Xu Xin really had the talent to be a housewife. After entering the kitchen, she only used a few breaths to cook four to five small dishes, then called two men over to eat.

"En, one word. Absolute!"

Tang Bohu tasted the food and immediately praised, "Elder Sister Xin's cooking skills are really amazing!" Under Xu Xin's forceful request, Tang Bohu could only change his name to Elder Sister Xin! Tang Bohu could understand why girls were so thin-skinned.

"Of course, look at who's wife!" Zhou Jie boasted shamelessly, as if all of Xu Xin's culinary skills came from him, his entire body was covered with a halo of glory!

"Don't try this!" Xu Xin rolled her eyes at Zhou Jie, and then called out to him. "Feng, eat more, don't worry about him, he's just like that!"

Zhou Jie took out a bottle of wine as if he was performing a magic trick and said, "Feng, come, let us brothers drink a cup today!"

After three rounds of drinking, Zhou Jie's face was already completely red, but his face was full of smiles. He had long forgotten about the betrayal of Gangzi, he only wanted to drink happily!

"Feng, what kind of job are you planning to find?" Xu Xin had a certain understanding of Tang Bohu's situation, and asked immediately.

Tang Bohu pondered for a while. To be honest, he had just interacted with this modern society, and couldn't think of any job that was suitable for him to do. Although he said that he wanted to work, Tang Bohu did not know what to do! I didn't think about it. "

Xu Xin thought for a while, "Considering your current situation, those who still need to go back to university, can only find a part-time job. However, it's hard to find a good part-time job now! " Xu Xin thought for a moment, then said: "How about this, I will go back and ask the boss, see if I can recruit more people, and ask you to help out with Painting Hall."

Painting Hall? Tang Bohu's eyes lit up, just by this name, it was suitable for him! Then, she nodded, "I'll be troubling you, Elder Sister Xin!"

He was going out to meet a noble! Tang Bohu sighed in his heart. Compared to others who fall for my tricks, I, Tang Bohu, am much luckier! Haha — Scholars are just different!

With this pause, the two men drank quite a bit, Zhou Jie had already staggered, and almost couldn't stand steadily, and still shouted out to kill Tang Bohu, how awe-inspiring.

"Brother!" "Do you know that today is the only time in the years that I've had a drink to my heart's content?!"

Zhou Jie suddenly put down his cup, staggered out of the balcony and looked into the distance. Threads of cool wind seemed to have awakened Zhou Jie's wine by quite a bit. Zhou Jie's expression also gradually became grave, as he looked towards the sky with a face full of loneliness.

"Three years! Little Monkey, Fatty, Big Brother has let you guys down! "

Zhou Jie seemed to have thought of something, as he shouted towards the sky, crying out a few people's names! In the corner of his eye, he unconsciously squeezed out a few tears.

What could cause a man of flesh and blood to shed tears? Tang Bohu seemed to have been infected by Zhou Jie's emotions as he stood quietly beside him. He did not speak, because he knew that what Zhou Jie needed now, was a listener as he listened to the emotions in his heart.

"Feng, do you know? Three years ago, Big Brother did something wrong, and I will never be able to forgive myself for it! " Zhou Jie was already in tears, his voice hoarse as he shouted, "This matter caused me to lose my most precious brother!"

Under the anesthetic of the alcohol, he said with a hoarse voice, "Three years ago, the Army Soul Gang that I established already had a small scale, and occupied the Night Street!

At that time, I was in high spirits, because I saw my Army Soul Gang grow by my own hands. Moreover, more importantly, there were still a group of brothers around me who could go risk their lives! Little Monkey, Fatty, Big Dipper, they are all my loyal comrades when I was a soldier!

Just by working together, my ambition gradually expanded as well. Just one Night Street was not enough to satisfy my appetite, so I proposed an expansion! Spread out! I never thought that this decision would actually cost my brother his life! "

With that, Zhou Jie's entire body shivered, he used both hands to cover his face, it looked like he had truly touched the man's sore spot!

"My decision has the support of all my brothers, so I have enough confidence that one day, I will create my own world!" Zhou Jie seemed to have shouted these words out loud while roaring.

"But …"

Zhou Jie's face was at a loss, as though he had returned to back then, "Just when I took the first step out of the Night Street, the Army Soul Gang received a thunder-like attack! I never thought that my opponent would have such power! "

Zhou Jie muttered, "That night, nearly all our brothers in Army Soul Gang were annihilated! It's a total wipeout! "

Zhou Jie punched his chest with all his might as he wailed, "Little monkey, Fatty! For the sake of letting me escape, all of … …"

Zhou Jie could no longer continue to speak, he covered his face and started to cry. In his mind, once again, the scene that appeared in his eyes nonstop for the past three years surfaced in his mind.

His brother, in order to cover his escape, did not hesitate to use his own body to block the enemy's attack! Those eyes full of hope, those screams full of hope, those eyes full of despair.

"Boss!" "Quickly retreat!" Zhou Jie did not forget that the little monkey was almost out of breath and had even forcefully hugged onto his enemy's leg in order to buy him more time to escape, even if it was just for a second!

"Those are my brothers! We are all my brothers! "

Zhou Jie had vented all of his emotions today! Finally, he squatted on the ground. Who could understand just how heavy this seven foot tall man's heart was after having carried this burden for so many years!

Tang Bohu silently listened to every word that Zhou Jie said, and was influenced by his emotions. However, he couldn't say any words of comfort because a real man could stand up straight without being comforted! Tang Bohu placed his hand on Zhou Jie's shoulder, unconsciously giving him the power of mental support!

About ten minutes passed.

Only then did Zhou Jie slowly stand up. On his face, the hideous expression of pain had disappeared, and was instead replaced with a calm one, like a pool of stagnant water, without any ripples.

Tang Bohu understood in his heart that this did not mean that Zhou Jie had forgotten the past. On the contrary, he had simply buried these things deep in his heart once again.

"The street ahead, is Night Street!" Zhou Jie's voice slowly resounded as he pointed in a direction.

Since they were currently on the eighth floor and standing on the balcony, they could indeed see a scene. Tang Bohu looked in the direction of Zhou Jie's finger.

From above, he could see a bustling street full of people. The extremely wide street appeared in Tang Bohu's line of sight, straight and slender. It was daytime now, but he could not see any difference from the other places on the street.

"As the name implies, Night Street will only be revealed at night!"

Zhou Jie seemed to understand Tang Bohu's thoughts, and continued, "During the day, there are no differences between the other places. Furthermore, it is more lively than many other streets!

However, once night fell, that place would become a paradise! There were all sorts of things inside! Most of them were fighting! A bloody scene, was something that happened frequently on nights of Night Street! There was also a saying on the way: The road to Night Street is paved with blood!

Some people have even joked that, if an outsider walked from head to tail with an arrogant attitude, and did not meet with any provocation, if he was still able to stand up, then Night Street, would not be Night Street! "

"Feng, do you know the reason why I created the Army Soul Gang back then?" Zhou Jie's voice changed as he moved from his Night Street to his own body.

Tang Bohu did not answer, and there was no need for it. Zhou Jie's voice continued, "For the dream that I had! Or perhaps, it is just an illusory idea! "

Zhou Jie's face revealed a bitter expression, "I joined the army at the age of fifteen, became a soldier for four years, and stepped into society at the age of nineteen. I thought that the people of this society were like brothers in the army, and could be treated with sincerity! "However, after wasting so much time, a few years later, I finally understood this world!"

Zhou Jie exhaled a breath of relief, his face suddenly became sinister: "It's really dark! There were more corrupt officials than ever before! The underground powers were even more rampant! The law was merely a means to rule over people with power! It can have a fucking effect! "

"After many setbacks, I have made a decision. This decision which made me lose my brothers overnight will lead to the establishment of a gang! Using black to deal with black! I hope that one day, my Army Soul Gang can lead an underground force and use it to get rid of the poisonous tumors in our China.

"Although the idea is beautiful, only then will you know how difficult it is! "Black society, this is too deep and involves many higher levels of existence. Just with me, a small retired soldier, what kind of trouble could it cause?"

Zhou Jie laughed at himself as he looked down at the busy city. He was at a loss and no matter who it was, he did not know what he was thinking about.

Tang Bohu now felt admiration for all that this new brother had done! If one were to ask, for an ordinary person to possess such an ideal, and even have to strive to achieve it, how much pressure would they have to endure?!

But, Zhou Jie had done it!

Although it was a failure, he still had Zhou Jie's spirit that was worthy of respect!

"Big Brother Zhou, do you regret it?" Tang Bohu suddenly said.

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