Tang Bohu's back was drenched in cold sweat. Hearing Grandmother Yang's words, why did she keep feeling like she was really picked up by this family?

Secretly wiping his sweat, Tang Bohu looked at Yang Yuexin.

Looking at Tang Bohu's miraculous performance tonight, her heart was naturally happy. However, when she thought about his grandmother's look of anticipation for her grandson, Yang Yuexin felt a little apprehensive. She was only in her second year of university, so she did not want to be so early.

The more outstanding Tang Bohu's performance was, the more Yang Yuexin saw in his grandmother's eyes something that made her feel uneasy.

However, what was to come would always come.

Grandmother Yang's words just now were not echoed by anyone, the scene instantly became cold and silent. Suddenly, a strong smell of Chinese medicine floated over, following that, a middle-aged female servant walked in with a bowl of boiling hot Chinese medicine in her hands.

"Madam, the medicine you wanted just now is ready!" A servant brought him to Grandmother Yang and said.

That's right! Grandmother Yang's eyes immediately lit up. She was so shocked by Tang Bohu that she seemed to have forgotten what happened to her grandson!

Grandmother Yang's eyebrows raised up in happiness, and quickly replied, "Since the medicine has already been fried, then we will welcome young miss into the room!" Grandmother Yang's words were shocking!

Tang Bohu had talked too much just now, and just as he took the time to drink some water, he suddenly sprayed it all over Yang Tianyu's face. He then looked at Grandmother Yang in shock.

Is this a joke?

At this time, Yang Yuexin was also obviously startled, and hurriedly explained, "Grandmother, I really didn't!" In a moment of desperation, Yang Yuexin actually couldn't squeeze out any words!

Is there really nothing? Yang Yuexin himself couldn't explain it either. Although she liked Tang Bohu, letting Yang Yuexin follow him into her room like this was definitely impossible!

Too sudden! Yang Yuexin could not accept it!

"Yuexin, don't be shy. Although Grandma is already an age, she is still very open-minded! You two must work hard and get a 'gourd kid' out as soon as possible! " Seeing her granddaughter's' shy 'look, Grandmother Yang immediately laughed and said, "Take advantage of the heat and drink this medicine, the effect will be better!"

"Grandmother" Yang Yuexin was completely out of options and threw herself into Grandmother Yang's embrace. Everyone thought that with such a bashful look, she must be shy!

So, everyone began to laugh faintly, Tang Bohu this time was laughing even more happily. Looking at the way that thief's smile, it was as if he had just picked up a gold coin!

No man would refuse such a thing, right? Furthermore, it was at the Fang Clan's residence. The parents of the Fang Clan had personally delivered her to their doorstep. Tang Bohu just felt that this happiness came too quickly! He could not help but grin

"Come on, you're almost a twenty year old girl, why are you still so shy? Grandma, when I was your age, I had already given birth to the eldest Second Brother!" Grandmother Yang tried her best to persuade Yang Yuexin as she sighed in her heart, This granddaughter of her was too shy!

You still need to worry so much about an old skeleton like me!

For his grandson's sake, there was no other way!

Grandmother Yang held up the bowl of steaming hot medicinal herbs, laughed and handed it over to Yang Yuexin, then said, "Come, drink it while it's hot, the effect will be even better!" She was looking left and right for her grandson-in-law to come, and he was so outstanding at that. Grandmother Yang was naturally not going easy on him.

"Grandmother!" Yang Yuexin raised her head and called out with grievance. However, seeing the benevolent smile on Grandmother Yang's wrinkled face and the traces of hope in her eyes, Yang Yuexin swallowed back the words that were about to come out of her mouth.

What else could she say?

He could only see one step at a time!

Yang Yuexin lowered his head, and continued to play with her ten hands. After a while, she raised his head and took the piping hot medicine, and said: "Grandma's medicine, I will drink it after I return to my room!" Although she understood that Yang Yuexin's words were a denial, she couldn't help but blush.

"Good, good, good!" Grandmother Yang was already grinning from ear to ear, "Men, quickly send Young Miss and Young Master into the room!"

She seemed to be so anxious that it seemed as if Tang Bohu and Yang Yuexin would give her a profound grandson soon!

"Yes!" Young Miss, Young Master, please! " The two servants bowed and said. It had to be said that the deeper the history of the family, the stricter the hierarchy that was left behind would be. In terms of Yang Family, the master-servant relationship was extremely clear!

Very quickly, Yang Yuexin and Yang Yuexin were pushed into the same room. However, Tang Bohu pushed them halfway, and even if he didn't say anything, he was already feeling very good. As for what was going on in his head, no one knew.


The door was locked! As if by magic, the two servants took out a large metal chain and added a layer of lock to the door! This must be the orders of the Grandmother Yang. Without permission, how could a servant dare to be so rash?

It looks like Grandmother Yang is really determined to 'lock down the train'! He even wanted to give them a quiet environment where no one would disturb him! With the help of the medicine, the Grandmother Yang had truly put in a lot of effort!

The instant the door closed, Yang Yuexin placed the bowl of traditional Chinese medicine on the dresser beside the bed. At the same time, she took a few steps back without leaving a trace, and looked at Tang Bohu with vigilance.

A man and a woman in a room together could turn into firewood at any time!

Furthermore, with Tang Bohu's shifty eyes, he was unable to give Yang Yuexin any sense of security! Yang Yuexin tried changing his position and thought about it from Tang Bohu's point of view. There was simply no reason not to commit a 'crime'! Yang Yuexin's face turned ashen, she continued to retreat a few steps, almost pushing herself to the side of the bed.

Seeing Yang Yuexin's panicked expression, Tang Bohu could not help but laugh and go forward. However, after just taking two steps, Yang Yuexin anxiously shouted, "Don't come over! I warn you! "Don't come near me!"

Tang Bohu stopped, looked at Yang Yuexin, and said, "Pear Blossom, you wouldn't let me stand here for an entire night, right?" With Tang Bohu's power, of course he wouldn't be scared by Yang Yuexin. However, Tang Bohu didn't want to do such a great thing that would ruin the world.

"No need!" Yang Yuexin said two words that made Tang Bohu happy, but after that, she lost her energy again, and Yang Yuexin pushed the chair beside the dresser over, and said: "You just sit there for one night!"

Tang Bohu sat down and took a deep breath, he smirked and said, "Pear Blossom, I heard grandma say that we need to drink this medicine when it's hot, for its effects are even better!" Tang Bohu purposely emphasized the word 'effect'!

"You're still talking!" Yang Yuexin blushed. After tonight, even if she and Tang Bohu had nothing to do with each other, she wouldn't be able to wash away after jumping into the Western Lake. Although she liked this man, she couldn't accept being with him in this way!

However, Tang Bohu's eyes suddenly bulged out, at this moment, Yang Yuexin's posture, was extremely charming, the pink on his pretty face, caused Tang Bohu to feel a wave of hot air assaulting his heart.

"Beautiful woman curls beaded curtain, deep sit frown moth brow. But when I see tears on my face, I don't know who I hate. " The moment Tang Bohu said this poem, he felt that it was not right. Although this scene was somewhat appropriate, the poem that he had recited just now was the poem that Li Bai wrote, "Grudges".

As a core member of an ancient family, Yang Yuexin's influence on Chinese history and culture was extremely deep. Therefore, the moment Tang Bohu's poem was spoken, Yang Yuexin knew the situation described by the poem.

Yang Yuexin glared fiercely at Tang Bohu, and retorted: "You're the ungrateful one!" Yang Yuexin said that she was a grudge and she replied with one word.

I'm a grudge?

Tang Bohu subconsciously looked down at his lower body and heaved a sigh of relief. Luckily he was still alive! Then he laughed and said, "Haha, I made a slip of the tongue! It should be 'There is a beautiful woman in the south, independent from the world'. "A single move would cause a city to be overrun, and a country to be overrun." That's right! "Hehe."

Tang Bohu laughed and then immediately stood up, his eyes sizing up Yang Yuexin from top to bottom, and while doing so he quietly walked up a few steps, and then sighed: "She truly looks like a beauty that can bring calamity upon a nation!"

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