At this time, in Yamamoto Muro's room.

"No!" No! "No, no, no!"

Yamamoto Muro who was already as handsome as a pig head started to crazily roar and retreat. His hands were dislocated and the stinging pain on his face was almost unbearable.

Tears and snot flowed down his face and his crotch was hot. A stream of tears and snot flowed out. His body collapsed to the ground like a pile of mud. He was powerless as he begged and begged with all his might …

However, he did not intend to stop. With every step Yamamoto Muro took, Tang Bohu would take a step forward and use his superior aura to protect Yamamoto Muro, causing him to become even more nervous. Tang Bohu said with an indifferent expression: "Mister female wolf, just now was just the appetizer, the main course had yet to begin!"

"No, no, no." Yamamoto Muro trembled upon hearing Tang Bohu's words. He was simply a demon! Yamamoto Muro didn't know how to beg for mercy anymore, all he knew was to continuously shout "no no no" with a panicked look on his face.

"Humph!" Tang Bohu snorted coldly. Just as he was about to make his move, Yamamoto Muro's door suddenly exploded!


Two figures quickly flashed in, it was Yamamoto Muro's two superpower bodyguards. At the door, the two heard Yamamoto Muro's begging voice, and their hearts shook, they immediately rushed in.

However, when they looked again, they saw that there was only a gentle, elegant youth and a pig-headed brother in the room, both were startled. One of the bodyguards asked, "Where is Muro? "Who are you two?"

At this moment, even though Yamamoto Muro had ten thousand resentments towards the two bodyguards in his heart, the bodyguard was his lifesaver after all, and he had to resist the urge to flare up at this very moment. However, he still shouted loudly, "You two idiots! This Sovereign is here! "

The two bodyguards were both startled, this pig head, was actually Yamamoto Muro?

Much more handsome!

The two of them had this thought at the same time. It looks like Yamamoto Muro's original appearance was really not something that would be flattered. However, this was not the time to discuss Yamamoto Muro's appearance. After the two bodyguards recovered from their shock, they walked forward and immediately smelt a fishy stench, and looked at Yamamoto Muro's groin, and immediately understood the source of the stench.

However, as the saying goes, good, I don't mind my mother's ugliness! At the very least, they did not dare show any dissatisfaction on their face, and one of the bodyguards helped Yamamoto Muro up.

The other person looked at Tang Bohu warily. For Tang Bohu to be able to deal with Yamamoto Muro like this, it meant that he was not a good person. However, he clearly did not hear what Tang Bohu said just now.

How could it be so good to touch Tang Bohu's reverse scale? In Tang Bohu's heart, he already had a plan to deal with Yamamoto Muro. The reason Tang Bohu wanted to do so was very simple;

"Kill him!" At this time, with the two bodyguards, Yamamoto Muro regained his composure, his pig-headed face roared, and his hoarse voice roared out. It seems that he had a strong grudge against Tang Bohu!

"Hey!" The two bodyguards received the order, their eyes instantly flashed with a green light, the gigantic Spiritual Force, directly swept towards Tang Bohu, of course, the two of them did not hope to rely on just the pressure of the Spiritual Force to take Tang Bohu down, they just wanted to snatch him away first! Tang Bohu could silently sneak into Yamamoto Muro's room, which meant that he was not an ordinary person.

The Yamamoto Family was indeed strong, but the four people sent to be Yamamoto Muro's bodyguards were all Green Light Adepts. With this level of strength, if it was any normal power, they would definitely be wiped out! But unfortunately, the person they met today was Tang Bohu!

The strongest teleporter in history, an eighteen year old genius of the fourth stage of the Earthly Stage!

Tang Bohu looked at everything coldly, and did not laugh, "Don't blame me for being frank. You want to deal with me, Tang Bohu, with just your two eggs? Isn't this a little too much of a joke? " At this time, Tang Bohu suddenly thought of a scene from when he was watching "Tang Bohu Dot Qiuxiang" at Zhou Jie's place. His tone couldn't help but start to imitate Star Lord.

"Eight slots!" The two bodyguards attacked at almost the same time. Shua! Swish! Two loud and clear sounds came out, the two bodyguards took out a shining silver blade from their waist, with a loud roar, the blade body suddenly groaned, cut through the air, and slid down towards Tang Bohu.

R Country was different from China. The most common ability of adepts was not the metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, or thunder, but invisibility. This had something to do with the ninjas of R Country! Therefore, it was not surprising that Yamamoto Muro's four bodyguards were all Invisible Adepts!

Furthermore, compared to other superpowers, what Yamamoto Muro liked the most was the ability of invisibility.

Thus, on this trip to the Suhang, those who followed Yamamoto Muro were all Invisible Adepts! As for the rest, they were only some of the better ordinary people.

The power of Invisibility was nothing to brag about. Even the power of Azure Light couldn't compare to that of a Green Light Adept!

The katana in the two bodyguards' hands moved quickly, slashing towards Tang Bohu from different angles, faintly bringing with it the fluctuations of space. Although invisibility was not the Interspatial Ability, one could still faintly feel out some of the mysteries of space.

Tang Bohu's pupils flashed with a tinge of unease, instead of retreating, he rushed forward instead. With an arrow step to the side, his body suddenly accelerated, and a mirage appeared instantly, flying straight towards the two bodyguards!

"Bang!" "Bam!"

Tang Bohu showed no mercy, with a profound inner strength, he struck towards the two bodyguards!

The two bodyguards immediately spat out a mouthful of blood, the blade in their hands did not even have the time to land, as it flew into the air, in front of their chest, it was actually Tang Bohu's palm print! Vicious to the extreme! After a while, the two figures crashed onto the ground.

One hit kill!

Yamamoto Muro's hope came and went faster! The two bodyguards seemed to have been tricked, even though it hadn't been three minutes since they came out, Tang Bohu had already killed them with a slap! How could Yamamoto Muro accept such an outcome? Yamamoto Muro staggered back a few steps, and his body stuck tightly to the wall. At this time, Yamamoto Muro had completely given up hope, and his gaze that begged Tang Bohu became even more terrified.

"Your God of Protection doesn't seem to be of much use?" Killing two people in a row, Tang Bohu did not feel any guilt at all. Beating the dog to see the owner, since the owner is such a person, then the dog must have done a lot of bad things! Tang Bohu was merely taking justice for the heavens! Moreover, in Tang Bohu's subconscious mind, he did not have any thoughts of using law to deal with this kind of thing.

Killed him straight away! Convenient, fast, and clear!

People in the martial arts world followed the law of grace and hatred! Although Tang Bohu was in a legal society right now, such thoughts could not be changed at the moment!

This was also one of the reasons why Tang Bohu had joined the Guardian of China. When Yun Yang had introduced the Guardian of China, he had mentioned that the person who entered the Guardian of China had the privilege to act first before acting!

"No, no, no." Yamamoto Muro seemed as if he was going to finish saying the word 'no' in one breath in his entire life. His tears and snot continuously flowed down his face, and after a spin on his pig head, it immediately dropped down like thin water.

"The dinner is about to begin!" Tang Bohu suddenly said to Yamamoto Muro in a very gentle tone, as if he was saying, here, it's time to eat.

But, Yamamoto Muro's entire body suddenly trembled, his eyes suddenly bulged out, as he stuck himself onto the wall in fear, he did not dare imagine, what kind of torture was this!

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