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"Current trial progress, units killed: 84

"Current trial reward, Origin Power: 296.45"

Li Tai's killing efficiency was not as high as he had imagined. During the trial, Li Tai discovered that the strength of each human-shaped shadow was not constant, but fluctuated within a range.

The weakest one could be defeated with a full-strength attack with the strength of the Qi Training Realm, while the strongest one was so powerful that even Li Tai, a Mahayana Realm expert, had to fight hard with it, and finally defeated it with the help of the Rule Weapon after almost exhausting all his strength.

This was the conclusion that Li Tai finally made after more than 80 battles, and Li Tai Tai also roughly understood that the strength of the monster is actually related to the speed at which he finishes the battle.

Under normal circumstances, if Li Tai defeated the opponent in a short time and started the next battle directly, the newly appeared Void Shadow would be very strong.

After all, the Void Shadows wrapped outside the ring had not yet dispersed, and the ring opened a small hole, which would cause more Void Shadows to enter the ring in a short period of time than usual. Of course, the corresponding reward for each game is more Origin Power.

Li Tai had just experienced a big battle at this time, and was now sitting on the ground of the ring in a somewhat embarrassed manner.

"Oh my god, what the hell was that last one? Why do I feel like this rule armor almost didn't protect me?……"

Li Tai was still a little frightened. Just now, when he was killing a shadow of nothingness worth ten points of original power, he ran out of power at the last moment and barely managed to kill the opponent, but at the last moment, the opponent's attack also fell on the rule armor. At that moment, Li Tai seemed to feel that a terrible force was about to devour him. The power protected by the rule armor could not completely resist the attack without the blessing of Li Tai's own power.

Therefore, Li Tai felt like he had survived a disaster.

"Don't push this thing too hard, the strongest ones are prone to overturning……"

After receiving the power of origin and restoring his strength to its peak, Li Tai chose to keep a low profile. He wanted to wait until the things that enveloped the outside of the arena became thinner before starting the next battle.

Soon, it seemed that other arenas in the trial area started fighting, and the shadow of nothingness around Li Tai's arena instantly dissipated.

Li Tai started his next battle at the right time.

However, this time Li Tai encountered the weakest kind. After killing him casually, he only got 0.05 of the power of origin.……

"Very irritable……"

Li Tai's mood suddenly became not so good. When he was preparing for a battle, a prompt suddenly appeared on the forum.

From the private message of"Borrow a lightsaber for research":

Berg:"Is the boss here? The goods have arrived. Can we trade?"

Li Tai was stunned when he saw this message. In Li Tai's impression, Berg was still hanging out in the trial land? Could it be that he was beaten back after fighting a battle?

Li Tai:"Wait a minute, I will return to Datang first and then trade. By the way, have you returned to the Star Wars world?" Li Tai asked curiously, but Berg's face was black when he saw this sentence.

What do you mean by"already returned to the Star Wars world"? This damn trial land is a place for people to stay? In the first battle, Berg was directly sent back to his hometown. When he was on the verge of death, he was revived by the forum and teleported back directly. It didn't make sense at all.

He just lost a trial opportunity worth one thousand forum coins in vain.

After complaining for a while in his heart, Berg was a little surprised. By the way, what realm is this fourth prince who traveled to Datang now? It's been more than ten days, right? He's still in that hellhole trying out trials?

Berg:"Boss, let's do the deal as soon as possible. I've used up all my assets to get you this batch of goods in the past ten days, and I have no place to store them. In a few days, the Republic might find me.……"

Berg began to complain. This time he went to the black market star field and almost exhausted his family wealth. There were even many forces who wanted to rob him because of his wealth.

If Berg had not exchanged for the Force talent for several years, he would have lost both his money and his life this time.

Li Tai:"Okay, I will go back to Datang and trade."

Li Tai did not hesitate and directly withdrew from the ring. He returned to the square through the path, and then he operated step by step and began his journey back. It was still the kind of transmission method that Li Tai could not understand, and it was still the endless darkness that lasted for dozens of minutes.

When Li Tai's eyes regained light again, he had returned to Datang and came to his own Qingque Palace.

Li Tai:"Let's start the transaction. You place the order and I will buy it."

Berg:"Okay, boss!"

The transaction between the two went smoothly and was completed in just a few seconds.

But this few seconds of transaction process was just seen by a sharp-eyed forum member, who happened to be browsing Berg's store and was about to buy a laser gun for self-defense.

As a result, the forum posting area became as follows

"Shocking! The Star Wars world boss reached a deal with a mysterious person worth 100,000 forum coins! Pictures speak louder than words, see the pictures on the second floor!"

"What the hell? @借把光研究一下, what did you sell? 100,000 forum coins? Hey, it would take me a hundred years to save up that many forum coins.……"

"By the way, are you guys shocked by the wrong thing? I am just curious about which big guy spent 100,000 forum coins to buy something. When did a big guy who spent 10,000 forum coins appear on the forum? ? ?"

"@The sound index helps all the big guys. Is it you who did it? I want to ask if you are short of leg hair.……"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download���novel

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