
This was the first time Yamamoto Muro felt such strong regret in his emotions. However, this time, it had already brought about some evil consequences!

Seeing Tang Bohu mercilessly kill the two bodyguards, Yamamoto Muro felt a chill from the bottom of his heart. If the accomplices were like this, then what about him?

This was the first time in Yamamoto Muro's life that he was so afraid. At the same time, after feeling shocked, this was the first time his mind was so clear. Even though you are strong, you can't withstand the anger of Yamamoto Family! "

Yamamoto Muro was fighting for his life.

Tang Bohu was startled, not because he was afraid of the anger from the Yamamoto Family, but because he was surprised that Yamamoto Muro, who was scared to death just now, could still say such threatening words, which surprised Tang Bohu. It seemed that Yamamoto Muro had inherited a portion of his father's genes deep inside his heart.

However, Tang Bohu's expression immediately returned to normal, the anger of his Yamamoto Family? Tang Bohu didn't know whether or not he could endure it, but, right now, Tang Bohu only knew that before that, Yamamoto Muro had to endure his anger!

From the incident that happened during the day, to the day when Yang Yuexin was kidnapped, Tang Bohu had accumulated a huge amount of anger in his heart. As the instigator of the entire incident, Yamamoto Muro had already placed him at the center of the storm, prepared to torture him thoroughly!

Tang Bohu suddenly stepped forward and attacked!

His left hand held onto Yamamoto Muro's arm, his right hand suddenly waved, grabbing towards Yamamoto Muro's cheeks, covering his face, pulling out his lower jaw joint!

Ah!" Yamamoto Muro's scream had just come out when it abruptly stopped. At this moment, it was as if he had been unloaded his chin, and the acute pain coming from his mouth made it impossible for Yamamoto Muro to make a sound. His tears, nose, and even urine surged out, venting the pain and trepidation he felt in Yamamoto Muro's heart.

This move of Tang Bohu's, was named 'Laughing and Ingesting'. Although the name was easy to execute, its power was extremely terrifying! It directly broke the joints of Yamamoto Muro's chin! Unload! At this time, at a glance, Yamamoto Muro's lower jaw looked like it was about to be separated from his body.

"This technique is called the Tendon Splitting Bone Broken Hands!" At this time, Tang Bohu saw Yamamoto Muro's mournful expression, and a sense of happiness rose in his heart. Yamamoto Muro had lost all sense of conscience, and had done too many bad things. Tang Bohu continued, "This technique is divided into eighteen moves, and every move, is directly aimed at the eighteen big joints on your body! After eighteen moves, if you can still hold on, I'll spare your life! "

Don't think that Tang Bohu suddenly had the kind intention to let Yamamoto Muro go.

Tendon Splitting Bone Broken Hand, also known as the Eighteen Falls! Legend has it that it was one of the secret techniques passed down throughout the history of the Mystic Sword Sect of the Purple Clouds Sect. Because it was designed to control the eighteen joints of the enemy and its eighteen joints could hold people at any time, it was also known as the "Eighteen Falls of Fudges"!

Tendon Splitting Skeletal Hand has three truss locks, nine knots of grip, and a hands-on fall fighting effect! It was the best skill in the world! At the same time, it was also a cruel method to torture the enemy.

Eighteen moves, eighteen joints, if all of them were removed, it could be imagined how painful of a torment the enemy would have to face! In the end, the lucky undead became useless people their entire lives!

Tang Bohu hated Yamamoto Muro to the bones! This was the first time that Tang Bohu had used this technique since he had first learned it!

As for Yamamoto Muro, at this time, he was already close to going insane. He removed his chin, and even drooled non-stop, but when he heard Tang Bohu say that there were still seventeen more times, he was immediately scared to the point of losing six souls.

Tang Bohu looked at Yamamoto Muro coldly, as if he was slaughtering a chicken. His right hand reached out and grabbed Yamamoto Muro, instantly, his left hand grabbed towards Yamamoto Muro's elbow.

"Crack!" "Click!"

"Crack crack."

Tang Bohu attacked like the wind, his actions were extremely ruthless and without any trace of sympathy. Every time his hand was released, the joints on his body would pop out and Yamamoto Muro would scream out in pain. At this moment, in the room lit up with light, a scene that was as cruel as hell played out!

All of this was captured by the camera that Yamamoto Muro had initially turned on, causing him to be in no mood to notice anything, but Tang Bohu did not even care about what was at the side. This negligence nearly caused Tang Bohu to lose his life!

"Eighteenth move, Twisting Dragon's Twisting Silk!" Tang Bohu finally used the eighteen moves of the Tendon Splitting Bone Splitting Hand again. With a "ka ka" sound, he announced that all eighteen of the major joints on Yamamoto Muro's body had been completely ripped off!

Under this kind of intense pain, Yamamoto Muro had long ago fainted. He woke up from the pain, and after waking up, he started to sweat profusely. Yamamoto Muro felt that in this short period of time, he had traveled back and forth between hell and the human world.

Yamamoto Muro currently only had half a life remaining, and indeed, he was the one with the most luck. However, at this time, Yamamoto Muro's body could no longer be described as human! The breaking of the eighteen great joints caused Yamamoto Muro's body to bulge from top to bottom, looking like a crater, extremely terrifying!

Yamamoto Muro looked at Tang Bohu in pain and despair. Seeing this demon, Yamamoto Muro begged miserably with a mouth full of blood, "You can kill me." To think that someone like Yamamoto Muro, who was so afraid of death, would want Tang Bohu to give him a quick death.

Even if the heavens were guilty, they could still be guilty. They could only be guilty and not live!

Tang Bohu didn't have a trace of pity in his heart. From the moment Yamamoto Muro wanted to leave, he was already destined to have a miserable ending! Tang Bohu had fully interpreted two words for Yamamoto Muro: reverse scale!

What do you mean a reverse scale that cannot be touched!

If Yamamoto Muro had acted against Tang Bohu alone, Tang Bohu probably would not have tortured him like this, and everything would end up like the previous two words: reverse scale!

"Die?" Tang Bohu squatted down, and looked down at Yamamoto Muro like an evil monarch. He looked at the ant beneath him, without any emotion, he suddenly laughed, revealing his white and strict teeth, "Don't worry, I already said, as long as you can take 18 moves, I will spare your life! "However."

Tang Bohu's tone suddenly paused, and then he slowly pulled out his right hand, "I will give you my hand as a personal gift, this move's name is' Broken Descendant '!"

Tang Bohu's right hand, which carried the power of thunder, directly struck at Yamamoto Muro's groin!

"Ah!" An extremely mournful pig slaughtering sound resounded through the starry sky! It shot straight up into the sky, with the momentum to disperse the clouds!

Eighteen moves, unable to withstand the final blow! Be it physically or mentally, this was a fatal blow to Yamamoto Muro! Under the extreme hatred and pain, Yamamoto Muro felt his vision go black, and then he immediately fainted!

"Tsk tsk, it seems that the eighteen captures of the predecessors are inferior to a move that I, Tang Bohu, created, 'Breaking the Descendant'!" Tang Bohu muttered to himself as he shamelessly praised himself. After that, he ignored Yamamoto Muro who was on the ground and stood up, his gaze drifting towards Yang Yuexin who was on the bed.

Under this heavy blow, if Yamamoto Muro was not saved in time, his life could not be saved, and he would definitely become a cripple! Furthermore, he was a cripple that couldn't be a man! This was even more terrifying than death! Therefore, Tang Bohu was not in a hurry to take Yamamoto Muro's life, and just left him to fend for himself!

Furthermore, Tang Bohu would not have any thoughts of killing them to keep their mouths shut. In his opinion, whatever happened tonight, as long as someone wanted to investigate, even if there was not enough evidence, it would not be difficult to guess that it was him who did it!

Tang Bohu didn't know, but not only was there evidence, it was also very conclusive. The camera on the side was still operating non-stop …

Things are always unpredictable, aren't they?

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