"Regret?" Zhou Jie mumbled these two words, and he also fell into a daze. Zhou Jie also asked himself this question in his heart.

This seemingly ridiculous ideal had only just sprouted, yet it had already suffered a devastating blow, and had even cost his brother his life!

Do I regret it? Zhou Jie began to criticize himself! Regret, regret! It was with this guilt and regret that Zhou Jie decided to hide in a corner of the Night Street for the past three years. He ruthlessly buried his heroic heart in a corner of his heart!

He used such a cowardly method to protect the lives of his brothers!

"A success that will cause ten thousand bones to wither!" While Zhou Jie was in a trance, Tang Bohu's voice sounded in his ears, "Big Brother, since you were determined to accomplish your task at the beginning, you should have this kind of awareness!"

Tang Bohu worked in the Ming Dynasty, and in that era, he could understand all these very well.

"I can tell that Big Brother feels guilt, or even regret, towards this brother of his! Brother must have thought that if it wasn't for this dream of yours, they wouldn't have died! "Is that so?"

Zhou Jie's face was deathly still, and he continued to speak, "Do you think that if we had only guarded the Night Street at that time, and did not take any further action, we would not have implicated our brothers!? "Is that so?"

Tang Bohu's voice became louder and louder, "Alright, I'll tell you! Big brother, you are wrong! I was completely wrong! "

"Your fault is not in your mind nor is it because of your dead brother, but is because of your cowardice! Your cowardice for the past three years! "

Tang Bohu continued to use his medicine, "A soldier dies for his own savior! Think about what your brother looked like before he died. Do they resent you? Do they blame you? Surely not!

Their expressions must have been that of hope, the last glimmer of light before death. They are willing to die for you! He was willing to sacrifice his life for his big brother's dream! He had never thought that his life, in exchange for his own brother's three years of cowardice! Their deaths were not worth it! "

Tang Bohu's voice, word by word, spread across Zhou Jie's heart, striking right into his soul! Zhou Jie trembled as he bit his lips, but was unable to say a single word.

"For the past three years, you have been holed up in one place, devoid of ambition, lacking in hot-bloodedness and fighting, and you have kept your brothers in one cage. Three years, have you, as a man, forgotten the hatred of your brother? Would you be able to tolerate the people who killed your brother being carefree?

Even if you want to protect your brothers who are still here, have you ever asked them if this is the life they want? I dare to say, from the moment they stood up to follow you, they had already put their lives on the line and prepared for life!

In other words, what they longed for in their hearts was not a peaceful life, but a blood-soaked battle! Because they were all hot-blooded men. As a man, he was a dead bird in the sky! Only those who die in battle will not be able to stay alive!

Tang Bohu's words were getting heavier and heavier, and like lightning, they struck right into Zhou Jie's heart! At the same time, many scenes flashed past Zhou Jie's mind. The thing that made him deeply reflect on was the look in his brothers' eyes, the yearning that had been suppressed for a long time!

"Could it be that I've really done the wrong thing in these past three years?" Zhou Jie muttered.

"They protected our brothers' lives, but they were suppressed!"

Zhou Jie's eyes constantly changed. There was confusion, enlightenment, struggle, sorrow, despair, hope, and it was hard to imagine that a person's eyes would change so many times within the span of a few breaths. This showed just how tormented Zhou Jie's heart was right now.

At this point, Tang Bohu had nothing left to say. The rest was up to Zhou Jie himself, if he could think things through, then it would be good for him to stand out from the shadows, but if he could not, then no matter who it was, he would not be able to help him.

Patting Zhou Jie on the shoulder, Tang Bohu turned around and walked back into the house, leaving him with sufficient space. All in all, these things were Zhou Jie's sore spots, and he still needed to think of a doctor.

"Feng, thank you!"

The moment Tang Bohu entered the room, Xu Xin immediately said to him with gratitude, "For the past three years, Jie's heart has been in pain, but he has never mentioned these things to anyone. Thank you so much, for letting Jie speak out the things in his heart.

Xu Xin was a passionate and virtuous woman, she could not get involved with matters between men. However, she could not help but feel heartache when she did not see Zhou Jie being woken up by the demon at night. However, she had no other choice. The only thing she could do was to silently stand behind him and pay attention to him.

"Elder Sister Xin, you are too formal!" Tang Bohu smiled slightly, "Big Brother Zhou's business is my business! I can't afford to thank you! "Hehe."

Xu Xin was infected by Tang Bohu's heartless laughter, and her anxious heart was finally able to calm down. She looked at the direction of the balcony affectionately, and a smile appeared on her face, "Do you know how I met Jie?"

The smile in Xu Xin's eyes grew thicker as she spoke to Tang Bohu about her beautiful past with him.

It could be said that Tang Bohu had become an addicted listener today. After hearing about Zhou Jie's old story, it was now Xu Xin's turn. Tang Bohu suddenly had an idea, that the profession of psychology expert was rather suitable for him, hehe.

Different from Zhou Jie's reproaching and sadness, when Xu Xin recounted the story of herself and Zhou Jie, her face was full of smiles, and she recounted it like a happy bird.

"That was five years ago."

Tang Bohu was so envious, so jealous! The scene of Zhou Jie meeting with Xu Xin was exactly what he longed for the most. A hero saving a beauty!

When Xu Xin talked about that day five years ago, it was as if Zhou Jie had descended from the sky and unleashed her divine might to beat down the hoodlum who was harassing her. Her eyes sparkled with happiness, making him look forward to it even more.

As for the two of them living together for a few years and not getting married yet, it was because Xu Xin's father was a government official. Although her position was not very high, as a representative of the people's government, how could he agree to marry a commoner?

Xu Xin was docile and filial in other ways, but in terms of relationships, she was on par with her parents. Since neither side was willing to take a step back, the situation had reached a stalemate.

Their conversation ended very quickly, as Xu Xin still had to hurry to work. Before she left, she looked at the balcony in concern, and Tang Bohu looked at her with a relieved gaze, "Elder Sister Xin, it's alright. Come back from work, I promise to return you a lively and playful brother!" Tang Bohu laughed and said.

Xu Xin rolled her eyes at him, "What lively jumping? Your big brother is already 26 years old this year!"

After sending Xu Xin out the door, Tang Bohu sat on the sofa by himself. After expending a great deal of mental and physical strength, he finally switched on the television, and looking at the flashing images, he exclaimed in his heart, "As expected, this is the technological era! If we were to use this item in broad daylight, it would definitely be a treasure! "

Time quickly passed, just as Tang Bohu was looking up, a sound of footsteps came out. Zhou Jie walked in.

"Feng, thank you!" At the moment, Zhou Jie's eyes were calm, but looking carefully, there was a hint of light hidden within. The alcohol had disappeared completely, and a threatening aura was faintly discernable, evidently, it was the result of Zhou Jie being unable to suppress himself.

"What is it? and you can't help but go on a rampage? " Seeing Zhou Jie's expression, Tang Bohu understood that he had thought it through, and joked, "Now, I declare that Zhou Jie, the right fist, has returned!"

"You brat," Zhou Jie laughed, and lightly punched Tang Bohu in the chest, as if he was denouncing him, "You were scolding me hard just now!"

"Hehe" Tang Bohu scratched his head in embarrassment, "It's the right medicine!"

"Haha …" The two brothers who had not known each other for more than a day looked at each other and laughed out loud. This loud laughter signified that the Army Soul Gang had returned! From this moment onwards, the underground structure of Hangzhou was destined to change!

"Big Brother Zhou, I would like to ask, with your Army Soul Gang, do you have any advisor s, Elders or similar positions?" Tang Bohu suddenly asked Zhou Jie a strange question.

"advisor? Elder? " Zhou Jie was confused, "Do you think this is a martial arts clan from martial arts novels?" Zhou Jie laughed, "Other than the Sect Master, the rest are brothers!"

"Is that so?" Tang Bohu scratched his head again as he thought about it.

"Why? Feng, although there isn't a advisor elder, there is still a helper," Zhou Jie laughed, "Are you interested?"

If Tang Bohu were to join the Army Soul Gang, even if he had to give up the position of sect master, he would be perfectly willing to do so! With Tang Bohu's capabilities, it definitely added wings to the Army Soul Gang! This way, not to mention the others, he would have a better chance of avenging his brothers' deaths!

"To be the Sect Master and command all the heroes, just the thought of it makes me feel mighty!" Zhou Jie was like a big bad wolf luring Little Red Riding Hood.

"Big Brother, did you know that you are luring a young handsome man into a gang of gangsters?" Tang Bohu said, "It's illegal! Who doesn't know that I am a man of righteousness, how could I possibly tolerate myself falling into the sluice pond of the underworld? " Tang Bohu's attitude seemed to be quite resolute.

Tang Bohu spoke righteously, as though he was absolutely irreconcilable with the underworld! Zhou Jie also understood that this brother of his was just exaggerating, at the same time he revealed a piece of information to himself, he didn't have any plans to join the Army Soul Gang!

Everyone had their own ambitions, of course Zhou Jie wouldn't have any other thoughts towards Tang Bohu just because of this, and he immediately smiled.

"Ai!" Before Zhou Jie could speak, he heard Tang Bohu's sigh, "I thought that Army Soul Gang would have something like the advisor s or something to do, but I didn't expect that the painful expression on Tang Bohu's face could go and receive the Oscar for tragedy!

Zhou Jie's heart skipped a beat, a hint of pleasant surprise flashed across his face, and he immediately said, "Feng, how about I invite you to be the first advisor s of our Army Soul Gang? You don't want to honor your own face? "

"Uh, since Big Brother is inviting me with such sincerity, how can I not accept?" Tang Bohu laughed and accepted, becoming the advisor of the Army Soul!

Both of them smiled knowingly.

Actually, Tang Bohu meant that he could join Army Soul Gang, but he did not want to be restricted, and he did not want others to know either. He just wanted to help Zhou Jie at a critical moment!

Although Zhou Jie did not know what Tang Bohu was planning, he finally understood his intentions and gave Tang Bohu the identity of a advisor.

Zhou Jie obviously did not know what Tang Bohu was thinking. He only had one goal, to play the pig to eat the tiger. Back then, he was a scholar who ruled over the whole world, how many people knew about his Ming dynasty's underground Tiger God? Over time, this became Tang Bohu's hobby!

"If you want to cheat, kill, harm, playing the pig to eat the tiger is a must!" Tang Bohu laughed, it was so evil, causing Zhou Jie's entire body to tremble, he didn't know what else this brother was thinking.

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