It was a girl's nature to be praised! Yang Yuexin was no exception.

Tang Bohu's words stunned Yang Yuexin for a moment and he did not realize it. Tang Bohu had already slowly approached him, planning to use his evil claws to invade Yang Yuexin!

However, Yang Yuexin's sense of danger was still quite strong. After feeling that something was amiss, her eyes suddenly opened wide, grabbing a pillow and smashing it towards her. "You, why are you so close to me?"

Yang Yuexin couldn't help but lean backwards. However, she was already sitting on the bedside with the wall behind her.

Yang Yuexin's thoughts were racing, if he really charged over and did it?

Push him away!

However, with Tang Bohu's capabilities, how could a weak girl like his push him away?

Howl? Yell? Causing a ruckus?

Let's not talk about the soundproofing effect of this room! So what if it was heard outside? At most, they would just look at each other and smile. They might even add that this couple was truly interesting!

The more Yang Yuexin thought about it, the more her heart trembled. She hurriedly grabbed another pillow, covered her chest, and looked at Tang Bohu with an expression of vigilance.


What surprised Yang Yuexin was that after Tang Bohu was hit by the pillow that she threw at him earlier, she actually cried out in pain. She didn't fall onto the ground, but rather, she fell on the bed …

"Bam!" Tang Bohu's body fell onto the soft bed.

At this time, Tang Bohu was really in 'pain', it was pretending to be pain! The comfortable feeling of lying down on the bed made him want to moan, but he had to maintain a 'pain' look. Wasn't that painful enough?

However, Yang Yuexin was not a three year old child. A pillow that was soft and weak, could actually beat Tang Bohu down? "Yang Yuexin would rather believe that a sow would climb a tree than a man like him!

Instantly, he had seen through Tang Bohu's little trick, and angrily rebuked, "Tang Feng! Stop pretending here! This is my bed, get up! "Otherwise …"

Tang Bohu turned over and gently closed his eyes, "So this is Pear Blossom your bed! No wonder it was so comfortable to sleep! "Hehe."

"Cut the crap!" Get up! " Yang Yuexin wished that the pillow in her hand could turn into an iron hammer and smash this damn hooligan in front of him to pieces!

"Alright, I'll get up!" Tang Bohu pretended to sit up, but suddenly he let out a blood-curdling scream and laid back down, "Aiya, aiya, no, your pillow just hurt my internal organs, I feel a burst of pain the moment I sit down!"

Yang Yuexin was speechless. Was there such a shameless person in this world?

There was no other way, he could only use his true power!

Yang Yuexin stood up angrily, and used an even greater force to smash the remaining pillow down, "Tang Feng! "If you don't get up, I'll just …"

"So what?" Tang Bohu looked like a dead pig that was unafraid of boiling water. At the same time, his line of sight could not be separated from Yang Yuexin.

Yang Yuexin had held it in for a long time, but she still could not say anything ugly or serious, but, the killing intent in her eyes could not wait to pierce through Tang Bohu!

"Hehe, don't be so nervous. Speak slowly!" Tang Bohu decided to carry out the rogue until the end. He stuffed the pillow under his head and said to Yang Yuexin with a smile.

He was determined that Yang Yuexin would not be able to do anything to him! So, calm, very calm smile

Her appearance was extremely wretched, causing Yang Yuexin to suddenly have a feeling that she had let down the masses! However, Tang Bohu was lying on the bed, was she going to fly over and hit him? Fighting in bed … well, that was a very ambiguous sentence.

"You, you …" Yang Yuexin's face was flushed red, but Tang Bohu's smile became even more repulsive. There was no need to mention how pleased she was with herself!

There was an old saying that goes, "A man is always inferior to the heavens!"

Looking at Tang Bohu's despicable sneer, Yang Yuexin finally overcame her impulsiveness and shouted at Tang Bohu, "If you still don't get up, I'll just … hold in a breath of air. Yang Yuexin's words were like a rock that shook the heavens," I'll bite you! "

With that said, Tang Bohu did not even have time to react before he pounced towards Tang Bohu. There was almost no hesitation, in any case, Yang Yuexin was already so angry that her head was spinning, her mouth was wide open, and her neck was bent down!

Ah!" Tang Bohu's miserable screams instantly resounded through every corner of the Yang Family, causing everyone in the Yang Family to look at each other in dismay. Wasn't this the voice that should've been released by the young miss? Young master is way too excited! This was the Yang Family, he wouldn't be more cautious!

At this time, Grandmother Yang also heard this voice. With a smile on her face, she said happily, "It looks like the effects of this medicine are not any weaker than before!"

Tang Bohu felt as though his neck was going to be bitten off, the pain tore through his heart, and he immediately begged for mercy, "Stop, stop! I'll leave, I'll leave right now! " Women are tigers. When you don't show off your strength, don't take them for sick cats! The consequences would be dire!

Yang Yuexin seemed to not have let go of her hatred yet, and increased her strength even more. Only then did she release her mouth, suddenly realizing that the position of Tang Bohu and herself now seemed to be a little indecent!

On the wide bed, Tang Bohu sat on top of Yang Yuexin's waist. At the same time, Yang Yuexin leaned on his, and that short moment in front of his chest caused Tang Bohu to be satisfied with his eyes, as the pain he felt lessened.

Yang Yuexin anxiously retreated, her face turning red, she forced herself to be angry: "Are you still not coming down?"

"Dismount and immediately dismount!" Tang Bohu was currently in extreme pain. Not only was there a burning sensation on his neck, his body also had a huge reaction!

So, Yang Yuexin saw a strange scene. She had only bit Tang Bohu's neck, but she had bent his waist and walked out of the bed. Isn't his waist too fragile?

In fact, Tang Bohu was worried that Yang Yuexin would feel embarrassed seeing him, so if something bad happened, Tang Bohu would be spared from it!

In the battle between the two in the room, Yang Yuexin was temporarily in the lead!

Tang Bohu inhaled a breath of cold air, he used his hand to touch the teeth marks on his neck, and at that moment, it was as though there was light blood flowing out of it, "Heavens! Pear Blossom, you want to kill your husband? "

Yang Yuexin never thought that her first bite would actually be able to perform in such an abnormal manner. Seeing the wound on Tang Bohu's neck, she originally felt a little guilty.

But, after hearing Tang Bohu's words, he immediately understood, this guy, was as invulnerable as water and fire, even if he bit's neck, he looked like he owed him a beating!

Then he said, "What about the murder of your husband? "Nonsense!"

Tang Bohu's move failed, at this moment, he could only use a soft move, and said to Yang Yuexin quietly, "Pear Blossom, did you forget about the oath we made last night? "Have you forgotten? Last night, we …"

"Shut up!" Yang Yuexin's face turned red, she anxiously stopped Tang Bohu from speaking. Last night was last night, was the situation now comparable to last night?

Yang Yuexin was a traditional girl who was very conservative in her heart. Even though she was extremely willing, she still couldn't accept it. However, Yang Yuexin adhered to her own principles.

Therefore, Yang Yuexin had already displayed such power from the start. She was worried that if she showed even the slightest bit of mercy, Tang Bohu would take advantage of it. Yang Yuexin, you really understand Tang Bohu! With Tang Bohu's character, how could she not jump after being exposed?

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