Three Shots didn't know that he had made the first correct decision in his life. He hurriedly led his brothers and retreated from the alleyway, quickly disappearing without a trace.

In the alleyway, Tang Bohu was depressed. It wasn't easy to get a target to practice his Hidden Weapon Technique, but they all ran away. Didn't I already say that I don't like to fight and kill? Why were all of them running faster than rabbits?

However, towards these weak ordinary people, Tang Bohu really couldn't be bothered to chase and fight them, and had no choice but to give up.

With a leap, Tang Bohu jumped down from the wall, "Are you alright?" Tang Bohu saw that Zhou Jie's body had a cut from a blade and many marks from his fists and feet.

"It's nothing. It's just a superficial wound."

When he saw Tang Bohu up close, Zhou Jie was even more shocked. This youth looked to be at most eighteen or nineteen, yet he actually possessed a whole set of good martial arts!

Moreover, when the youth jumped down from the three to four meter high wall, he was like a leaf floating down, completely unharmed.

It's like … it's like …

"Qing Gong?" Zhou Jie became suspicious, this movement technique that only existed in movies or wuxia novels actually appeared in front of him! Even though Zhou Jie was strong, he could not help but be shocked.

Five hundred years ago, it was an era where martial artists were everywhere. There were many people who were practicing martial arts like lice, but never would Tang Bohu have thought that in these five hundred years, up until now, he had not met anyone that could be considered to be in the martial arts world. The world had become so fast.

Could it be that the current Wu Lin was gone? Or hidden. Tang Bohu urgently wanted to understand this problem.

Seeing that Tang Bohu did not answer, Zhou Jie thought that he had his own difficulties, and quickly changed the topic, saying, "Today, I really have to thank this little brother for saving my life! If not for you, I am afraid that I, Zhou Jie, would have been killed in this remote alley. "

At this point, Zhou Jie's face also turned cold. It was unknown whether he was thinking about the Gangzi who betrayed him, or whether it was Three Shots who brought people to ambush him.

"It's nothing!" Tang Bohu waved his hand, "Your name is Zhou Jie right? From now on, I'll call you Big Brother Zhou!" Tang Bohu had always been a casual person, he didn't have any concept of reaching the top first.

"No, no," Zhou Jie quickly replied, "How dare you?"

"Hey, Big Brother Zhou, you are older than me, so it's not wrong to call you big brother. I am called Tang Feng, and you can call me Feng," Seeing that Zhou Jie was still preparing to move forward, Tang Bohu made a face, "Big Brother Zhou is also a straightforward person, he wouldn't refuse to acknowledge me as his brother, right?

Zhou Jie was a soldier, of course he had the aura of a soldier, and after hesitating for a moment, he laughed out loud, "I am being hypocritical! Feng! For me, Zhou Jie, to be able to meet your brother today, it is my fortune! "Haha!"

From the moment he laughed, Zhou Jie had already treated Tang Bohu as his brother!

Tang Bohu also did not expect that, as soon as he arrived at Hangzhou, he recognized his brother. Actually, when Zhou Jie fought against Three Shots's group, he had felt a sense of identity.

"Feng, from the looks of your clothes, have you just arrived in Hangzhou?" Zhou Jie was a smart person, after seeing Tang Bohu carrying his backpack despite the dust, and getting closer to the train station, he asked.

"Yes, I just got off the train." Tang Bohu answered, "I just wandered around for a short while and I already met with matters regarding you, Big Brother Zhou! "Sigh!" Tang Bohu sighed, and said with a sullen face: "Pity my stomach hasn't started working yet?"

"Haha!" Zhou Jie laughed loudly, "Good! This place isn't a place to stay for long. Let's go to my house first! Tell your sister-in-law to cook a few dishes later and let us brothers have a drink! "

"Then I'll have to trouble Big Brother Zhou!" Tang Bohu agreed readily.

Zhou Jie's home was not far from the train station, he took Tang Bohu left and right, passed through a few streets, and arrived in front of a small district, the district's name was Green Scenic Garden!

The scenery in the garden on the first floor did match this name. The red flowers were in full bloom, and the green grass covered the ground, leaving only a winding cobblestone path that led straight down.

Along the way, Tang Bohu gained a certain understanding of Zhou Jie.

Zhou Jie had served in the army before, so he had a passionate support for his country! Even though he was one of the underworld forces, he would never do anything that would harm the country's interests. This was what Tang Bohu respected the most about him.

After Zhou Jie analyzed the situation, Tang Bohu finally understood the current situation.

Since arriving in Hangzhou a few years ago, they had started to travel underground.

However, the water in this pool of water was too deep for the underground powers, and Zhou Jie lacked the imposing aura. If one were to ask, with a patriotic heart, how could he compare to those ruthless people?

Therefore, over the past few years, the "Army Soul Gang" that Zhou Jie had created could only be considered to be within the sphere of influence of the Night Street.

Until now, there were less than half a hundred people on the "Army Soul Gang" list, and more than half of them were Zhou Jie's former comrades.

Therefore, Army Soul Gang was the place with the most unity in this area. The matter of a man coming out today was something that Zhou Jie could not believe no matter how hard he tried.

"I didn't expect that you would know a person's face but not his heart!" Zhou Jie sighed with emotion. He had always thought that his Army Soul Gang brothers could be trusted with their hearts, but now it would seem that he was too naive. Or rather, he had underestimated the driving force of benefits!

"Big Brother Zhou, there's no need for you to be so concerned!" Tang Bohu said, "This is also a good thing! Firstly, your Army Soul Gang has eliminated a tumor, secondly, you can be on guard because of this. I believe that group of people will definitely not let this matter rest!

"Mn, Feng, you're right," Zhou Jie frowned slightly, "Recently, the rise of the Serpent Gang has been very fast and many of the forces there have been swallowed up by them at the fastest speed, and now they're even targeting my Army Soul Gang?!"

Heh heh, Big Brother Zhou need not worry too much, "Tang Bohu followed Zhou Jie into the elevator, and seeing that Zhou Jie had pressed eight characters on the button, he continued," We will deal with any difficulties, if you have any, feel free to tell me, although I do not like it, but, it is still quite willing to help elder brother punish evil and eliminate the traitors! "

These words of Tang Bohu, undoubtedly gave him a protective talisman! Zhou Jie's performance in the alley earlier was still fresh in his mind!

At the same time, was also touched to see how Tang Bohu took this matter into his own hands. After all, no matter how strong one person was, he wouldn't be able to fight against a major power! Furthermore, in this world, no matter how skilled he was, would he be able to dodge bullets? Tang Bohu did this because he wanted to bring disaster upon himself!

Although the two of them called each other brothers, they still met by chance! After thinking for a moment, Zhou Jie replied seriously, "Feng, honestly speaking, I do not want to involve you in this matter, after all, you came all the way here to Hangzhou to study, if you were to meet me with this muddy water, I am afraid you will not be able to escape!"

"Sigh, Big Brother Zhou thinks too much of it!" Tang Bohu was completely unconcerned, to be honest, he really did not put any Serpent Gang in his eyes, "In this world, isn't there only the word 'happiness'? If you are bound by the rules, you might as well die! "

The elevator door opened and the two walked out. Tang Bohu continued to speak, "Moreover, a mere Serpent Gang might not even be enough to use me. Big Brother Zhou, you can't not be this confident, right? "

Zhou Jie paused, as if he had also thought it through, rubbed his nose and said, "That's right, it's Big Brother who's acting sharp again! Hehe! Come in and take a seat, forget about any Serpent Gang, don't tell me he can even overturn the heavens! " After Zhou Jie thought it through, he regained his free and easy expression and Lang Xiao called Tang Bohu to come in.

Zhou Jie's house was a two room, one hall commercial room. The decorations were not considered high-class, the furniture were scattered and there were some elegance, on the walls, there were even a few landscape paintings, giving the house a slightly scholarly feel.

Tang Bohu was confused, as a man who fights and fights, Zhou Jie would not know how to decorate things like that, right?

"This is a simple and crude house, Feng is too funny!" Zhou Jie laughed, and at the same time, also saw Tang Bohu's gaze, so he immediately explained, "The decorations here were all set up by my girlfriend, how about it? It's not too bad, right? " When Zhou Jie mentioned his girlfriend, he could not help but reveal a smile. It seems like this man was really loyal to his girlfriend.

Along the way, Tang Bohu also heard from Zhou Jie that he was his girlfriend. He was called Xu Xin, and they had already been living together for three years, and the two of them were very fond of each other. In regards to this, Zhou Jie was also quite troubled, because Xu Xin had already followed him for so many years and paid too much of a price for him. Now that the two were already twenty-six, it was time for them to get married.

"Ding dong!"

Before Tang Bohu could speak, the doorbell rang.

"Ha ha, as soon as you mentioned Cao Cao Cao, you came back. It must be your sister-in-law!" Zhou Jie was extremely happy when he mentioned Xu Xin. Indeed, after licking her blade for so many years, Xu Xin had never left him.

"I'll go drive!" Tang Bohu was seated near the door, and stood up immediately and opened the door.

Xu Xin was dressed in a professional outfit, she was around 1.6m tall with long black hair that fell to her shoulders, revealing a oval face. What a pretty lady, currently, he was holding a grey bag in her hands, and upon seeing that the one who opened the door was actually a youth, she couldn't help but be shocked, "Who are you?"

"Sister-in-law, right?" Tang Bohu stepped aside and smiled, "My name is Tang Feng, please come in." With Tang Bohu's gentle and refined expression, it was difficult to associate him with the bad guy, but Xu Xin hesitated for a moment, before hearing Zhou Jie's voice, "Xin Xin, why are you standing at the door like this, can't you come in?"

Xu Xin walked in and gave Tang Bohu an apologetic look. After Xu Xin walked in, she closed the door and gently covered her face. Does This Scholar look like a bad person?

Zhou Jie laughed and introduced Tang Bohu to Xu Xin, "Xin Xin, this is the brother that I just met, Tang Feng! Just now, he even saved my life! "

It was only then that Xu Xin noticed the bandaged wound on Zhou Jie's body, and could not help but ask in pain, "Why are you injured again?" From the looks of it, it was not the first time that Zhou Jie was injured, but Xu Xin's face changed, and tears almost flowed out.

"It's nothing, it's just a small wound." Zhou Jie said indifferently.

"Such a big wound and such a small wound? Just hold on! " Xu Xin said in heartache, then said to Tang Bohu: "Thank you so much!"

"It's nothing!" Sister-in-law, you just have to take care of me, Feng! " Tang Bohu smiled at Zhou Jie, "Big Brother Zhou, you've picked it up, it's rare for my sister-in-law to be so concerned about you!"

Xu Xin was so embarrassed that her face turned red when she heard Tang Bohu's "sister-in-law", "I'll go cook dinner, you guys can chat slowly!" With that, she left the laughing Zhou Jie behind and headed to the kitchen.

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