Tanaka family, reincarnated.

Requester's onboard cooking.

The ship prepared by the Rotosilt Chamber of Commerce continued its smooth voyage.

The large rooms also housed a kitchen, where Melsa taught Tallows to cook, Leonardo and Georg encouraged practice, and Emma and William quickly arrived the day before their arrival in the Empire as they spent time with the production of the Demonic Head.

"You can now bake bread without any problems"

"Yes! Thank you for your guidance, Master Melsa"

Mansho Itou takes the bread out of the cauldron and responds with a smile.

The bread, which is a little different in shape from the bread often eaten in the Kingdom, was conceived by Melsa so that it could be made in bulk, cut and eaten in one go for the Empire, which suffers from food distress.

And it's supposed to be just bread.

Not only the food, but Tallows' Kingdom language improved at an alarming rate.

For the sake of the doomed empire, the Stewarts, of course, spared no help in their hard work, nor did the cocks and servants.

The mansion was interested in the territorial management of Melsa, Miguel was impressed with Emma and the worm rigging, Julian was impressed with the sweets of Joshua's shop, and Martino was learning to embroider from Leonardo, or even a variety of things besides cooking each.

"Tallows, let me finally teach you how to make a magic sauce"

"Magic... sauce...?

"Dear Melsa, Regards,"

"What kind of source is it?

"I look forward to it!

"A little trick, but it's a versatile sauce for both imperial and kingdom dishes"

do it, and Melsa prepares the ingredients with an uncomfortable grin.

"Mother, what are you making today?

The three brothers also come into the kitchen so that they can be sucked into the baking cake of bread.

"They're going to teach you a magical sauce that suits both imperial and kingdom cuisine!

Julian answers instead with a sparkling eye full of anticipation.

Julian seems to be the most obsessed with cooking in Tallows.


William snaps his neck if he's never heard of such a source.

"You guys like it, don't you? Sauce for vegetables, meat, rice or bread"

Emma notices when she looks at the ingredients, eggs, vinegar, salt and oil prepared by Melsa.

"Ah, mayonnaise!!

"" Mayo!!!! "

Georg and William react to Emma's voice.

There is a verse where both Tanaka men think they should eat anything with mayonnaise and uster sauce.

They were so rude to a maker named Mayo & Sauce over the taste of the ingredients.



"Ha Ni?


Four cats hear Georg and William boiling in the mayonnaise and peek into the kitchen.

"Let's eat later, Mr. Cormay."

Under the direction of Melsa, she talks to the cat as she mingles with Tallows and Emma also helps weigh in.

"" "" Nyan "" ""

"... Emma's cat language is really amazing. I'd like to talk to the bugs, too."

I laugh at Miguel as he weighs the salt apart.

"It would be a waste to make a large amount at a time and fail, so shall we all make it separately?"

"Mother, what do you make with this mayonnaise?

MayoraGeorg asks Melsa softly.

Behind the baked bread, I didn't miss cooking the rice I had heard there was only a few left.

"Leonardo caught bonito yesterday, didn't he? The sashimi was delicious, but the people at the Chamber of Commerce and the sailors didn't get their hands on it, so the rest are all through the fire."

The large bonito caught by Leonardo was sashimi served to dinner by Tallows, but the Rotosilt Chamber of Commerce and the sailors, who are kingdoms, showed resistance to catfish.

If Emma's delicious, it's delicious! and Joshua seemed to like it by trying resolutely, but no one followed.

"... bonito, mayonnaise... bread on... ah tuna mayo? sandwiches?"

"... Sister, Tuna is a tuna, right?

"Huh? Tuna was tuna!?

Georg is surprised by William's words.

""... brother... what did you think?

"“ It ’ s chicken, so it ’ s not chicken?

"... it's the (...) chicken of the sea (...)"

It was a previous problem such as not being able to study.

"Well, that's it. William, 'cause chicken has tuna and cuttlefish, too."


You're not too cooking knowledgeable in your previous or present life, are you, my brother?

Nevertheless, it's the rice that bothers me.

"Prince Tusk told me to go ahead."

Looking ahead of Emma's gaze, Melsa takes out the ingredients she had hidden.

A black sheet that the Kingdoms wouldn't think of as an ingredient if they saw it.

"" "Seaweed!!

"Uh, uh, rice, tuna mayo, seaweed... and vinegar... rolled sushi, right? Tuna mayo sushi, right?

He's a junk in the sushi world.

I also like tuna mayo rice balls, but definitely rolled sushi pie.

"... Um, is Prince Taske okay? I don't think he's eating much."

Martino asks Melsa worried.

For Tallows, Prince Taske is like a god, unable to speak much in awe.

Prince Taske, who behaved modestly in the kingdom, is also about to be anxiously crushed as the empire approaches.

Caged in his room, even praying was painful, and the Stewarts were worried as well as the Tallows.

"Mayonnaise is nutritious, so I'm trying to get Prince Taske to eat rolled sushi."

Representative of the Wagyo compromise, I was hoping that Tuna Mayo's curly sushi would cheer you up a little bit.

Melsa was thinking.

"... that means... the rest of the rice and seaweed... are in... three sheets. As Tasks Prince and Tallows taste for the after-school... only three brothers and one can eat rolled sushi, right?

"" Huh?

I don't know what the hell kind of calculation did that, but Georg grumbles.

"I didn't know that the day of contention among the three brothers would come again..."

"I wore tuna mayo rolled sushi... Death match, right?

To Georg's word, Emma and William are not going to lose either.

"Oh, that! Please don't argue over that!

"I hope we don't eat!

"Keh, no fighting!

"Discuss it peacefully, peacefully!

Tallows panics about the swordswallowing atmosphere of the three brothers.

"Meh, Master Melsa, um, what shall we do?"

"Don't worry, Mansion. Because that's just playing. If you spend a few days sailing, you'll be tired and free."

Sigh at me for Christ's sake, and Melsa calls Leonardo.

The Three Brothers Deathmatch is a family event.

"I see. I miss you, Death Match. So... Melsa, what do we do?

Melsa decides what the Death Match is about.

It's an ancient Itchy Tanaka rule.

Originally, the house is damaged when they normally fight, so it started when the requester came up with a title and the three brothers tried and decided to win or lose.

The topic is the one who found the four-leaf clover the most, Jaken, the historical figure Ancient and Now East and West, the blindfolded cat has a wide variety of sniffing fights, etc.

"Whatever it is, I'll bet Emma."

And parents play gambling victories and losses.

In short, it was just an extra Tanaka family play in my spare time.

"This time, it's a mayonnaise emulsification battle."

"" "" Mayonnaise emulsifying one battle… ""

Gokuri, and the family spit.

"Stir the egg yolks, salt, and vinegar in a pre-mixed mixture with a little oil. The amount and timing of oil, the speed at which it is mixed, is the key."

"If you're cooking, Emma's in your favor. I knew I'd bet on Emma."

Leonardo is convinced of the victory by listening to the contents of the match.

"That's sweet, you. Cooking needs strength. You have to adjust the oil with one hand while mixing it with one hand...... dexterity is the key to this battle. Did you forget that Emma is the three brothers and the biggest bummer? I'll bet Georg I combine strength and dexterity."

"Ha, but Georg can't study, can he? I can't remember the procedure and risk getting it wrong. The sword of the blades."

They don't tell me what the hell they're betting on because of the adult circumstances, but my parents were norinoli every time.

but when it becomes a serious bet so far, my brothers disco accidentally comes out.

"... I don't care if we fight anymore, it doesn't matter around here every time."

"You have to lick each other's wounds with your brothers to get back on your feet."

"And every time I don't get picked..."

It's a mystery whether it's a parent operation or too much heat in the battle, but death matches derived from fights are also often converging at about 80% at this stage.


Kan sneaks up on Georg wondering what he's up to.

"I'm sorry, Kan. 'Cause it's kind of an important battle to come."


Because I'll play for you later, and Georg keeps Kanchan away.


Likewise, Lew snuggles up to William.

"Lew, too, I'm sorry. I can't lose this fight."


I'll give you dinner later. And William keeps Lew away.


Mr. Kormey snuggles up on Emma even more.

"Mr. Cormay, you can't be on your desk, can you? Hmm? Yeah. If you're at your feet, you'll be fine."


Emma leaves Mr. Cormay intertwined with a gobble at her feet.

Georg and William kept me away. Lew and Lew also snuck up on Emma and got tangled up in a mess.

"Huh, Emma, you can afford it, can't you?

"I saw the results, but the rolled sushi is mine."

Seeing Emma surrounded by cats and motionless, her brother and brother are convinced of victory over each other.

"So are you ready?

Melsa places the cotton-weighed oil and sees the three brothers.

"... Huh?... this?... all?

"Ugh, it's a lie... tell me it's a lie, Mother... no..."

I get upset when I see the oil where Georg and William have been placed.

"Hey, mayonnaise... so much oil... Huh?

"It's almost oil..."

The amount of oil was more than I could have imagined for egg yolks, salt and vinegar.

"You add all this cup as you mix it up. You guys have been wearing too much mayonnaise for a long time. I eat mayonnaise on vegetables, so I can't explain zero calories..."

Melsa shows her oil that she wanted to show her raw materials once.

"... you're lying..."

Leonardo in the back plain is also in shock.


Cho, who placed his front leg from behind on both Leonardo's shoulders and his jaw over his head, comforts Moffmoff.

I was a little metaphorical in my late life, both in my ambition and in my voyage.

Georg and William are scared to notice the amount of oil, and Emma is surrounded by cats and movement is restricted.

Deathmatch's strengths and weaknesses antagonize it in a good way, and I don't know who will win.

"Now it's time. You're ready, right?

""... Yes ""


"" "Nyan" ""

Emma follows me and the cats reply well.

"Rolled sushi, three brothers death match. Yo, start!

The three brothers simultaneously use oil to make mayonnaise.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Georg has a good momentum and mixes.

"Wow, I can't see Master Georg's arm moving at all!

"But, Martino. Dear Georg... You forgot to add oil?

"Oil is small, important"

William oil carefully.

"It's easy to mix with Mr. William."

"But, Mansion... isn't it a little too nervous to put a drop of oil in it?

"Ha Ni Ni Ni Ni"

"Mr. Cormay, I can fix this, okay? Why don't we put cucumbers in the tuna mayo, too?


Emma looks like she's having fun cooking while talking to Cormay.

"What an ideal sight... I want to be your daughter-in-law..."

"Hey, Miguel! Wishes, too much leakage, huh?... But Emma is a good regulator of oil, isn't she? The mixer's hands are completely inhibited by the cat and not moving..."

The battle was clearly muddy.

Yes, the Tanaka brothers.

Destiny children born beneath the stars where regrets hang on in defo.

"That's it!

Pitali and the hands of the three brothers stop in the voice of Melsa.

Melsa check begins to decide whether to win or lose.

"............... Georg? I've never seen an egg yolk so bubbly, have I?

"Yes. Good luck!

"There doesn't seem to be any oil in it...?

"... ah!? I forgot!?

"... William? Well, better than Georg......? But it seems far from complete, doesn't it?

"Mother, the stop is too fast! I've only got 85 drops of oil."

"... it's good to be cautious, but there's a degree to everything, right?

"... Yes"

"... Emma... is...? The mixer's hand seemed to be barely moving... but it's finished... are you there? Mayonnaise......"

Emma's egg liquid and oil mixed well enough to emulsify and mayonnaise without any problems.

Huh? "

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. You got a fight."

Emma laughs that rolled sushi is mine.

"Stupid! Emma's mixed hands weren't moving!?

"Didn't you cheat on your sister!?

Georg and William tell the judgment.

"No, the irregularities are impossible because we've been watching!

Other Tallows snort at Julian's words.

"What the hell happened...?


"!! It's Kormei! Cormay has some magical power..."

Georg screams when he sees Cormay snuggling up on Emma.

"No, the cats were just gobbling around on Emma... hmm? Gobbling?"

Leonardo notices teasing.

"No way... that the slight vibration of the gobble was passed from Emma to Mayonnaise?

"" Hey, what!?

I'm surprised Georg and William are such idiots.

"Hehe, whoever makes the cat cry, cry to the cat!! By the time we kept Kan and Lew away from each other, we decided to lose the same thing."

"" Plump ""

Kneel to collapse on the spot, brother to repent.

"... uh... what a farce..."

The always polite mansion squeaked in disdain.

"I told you, didn't I? I'm free."

Sigh and Melsa urges you to try making mayonnaise too.

"How about you, Prince Taske? Tuna mayo rolled sushi is"

Emma recommends rolled sushi to the Task Prince, who is full of worries.

"Rolled sushi......? I've never seen the contents... What is Tuna Mayo?

Cut a slice of the recommended rolled sushi, and Prince Taske carries it to his mouth.

This is good. "

"Isn't it?

Emma also laughs and eats rolled sushi, a loot.

There is no such thing as a man who doesn't like tuna mayo (bias), so it is deliciously decided.

"This sauce is tangled in fish... even though it tastes kingdom-style, it goes well with rice and seaweed..."

"This is a source called mayonnaise. Kids and Tallows made it."

Watch Tallows as Melsa is nervous in front of Prince Taske.

"Oh, the cook boys. Thank you for your hard work. Let the Imperial Nationals eat this mayonnaise."

"Yes, sir!

"Thank you for your thoughtless words!

"I am ready to do all I can for the Empire!

"Enjoy a lot!

Feeling innumerable Tallows answers the word of God cheerfully.

"Emma's sandwich is so delicious"

Joshua cheeks up the tuna mayo sandwich with joy.

"Joshua, we helped, too, didn't we?

William is eating a sandwich looking at the rolled sushi.

Delicious...... but tastes like defeat.

"... Kan's traitor..."

Look at the cats getting rolled sushi from Emma. Georg eats sandwiches too.


Mr. Kormey was delighted with the tuna mayo with cucumbers.

Tuna Mayo is also popular with the Kingdom's Rotosilt Chamber of Commerce and sailors, and Joshua secretly makes notes on the blush of his head to add to the cafe's menu.

"... I didn't know Melsa could cook this far..."

Oliver was in shock again, with Mosomoso and a sandwich in his mouth.

"Melsa, bet is my win."

Hisso Leonardo ears at Melsa.

"I know, I know."

"Hey, aren't you going to put me to bed tonight?

From Oliver's mouth, where the seat was nearby and I overheard it by chance, there was no sandwich I should have eaten, no rustling out of the sand.

Extra spare time, Tanaka family play.

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