With Li Tai constantly guiding and modifying the course of Cheng Chumo and others, the positions of both sides gradually approached, but the other side had not yet discovered the movements of Cheng Chumo and others. After all, they were flying in the flesh, and the volume of the flesh was too small in the scale of the universe, so that the other side's detection had not yet fed back the movements of Cheng Chumo and the other four.

The other side was now sailing at full speed while discussing the specific details of the war.

"Haha, I really don't know how the Alliance judged it. They actually absorbed a level 0 civilization. It's like sending us warmth."

"That is, I heard that all civilizations that have plundered the basic technological systems of other civilizations have developed well. If this level 0 civilization is more powerful, maybe we can find a chance to become a level 3 civilization."

"Arrange the war missions. Most of this war will be planetary landing operations. The technological progress of level 0 civilization should be at……"

The internal personnel of this small fleet basically had no pressure on this war. It was just a Level 0 civilization. It was clearly a warm gift from the alliance!

When they fully absorbed the basic scientific and technological system of this civilization, they would inevitably learn by analogy and make their own civilization a leap forward.

Unfortunately, they obviously did not consider why the Earth would be recognized by the Galactic Alliance as a"Level 0 civilization". They also did not know that several monks in the Out-of-Body Realm who had been trained by Li Tai for half a year were rushing to their fleet.

In this way, a month passed quietly. The coordinates of both sides were infinitely close to overlapping, but this fleet still did not find Cheng Chumo and his four companions.

At this moment, Cheng Chumo stared at the fleet in the starry sky in a daze. He asked Li Tai in surprise:"Boss, is that it? Is this the army of Level 2 civilization?"

Cheng Chumo's tone was full of disbelief. He seemed to have never expected that the opponent's fleet had less than ten warships. Although these warships were not small in size, according to Cheng Chumo's estimation, it seemed that they were just a fist.……

"Nonsense, what else do you think? The resource mining capacity of a Level 2 civilization is just so-so. This fleet is probably the sum of their production capacity for a hundred years."

Li Tai was very calm. He had known this would happen. Warships are definitely a symbol of low production capacity in Level 2 and 3 civilizations. A real interstellar war is basically a crazy burning of resources by both sides. Therefore, it is very normal for the main fleet of a Level 2 civilization to have only one small battleship formation.

"Then we, fight?"

Cheng Chumo hesitated for two seconds. He suddenly felt that the Tang Dynasty's attack on others was a bit like bullying a child.

"Fight! I still say that, kill them!"

Li Tai might be more merciful to the people on Earth, but he would not be so easy to talk to the aliens who take the Earth as a sweet cake. Since they have chosen to come and start a war, they must be prepared to be killed in return!


Cheng Chumo and the other three received the order, looked at each other, and exchanged glances. The four of them understood each other's intentions almost instantly and started to act directly.

Du He took the lead, and a"Ding" character flashing with brilliant golden light suddenly appeared in the starry sky, instantly covering the range of the fleet. The fleet's navigation paused instantly, and with the appearance of the"Ding" character, many of the instruments inside these warships showed abnormalities.


"What's going on? Enemy attack? Where is the attack coming from? What kind of technology is this?"

"Hiss... Look! There are people outside the cabin! Are they not wearing any protection?"

"Could it be the highest biotechnology of the advanced civilization of the alliance? No way?"

The interior of the fleet was instantly in chaos, and the communication was temporarily paralyzed. It was difficult for the main ship to send orders to other ships.

In a moment, Cheng Chumo, Yuchi Baolin, and Qin Huaiyu were arranged in a triangular shape, forming a cone-like formation, aiming at the largest main ship and"drilling" it.

A blue energy barrier appeared. This was originally a high-energy protection method for warships sailing through the meteorite belt. In the crisis, the main ship began to protect itself regardless of the loss.

It's a pity that they knew nothing about the monks in the out-of-body realm after all.

"This is... the energy level exceeds level 3, we can't detect it"

"Level 3? Are you kidding? Can individual organisms transcend the energy level of level 3?"

"Could this civilization be a cover for a higher civilization? Could it be that they were just experimenting with the legendary biotechnology to create gods?"

""Damn advanced civilization!"

In the crisis situation, the aliens inside the battleship had a lot of ideas. They had never thought that such a civilization of immortals had quietly appeared in the universe.

The manifestation of immortals seemed to be very similar to biotechnology, so they unconsciously regarded the masterminds behind the scenes as those advanced civilizations that were not suitable to show up in person.

Unfortunately, their thoughts stopped here. With the silent explosion, their minds froze to the last moment, and they tragically became a kind of space junk, becoming a flying corpse in space.……

"Fight back! Fight back!……"

The remaining warships began to resist feebly, but unfortunately, it was ineffective.

In the final moments of annihilation, the fleet still stubbornly spread a message using the Galaxy Universal Frequency Band:

"Level 0 civilization is a trap, don't come!"

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