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The main fleet of this second-level civilization, whose name Li Tai did not even remember, ended in disgrace. Cheng Chumo, Yuchi Baolin, Qin Huaiyu, and Du He were completely destroyed.

"Good job, are you ready to come back... huh? Wait a minute……"

Li Tai had been using his divine consciousness to focus on the battlefield that was now full of space junk. Just as he was instructing Cheng Chumo and others to prepare to return, a seemingly empty place suddenly caught Li Tai's attention.

"Another force?"

Li Tai's mind was like a knife, cutting through the layers of obscurity, and finally observed another fleet that was hidden very deeply.

However, this fleet was much stronger than the second-level civilization fleet destroyed by Cheng Chumo and his team in terms of both quantity and quality. At least their concealment technology almost deceived Li Tai, a cultivator in the Mahayana realm.

"Level 4 or 5? Could it be a level 6 civilization?"

Li Tai was a little confused. According to the descriptions of those letters of challenge, the civilizations that declared war on Earth were not at such a high level.

This kind of civilization that could make a cultivator in the Out-of-Body Realm unable to detect it even if it came not far away was definitely not an ordinary one.

"Du He, attack with all your strength in the direction my divine sense is directing."

Li Tai decided to test it out first. After all, he was a cultivator, so it was not difficult for him to use his divine sense to directly judge the strength level of a technological civilization that had not yet launched an attack.

"Boss, are there still enemies?"

Du He immediately understood what Li Tai meant. There must be enemies in the direction his divine mind pointed to.

"Attack with all your strength, don't hold back."

Li Tai ordered again. According to Li Tai's guess, if the opponent is really a level 5 or 6 civilization, Du He's attack may not be enough to cause fatal damage to the place. However, Li Tai also believes that according to the level of the Galactic Alliance, there is absolutely no civilization that can ignore the full-strength attack of the peak of the Out-of-Body Realm.


Du He no longer hesitated, his true energy instantly gathered, and a bright"explosion" word appeared in the starry sky, and in the blink of an eye it exploded at the location indicated by Li Tai.

"Discovered, open the linkage barrier"

"How is the data analysis? What is the opponent's attack power?"

"What? Level 5 life? Level 5 life?"

The fleet hidden in the dark was blown out by Du He, and an army spanning the starry sky appeared in front of Du He and others.

There were hundreds of warships here, and there was even a mothership like a fortress. The star-like light of the warships brought a pressure like a substance and came straight to Du He and others.

"Hiss...what is this?"

"Boss, my attack is ineffective and cannot shake them."

On one side, Cheng Chumo was horrified, and on the other side, Du He reported the situation to Li Tai.

Du He's attack just now seemed to be blocked by a protective barrier that linked the entire fleet, and did not cause any casualties to the enemy, which had to surprise Du He.

"I'm here, let me meet them."

Li Tai also knew the seriousness of the matter. Now Du He and others were obviously unable to control the situation, and Li Tai had to go to the battlefield in person.

While speaking, Li Tai left the liaison ship. The next second, the space in front of Li Tai began to twist and deform. The next second, Li Tai took a step forward and appeared directly in front of Du He and others.

From departure to arrival, Li Tai spent a total of two seconds, and in two seconds he covered the distance that a cultivator in the Out-of-Body Realm would fly for a month. The means of a cultivator in the Mahayana Realm were so terrifying.

"Warning: Curvature fluctuations were found, the distortion index is too high and cannot be calculated"

"A new unit has arrived at the detection area. The data has been calculated. It is the level nine life form."

At this moment, the fleet command of the Itar civilization was a little flustered. Although they were prepared for the existence of level nine life forms here, they had not yet figured out how to deal with it.

You know, the highest level of life known in the Milky Way is only level five, which is the same level as the four level five lives outside the ship just now. They don't know what level of power the level nine life forms have.

"Send a communication request. The space curvature just now should be caused by this ninth-level life. Damn it, who knows how far he jumped from!"

Fleet Commander Mins only felt a little pain in his head. He now thought that there might be something wrong with the brains of the elders. They actually wanted to conduct an"in-depth investigation" on the civilization that could create ninth-level life.

Could it be that they thought that their sixth-level civilization could beat them?

This bullshit"0-level civilization" must be determined intentionally.

Mins is now ready to negotiate peacefully with Li Tai. As for the"in-depth investigation", he has long forgotten it. After all, he is not a moron. A life form that can use its own power to make ultra-long-distance curvature jumps and even distort space to a level that the mothership's instruments cannot detect is definitely not something that can be destroyed by warship firepower. It's a pity that

Mins would never think of it even if he was beaten to death. As a pure cultivator of immortality, how could Li Tai understand such a signal.

Now Li Tai is very impatient and even wants to kill the fleet with a slap...

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