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"Congratulations on the number of forum registrations exceeding 10,000, the forum level has been upgraded to 1v.3, and advanced permissions have been opened, the Void Trial Field"

"The forum function training ground has been opened. The first three entries are free. Would you like to enter?"

After the forum issued the announcement, a virtual pop-up window appeared in front of all forum members, asking them to choose whether to enter the"Void Trial Ground".

Li Tai did not enter directly. He closed the pop-up window and chose to access the forum backend with another identity.

Using the developer's privileges, Li Tai directly found the underlying description of the"Void Training Ground".

"Void training ground, the forum founder set it at (?), killing (?), you can obtain the power of origin and quickly improve the essence of life. Currently, the first level of the training ground is open, and you can enter and exit at any time. Each entry costs 100 forum coins, and the fee is affordable."

The description is very short, only a short line of words, but there are two blurries in it, as if they can be hidden.

"It should be hidden by the forum founder, not wanting me to see it? Why? Is it related to something obscure?"

Li Tai made a slight guess. The tampering with the underlying description was obviously to prevent Li Tai. Other forum members did not have the authority to see these.

Seeing this, Li Tai no longer hesitated and chose to enter directly. As for the feeling of being distressed about the free times, it was impossible. He, Li Tai, was not the one who wanted to spend the thousand forum coins.

Just like that, the space in the Qingque Palace became blurred, and the next moment Li Tai disappeared directly in the Qingque Palace.

In a trance, Li Tai seemed to have entered the boundless darkness. Through the divine consciousness of the Mahayana realm, Li Tai could vaguely sense that he was making a high-level space jump, and the means of this jump was obviously not the kind of distorted space that Li Tai mastered, but a way that Li Tai could hardly understand.

The process lasted for dozens of minutes. In this situation where the five senses were almost completely closed, even Li Tai, a Mahayana cultivator, showed symptoms of trance. Fortunately, the darkness finally faded, and light appeared in front of Li Tai's eyes.

"Is this the Void Trial Field?"

Li Tai looked around. He was in a square-like place at the moment. There were a lot of small platforms on the square. Li Tai was standing on one of these platforms.

On the other platforms, there were many young people floating above them. There were both men and women. Obviously, these people were the forum members who chose to enter here at the first time.

But now they were in a state of confusion. They probably had not recovered from the previous state of closed five senses.

Ignoring other people, Li Tai continued to look at the environment here. There seemed to be nothing else around except the square with a lot of platforms. Beyond the edge of the square and the sky, it seemed that they were all wrapped in an incomprehensible substance.

Li Tai stared at the sky for a while, and his eyes felt a little stinging. This situation shocked Li Tai so much that he quickly shifted his gaze.

"Successfully entered the Void Trial Field, please read the Trial Guide."

A pop-up window appeared again on the forum, and Li Tai followed the content of the pop-up window and quickly finished reading the Trial Guide.

Just as Li Tai was about to follow the description of the Trial Guide to find the entrance to the"Level 1 Trial Field", the forum members around him finally woke up and screamed like pigs being slaughtered.

"Holy shit! Holy shit! I can’t fly!"

"Ah! Hiss…My eyes hurt, what’s going on?"

"Wow, this is a trial field? What the hell is this? How can I, a new forum member, fly? Will I die if I have some gravity?"

A group of forum members who either have low cultivation or are simply new members began to howl.

Obviously, the founder of this void trial field never thought that such weaklings would come in, and never considered the possibility that someone could not fly.

Li Tai did not intend to deal with this group of people at first, but a figure wearing all-tech equipment suddenly caught Li Tai's attention.

Of course, what attracted Li Tai was not the equipment on his body, but a stick-like object hanging around his waist.

"Lightsaber? A specialty of the Star Wars world? This is the"borrow a lightsaber to study""?"

Li Tai probably guessed his identity, so he flew directly to the man's side.

"Are you the one from the Star Wars world?"

Li Tai asked tentatively.

"Nonsense, this lightsaber is clearly a local specialty, who are you? Get out of here! Don't try to get close to me! I can't give discounts on my products! I won't give discounts in my lifetime!"

Berg had just recovered from his daze. When he saw someone from the forum coming to him, he subconsciously assumed that the other party was his client and came to him to get close to him and bargain.

""Nothing, I just want to know how long it will take for the X-wing fighters, cruisers, and motherships I ordered to arrive. It seems that you don't care about the business, so I'm considering changing partners."

Li Tai said calmly.

At this moment, Berg was stunned.

This was the sponsor of the 100,000 forum coins business! He actually told him to get out?

"No, dear sponsor, I was wrong. The price is negotiable. I will give you a 99% discount.

Berg immediately backed off.

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