"What the hell? Already arrived?"

Li Tai was stunned when he heard Du He's words. He had just been mulling over the Galactic Alliance clause mentioned in the declaration of war. It seemed that according to this provision, the so-called"Level 0 Civilization" of Earth was not subject to the constraints of war.

In other words, in addition to being regarded as a plunderable civilization with public coordinates, Earth could also wage war against all other recorded civilizations without reason.

Li Tai had just thought that the Tang Dynasty had obtained the legal right to wage war without reason, but now he learned that the other party had come to his door.

"Boss, what should we do? Can our Tang Dynasty defeat them?"

Du He was a little worried. He didn't have an accurate concept of this"Level 2 Civilization" that came to start a war. He thought it would be difficult for Tang Dynasty to deal with them. After all, there were not many cultivators in Tang Dynasty who could go to the sky and fight in the universe.

"Huh? How can we not defeat them? Just the four of you, go and kill them!"

Li Tai was quite calm. How could those aliens understand the combat power of the Xiuxian civilization?

Although Xiuxian cultivators can only come to the universe after reaching the Out-of-Body Realm, if the warships and spacecrafts of those Level 2 and Level 3 civilizations are allowed to enter the atmosphere, I am afraid that the Jindan Realm can even blow them up.

This is the unique feature of Xiuxian civilization. The realm is basically directly linked to the combat power, instead of having different focuses like the technological civilization.

To give a simple example, modern earth civilization has actually stepped half a foot into the threshold of Level 2, and the power of nuclear weapons is obvious to all.

But even a civilization that has reached this level cannot even fully survey the planet it is on.

The deep sea and underground are veritable unknown places for this half-baked Level 2 civilization.

But when technological civilization reaches this level, it actually has the ability to enter the universe and initially develop other planets.

This is a true portrayal of Level 2 or even Level 3 technological civilization.

It is precisely based on these that Li Tai is so calm.

According to the war document, the civilization that has come to the solar system is only at Level 2.

Even if they have taken out all their military forces, they cannot get any benefits from the hands of the Out-of-Body Realm cultivators.

"Boss, are you serious?"

"Are you sure we are not going to die?"

Li Tai knew all this, but Cheng Chumo and the others didn't know, so they still looked worried.

"Stop wasting time and set off quickly. I will use my divine sense to show you the location. You must annihilate all the enemies!"

Li Tai began to urge. This was the first time that the Tang Dynasty, the immortal dynasty, had fought with technological civilization. Li Tai couldn't wait to see the immortal dynasty he had cultivated crush the opponent.

Just like that, Cheng Chumo, Yuchi Baolin, Qin Huaiyu, and Du He set off with worries.

Four streams of light passed through the peripheries of several planets in the solar system in turn, and flew towards a small fleet located at the edge of the solar system.

According to the normal flight speed of the immortal cultivators in the out-of-body realm, it would take them nearly two months to reach the predetermined location, but considering that the other party is also heading towards the earth, the two sides will meet in about a month.

It has to be said that in terms of interstellar navigation, technological civilization is indeed much more convenient than immortal civilization. Most technological civilizations will develop various interstellar navigation technologies at the stage of level two approaching level three. Technologies such as curvature engines, gravitational space channel technologies, etc. can enable them to achieve"superluminal flight".

However, it is too difficult for immortal cultivators to achieve"superluminal flight". Under normal circumstances, only immortal cultivators in the Tribulation Realm can distort space. In order to achieve"superluminal speed", this method is actually the principle of the curvature engine.

The two civilizations ultimately reach the same destination, but the process and performance of the process are very different.

The above content is from various documents that Li Tai bought from the forum.

Now Li Tai has roughly understood the navigation method of this civilization that came to the solar system to cause trouble.

They are most likely using the gravitational space channel technology, which can only enable them to"superluminal" between star systems, and the use of this technology has very harsh conditions. First of all, the distance between star systems cannot be too far, otherwise the so-called gravitational space channel cannot be formed.

And if this technology is used for navigation, it is necessary to constantly find a suitable star system as a transit station before finally reaching the destination. This is also the technology that most civilizations master first, and it is a level weaker than the curvature engine.

This is also the reason why the other party chose conventional navigation after entering the solar system. It is not that they don’t want to fly all the way to the earth at"superluminal speed", but that their technical level is not enough and they can only fly so slowly.

"You four are flying crooked, can you fly straight? Adjust the direction, I will give you spiritual guidance."

Li Tai suddenly noticed that Cheng Chumo and his flight path was a little crooked, and immediately reminded them

"Boss, come and try to fly. Who can fly in a straight line in this kind of place? There is no reference point.……"

Cheng Chumo complained in response

"Are you so bold that you dare to confront me? Okay, when you come back after the fight, the fierce beasts in the God Transformation Realm will serve you!"

Li Tai threatened

"Boss, I was wrong!"

Cheng Chumo quickly admitted his mistake.

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