Night quietly descended.

"Feng, are you still watching TV?" After Zhou Jie finished his discussion with Tang Bohu in the afternoon, he walked into the room with his head lowered. He was busy planning something when he finally walked out.

"Un, this thing is really not bad!" Tang Bohu became a television fanatic, guarding from day to night, he could not stop! As he answered Zhou Jie, he activated the remote control to change the channel.

"Tang Bohu!" Suddenly, Zhou Jie's voice suddenly rang out, like thunder, it reached Tang Bohu's ears!

"What —"

Tang Bohu casually replied, and then immediately became startled! "Bam!" The remote control in his hand could not hold on and fell down.

At the same time, he stood up abruptly. "How do you know?" The degree of shock in Tang Bohu's heart could be imagined. He came from five hundred years ago, so besides him, there would definitely not be a second person who would know about this!

"Haha …" Zhou Jie didn't answer and instead hugged his stomach while laughing maniacally. His eyes, however, had been staring at the television the entire time, as if he hadn't heard Tang Bohu's words.

Tang Bohu gazed at the television, feeling that the person on the television looked a little familiar, but he couldn't recall it at the moment. But the biggest problem was, how did Zhou Jie know that he was Tang Bohu!

Before Tang Bohu could say anything, Zhou Jie's hearty laugh came from the other side, "Haha, Tang Bohu, too funny! This is too funny! "

"I'm teasing? How can I be funny? " Tang Bohu was baffled and immediately suspected that after entering the room for so long, this big brother couldn't have been provoked again, right?

"Haha, Tang Bohu, you sure are funny! "Haha." Zhou Jie continued to laugh, laughing unrestrainedly, as though he did not know that Tang Bohu was in front of him.

"Have I become weird again?"

Tang Bohu felt his head grow bigger and bigger, "Big brother, what are you laughing about?" Tang Bohu was now a thirty feet tall monk, and he couldn't wrap his head around it. Seeing Zhou Jie's situation, it seemed like he did not see through him? If he knew he was Tang Bohu, wouldn't he be like a ghost? Could he still laugh so brazenly?

"Haha" Zhou Jie laughed again, and immediately realised that he was the only one laughing, Tang Bohu was looking at him with a confused expression.

"Feng, why are you looking at me?" Zhou Jie was puzzled, and asked.

"Big brother, what are you laughing about?" Tang Bohu tried to test the waters.

"Haha" Zhou Jie laughed and pointed to the television, "Haha, too funny! Every time I watch this < Tang Bohu Dot Qiuxiang >, I can't help but laugh about the pain in my stomach! The Star Lord's acting skills were truly amazing! "Haha!"

Sweat trickled down his body! Tang Bohu finally heaved a sigh of relief, it wasn't me! What? Was that < Tang Bohu Dot Qiuxiang >? Tang Bohu suddenly became serious, who would have thought that this scholar's romantic affairs would even be turned into a movie! Haha, I can't be arrogant, I can't be proud!

The two men immediately stopped talking and sat down to watch the movie. From time to time, they would let out roars of laughter!

"Haha, Tang Bohu's skill at picking up girls is too extreme!" Zhou Jie said.

"He's the most talented man in Jiangnan!" Tang Bohu was extremely pleased with his reply.

The camera showed Tang Bohu being brought up by a monk and being thrown to the sky!

"Haha!" Zhou Jie laughed madly.

Tang Bohu was speechless. He looked disdainfully at Zhou Jie; how could he base his happiness on other people's pain?

The camera flashed and appeared in front of Tang Bohu at the entrance of the Hua Clan, where the two servants were wailing in pain and grief.

"Haha, this Tang Bohu is really shameless!"

"Hmm — I suppose so." Tang Bohu was sweating profusely.

The camera turned to the time when Tang Bohu was picking up the kite for Qiuxiang.

"Haha, Tang Bohu's thoughts are truly vulgar!" Zhou Jie seemed to be addicted to his speech.


The camera continued to turn, Tang Bohu was exploring the entire Hua Manor, he was planning to deal with Sister Qiuxiang!

"Ha ha, this is fierce! How despicable! "

"Ugh!" Tang Bohu was sweating profusely.

"Haha, Tang Bohu is truly shameless!"

"Ugh …"

"Haha, Tang Bohu is really shameless!"

"Uh … Boss, I think I repeat it!" Tang Bohu's eyes were filled with golden stars. After watching this movie, Zhou Jie's comment to Tang Bohu came back every three to five minutes. In other words, he was the most shameless and despicable man in the world with unparalleled talent! It was unknown whether they were praising him or praising him.

The movie had finally ended! Zhou Jie seemed to want to continue, "Time flies so quickly! This movie, I can't get enough of it! Right, Feng. " Only now did Zhou Jie remember that Tang Bohu was also watching movies too.

"Eh? Feng, why are you sweating all over? " Zhou Jie said in surprise.

"It's nothing, I was watching TV and I was scared!" Tang Bohu explained.

"Scared?" Zhou Jie was startled, Tang Bohu ordering Qiuxiang was definitely a comedy! It wasn't a thriller, so how could he be so scared that he was covered in sweat? Zhou Jie didn't know that his repeated comments had shocked Tang Bohu.

"Ding dong", the bell sounds sounded as if they were saving a life, Tang Bohu immediately stood up, "It must be eldest sister-in-law that has returned, I will go and open the door!" After he finished speaking, he got up hurriedly, leaving Zhou Jie alone to ponder why Tang Bohu was so shocked by this movie.

That's right, it was Xu Xin. Xu Xin's return gave Tang Bohu a pleasant surprise! That's right, Tang Bohu can officially go to work tomorrow! In other words, his first purpose in coming to Hangzhou would be completed right in front of his eyes. While Tang Bohu was feeling lucky, he was also extremely grateful to Xu Xin.

Soon enough, the couple entered the room to whisper to each other, leaving Tang Bohu alone in the living room to continue studying the television. On one side, Tang Bohu was listening to the TV sounds, but on the other, he rejected the weird sounds coming from the room.

"Hey, hey!"

This sleep was really comfortable! Tang Bohu stretched his back, "Big Brother Zhou, good morning!"

"It's still early?" It's already late in the morning. " Zhou Jie shot a glance at Tang Bohu, "Don't you know what you have to do today?"

That's right! Last night, Tang Bohu mentioned to Xu Xin that he would be going to work today, Tang Bohu immediately thought of it and asked anxiously: "T-What about Elder Sister Xin?"

"Do you think you're as lazy as that?" Zhou Jie said as he took out a slip of paper and handed it over to Tang Bohu, "Xin Xin left for work early in the morning. He left an address behind, you can go by yourself later! Big brother, I have something to take care of! "

Going to work on the first day, it was as if he was going to school for the first time, making people especially excited.

Taking the slip of paper, he rushed towards the toilet. However, the figure that was rushing forward suddenly stopped, turned around and ridiculed, "Big Brother, I have not seen your other abilities, but last night, you truly convinced me!" "Haha …" Then he slipped into the bathroom like a wisp of smoke.

Last night? Even if Zhou Jie was smarter than others, he would not be able to turn around in time. After a long while, he shouted loudly, "Good boy, you dare laugh at your big brother!" Zhou Jie was like a ferocious tiger pacing back and forth in front of the washroom door, his killing intent was even heavier than yesterday!

This brat, did he not know how to laugh at his younger brother last night? But thinking about it, because he was so excited last night, he forgot that there was someone watching TV outside, and the commotion caused seemed to be huge. Thinking about it, Zhou Jie's big size face couldn't help but turn red.

However, just as he was lost in thought, the door suddenly opened and a figure flew past him, "Big Brother, I'll be leaving first! "Byebye!" Tang Bohu spoke the crappy English he had learned while watching the soap opera last night as he rushed towards the door. His speed was comparable to a shooting star!

When Zhou Jie came back to his senses, he had already disappeared, "brat!" Zhou Jie laughed and scolded her. He then entered his room and picked up a piece of paper that he had planned for yesterday, and slowly fell into deep thought. After a long while, his eyes grew firmer as he turned around resolutely and walked outside.

At this moment, on the busy street. The Grand Scholar Tang was worried now! Flipping through the entire slip of paper, he only saw a few words that Xu Xin had left behind on the paper: Building 72 Antique Street, third floor's office.

"Big Sis, aren't you obviously making things difficult for me? The readers all know that I'm new here. Tang Bohu complained and looked around, but he could not think of anything. The most important thing was that Tang Bohu's money was still in his bag. Just now, he risked it and came out, but he didn't have the time to retrieve it!

Lost my way to work on the first day? Tang Bohu thought bitterly in his heart. Isn't this too embarrassing? No! Then, he mustered all his energy to search for traces of the antique street.

A bus with the word "bus" on it whizzed past. Tang Bohu took a glance and saw that among the many stations on the body of the bus, there was actually an antique street intersection! Haha! I, Tang Bohu, am too smart!

Without saying a word, Tang Bohu started running! Luckily the traffic was not smooth enough, the No. 2 bus stopped and ran, Tang Bohu did not need to perform a world-shocking Qing Gong, he could barely catch up with them just by jogging.

Originally, the driver thought that Tang Bohu was going to catch the bus, and even intentionally waited for him under a sign. Who would have known that the idiot who was following the bus would also stop, and even greet him with a smile.

The driver shook his head. He could only continue driving, glancing in the mirror from time to time. Was he going to chase me? the driver thought uneasily.

"Hu hu"

Half an hour later, a slightly shabby looking youth with sweat all over his face was standing in front of a building. He was panting as he gently tidied up his messy hair with both hands.

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