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"I'm on my way to buy something. It takes several days to get to the black market star field. I just happened to come to this Void Trial Field to take a look.……"

Berg didn't want to lose this big business, so he quickly explained to Li Tai

"Well, I hope you can deliver the goods soon. Go and have fun by yourself."

Li Tai only came to say hello to an acquaintance from the forum because it was rare for him to see one. He didn't intend to waste much time.

Leaving Berg, Li Tai came to the edge of the square. There were many paths connecting the square with the boundless nothingness outside.

When he got here, Li Tai still stared at the boundless nothingness for a while, but soon the pain in his eyes made Li Tai look away.

"Level 1 Trial Ground?"

Li Tai stepped into one of the paths. After Li Tai entered, a barrier-like film instantly appeared at the entrance of the path, which meant that someone had already entered the trial ground.

The path was like a corridor. Except for the front and back directions, the rest of the directions were wrapped in nothingness. After Li Tai entered, gravity was born here, allowing Li Tai to step on the ground. After walking forward for about five minutes, Li Tai finally saw a different scenery again.

A platform-like place suddenly appeared in front of the path, but when Li Tai got closer, he found that it seemed more like a ring.

When he stepped on the ring, Li Tai's face changed instantly.

At this moment, he found that his cultivation seemed to be blocked and he could not use any power.

"Entered the first level trial area and began to condense the rule weapon"

"The condensation is successful, and the trial begins."

A pop-up window appeared on the forum page again, and at the same time, a set of Tang army standard armor suddenly appeared on Li Tai's body, and a standard sword also appeared in his hand.

This seems to be a rule weapon. It manifests according to the user's subconscious appearance and has no fixed form.

However, the moment this armor and sword appeared in Li Tai's perception, Li Tai was immediately confused.

"What is this? Is it too high level?"

If some practitioners of lower realms may not find the unusualness of the rule weapon, but Li Tai is a Mahayana cultivator after all, he immediately noticed the difference.

It seems that this armor and sword are condensed by"Tao", and its level is even higher than the fragment of Tiandao that Li Tai got at the beginning.

Li Tai couldn't help but make a bold guess that this is the"Tao" of the universe level or the condensation of the universe's will!

""Wait a minute! With weapons like this, what are we going to fight? Creatures at the cosmic level? Is this a trial or a suicide mission?"

Li Tai was horrified to find that the development of the matter was somewhat unexpected. Although it was stated in the trial guide that the first-level trial ground would not cause harm to lives, the guide did not guarantee that there would be no disability or vegetative state.

Before Li Tai could prepare himself, something unusual happened in the trial ground.

Not far in front of Li Tai, a small hole suddenly appeared in the barrier that isolated the void at the edge of the arena, and in an instant, the entire area around the arena became abnormal.

Countless dark shadows mixed with the color of nothingness suddenly appeared around this arena that was connected to the central square by a small path, and they wrapped the entire arena. The shadow of nothingness rushed towards the arena frantically through the small hole. Just as a little bit of it poured in, the small hole in the arena closed instantly, isolating the arena from the outside world again.


The moment the shadow of nothingness appeared, Li Tai's eyes shed tears of blood. It seemed that the level of this thing was far beyond Li Tai's own. He was not even qualified to take a look at it.


A harsh sound came from the shadow of nothingness that poured into the ring, but before it could make the next move, an invisible force enveloped it. It seemed that a pair of invisible hands kneaded it at will, and finally formed it into a human form and placed it opposite Li Tai.

"Current trial progress, units killed: 0"

Li Tai learned about his mission through the forum page, which was to kill this thing that kept making piercing noises and gave him chills just by looking at it!


Before Li Tai took the initiative to attack, the human-shaped shadow of nothingness on the opposite side rushed towards Li Tai first.

I don't know if it was an illusion or something, Li Tai vaguely saw a kind of madness and desire in the eyes of the human-shaped shadow of nothingness. This thing seemed to want to eat him alive!

How could this be? Since Li Tai started practicing, no one had dared to do this to him. Li Tai immediately swung his sword to block.

The rule weapon and the shadow of nothingness collided violently. It was at the moment of the collision that Li Tai vaguely felt his own power.

It turned out that his Mahayana cultivation was not blocked, but his power was converted into a blue bar for using rule weapons. The higher his cultivation, the longer he could use the rule weapons, and the higher the single maximum output.

This sword cut out almost one-tenth of Li Tai's true energy reserves. This human-shaped shadow of nothingness, which was tightly transformed from a trace of power, naturally could not withstand it and was directly annihilated by the rule weapon.

"Current trial progress, units killed: 1"

"Current trial reward, Origin Power: 1"

A power that is extremely compatible with Li Tai appeared in Li Tai's body. This is exactly one unit of Origin Power. This power not only replenishes Li Tai's consumption, but also makes his cultivation a little more advanced.

Of course, this progress is not an improvement in realm. Li Tai is still far from the"Immortal" realm.

This is just a kind of accumulation of quantity, but if this kind of accumulation of quantity is more, then when Li Tai suddenly realizes and enters the"Immortal" level in the future, he may be able to break the mirror continuously and reach a higher realm in one fell swoop.

""Shit! The power of origin! The one I've been reluctant to use!"

Li Tai recognized this thing instantly. This is the power that can be directly used by the"Origin Dao Jue" that he practices.

Although Li Tai is an immortal, the power of origin is not just used to transform spiritual energy and improve cultivation for the"Origin Dao Jue".

Without Li Tai knowing it, the power of origin was being refined to a higher level by the"Origin Dao Jue", directly and slowly improving his life level.……

"Damn it! Kill monsters and level up!"

At this moment, Li Tai ignored the original idea of returning to Datang after three days of trial. He was directly addicted to the pleasure of killing monsters and exploding the original power._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection, recommendation

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