bovines getting huge? What did you do? Isn't it bigger than Violet already?

The bovines, who were about five centimeters that day, had grown about ten times bigger in the past few days, for some reason.

Some of them are close to a meter.

"I made a mistake with the silkworm feed...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

The biggest reason the Stewart family job isn't popular with slum girls is because it takes care of tons of bugs.

There are many types of insects owned by Emma, and only the same number of feeds must be provided.

Recently, I was immersed in owatta research. Not much had been done, leaving the care of the worms to the children of the slums.

Accidentally, the kids may have fed the bovine animals for the giant silkworm.

By the time the three brothers realized, it was after they had already become huge.

"Emma? What are you going to do with it being so big!?

Melsa, who praised me when the silkworm giant succeeded, has also drawn more and more to the massive number of bovines.

Still, silkworm larvae would have been good.

Violet, too, could forgive me for being one.

The enormity of the boar with that form that dropped the aristocratic warlords in the school to the bottom of the fear is largely impactful, as well as numerous.

"Um... Mother... when you grow up... see, ten times cuter too? Targeted?"

"........................... well, so?

I'm afraid of my mother's eyes.

Neither Georg nor William will ever help me when Mother has this eye.

If you say something bad about yourself here or in your forelife, you can tell by experience as much as the smoking thunder falls dokan.

Yes, if this happens, we can only manage, good, to delude.

"Damn that...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... I'm sure the owata will run out too!

Until then, I seem sorry, and the sobering cow sees Emma at the same time.

Do bovines understand kingdom language, mummy mummy mummy mummy!!! And I wave my arm and start suing Awww.

Because this, it's not scissors, it's arms.

We're not scissorworms, we're udder worms.

"If the creatures were all the same size, they said the bugs were the strongest...... I feel like they were in some kind of comic book!!

What that fluffy, unscrupulous reason!!

Murim, mummy, mummy, mummy and the cows even more desperately complain to Emma.

This is what we look like...... I don't have poison, and I'm a yin cah who didn't bite or stab me!

Um, ourselves... the harmless one who lives with the basics pulled... what is it?

"Look at this motivation! Mother!! These kids are sure to do it!

Emma appealed to Melsa for a huge cow with a bubba.

Murray murray murray murray and the bugs waving their arms high harden pitched.

I had only a bad feeling that my shaken arm was now passed on to Melsa in a different way.

If you're not angry, I'll use any excuse to try and get away with it.

If you don't want me to get angry, I'll make sure any lies are true.

Emma had already begun to think in her head of a feed formula that would make the bovine arm look better than the imperial national treasure knife.

I can't do it.

Do it.

To keep everything from getting angry.

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