Once, the friends we learned together passed away.

One day suddenly, a friend who gained special power also passed away.

Both the teacher and the disciple passed away.

Why am I alive?

What's the spear?

I couldn't do anything.

Also, that sight of despair is spreading.

Owata that goes hand in hand with the Mississippi.

It is also a matter of time before the seed begins to fly by setting a crisp aim.

"Master Fukshima, according to the Demon Stone Board, Prince Taske will return home tomorrow."

Ishida comes to report taking on the general's way of affairs in one hand.

A demon stone board is a magic of restoration that weakens the demon stone and breaks it in half.

If you scratch one crack in the broken surface, the restorative magic is activated to fix the wound.

Wounds emit light in response to magic.

The other without a scratch also glows in tune with the wound of one crack.

By engraving letters to scratch, information can be shared so quickly that no arrow can be compared.

Although it is difficult for a pair of demonic stone boards to not function if they are too far apart, they are within critical effective range if they are about a day's distance by boat.

"Is it really good that Prince Taske was returned home"

The prince alone could have lived in the kingdom.

Both the Emperor and the General said they intended to send him to the kingdom.

There's no reason why a savvy prince can't notice.

On his own initiative, he chose to celebrate his last with the Empire and the Imperial People.

'I don't know… and it looks like Mr. Melsa Stewart is accompanying her family on the ship'

'What?... were you serious?

A woman who accompanied her as an interpreter with food support in the Kingdom.

It was a surprise to behave more like a diplomat than a man who called himself a diplomat.

A talented woman who cooks incredibly tasty dishes, spots the demise of the Empire in an instant and, above all, masterfully manipulates the imperial language no one could understand.

When I left the Empire, I said I would think of measures for owatta and then ask again around the summer, but no one believed me.

Ouata measures.

There's no way the Empire didn't think about it.

Unlike the kingdom where demonic stones were also depleted and absent from wizards for decades, the empire, where the breeding of owattas had just begun, had everything.

There were demon stones, wizards and good samurai.

Especially luxurious Demon Stone resources were also being studied for successful use. The Kalacri squad, led by the centuries-old talented Hiraga, produced numerous demonic stone inventions.

Looking at the history of the Empire, it had developed to such an extent that there was no more.

Still, the Empire is about to perish by allowing the owatta to reproduce.

Melsa Stewart may also be a talented woman.

But there are no demonic stones or wizards in the kingdom, and there is nothing that can be a weapon, even if there is a genius.

I do not want to confuse the people of the Empire any more.

I worked out measures over and over, made them expect me over and over, betrayed them over and over again.

Everyone's tired now.

Everyone has already given up.

Finally, everyone accepted the demise.

Just to spend some time left in peace.

That's all we wish for.

Also, I don't have enough mental power to repeat my expectations and hopelessness.

It is rubbed off.

"............... Master Fukshima?

'The Empire is already in danger. Owata doesn't know when the species will fly. May Lord Melsa return as soon as he arrives in the Empire. "

No matter what happens to the nobility of the kingdom, the empire can neither apologize nor compensate.

By then, there was no such country as the Empire.

With heavy sighs and footsteps, Fuxima went on to prepare to receive a ship from the kingdom that would arrive the next day.

"... what the hell are you thinking, Lord Melsa..."

Melsa used to say that the house she married was a clan hunting demons.

The introduced husband, Count Leonardo Stewart, is such a successful body that even Fuxima, the samurai of the Empire, has a glimpse.

But the next time he was introduced to me as his eldest son, he was a boy before his ex.

'To such a dangerous country, why do you have children...'

It's not a family vacation. I can't even remember the anger.

"Georg is also out hunting demons in the kingdom. Don't worry, it won't hold your legs together. '

Melsa returns a reply the day after tomorrow to Fuxima's inquiry.

Do you mean to expose your son to enough danger to hunt demons in the kingdom?

Foot wrap? You want me to accompany you to the Ouata exorcism, too?

No, first of all, are you really going to exorcise Owata?

Demon extermination is the work of samurai in the Empire.

Not everyone can be.

He's undergoing rigorous training, and he needs to be strong.

If you really have the arms and the guts to deal with demons from this year forward, you shouldn't bring them further. Waste of my life.

"Mother? What's the matter, sir?

"Hmm? It's okay, William, don't worry."

I'm late and a sneaky kid approaches me from behind.

What, boy?

"Master Fukshima. This is my second son, William."

Mother prompts me, and the child bows his head with a pepper.

"Meh, Lord Melsa!? Take even such a child........................!!

I even learn to fear the lack of crisis management.

Too young! Though my oldest son Georg is a child, I can see he is working out but this child............ isn't he just a so-called child!?

"William is a smart kid. Knowledge of demons will certainly help. '

I hear there are people in the world who are called prodigies, but then you shouldn't bring them to the Imperial Reich?

Where do I start, where do I start? No, we need you to turn back to the kingdom like this.

"Mother!! Awesome! The far towns are red! You're coloring with a valve pattern, just like Prince Taske and your mother said, right?

One girl rushes further behind.


She looks so cute in the township you can see from the harbor... but she doesn't have any sense of femininity like Melsa.

On the contrary, the easier it is to touch, the thinner it is likely to break, and the softer it will look on your white skin......

It doesn't look good on that soft face, it has painful scars.

Absolutely, you're weak!?

Take absolute care of this girl, Butterfly. You're the boxed girl raised to be a flower!?

What? Huh?

Crisis...... management...... zero wow! No, negative?

'Emma, calm down! It can't be.'

No, Lord Melsa? Not there! There are so many previous issues to be aware of......!

'Ah! Excuse me. This is my eldest daughter, Emma Stewart.'

Tighten your skirt hem slightly and bow your head toward the fuxima without much words to shock.

........................ cute......

"I am General Toyotomi, Minister Masanori Fukshima"

Fukushima also introduces herself to the overwhelming cuteness.

'Well! Is it Master Fukshima!? ………… (BOTH) That's the spear!

The girl's smile overflows, as if the poor flower had blossomed.

........................ cute......


Return to me with Ishida's cough.

It was taken away by the girl's smile.

Funny...... I can't believe I feel this way in an emergency......

Hang on, me.

'To such a dangerous country, even a girl...'

Are you okay? Why don't you fall in the summer sun?

"Emma is... heh... she's cute"


(Mother, didn't you just call me sick about your sister?)

And then you stopped saying you liked bugs.

My brother and brother look down on me.

'Yeah, yeah, Emma is cute. An angel. "

Leonardo nods loudly and affirms.


The mistletoe coughs up a second time.

"Your entire family has spoken Imperial language since earlier..."

Even the sedentary calm Ishida is heartily surprised by the penetration-laden family.

Above all, I want to know why you speak imperial language fluently that has never been spoken in any country.

"Ah! Too natural to notice!

Fukshima, who had been caught in the family's pace since the moment we met, is surprised by the delay.

"The Stewarts all speak Imperial language! I studied a lot. '

A giggle and a girl smile.

'... cute'


'Oh, uh. I had him come to the corner empire, but this country is already in danger. You'd better keep going back to the kingdom.'

I went all the way out to the harbor to say this.

Weird...... the girl's smile is too cute.

"Master Fukshima? Neither have we just spent the past few months doing nothing. I'm thinking about taking good care of it. '

"If you go home like this, if the Empire is bound to perish, you will never be able to leave it alone! (What makes rice impossible to eat!)"

Girls also synchronize with Leonardo's persuasion.

'No way, really this cute......... you think I'm going to Ouatta's until the girl?

I can never lower that permission.

The kingdom is gracious for food.

I can't give that back with a vendetta... as a samurai.

"Then I'll allow it"

Prince Taske came off the ship with the ninjas and Tallows.

"" Prince Tasks ""

I knew from the contact, but both Fukushima and Ishida bow their heads wondering if they were back.

"Emma is a kind child called the Virgin in the kingdom. I've convinced you many times that you really want to help the Empire."

'But such cute no... what can a weak girl do!?

Even with the words of a task prince similar to God, it doesn't seem easy to be there.

"Prince Edward of the Kingdom says that this Miss Emma has such a rare and similar imagination that she finds the art of defeating Slime without sacrificing anyone"

"'What? Slime?' '

Defeat such a mightiest, worst, vicious demon!?

Besides, no victims?

"No... silly things..."

If true, isn't that the information you want to get in any country no matter how much money you load!?

"Is it slime? You just have to salt him in large quantities. With Namekuji...... I was wondering if maybe I could knock it down with sugar or flour, but I haven't practiced this one...... I'd like to compare and verify it next time about three appear. So for now, salt is a sure thing. '

"" Little ""

Can I talk to you like that?

No, if three slimes show up, if you suck, the country will perish, okay?

Fukshima and Ishida raise their voices with a stunned look, but there was another person who was twice as shocked.

'Ugh, you're lying!? Sister!... with sugar or flour... Huh? How desperately I searched for salt then! I would have gone sooner if it was sugar!!

It was William, who ran to procure salt to defeat the slime.

'Can you tell us such valuable information?!?

Ishida converts the value of the information in her head and plays the Abacus.

'Huh? It's important that we all share our knowledge of demons, isn't it? I won't be reluctant to give you anything life-threatening. "

To Ishida's question, what can a girl get lost in? and tilt his neck.

"'Holy Virgin...'"

The world is wide.

I can't believe there's a girl who can devote so much time to people......

Fukshima and Ishida will for a moment feel like they have been freed from the threat of owatta and the fear of the demise of the Empire.

So it's not a sex woman!

I dust even more into the humble appearance of rushing to deny.

This is the Virgin, and this is the Angel.

"Prince Taske! Never say a sex woman!

'Isn't it time to admit it? Miss Emma?'


In this exchange, Ishida laughs at the Stewart family, Prince Tasks, Tallows, Ninjas and Fukshima, all of them.

Its flamboyant voice reached the people of the Empire, who gave up everything, reminding them of the pleasant feelings they had forgotten.

Just because the Empire will perish doesn't mean it will stay dark.

The smile became contagious to stain many royal citizens who were sheltering on the north side.

Only Emma, who is Teng himself, had a bitter laugh with complicated thoughts.

'... is that a lie? What kind of sex woman would you treat as soon as you get to the Empire!? Huh? You're lying, right? I didn't just nibble because Master Fukushima was [a system that used to be a mess, but now creates firm calm tannins] Ikeoji!

The girl's complaint was voidly dismissed by a laugh.

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